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孙澄 《建筑学报》2008,(2):96-99
维也纳城市图书馆新馆是奥地利建筑师恩斯特·迈尔(ErnstMayr)在国际设计竞赛中的中标实施作品,建成使用后成为维也纳的一个地标性建筑。本文介绍了图书馆的概况,并深入解析了其创作理念和方法。  相似文献   

The literature on Smart Cities lacks of research on how actors understand and appropriate the Smart City. This paper questions in an innovative way their appropriations of the phenomenon. Smart City is considered as an instrument, following the theory of Lascoumes and Le Galès (2007). Is the Smart City a functional instrument: a kind of evidence and a pragmatic solution at disposal or a public policy instrument: not neutral, provoking debates and influencing policies? An empirical analysis is carried on based on a survey among 193 Belgian actors active in the domain. The results show that the Instrument theory is relevant to analyse the actors' appropriation, which do not follow a homogeneous trend. In fact, each actor follows his own logics which will be interesting to study.  相似文献   

智能技术对城市生产生活及治理的影响逐渐加深,促使城市经济、社会、环境等要素加速流动与互动,人、技术与空间三者之间的关系变得越来越复杂.新的背景下,城市规划需要从被动顺应智能技术的冲击转向主动求变、迎接智能技术对学科发展的影响并探索构建新的规划体系.通过对新时代下智慧城市规划的内涵解读,明确智慧城市规划在国家规划体系中的定位,并从技术支撑层、规划方案层、实施运营层和制度保障层四方面对智慧城市规划的编制内容进行梳理,同时探讨了不同空间尺度下智慧城市规划应该关注的重点内容,以期为新时代的城市规划智慧化转型提供参考.  相似文献   

Shared leadership has rarely been studied in the project management context, despite its proven performance-enhancing benefits in other management domains. Based on a systematic review of the salient literature from multiple disciplines, this paper develops a new multi-level conceptual model to advance a holistic understanding of how shared leadership develops and how it may impact individual, team, project and wider organisational performance. The conceptual model draws upon the input-mediator-output-input perspective of systems theory, which is well-established in the general team literature. The new integrative model identifies the potential multi-level antecedents, proximal team functioning outcomes, and the more distal multi-level outcomes of shared leadership based on findings from the shared leadership literature drawn largely from other domains. Potential boundary conditions of the model are identified. A future research agenda is recommended for empirically testing the new multi-level shared leadership model and its different elements in a diverse range of project contexts.  相似文献   

技术与城市:泛智慧城市技术提升城市韧性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
评估第四次工业革命背景下出现的一系列泛智慧城市技术在城市发展运行过程中的作用,对于科学理性认知技术与城市多主体之间的关系,进而引导未来技术发展与城市规划设计、建设和治理的协调发展至关重要。聚焦新型冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19,以下简称新冠肺炎)疫情期间泛智慧城市技术的具体应用情况,通过多渠道资料进行相关案例的系统性搜集,对不同类别、不同服务主体的10种核心技术的主要应用情况进行归纳总结,最终评估其在提升城市韧性等方面的具体作用,并提出问题与展望。  相似文献   

Smart City is a recent concept that is gaining momentum in public opinion, and thus, it is making its way into the agendas of researchers and city authorities all over the world. However, there is no consensus of what exactly is a smart city, and academic research is, at best, building applications in numerous silos. This paper explores the computer science and information technology literature about Smart City. Using data analysis techniques, we contribute to present the domain from an objective data-based point of view, aiming to highlight its major trends, and providing a single entry point for newcomers.  相似文献   

Many cities in developing countries are characterized by a striking juxtaposition of formal and informal housing, where these sectors coexist in close proximity. This paper develops a model of urban land markets where both the formal and informal sectors are endogenously and mutually determined. More specifically, the informal market arises as a kind of residual effect of decisions made in the formal sector. The model posits a fixed number of rich and of poor households, all of whom are competing in the marketplace for a place to live. Rich households enact formal land use regulations in the form of minimum lot size requirements that directly reflect their preferences. The impacts of these regulations on the informal sector depend upon relative incomes and populations of poor and rich households, as well as on housing preferences. In order to assess these impacts empirically, the paper formulates a set of stylized case studies. The model results illustrate that the formal and informal sectors do not exist independently from one another, but are instead dual aspects of a single market phenomenon. In particular, an insufficient absorptive capacity of the formal sector results directly in informality.  相似文献   

为研究我国智慧城市产业技术创新驱动影响因素,对 450 位受访者进行问卷调查并回收 318 份有效问卷,建立结构方程模型对回收数据进行分析。结果表明:根据影响力大小排序,政策支持、合理的融资结构、良好的市场环境、充分的技术积累和较高的福利待遇对智慧城市产业技术创新意愿具有积极影响,而多元主体的参与对创新意愿的影响并不明显。此外,较强的创新意愿促进创新成果的实现。基于此,提出了促进智慧城市产业技术创新的建议。  相似文献   

国际智慧城市发展实践与研究前瞻   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从技术应用、产业组织、规划配置、人本主义视角诠释国际智慧城市,评析美国、欧盟、亚洲日韩等国智慧城市的发展实践,厘清国际智慧城市的发展阶段、应用领域和基本路径,指出标准化和安全性当成为国际智慧城市研究的前沿.  相似文献   

南宁市智慧公园建设初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着物联网、云计算等新兴信息技术的兴起,智慧化成为城市发展的新潮流。南宁市“智慧公园”的建设是将公园的管理与对外的互动集中建设,实现公园信息化建设。集成应用地理信息系统( GIS)、遥感( RS)、全球定位系统(GPS)、无线射频识别(RFID)、电子商务(EB)、虚拟现实等现代科学技术和方法,整合各类公园、旅游信息资源,搭建信息基础设施、数据基础设施、信息管理平台和决策支持平台,以实现公园服务、管理、营销的智慧化。  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to obtain a better understanding of factors that influence Exploration and Production (E&P) project management success and corporate financial performance. The study follows structural equation modeling (SEM) methodology to achieve greater understanding of the intricate network of relationships between variables involved in E&P project management. A comprehensive theoretical framework was needed to formulate the conceptual basis of research. Observation of the real world and practical experiences were also important. To that end, we conducted a case study in a large Brazilian oil company. Field research was essential because of the lack of similar studies in the oil and gas sector. The model developed is a theoretical construct known as a structural and measurement model (set of latent variables, observed variables and hypotheses, depicted in a path diagram). This model contributes significantly to the company because it is a global representation of the main factors for improving E&P project management. However, the findings should be interpreted with caution because adjustment and validation of the theoretical model were not performed.  相似文献   

An understanding of the potential and the complexity of IT-supported residential services is essential in order to realize it, especially if one will foresee some of its implications, such as constraints by and influences on the institutions, the markets and the power structure in society. Since our society appears to us as mainly artificial, the creation of IT-supported residential services can be seen as a matter of design. Design in that sense to study how things ought to be and not how they are. The paper describes a conceptual model, and the methodology behind it, of the complex domain of IT-supported service infrastructures for residential living. The model indicates how the residents and the institutions, such as the municipalities, the housing companies, the service providers and the IT-industry, will sanction, prevent or modify the market of residential services.  相似文献   

Four underground resources have been seen as having long-term potential to support sustainable urban development: underground space, groundwater, geomaterials and geothermal energy. Utilization of these resources proposes a new paradigm of economic development: underground urbanism. The new management approach named “Deep City Method” is put forward to aid decision-makers to integrate global potential of the urban underground into city-scale strategic planning. The research output will be presented in form of two papers each with a different focus. Part 1 aims to introduce the concept, process and initial application in Switzerland; Part 2 is devoted to show methodological insight for a new zoning policy in China and investment scenarios for project cost viability.The Part 2 paper will demonstrate a comprehensive evaluation methodology for underground resources beneath the municipality of Suzhou in China, in order to formulate 3D land zoning. Strategic districts in Suzhou city of China are selected for feasibility outlook and policy instrument proposition. Finally, a new economic index “Underground cost efficiency premium” has been proposed to aid project developers to justify competitiveness of underground development.  相似文献   

描述了智慧规划的建设现状,分析了产生其差异性的缘由,提出了打造智慧规划、助推智慧城市、开启城乡规划管理新范式的新目标,并针对性地阐述了开展智慧规划顶层设计的新定位、新平台和新机遇,以及践行智慧规划行动的新变革、新标准、新技术、新渠道和新评估.  相似文献   

吴志强  于泓  姜楠 《城市规划》2003,27(1):38-42
本文以最新编制的《沈阳城市发展战略规划研究》为例 ,介绍该城市战略规划研究中导入的理性思维方法。针对目前国内城市发展战略规划编制处于初步阶段出现的专业需求 ,从城市战略规划研究理论的基本概念着手 ,探讨此类战略规划研究的内在逻辑、整体框架以及技术路线。以架构城市战略性规划研究的规范性范式 ,完成城市发展战略规划研究各构成内容之间的逻辑搭接  相似文献   

Despite its growing ubiquitous presence, the smart city continues to struggle for definitional clarity and practical import. In response, this study interrogates the smart city as global discourse network by examining a collection of key texts associated with cities worldwide. Using a list of 5,553 cities, a systematic webometric exercise was conducted to measure hit counts produced by searching for “smart city.” Consequently, 27 cities with the highest validated hit counts were selected. Next, 346 online texts were collected from among the top 20 hits across each of the selected cities, and analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively using AntConc software. The findings confirm, first, the presence of a strong globalizing narrative which emphasizes world cities as “best practice” models. Second, they reveal the smart city’s association—beyond the quest for incremental, technical improvements of current urban systems and processes—with a pronounced transformative governance agenda. The article identifies five critical junctures at the heart of the evolving smart city discourse regime; these shed light on the ongoing boundary work in which the smart city is engaged and which contain significant unresolved tensions. The paper concludes with a discussion of resulting implications for research, policy, and practice.  相似文献   

正介绍我国智慧城市发展现状,结合内蒙古呼和浩特市创建智慧城市的实践经验,对我国智慧城市建设提出发展对策与建议。我国正面临大物移云(即大数据、物联网、移动互联网、云计算)等新一轮信息技术变革,信息资源已逐渐成为重要的生产要素,在经济社会发展中信息化起到引领和支撑作用。  相似文献   

This paper provides a more realistic representation of the soil-geogrid interface in indirectly activated geogrids. A new testing apparatus is designed using transparent soil that allows an unobstructed observation of the interface to investigate the interaction occurring along the reinforcement. In this investigation, the reinforcement is indirectly activated by the deformations of the surrounding soil. Deformations were determined by digital image correlation (DIC) using a dot pattern attached to the geogrid and a laser speckle plane within the transparent soil. The interaction is derived from relative soil-geogrid displacements, deflections of geogrid transverse members, geogrid strain and force distributions as well as shear stresses acting at the interface. Three zones were identified corresponding to the distinct modes of interaction: pushout, pullout and interlocking, whereby a micro-mechanical conceptual model was validated. The geogrid force reaches its maximum at the intersection of the critical slip plane with the reinforcement. The results indicate that the pushout, pullout and interlocking areas cover 15%, 49% and 36% of the total geogrid length respectively. In this study, a transition area between the pushout and pullout zones was observed where the mobilised interface shear stress increases to a maximum value.  相似文献   

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