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介绍一种新型的可以单独或同时利用多种能源的溴化锂吸收式冷温水机,并对其实际应用进行系统的说明。  相似文献   

In warm countries, such as Italy and Spain, the increasing demand for space conditioning cannot be met by the current capacity of installed electric power. This has led to a growing interest in cooling with natural gas. An interesting thermal cooling system uses open-cycle absorption. It treats the air directly without heat exchangers and with very low temperature drops. With absorption dehumidification it is possible not only to obtain a cooling system similar in performance to conventional thermal cooling systems, but also, with few modifications, a high-performance heating system fed by a natural gas burner, which combines simplicity with PER typical of a gas driven heat pump. The proposed new system described in the paper is studied both in winter and summer mode, evaluating the influence of the different parameters.  相似文献   

Several recent programs in absorption research have focused on technology for domestic heating and cooling utilizing natural gas. In residential and small commercial size applications, ammonia-water cycles offer the possibility of a gas-fired heat pump for both winter heating and summer cooling, at better year-round COPS than currently available by various alternatives. Several cycles have been considered for this purpose, ranging from the simplest single effect to the GAX (Generator-Absorber heat eXchange) with its different variations. Detailed calculations of ammonia-water systems are rather difficult, particularly in complex cycles such as the GAX. This may be the reason that relatively few simulation studies have been published to date that give more than design point performance. The objective of the present study has been a comprehensive investigation of various ammonia-water cycles, with operating conditions and different design parameters varied over a wide range to compare their performance. To this end, a modular simulation program (ABSIM) was employed, which makes it possible to simulate absorption cycles in varying configurations. The cycles investigated increase in complexity from the basic single-effect cycle, through the same cycle with an added precooler, through an added solution-cooled absorber and solution-heated generator, to the GAX and branched GAX cycles with different types of branching. Each cycle was formed on the basis of the previous one by adding one or two components at each stage, resulting in increasing complexity rewarded by improved performance. This kind of investigation enabled determination at each stage of the influence of the added components on the cycle. The results of the investigation show cooling CON ranging from about 0.5 for the simplest single-effect cycle to about 1.0 for the GAX cycle.  相似文献   

建立两级吸收式制冷循环中溶液热交换器的仿真模型,分析溶液热交换器浓溶液进出口温差对两级系统制冷系数、冷却水流量的影响,同时分析逆流、交叉流对溶液热交换器单位换热面积的影响。理论模拟结果得出溶液热交换器浓溶液进出口温差存在一个最佳值,对两级吸收式系统这个最佳温差大约为13℃,其对应的制冷系数增加12.3%,冷却水流量减小8.8%。最佳温差的确定对减小溶液热交换器体积,提高系统经济性和整体效率都有着重要的指导意义。  相似文献   

根据目前国内溴化锂吸收式制冷机的实际运转情况,针对制冷机在非标工况下运行时容易出现的问题进行分析,并提出一些设计建议及要求,包括对机组结构设计的变更以及部件的选择等。  相似文献   

A historical review of absorption heat pumps dating back to the work of Nairne in 1777 is presented. Special mention is made of the contributions of Carré and Altenkirch. Both continuous and intermittently operating systems are covered together with the use of both solid and liquid solvents.  相似文献   

Absorption chillers, heat pumps and heat transformers exploit thermal power input to satisfy a variety of refrigeration and heating applications, as well as to boost the temperature of low-grade heat. Can one arrive at accurate predictions of system performance with a simple analytic irreversible thermodynamic model? In capturing the essential physics of the problem, that model would be required to provide a predictive and diagnostic tool and to permit determination of optimal absorption system operating conditions. We derive such a model and check its validity against experimental data and computer simulation results from a variety of commercial absorption units. We reinforce the observation that commercial units appear to have evolved empirically such that maximum efficiency is realized under design conditions. The failure of a host of previously-published endo-reversible thermodynamic models to account for fundamental qualitative features and accurate predictions of system behavior is documented with computer simulation results and experimental performance data.  相似文献   

The primary energy consumption of two kinds of solar assisted absorption systems (solar assisted absorption chiller during summertime and heat pump during wintertime or solar assisted absorption chiller with direct gas combustion for heating during wintertime) is compared with the primary energy consumption of a compression chiller which can work as a heat pump during wintertime. For the absorption systems three technical options were considered: a single effect machine; a double effect machine with the solar energy delivered to the lower temperature desorber and combustion heat of a gas burner delivered to the higher temperature desorber; a double effect machine with both solar energy and combustion heat delivered to the higher temperature desorber. The analysis performed in this article shows that solar assisted absorption chillers, absorption heat pumps and direct solar heating systems even with low and intermediate solar fractions can operate with considerably less primary energy consumption than compression systems. Further, the necessary solar collector area to achieve that goal is compatible with roof area available in buildings. It was also verified that, for the double effect absorption machines, there is no advantage in delivering the solar energy to the higher temperature desorber, thus establishing as preferable the solution in which it is delivered to the lower temperature desorber.  相似文献   

结合实例重点介绍在城市、港区集中供热系统中采用溴化锂吸收式热泵替代小区换热站锅炉的突出优越性,并引申溴化锂吸收式热泵在城市集中供热系统中的其他几种典型应用形式,最后展望溴化锂吸收式热泵在供热节能领域的发展前景。  相似文献   

溴化锂吸收式制冷是一种兼备环保与节能的制冷技术,已经得到广泛的重视和发展。本文介绍了关于溴化锂吸收式制冷的两方面研究,一方面是增压提效亚稳平衡型溴化锂吸收式制冷(热泵)机组特性研究,另一方面是添加剂对溴化锂溶液表面张力与传递性能的复合效应及其耦合机理研究。这两方面的研究均取得优异的成果。  相似文献   

CCHP (combined cooling heating and power) system based on ICE (internal combustion engine) has been widely used. A key issue is to efficiently recover the jacket water and exhaust gas waste heat for refrigeration. In this work, a mixed effect absorption chiller (AC), which couples single effect and double effect processes together, is investigated to recover these two kinds of waste heat simultaneously. The high pressure generator is powered by exhaust gas while one low pressure generator is powered by jacket water waste heat. Thermodynamic characteristics and off-design performance are simulated. Considering thermodynamic constraints, the start point temperature in low pressure generator should be 77°Cor lower. For a 16 kW ICE, the cooling output can reach 34.4 kW with COP of 0.96 and exergy efficiency of 0.186. Comparing with double effect or single effect AC, it can make a better use of different waste heat in CCHP system.  相似文献   

A historical review of absorption heat pumps dating back to the work of Nairne in 1777 is presented. Special mention is made of the contributions of Carré and Altenkirch. Both continuous and intermittently operating systems are covered together with the use of both solid and liquid solvents.  相似文献   

国内外吸收式热泵强化传热传质研究综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述国内外对吸收式热泵强化传热传质研究的现状。目前主要的研究方向为新型强化管的开发、新型表面活性剂及强化吸收机制的研究,主要研究目的是如何增大传热面积与加强界面马拉格尼对流,以此提高传热传质系数。  相似文献   

为响应国家节能减排的能源政策号召,促进“十一五”规划的顺利进行,本文结合我国现阶段的能源利用状况,以余热利用为切入点,立足于节能减排,提高能源利用率,系统介绍各种可以利用余热、废热和清洁能源(包括太阳能、河水、井水、发电机缸套冷却水、工厂废热水、废热蒸汽、废热烟气)的溴化锂吸收式冷(温)水机组,并阐述其实现节能减排的途径,希望以此为节能减排事业开拓出一条新思路,为我国更好更快地建成资源节约型、环境友好型社会尽绵薄之力。  相似文献   

鉴于当前节能环保理念以及十八大提出的生态文明建设等热点问题,利用废热、余热作为能源的溴化锂吸收式冷(温)水机组(以下简称溴冷机)越来越受到关注。本文对溴冷机的技术发展趋势及应用进行了介绍。  相似文献   

高效蒸汽型溴化锂吸收式制冷机组的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于能源利用的高效化趋势,研究开发REW系列高效蒸汽型溴化锂吸收式制冷机。实践证明,该机组性能优越,节能效果显著,具有很好的市场前景。  相似文献   

本文搭建了带有电动振动系统的吸收式制冷性能研究实验台,实验重点研究了振动对于吸收式制冷机传热性能的强化效果。结果表明,振动可有效地强化吸收式制冷机的传热性能,增加制冷量;在低频、低振幅的范围内,传热的强化效果随频率和振幅的增加而增加。本文的研究成果对于提高溴化锂吸收式制冷机的效率有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

高森  赵兆瑞  陈曦  张华 《制冷学报》2022,43(1):46-52
本文提出一种利用螺杆式压缩机余热进行辅助解吸的无霜空气源热泵系统,建立了一套余热回收无霜空气源热泵数学模型,并实验验证了模型的准确性,分析了环境温度、相对湿度、解吸循环空气温度和质量流量等参数对系统的影响.结果表明:该系统的余热量占解吸所需总能量的比例最高可达0.61;COP受解吸循环空气温度与质量流量的影响较小,受空...  相似文献   

溴化锂吸收式制冷机换热管腐蚀失效分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对某制冷机组吸收器的冷却水管出现不同程度的腐蚀穿孔进行宏观和微观形貌分析,对腐蚀孔附近腐蚀产物进行扫描电镜-能谱分析,并对冷却水管化学成分、冷却水质和溴化锂溶液进行分析。指出吸收器壳体开裂导致大量空气进入溴化锂水溶液,产生点蚀源,铜管的化学成分为点蚀的产生提供了材料条件,冷却水硬度超标加剧了铜管点腐蚀。  相似文献   

吸收式热泵中表面活性剂的强化机制研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
溴化锂水溶液中加入表面活性剂后,水蒸气吸收过程的传热与传质系数显著提高。20世纪50年代,国内外就开始对此强化过程进行研究,但目前尚未有被普遍认可的机制理论。研究人员普遍认同马拉格尼对流(marangoni convection)的强化作用,但是缺乏对其合理的解释。以往的研究大都基于静态池实验,这与实际吸收式热泵内吸收器的动态吸收过程(如液膜的形成等)相距甚远。另外,研究人员大都主要研究溴化锂水溶液与水蒸气的气液界面的强化作用,而忽视了溴化锂水溶液与铜管壁面的固液表面的强化过程。本文从微观的角度对2个强化界面进行分析,解释"马拉格尼对流"强化作用产生的原因,结论与诸多研究人员的实验结果一致。  相似文献   

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