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Archival paraffin-embedded tissue from 5 normal adrenal glands (including 1 from a fetus of 28 weeks' gestation), 6 cases of adrenal cortical hyperplasia, 9 cortical adenomas, 14 cortical carcinomas, and 11 pheochromocytomas were immunostained with monoclonal antibody against bcl-2. Ultrastructural localization of bcl-2 protein was also performed on selected cases. Positive immunostaining for bcl-2 was seen in all of the layers of the normal adrenal cortex, with different staining characteristics. bcl-2 expression was never observed in the normal adrenal medulla. Electron microscopic studies revealed bcl-2 to be localized predominantly to mitochondria, with a small number of labels along the nuclear envelope. Analysis of adrenal neoplasms showed expression of bcl-2 in cortical tumors, but only one positive case in pheochromocytomas. Restriction of bcl-2 expression to adrenal cortex-derived tissue versus adrenal medulla-derived tissue might prove to be helpful for the differential diagnosis between cortical and medullary tumors.  相似文献   

The protective effects of estrogen on the cardiovascular system are thought to be mediated, in part, by nitric oxide (NO). Estrogen also has protective effects on bone although the mechanisms of action have not been fully established. Since nitric oxide synthase (NOS) inhibitors have been found to abrogate the protective effect of estrogen on bone in ovariectomised rats, we studied the effects of 17beta-estradiol on NOS activity and NOS mRNA levels in cultured human osteoblast-like cells. 17beta-Estradiol stimulated NOS activity by approximately 2.0 fold and this effect was reversed by the calcium chelator, EGTA, and the NOS inhibitor, L-NMMA, implicating activation of a constitutive, calcium-dependent isoform. Further studies using RT/PCR indicated that only the endothelial nitric oxide synthase (ecNOS) isoform was expressed and RNase protection assays showed that 17beta-Estradiol treatment resulted in a 2.2 fold increase in ecNOS mRNA levels. These findings suggest that estrogen stimulates NOS activity in osteoblastic cells by activation of the ecNOS pathway, and taken together with previous data, is consistent with the possibility that NO may act as a mediator of estrogen actions on bone.  相似文献   

Endothelial dysfunction is an early event in atherosclerosis preceding the formation of plaques. An important functional consequence of endothelial damage is reduced vasodilatory responses to a variety of pharmacological and physiological stimuli including reactive hyperaemia. Hitherto, endothelial function could only be assessed by invasive techniques, but a novel ultrasound based technique has recently been developed, which allows non-invasive evaluation of endothelial function in large systemic arteries such as the brachial artery. The technique is accurate, reproducible and able to differentiate between subjects with and without vascular dysfunction. Impaired endothelial function has been documented in young and adult individuals with various vascular risk factors including cigarette smoking, diabetes mellitus, hypercholesterolaemia, and homocystinuria. A good correlation has been found between both the presence of atherosclerotic lesions and endothelial function in the coronary arteries and the brachial artery. The method may help in identification of individuals with early vascular changes and thereby make risk factor modification possible at a very early stage of the atherosclerotic process. It may furthermore serve as a tool to monitor the impact of prevention and intervention on arterial damage.  相似文献   

Two recent studies on the effects of single high-fat meals on endothelial function have postulated an additional mechanism by which dietary lipids can impact atherosclerosis. These studies found that dietary lipids decrease the ability of blood vessels to dilate and that this modification of endothelial function was protected by dietary antioxidants. Although this research presents an interesting hypothesis, much more research is necessary to determine the importance of dietary factors on vasoactivity.  相似文献   

Influenza is a serious cause of morbidity and mortality, particularly in the older adult, and it represents a significant economic burden for health-care services. We have reviewed the published literature relating to influenza vaccine effectiveness and the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination in comparison with other health-care interventions and conclude that influenza vaccination is one of the most cost-effective interventions possible in the older adult population.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine whether the protective effect of fish oil against colon carcinogenesis is due to decreased proliferation, increased differentiation and/or increased apoptosis. Male Sprague Dawley rats (n = 260) were fed one of two oils (corn or fish) and two fibers (pectin or cellulose), plus or minus the carcinogen azoxymethane (AOM). Rats were killed at wk 18 (n = 80) or 36 (n = 180) for cytokinetic measurements. In vivo cell proliferation was measured by incorporation of bromodeoxyuridine into DNA, differentiation by binding of Dolichos biflorus agglutinin and apoptosis by immunoperoxidase detection of digoxigenin labeled genomic DNA. Fish oil resulted in a lower adenocarcinoma incidence (56.1 vs. 70.3%) compared with corn oil. There was no effect of fat or fiber on number of proliferative cells/crypt column in either the proximal or distal colon. In contrast, fish oil resulted in a greater degree of differentiation compared with corn oil in both colonic sites. In addition, fish oil resulted in a higher number of apoptotic cells/crypt column in both the proximal and distal colon as compared with corn oil. AOM treatment increased the ratio of proliferative cells/crypt column to apoptotic cells/crypt column in both the proximal and distal colon compared with saline controls. Fish oil, however, resulted in a lower ratio in both sites in the colon as compared with corn oil. These results suggest that an increase in apoptosis and differentiation, rather than a decrease in proliferation, accounts for the protective effect of fish oil against experimentally induced colon tumorigenesis.  相似文献   

The effects of doxapram on postoperative pulmonary function were studied in 40 ASA I and II patients randomly allocated to receive either doxapram 1.8 mg.kg-1.h-1 or placebo for 2 h immediately after elective cholecystectomy. The two groups displayed similar reductions of carbon dioxide production at 2 h and 6 h postoperatively, whereas oxygen consumption remained at preoperative levels for 24 h. Minute ventilation was similarly reduced in the two groups at 2 h and 6 h postoperatively, with corresponding increases in PaCO2. PaO2 was similarly and significantly decreased in both groups postoperatively, whereas P(A-a)O2 remained unchanged at 2 h and 6 h in doxapram-treated patients. FRC was reduced postoperatively in both groups, significantly more so in the control group at 6 h. Various indices of intrapulmonary gas distribution, including the functional (nitrogen) dead space, underwent similar changes in the two groups. By contrast, the physiological dead space was reduced in doxapram-treated patients at 2 h, 6 h and 24 h postoperatively, whereas no significant changes were seen in the control group. The ventilatory equivalent for CO2 was significantly lower in the doxapram-treated group, implying higher ventilatory efficiency. Our findings indicate that infusion of doxapram postoperatively attenuates the impairment of pulmonary function postoperatively, chiefly via effects on V'A/Q' ratios. No side effects of doxapram were observed.  相似文献   

Poster presentations have proved to be a popular method of displaying information at conferences, and are being used increasingly as a teaching method. Innovative strategies for teaching and assessing research need to facilitate students' achievement of research skills required for practice. These are outlined by the Department of Health, and emphasize the development of research literacy. Using the poster presentation as a teaching and assessing strategy on diploma level courses (Project 2000 and ENB 870 introduction to the Understanding and Application of Research) has proved to be valuable in developing vital research awareness skills and in harnessing enthusiasm for research. Students imply a sense of achievement gained through the process of developing the poster and the production of the poster itself. Herein lies the value of the poster presentation, for it allows the development of crucial research literacy skills which can be widely used in professional practice and future professional education.  相似文献   

Estrogen receptor-alpha contains two transactivation functions, a weak constitutive activation function (AF-1) and a hormone-dependent activation function (AF-2). AF-2 works by recruiting a large coactivator complex, composed of one or more p160s, CREB-binding protein (CBP)/p300, and P/CAF (p300 and CBP-associated factor), via direct contacts with the p160s. We report here that independent AF-1 activity also requires p160 contacts. Unlike AF-2, which binds signature NR boxes in the center of the p160 molecule, AF-1 binds to sequences near the p160 C terminus. We propose that the ability of AF-1 and AF-2 to interact with separate surfaces of the same coactivator is important for the ability of these transactivation functions to synergize.  相似文献   

Previous work has shown that the GABAA-receptor (GABAA-R) could be phosphorylated by cAMP-dependent protein kinase (PKA), protein kinase C (PKC), and a receptor associated kinase. However, no clear picture has yet emerged concerning the particular subunit/subtypes of the GABAA-R that were phosphorylated by PKA and PKC. In the present report we show that an antibody raised against a 23 amino acid polypeptide corresponding to a sequence in the putative intracellular loop of the beta 1 subunit of the receptor blocks the in vitro phosphorylation of the purified receptor by PKA and PKC. Moreover, N-terminal sequence analysis of the principal phosphopeptide fragment obtained after proteolysis of the receptor yielded a sequence that corresponds to the beta 3 subunit of the receptor. Such data provide additional support for our hypothesis (Browning et al., 1990, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 87:1315-1317) that both PKA and PKC phosphorylate the beta-subunit of the GABAA-R.  相似文献   

In a previous study, administration of high doses of estradiol benzoate (100 microgram/kg for 3 days im) to ovariectomized Long-Evans rats counteracted impairments of reinforced T-maze alternation induced by systemic administration of scopolamine, a muscarinic receptor blocker. In the current study, daily administration of lower doses of estradiol benzoate (5 microgram/kg for 3 weeks sc) increased the number of correct reinforced alternations during T-maze acquisition in ovariectomized rats compared to oil-treated controls and prevented impairments of reinforced alternation induced by injection of scopolamine hydrobromide (0.2 mg/kg ip). Furthermore, scopolamine (20 microgram) delivered bilaterally to the dorsal hippocampus reduced reinforced T-maze alternation in ovariectomized rats previously trained to complete this task while daily treatment with estradiol benzoate (5 microgram/kg sc) for 1 week prior to scopolamine infusion counteracted this impairment. In summary, physiological levels of estrogen improved performance during acquisition of reinforced T-maze alternation and prevented impairments induced by scopolamine administered systemically or intrahippocampally.  相似文献   

AIM: To observe the effect of captopril (Cap) on intracellular pH (pHi) in aortic smooth muscle cells (ASMC). METHODS: Cultured ASMC derived from rat and rabbit aortae were loaded with the fluorescent dye BCECF and pHi was determined using digital image processing method. RESULTS: The pHi of untreated SHR and WKY rats were 7.37 +/- 0.29 and 7.19 +/- 0.31, respectively. Oral Cap decreased pHi (7.11 +/- 0.26, P < 0.05) and exaggerated pHi response to angiotensin II (Ang-II, 0.1 mumol.L-1) in ASMC of SHR rats vs WKY rats (0.14 +/- 0.05 vs 0.21 +/- 0.05 pH units, P < 0.01). Cap in vitro had no effect on Ang-II induced intracellular alkalinization in ASMC of rabbits. CONCLUSION: Oral Cap inhibits Na+(-)H+ exchange activity in ASMC of SHR rats.  相似文献   

1. Extravasation of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) and associated plasma leakage are key events in the inflammatory process. The kinetics of PMN-induced changes in endothelial barrier function were studied by means of confluent monolayers of bovine aorta or human umbilical vein endothelial cells (EC), cultured on permeable membranes and mounted in a two-compartment diffusion chamber. The model permitted continuous measurement of transendothelial electrical resistance (TEER), and analysis of protein efflux and PMN migration across the EC monolayer. 2. Transendothelial chemotactic stimulation (fMLP or LTB4) of PMN resting on EC in the upper compartment induced a prompt decline in TEER, followed by an increase in protein flux and transmigration of PMN. Adding the chemoattractant together with PMN in the upper compartment provoked adhesion of PMN, fall in TEER and increase in protein permeability, but no transmigration of PMN, whereas inhibition of PMN adhesion to EC by pretreatment with anti-CD18 mAb prevented all responses to chemotactic stimulation. 3. Chemoattractant-induced adhesion of PMN to the EC monolayer induced a rapid rise in EC cytosolic free Ca2+, similar to that obtained by direct stimulation of EC with histamine, indicating an active response of EC to PMN activation and adhesion. 4. In summary, continuous recording of transendothelial electrical resistance in the in vitro model described permits rapid and sensitive analysis of leukocyte activation-induced effects on EC barrier function. The kinetics and specificity of the EC and PMN responses to chemoattractant stimulation suggest that activated PMN, via adhesion-dependent events, have a direct effect on EC junctional integrity independent of whether transmigration occurs or not.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) is a potent second messenger for the nitric oxide pathway in the pulmonary vasculature. Increased cytosolic cGMP levels elicit pulmonary vasodilatation resulting in decreased pulmonary vascular resistance and maximized pulmonary function after ischemia-reperfusion injury. We hypothesized that the addition of a membrane-permeable cGMP analogue (8-bromo-cGMP) to a Euro-Collins (EC) preservation solution would ameliorate pulmonary reperfusion injury better than prostaglandin E1 injection alone after prolonged hypothermic ischemia. METHODS: All lungs from New Zealand White rabbits (weight, 3 to 3.5 kg) were harvested en bloc, flushed with EC solution, and reperfused with whole blood for 30 minutes. Group 1 lungs (immediate control) were immediately reperfused. Group 2 lungs (control) were stored inflated at 4 degrees C for 18 hours before reperfusion. Groups 3 and 4 lungs were flushed with EC solution containing 200 micromol/L 8-bromo-cGMP and stored at 4 degrees C for 18 and 30 hours, respectively. Fresh, nonrecirculated venous blood was used to determine single-pass pulmonary venous-arterial oxygen gradients at 10-minute intervals. Assays for cGMP, cyclic adenosine monophosphate, nitric oxide synthase activity, and myeloperoxidase were performed on all lung tissue samples. Wet to dry weight ratios were determined after 2 weeks of passive desiccation. RESULTS: Oxygenation (venous-arterial oxygen gradient), pulmonary artery pressure, pulmonary vascular resistance, and edema formation were significantly improved in groups 3 and 4 (addition of 8-bromo-cGMP to EC plus 18 or 30 hours of hypothermic ischemia). Hypothermic storage (groups 2, 3, and 4) decreased both nitric oxide synthase activity and myeloperoxidase levels compared with immediate reperfusion (group 1). CONCLUSIONS: These results suggest that the addition of a membrane-permeable cGMP analogue to an EC pulmonary flush solution improves pulmonary function after prolonged storage compared with EC and prostaglandin (E1) preservation alone. The finding of myeloperoxidase reduced levels after hypothermic storage and subsequent reperfusion may suggest a more important role for pulmonary hemodynamic control in mitigating pulmonary reperfusion injury.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to examine the effects of long-term estrogen therapy on vascular function in male to female transsexuals and to compare the findings with those observed in men and premenopausal women. BACKGROUND: Gender differences in coronary artery disease have largely been attributed to the beneficial effects of estrogen on vascular function and plasma lipids in women. However, the effects of estrogen on the male vasculature have not been widely studied. METHODS: We compared the effects of estrogen on vascular function in 14 male to female transsexuals, 14 age-matched men and 15 premenopausal women. Flow-mediated vasodilation and response to nitroglycerin were assessed in the brachial artery using noninvasive ultrasound. RESULTS: Flow-mediated vasodilation was similar in transsexuals and women but greater than that in men ([mean +/- SE] 11.5 +/- 1.3% and 9.4 +/- 1.1% vs. 5.2 +/- 1.0% respectively, p < 0.005). Responses to nitroglycerin were also greater in transsexuals and women than in men (21.6 +/- 1.7% and 21.0 +/- 0.9% vs. 14.5 +/- 1.2%, respectively, p = 0.0005). These differences persisted even after adjusting for vessel size. Despite similar total cholesterol levels, transsexuals had high density lipoprotein cholesterol levels similar to those in women and greater than those observed in men (1.76 +/- 0.12 and 1.82 +/- 0.11 mmol/liter vs. 1.35 +/- 0.07 mmol/liter, respectively, p < 0.005). Moreover, triglyceride levels were greater in transsexuals than in men and women, and low density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) particle size was smaller (25.7 +/- 0.2 nm vs. 26.2 +/- 0.1 and 26.6 +/- 0.1 nm, respectively, p = 0.0001). Serum testosterone (an index of estrogen therapy in transsexuals) was markedly suppressed in transsexuals and similar to that in women. Univariate analysis revealed that there was a strong inverse correlation between serum testosterone and flow-mediated vasodilation (r(s) = -0.48, p < 0.005). Multivariate analysis revealed that the best combination of predictors of flow-mediated vasodilation was serum testosterone, vessel size and LDL-C (R2 = 0.3, p < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Long-term estrogen therapy appears to improve vascular function in male to female transsexuals and occurs despite higher triglyceride levels and the presence of small, dense LDL-C. The beneficial effects of estrogen are not gender specific or solely mediated through endothelium-derived nitric oxide.  相似文献   

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