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OBJECTIVE: Prostaglandins and nitric oxide play an important role in the regulation of arteriolar tone. L-Arginine analogues inhibit nitric oxide formation, but may also inhibit arachidonic-acid induced dilation. Nitric oxide was found to stimulate cyclooxygenase activity in cultured endothelial cells. Therefore, we hypothesized that the non-specific inhibition of prostaglandin-related dilation by L-arginine analogues is a consequence of the absence of nitric oxide. METHODS: To test this hypothesis, arteriolar segments from rat cremaster muscle were studied in a pressure myograph at 75 mmHg. Segments developed spontaneous tone, the diameter reduced from 179 +/- 3 to 98 +/- 3 microns (n = 41). In this condition, responses to exogenous arachidonic acid (1 microM) were recorded and compared with responses after addition of L-NNA, and addition of either SNAP, nitroprusside or 8-Br-cGMP in the presence of L-NNA. RESULTS: Inhibition of basal nitric oxide production with L-NNA (0.1 mM) reduced arachidonic acid-induced dilation (from 52 +/- 9 to 31 +/- 6 microns). In the presence of L-NNA, responses to arachidonic acid were augmented when exogenous nitric oxide was also present (SNAP, 31 +/- 6 microns vs. 75 +/- 5 microns; nitroprusside, 31 +/- 8 microns vs. 42 +/- 7 microns). Responses were not augmented with the second messenger of nitric oxide-mediated dilation 8-Br-cGMP (37 +/- 9 microns vs. 32 +/- 9 microns). CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that nitric oxide directly increases arachidonic acid-induced dilation. Thus, the non-specific effect of L-arginine analogues can be explained by a permissive effect of nitric oxide on endothelial arachidonic acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Using a T-maze, the influence of transient global cerebral ischemia on working memory in gerbils was investigated. Furthermore, it was examined whether a correlation exists between impairment in choice accuracy in the T-maze and neuron loss in the hippocampus. In two experiments, male Mongolian gerbils were tested in a previously learned delayed alternation T-maze task 1 week after a 4 min occlusion of the common carotid arteries. In both experiments memory was significantly impaired and in the second experiment, where the design allowed a separation between working and reference memory deficits, a selective impairment in working memory was seen. The results suggest that ischemia-induced disruption of delayed alternation in the T-maze in gerbils is a model which is relevant to the clinical manifestations of vascular dementia.  相似文献   

We have studied the inhibitory action of long- and short-chain fatty acids on hepatic glucose utilization in hepatocytes isolated from fasted rats. The rates of hepatic glucose phosphorylation and glycolysis were determined from the tritiated products of [2-3H] and [6-3H]glucose metabolism, respectively. The difference between these was taken as an estimate of the 'cycling' between glucose and glucose-6-phosphate. In the presence of 40 mM glucose this cycling was estimated at 0.68 mumol/min/g wet wt. Glucose phosphorylation was unaffected during palmitate and hexanoate oxidation to ketone bodies but glycolysis was inhibited. The rate of glucose cycling was increased during this phase to 1.25 mumol/min/g. Following the complete metabolism of the fatty acids, glycolysis was reinstated and cycling rates returned to control levels. Hepatic glucose cycling appears to be an important component of the glucose/fatty acid cycle.  相似文献   

We describe a distinctive tissue artifact that results from the use of biopsy bags for processing small impressionable pieces of tissue. In its fully developed form, the artifact produces a tic-tac-toe pattern, while in less pronounced cases it may produce elongated oval spaces in the tissue or a serrated contour at the periphery of the tissue. The artifact was observed in 60% of endometrial specimens, 55% of endocervical curettings, and sporadically in other small specimens. In the endometrial and endocervical specimens, the artifact was focal and did not interfere with the diagnosis. In occasional small lung and prostate specimens, there was focally significant distortion that potentially could compromise the diagnosis.  相似文献   

Washed human platelets take up arachidonic acid from plasma and incorporate the fatty acid into the major classes of complex lipids. Thrombin impairs net incorporation. It activates endogenous phospholipases which liberate arachidonic acid from phospholipids. As a consequence of thrombin induced aggregation platelets release arachidonic acid intermediates formed by the action of platelet fatty acid cyclooxygenase and by platelet fatty acid lipoxygenase. Cyclooxygenase, but not lipoxygenase, is inhibited by aspirin and indomethicin. Analysis of the pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism may furnish new insight into platelet function and into disorders of primary hemostasis.  相似文献   

Oxidant stress induced by hydrophobic bile acids has been implicated in the pathogenesis of liver injury in cholestatic liver disorders. We evaluated the effect of idebenone, a coenzyme Q analogue, on taurochenodeoxycholic acid (TCDC)-induced cell injury and oxidant stress in isolated rat hepatocytes and on glycochenodeoxycholic acid (GCDC)-induced generation of hydroperoxides in fresh hepatic mitochondria. Isolated rat hepatocytes in suspension under 9% oxygen atmosphere were preincubated with 0, 50, and 100 micromol/l idebenone for 30 min and then exposed to 1000 micromol/l TCDC for 4 h. LDH release (cell injury) and thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (measure of lipid peroxidation) increased after TCDC exposure but were markedly suppressed by idebenone pretreatment. In a second set of experiments, the addition of 100 micromol/l idebenone up to 3 h after hepatocytes were exposed to 1000 micromol/l TCDC resulted in abrogation of subsequent cell injury and markedly reduced oxidant damage to hepatocytes. Chenodeoxycholic acid concentrations increased to 5.15 nmol/10(6) cells after 2 h and to 7.05 after 4 h of incubation of hepatocytes with 1000 micromol/l TCDC, and did not differ in the presence of idebenone. In freshly isolated rat hepatic mitochondria, when respiration was stimulated by succinate, 10 micromol/l idebenone abrogated the generation of hydroperoxides during a 90-minute exposure to 400 micromol/l GCDC. These data demonstrate that idebenone functions as a potent protective hepatocyte antioxidant during hydrophobic bile acid toxicity, perhaps by reducing generation of oxygen free radicals in mitochondria.  相似文献   

Misalignment of repeated sequences during DNA replication can lead to deletions or duplications in genomic DNA. In Escherichia coli, such genetic rearrangements can occur at high frequencies, independent of the RecA-homologous recombination protein, and are sometimes associated with sister chromosome exchange (SCE). Two mechanisms for RecA-independent genetic rearrangements have been proposed: simple replication misalignment of the nascent strand and its template and SCE-associated misalignment involving both nascent strands. We examined the influence of the 3' exonuclease of DNA polymerase III and exonuclease I on deletion via these mechanisms in vivo. Because mutations in these exonucleases stimulate tandem repeat deletion, we conclude that displaced 3' ends are a common intermediate in both mechanisms of slipped misalignments. Our results also confirm the notion that two distinct mechanisms contribute to slipped misalignments: simple replication misalignment events are sensitive to DNA polymerase III exonuclease, whereas SCE-associated events are sensitive to exonuclease I. If heterologies are present between repeated sequences, the mismatch repair system dependent on MutS and MutH aborts potential deletion events via both mechanisms. Our results suggest that simple slipped misalignment and SCE-associated misalignment intermediates are similarly susceptible to destruction by the mismatch repair system.  相似文献   

Fatty acid synthesis and fatty acid oxidation were examined in rat hepatocytes under a variety of experimental conditions. In cells from fed animals, glucagon acutely switched the direction of fatty acid metabolism from synthesis to oxidation. Addition of lactate plus pyruvate had the opposite effect. The inhibitory action of glucagon on fatty acid synthesis and its stimulatory effect on fatty acid oxidation were largely, but not completely, offset by the simultaneous addition of lactate plus pyruvate. Changes in cellular citrate and malonyl-CoA levels indicated that glucagon exerted its inhibitory effect on fatty acid synthesis at two levels: (i) blockade of glycolysis; and (ii) partial inhibition of a more distal step, probably acetyl-CoA carboxylase. Under all conditions, fatty acid oxidation was related in a linear and reciprocal fashion to the rate of fatty acid synthesis and the tissue malonyl-CoA content. The latter fluctuated through a range of 1 to 6 nmol per g wet weight of cells. Since malonyl-CoA inhibits carnitine acyltransferase I of liver mitochondria with a Ki in the region of 1 to 2 micron, the present studies support the concept that this compound plays a pivotal role in the coordination of hepatic fatty acid synthesis and oxidation. The ketogenic effect of glucagon on liver appears to be manifested in large part through the ability of the hormone to reduce the tissue malonyl-CoA concentration.  相似文献   

The effects of in vitro changes in calcium and albumin on human platelet arachidonic acid metabolism were evaluated. Hypoalbuminemia enhanced the conversion of released 14C-arachidonic acid from prelabeled platelet phospholipids to the metabolites of the platelet cyclooxygenase and lipoxygenase pathways. This effect was, however, associated with a decreased release of arachidonic acid in the presence of hypoalbuminemia, such that the overall conversion of released 14C-arachidonic acid to platelet thromboxane B2 was similar in the presence of physiologic albumin concentration (3.5 g/dl) or at decreased albumin concentrations of 0.7 and 0.0 g/dl. External calcium was shown to be important for optimal platelet arachidonic acid release, with maximal release occurring at 1 mM calcium.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: An important component of the ventricular volume measured using the conductance catheter technique is due to parallel conductance (Vc), which results from the extension of the electric field beyond the ventricular blood pool. Parallel conductance volume is normally estimated using the saline dilution method (Vc(saline dilution)), in which the conductivity of blood in the ventricle is transiently increased by injection of hypertonic saline. A simpler alternative has been reported by Gawne et al. [12]. Vc(dual frequency) is estimated from the difference in total conductance measured at two exciting frequencies and the method is based on the assumption that parallel conductance is mainly capacitive and hence is negligible at low frequency. The objective of this study was to determine whether the dual frequency technique could be used to substitute the saline dilution method to estimate Vc in different sized hearts. METHODS: The accuracy and linearity of a custom-built conductance catheter (CC) system was initially assessed in vitro. Subsequently, a CC and micromanometer were inserted into the left ventricle of seven 5 kg pigs (group 1) and six 50 kg pigs (group 2). Cardiac output was determined using thermodilution (group 1) and an ultrasonic flow probe (group 2) from which the slope coefficient (alpha) was determined. Steady state measurements and Vc estimated using saline dilution were performed at frequencies in the range of 5-40 kHz. All measurements were made at end-expiration. Finally, Vc was estimated from the change in end-systolic conductance between 5 kHz and 40 kHz using the dual frequency technique of Gawne et al. [12]. RESULTS: There was no change in measured volume of a simple insulated cylindrical model when the stimulating frequency was varied from 5-40 kHz. Vc(saline dilution) varied significantly with frequency in group 1 (8.63 +/- 2.74 ml at 5 kHz; 11.51 +/- 2.65 ml at 40 kHz) (p = 0.01). Similar results were obtained in group 2 (69.43 +/- 27.76 ml at 5 kHz; 101.24 +/- 15.21 ml at 40 kHz) (p < 0.001). However, the data indicate that the resistive component of the parallel conductance is substantial (Vc at 0 Hz estimated as 8.01 ml in group 1 and 62.3 ml in group 2). There was an increase in alpha with frequency in both groups but this did not reach significance. The correspondence between Vc(dual frequency) and Vc(saline dilution) methods was poor (group 1 R2 = 0.69; group 2 R2 = 0.22). CONCLUSION: At a lower excitation frequency of 5 kHz a smaller percentage of the electric current extends beyond the blood pool so parallel conductance is reduced. While parallel conductance is frequency dependent, it has a substantial resistive component. The dual frequency method is based on the assumption that parallel conductance is negligible at low frequencies and this is clearly not the case. The results of this study confirm that the dual frequency technique cannot be used to substitute the saline dilution technique.  相似文献   

Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction is an essential mechanism that matches lung perfusion to ventilation, thus optimising pulmonary gas exchange. Despite its pathophysiological relevance, the mechanism of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction still remains enigmatic. We investigated whether arachidonic acid metabolism is involved in the regulation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in isolated, buffer-perfused rabbit lungs. Seven inhibitors were employed to determine the contribution of different vasoactive lipoxy- and cyclooxygenase mediators as well as cytochrome P450 products on the magnitude of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction. Hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was not affected by (i) the cyclooxygenase inhibitor acetylsalicylic acid, (ii) the thromboxane A2 receptor antagonist BM13.505, (iii) the 5'-lipoxygenase inhibitor MK886, and (iv) the lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase inhibitor BW755c. The hypoxia-elicited pressor response was prominently inhibited by (i) nordihydroguaiaretic acid (50-150 microM), an inhibitor of lipoxygenase and cyclooxygenase and (ii) methoxsalen (100 microM) and 1-aminobenzotriazole (1-10 mM), two inhibitors of cytochrome P450-derived metabolites. However, no specificity for the regulation of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction was found, as corresponding inhibitory potency of these agents was noted when vasoconstriction was achieved by the stable thromboxane analogue U46619 under conditions of normoxia. We conclude that there is no evidence for a specific involvement of different pathways of arachidonic acid metabolism in the mechanism of hypoxic pulmonary vasoconstriction in rabbits.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess the risk of probe contamination following transvaginal ultrasonography. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: University Infertility Center. PATIENT(S): Women undergoing transvaginal ultrasonography. INTERVENTION(S): One physician obtained 840 consecutive transvaginal ultrasonograms over nine months. Latex condoms were used to cover the probe. Following examination, the condoms were removed and the probe was wiped with a germicidal disposable cloth and left to air dry for 5 minutes. Condoms were filled with water and examined for leaks. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE(S): Number of perforations and distance from condom tip. RESULT(S): Seventeen (2%) of 840 condoms leaked. The mean distance from the tip to the point of leakage was 10.6 cm +/- 2.8 (mean +/- SD; range, 7-14). Sixty-five percent of the leaks were < or = 10 cm from the tip. In several instances, two leaking condoms were found within a few examinations of each other. No visual contamination of the probe was noted. CONCLUSION(S): Although only 2% of condoms leaked, 65% were at distances that could have led to probe soiling intravaginally. While no body fluids were grossly visible, microscopic contamination was still possible. Since perforations were noted in close, and even consecutive scans, this study underscores the need for routine probe disinfection between examinations.  相似文献   

It has been reported that piroxicam prevents the hepatic increase of triacylglycerides and thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances observed after acute ethanol intoxication in rats and also causes a decrease in blood ethanol concentration. The aim of this study was to assess the effect of piroxicam on these 3 metabolic indicators, using isolated rat hepatocytes incubated with ethanol or lactate, supplemented or not with epinephrine. Epinephrine stimulated the consumption of lactate, but not of ethanol. In the isolated hepatocytes, and in a dose-dependent fashion, piroxicam alone raised the consumption of lactate and ethanol, increased the triacylglyceride pool in cells incubated with lactate or ethanol, and decreased the content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances in cells incubated with ethanol, but not with lactate. Epinephrine blocked these actions of piroxicam, except the lowering of the content of thiobarbituric acid-reactive substances. Thus, piroxicam helps to control the oxidative stress produced in isolated hepatocytes by ethanol.  相似文献   

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