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This article focuses on live-in elder care workers in German-speaking Switzerland, with a focus on the city of Basel. Working with the Lefebvrian concept of le droit à la ville, it critically investigates the extent to which circularly migrating women can negotiate their right to the city when working as private 24-hour carers in Basel. It first discusses how the Swiss migration and labor regimes in this gendered field of work affect their rights, access, belonging, and participation in the city. The article then analyzes two examples of how live-in care workers challenge existing regulations individually and collectively, and instigate changes at the level of the city. Exploring the idea of participation beyond formal recognition such as residency and citizenship, the paper critically reflects on the right-to-the-city debate's key concept of inhabitance. Focusing on women who – as circular migrants – only reside in Switzerland for a few weeks at a time and who – as live-in workers – are often isolated in private households, the paper argues that work arrangements and mobility are key to understanding inhabitants' right to the city.  相似文献   

This paper assesses how gender, housing, austerity and the right to the city inter-relate with reference to female lone parents from East London, the site of the 2012 Olympic Games. In so doing, the paper draws upon qualitative research undertaken with lone parent mothers living in temporary accommodation. The women's housing experiences are embedded within a deepening of neoliberal welfare cutbacks and restructuring under what Peck (2012) has called ‘austerity urbanism’. Although the mother's lives are based in East London where they have extended family and where many of them grew up, they have either been moved, or face the prospect of being moved, out of the area and even beyond the city limits into suburban South East England. Rather than basking in the much trumpeted 2012 Games regeneration ‘legacy’, these women's right to live in East London, close to their support networks, is being eroded.  相似文献   

<正>在很多人心目中,深圳是个简单而缺乏厚度的城市,深圳的建筑和建筑师圈儿也是如此,但这些年,它们却呈现出丰富而有趣的状态。深圳有着最市场化的设计机构,又有着中国最具专业性和理想主义的规划主管部门。深圳不是中国建筑最主流话语权的阵地,却是很多当代最有影响力的建筑师成长过的重要地方。深圳是大轴线、大绿化、大马路式新城规划的始作俑者,却又是正面研究城中村的先行家。深圳是最商业化的城市,又是倡导公民建筑的中国建筑传媒奖发源地,也是目前中国最具学  相似文献   

In Brazil, a country notorious for its spatially segregated, unequal cities, a 2001 federal law recognizes the “right to the city” and mandates participation in planning processes, aiming to achieve social justice. Planning theory has dealt extensively with the “right to the city”, but critical examination of the implementation of this law – the Statute of the City – is lacking. Drawing on the ideals of Lefebvre and the global “right to the city” movement, I contribute to the theoretical debate on the right to the city, connecting this discussion to an analysis of the practice of applying this ideal in Brazil. I examine the challenges of implementing this innovative policy in Niterói (Rio de Janeiro State), showing that a more nuanced approach is needed to understand Brazil's unique right to the city experience.  相似文献   

Anatolia, which has hosted many civilizations since the early ages, is historically very important. While the majority of the settlements of these civilizations are still present where they were founded, there are some historical cities that have disappeared or moved to another place; while some are known with their names only in old sources, the ruins of some of them are found, and some continue to exist in other places because the original places of foundation of the cities were deserted. One of the cities which sought its continuity in another place is Argyropolis. The city which was founded on a sloping area with rich silver mines and which was spread along heights of 1400–1500 m, moved to a valley of a height of 1150 m and some 4 km away from its original place of foundation because of the loss of its socio-economic power. In its original place of foundation, the city was called as Argyropolis and Canca, respectively. After the city was left it was called Eski?ehir (Old City) and Eski Gümü?hane (Old Gümü?hane), respectively; and when it lost its status as a city and reduced to the status of a neighborhood it was called Süleymaniye (The City of Suleiman). The names given to the old city before it reduced to the status of a neighborhood and to the new city refer to the ‘silver mines’, which were an indication of the economic condition of the city. The closure of these mines was to the desertion of the city what the running of these mines was to its foundation and development.  相似文献   

An understanding of the demand for city centre parking is an important input to policy making. This study emphasizes the importance and benefits of analysing the demand for parking at the level of individual users rather than basing analyses on traffic and parking counts. A survey of drivers' parking behaviour in Jerusalem's business centre was used. A structure is presented for analysing the driver's parking decision process and policy implications that can be drawn from disaggregate data are suggested.  相似文献   

迈向可持续的城市:国际经验解读——从概念到范式   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在全球的城市化进程中,推动城市自身的可持续建设,实现城市所在区域的可持续发展,早已成为了一个颇具挑战性的焦点议题,并在国际上形成了一股探索浪潮.为了对我国城市的可持续建设有所启示,对该领域中的国际经验进行了系统梳理和全面解读:一是回顾历史,从近年来一些重要的文献中,提炼出"城市可持续性"、"可持续城市"和"城市可持续发展"等具有普遍性的核心概念,分别进行主题性的分析解读;二是展望未来,通过理清核心概念间的整体逻辑,认为在国际城市研究领域中正在形成一种新的研究范式--系统的闭合环,以期给城市规划学科发展带来新机遇和挑战.  相似文献   


The article applies a field theory approach to further the analysis of grassroots movements in an urban context. By employing the theoretical framework of Strategic Action Fields merged with the concept of norm entrepreneurs and combined with an idea of networks of challengers, two parallel but different social movement networks in Poland are analyzed. In this comparison the authors discuss differences in strategy and political – discursive – opportunities mobilized within respective fields between the more established housing movement and an emerging Polish urban renewal movement in the light of on-going change in the urban realm. By comparing the networks of challengers in both fields and simultaneously trying to identify the dominant institutional logics within each, we test the usefulness of the Strategic Action Field approach.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on urban discourses as powerful instruments intertwined with the dialectic of inclusion and exclusion. First, three dominant contemporary urban discourses developed in the field of urban planning are scrutinized on their inclusiveness of families and daily family life. The attractive city, the creative city and the city as an emancipation machine are examples of urban discourses communicated top-down via reports, debates and media attention. It is argued that these three discourses do not address families as urban citizens nor the very notion of reproduction and its daily manifestation. The exclusionary character of contemporary urban discourses does not only result in a neglect of urban families, it also legitimates non-intervention when it comes to family issues. This conclusion activated the search for an alternative discourse as expanded in the second part of the paper. This alternative discourse is constructed from the bottom-up and is rooted in the day-to-day experiences of urban families themselves. It is a refined discourse, with interrelated geographical scales including the city as a whole, the neighbourhood, the street and the home. This is a city that integrates—as families themselves do—the different domains of life. The city is appreciated for its qualities of proximity, the neighbourhood for its ethnically mixed children’s domains, the street as an urban haven and the house as the place that accommodates private life for each member of the family. This alternative discourse is called the balanced city. The empirical basis is drawn from middle-class urban families in Rotterdam, The Netherlands.  相似文献   

刘琮晓  刘潇 《建筑师》2021,(1):59-66
本文的研究对象是以史密斯夫妇作为代表的英国新粗野主义,由浅入深,从三个层面分别切入:第一部分梳理新粗野主义的产生、含义和界定;第二部分结合独立小组的社会实践,总结新粗野主义所包含的"如其所是"思想内涵;第三部分联系巴黎先锋艺术,串联人物网络,揭露隐藏在新粗野主义背后的三条线索.  相似文献   

生态城市是人类为实现可持续发展而不断努力探索的目标,而非某一固定模式.慢行交通能满足城市环境、经济和社会生态化发展的需要,已经成为当前生态城市建设的热点之一.本文通过对美国伯克利、戴维斯等城市慢行交通系统建设经验的分析,指出慢行交通的发展必须与高度集约化的土地混合利用模式相协调.发展慢行交通的意义已经超越了交通本身,同时也包含着对能源危机、环境污染和社会弱势群体的关注,是对人类原有生活方式的高阶回归.慢行交通能够促进城市向更生态化的方向发展.  相似文献   

Michele  Dix  宗思语 《人类居住》2006,(2):23-24
一百年以前,在马车时代,穿越伦敦中心区的道路交通平均速度为每小时11英里。到20世纪末,城市交通的速度仍为每小时11英里,而这还只是平均速度。大多数时间,街道拥堵,车辆只能蠕动或者根本就无法移动。  相似文献   

翟俊 《新建筑》2013,(4):16-19
面对原始自然已经消解的城市,传统防御性的生态设计手法,应转向更全面、更积极主动的生态解析与规划方法。分析了以景观这种"人工化的自然"作为城市结构性载体,建立城市生态新秩序的可能性。提出了"设计生态"的新范式,并希望以此重新组构大尺度的人为环境,缝合日益碎片化的城市肌理。  相似文献   

This paper compares two forms of representation of cities: the drawings of the urban designer and the photographs of the tourist guidebook or brochure. Both forms of representation reveal two often opposing value systems and each may offer only a restricted view of what the attractions of a city might be. The tourist industry's ‘imagineering’ is excluded from ‘urban design’. Yet the city on the ground and its popular image are entities in whose design the tourist industry plays a major role …  相似文献   

This paper explores spatial patterns of housing search in London, using data generated by users of the UK's most popular real estate portal. By focusing on the variable geographies of ‘search extent’, it attempts to make a contribution to a long line of studies focused on understanding the fragmented geography of metropolitan housing markets. It also builds upon more recent work in economics on the utility of user-generated search data. After introducing our approach, we discuss the background to housing search and the wider emergence of ‘search’ as an object of study. We then provide further details on the data and methodology before exploring the spatial and sectoral characteristics of search in London. The results suggest that there is much to be gained by incorporating search studies into housing market analysis and that there is significant potential for future work in this area.  相似文献   

Cross-city spillovers among housing markets are usually modelled by the classical spatial autoregressive models, which usually suffer from identification problems in practice. This paper investigates the cross-city house price spillovers arising from city network externalities wherein a city's connections with other cities in the urban network create the external house price premium through productivity and amenity gains. Using a cross-sectional data set for an urban system in eastern China, we present significant evidence for positive network spillovers by the application of spatial lag of X model and spatial Durbin error model. Besides, common shocks are also proved to be responsible for cross-city dependence of house prices.  相似文献   

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