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TurboLinux数据服务器集成IBMDB2通用数据库TurboLinux推出了集成IBMDB2通用数据库的TurboLinux数据服务器,这是业界第一个基于Linux平台的商业化产品和企业级数据库解决方案。集成了IBMDB2通用数据库的TurboLinux数据服务器具有理想的后台服务器功能,不但能够发挥TurboLinux操作系统的性能和无懈可击的安全性,而且集成了IBMDB2数据库的强大功能和快速反应。DB2通用数据库是业界第一个多媒体的、面向网络的关系型数据库管理系统,它既能满足大公司要…  相似文献   

模式集成多数据库系统中需要解决的关键问题之一,己存在的大多数面向多数据库系统都采用了面向对象视图机制来建立集成模式。为了满足基于CORBA的CIMS信息集成平台呆订成的需要,本文提出了一种基于数据库管理组ODMG的ODMG-93标准的视图集成机制并通过一个完整的例子说明了这种视图机制在模式集成中的应用。  相似文献   

IBM是5年前开始进入分布式数据库市场的,今天已经可以与多年前就投身该市场的老手 Oracle公司一比高低。IB M目前拥有 210多项数据库专利,超过了业界任何其他供应商。 IBM是唯一一家能够全面提供数据管理、内容管理、商业智能和企业信息门户集成解决方案的数据库供应商,并率先启用了“按用户成长性付款”的创新定价模式与ASP合作。  现在,全球有超过4000万用户和22.5万家公司采用IBM的数据管理解决方案。在全球,除了300万DB2通用数据库用户之外,还有100多万个用户拥有DB2通用数据库使…  相似文献   

实现异构数据库集成的一种方法——元数据库法   总被引:9,自引:2,他引:9  
本文提出的元数据库系统MDBS是一个基于知识库的联邦数据库系统,通过集中管理各异构数据库中的元数据,支持多库间的数据共享、交互操作及自治。在整个集成系统中无全局模式,异构数据库模式间的结构和语义冲突,由MDBMS通过访问元数据库中有关各局部库的模式信息和模式转换规则来解决。MDBS利用知识来描述应用系统的数据流信息和控制信息支持集成应用系统的实现。本文着重论述了MDBS的数据模型、数据库模式和MDBS实现的技术问题。  相似文献   

IMDBS是一个集成式的多数据库系统,该系统是通过对已有的局部异构数据库进行信息和数据的集成,为全局用户提供共享的集成信息;同时每个局部应用仍能在被集成后的数据上运行,这样就保证了局部数据库的自治性.IMDBS系统主要是基于源标签集成机制,并与非一范式(NF2)模型相结合作为多源数据模型,多源数据语言为PSQL/NF,它是一个类SQL语言,非常方便于用户的使用.该系统具有自下而上集成关系、网状和层次数据库以及自上而下地进行分布数据管理的功能,较好地解决了异构分布库系统的全局分布透明性  相似文献   

SUPERBASE是一个CIM环境下面向对象的多数据库集成系统,其目标是有效地集成分布在多个已存在的自治和异构的局部数据库中的信息,以实现各系统间的信息共享。本文首先介绍了SUPERBASE的体系结构、模式集成机制;然后讨论了全局数据库和局部数据库间的数据副本问题,提出了相应的解决方法;最后给出了集成数据模型IDM和集成数据语言IDL。  相似文献   

不久前在美国的COMDEX’98秋季大会上,IBM公司正式发布一个面向小型企业的WindowsNT集成套件IBMSmallBusinessNTSuite,这个小企业NT套件与中小企业NT套件IBMNTSuite和大型企业用户级NT套件IBMEnterprise NT Suite,形成完整的NT套件系列。IBMSmallBusinessSuite是专门针对小企业开展电子商务应用需求的解决方案,套件的服务器集成了DB2UDB、企业Intranet平台和电子邮件服务器LotusDomi-no,以及LA…  相似文献   

联邦数据库GD—MDBS的总体设计与模式集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
GD-MDBS是一个改进的基于泛关系的紧耦合型的联邦数据库系统。其主要特点是:1.基于泛关系理论,屏蔽各成员数据库模式的差异,提供一个与实现无关的、逻辑上的数据库全局模式;2.提供F-SQL联邦数据查询语言;3.采用三级客户机/服务器结构。本文主要讨论GD-MDBS的总体结构和模式集成。  相似文献   

实现任意DBF数据库查询浏览的Java Applet   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有许多MIS系统是基于xBASE数据库开发的,大量信息资源以DBF文件的形式存在。因此解决好xBASE数据库与Web服务器的数据集成,是企业传统MIS向Intranet方式过度的关键之一。本文提出了一种用Java Applet实现不通过Web服务器而使客户端直接浏览服务器上DBF数据库信息的方法、设计思想及类的定义与实现。  相似文献   

本文剖析了Windows95的自举过程,指出Windows95自举时不依于DOS的实模式内核文件:MS-DOS扣的IO.SYS和 MSDOS.SYS,或者IBMDOS的IBMBIO.COM和IBMDOS.COM和IBMDOS.COM。  相似文献   

Integrated access to multiple data sources requires a homogeneous interface provided by a federated schema. Such a federated schema should correctly reflect the semantics of the component schemata of which it is composed. Since the semantics of a database schema is also determined by a set of semantic integrity constraints, a correct schema integration has to deal with integrity constraints existing in the different component schemata. Traditionally, most schema integration approaches solely concentrate on the structural integration of given database schemata. Local integrity constraints are often simply neglected. Their relationship to global extensional assertions, which form the basic integration constraints, are even ignored completely. In this paper, we discuss the impact of global extensional assertions and local integrity constraints on federated schemata. In particular, we point out the correspondence between local integrity constraints and global extensional assertions. The knowledge about the correspondences between the given integrity constraints and extensional assertions can then be utilized for an augmented schema integration process.  相似文献   

Conceptual modelling as applied to database development can be described as a two stage process: schema modelling followed by schema integration. Schema modelling is the process of transforming individual user requirements into a conceptual schema: an implementation-independent map of data requirements. Schema integration is the process of combining individual conceptual schemas into a single, unified schema. Single-user tools for schema modelling have enjoyed much success partly because the process of schema modelling has become relatively well formalised. Although a number of formal approaches to conducting schema integration have been proposed, it appears that schema integration tools have not enjoyed the same level of success. This we attribute not so much to the problem of formalisation but to the inherent collaborative nature of schema integration work. This paper first discusses the importance of collaboration to schema integration work. It then describes SISIBIS, a demonstrator system employing the IBIS (Issue Based Information System) scheme to support collaborative database design.  相似文献   

Transformation of XML data is an important task in data exchange, data publishing and data integration. Specifically in data integration, data in XML sources is transformed to match the target schema. Some of these sources have XML keys defined. When the data is transformed, the keys also need to be transformed for constraint comparisons, consistency checking and unification in the target schema. Thus, how the keys are transformed, and whether the transformed keys are valid and preserved to the target schema are important problems in XML data transformation and integration. Towards this problem, we firstly define XML keys and their satisfactions. We then study how keys are transformed and whether transformed keys are valid when a source schema is transformed to a target schema. Finally we show whether the transformed keys are satisfied by the transformed document.  相似文献   

电子商务平台是一个基于因特网的多信息融合环境。从本质上来说,该信息环境的数据模式属于一个异构的形式。针对电子商务平台信息融合的特点,本文探讨并研究了信息融合中的异构数据的语义集成及关键技术,提出了一类基于XML的电子商务平台异构信息的语义集成方案。  相似文献   

多数据库系统中查询分解算法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
多数据库系统允许用户使用一个集成模式和简单的全局查询语言同时访问多个异构的、自治的数据库系统。全局查询分解处理是多数据库系统中的一个很重要的问题。本文给出了一种多数据库环境中的模式信息管理方法,基于这些模式信息,我们提出一种易于实现的查询分解算法。由于多数据库查询分解处理与模式集成的实现紧密相关,所以本文对多数据库系统的模式集成作了一些描述。  相似文献   

This paper proposes a data‐driven approach for model predictive control (MPC) performance monitoring. It explores the I/O data of the MPC system. First, to evaluate the MPC performance and capture the fluctuation of the process variables, we present an overall performance index based on Mahalanobis distance (MDBI) with its deduced benchmark. The Mahalanobis distance can better characterize the change of the process variable in both principal component space and residual space. As the proper vectors of the two spaces are orthogonal, the MDBI eliminates the correlation between the process variables while considering the variables’ characteristics in both spaces simultaneously, which helps evaluate the MPC performance more effectively with fewer monitoring parameters. Furthermore, for the MPC performance diagnosis, we use the MDBI as inputs and construct a support vector machine (SVM) pattern classifier. The classifier can achieve a higher accuracy when recognizing four common performance degradation patterns and determine the root cause of performance degradation. The results of simulations on the Wood‐Berry distillation column process and experiments on NIAT multifunctional experiment platform illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed performance assessment/diagnosis strategies.  相似文献   

不确定模式匹配研究综述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
模式匹配是数据集成、语义Web等研究领域的重要研究内容,需要依据一定的启发式信息发现模式元素之间的对应关系。鉴于启发式信息处理方法的不同,对模式匹配方法进行了分类,并从模式匹配结果集结方法的角度,介绍了综合模式匹配方法。不确定性是模式匹配过程固有的特性,介绍了建模模式匹配过程中不确定性的数据模型,在此基础上介绍了处理模式匹配过程中不确定性的模式匹配方法。最后对模式匹配研究进行了展望。  相似文献   

SCOPE/CIMS系统中模式集成的形式化基础   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大多数据库系统中,模式集成是将若干个已经存在的模式集成为一个统一模式的过程,是实现异构信息集成的关键问题之一,为满足面向对象的多数据源集成系统SCOPE/CIMS中模式集成的需要,本文提出了一个支持模式集成的形式化基础,为实现一个半自动化的模式集成辅助工具奠定了基础,主要内容包括;(1)一个对应关系描述模型,以支持模式的分析与比较;(2)一套模式集成规则,以提供模式合并与重构的原则;(3)等价类的  相似文献   

The integration ofinf ormation systems is becoming increasingly important. A common requirement in distributed data-intensive applications, such as data warehousing and data mining, is that the various databases involved be joined in a process called schema integration. The entity-relationship (ER) model or a variant of the ER model is often used as the common data model. To aid the schema conforming, merging and restructuring phases of the integration process, various transformations have been defined to map between various equivalent ER representations. In this paper, we describe a different approach to integrate ER schemas. We focus on the resolution of structural conflicts, that is, when related real-world concepts are modeled using different constructs in different schemas. Unlike previous work, our approach proposes to resolve the structural conflict between an entity type in one schema and an attribute in another schema and show that the other structural conflicts are automatically resolved. This reduces the manual effort required in integration. We give a detailed algorithm to transform an attribute in one schema into an equivalent entity type in another schema without any loss of semantics, that is, our transformation is both information preserving and constraint preserving.  相似文献   

为了满足CIMS环境中信息集成的要求,本文为信息集成平台设计了一种具有集成功能的面向对象视图模型I-VIEW.I-VIEW对OO模型进行了扩充,定义了虚属性、虚对象的概念;引入了输入与隐藏机制和类派生机制,允许对对象的状态和行为进行提炼,能够很好地解决各类集成问题,如模式映射、评义冲突和模式合并与重构等。  相似文献   

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