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High street shopping centres are at the core of cities. The continuing design challenge is to adapt a built environment inheritance to meet the present commercial needs of retailers, maximize the potential of the physical environment and address the social amenities that are expected from a city/town centre public realm. This paper addresses the question of what makes a successful high street shopping centre and seeks to understand the relationship between property values, location, physical characteristics, diversity of retailing and use, and social vitality in two successful city centre retailing environments. The research also demonstrates the blurring between commercial and public space, and supports Carmona’s argument that successful social space also creates economic value.  相似文献   

This paper considers the nature and significance of town and village greens within the landscape of England and Wales. It reflects on problems of definition and on the limited availability of data concerning the origins and geographical distribution of greens. The paper draws attention to the registration of greens following the Commons Registration Act 1965, and summarizes information collated from the registers subsequently prepared by local authorities. Details of numbers of greens and their spatial density at county level are presented, and reference is also made to rights of common on greens, and to the ownership of the greens themselves.  相似文献   

一、弗威的概况 弗威位于英格兰西南部的康沃尔郡中部,是一个风景优美的海滨小镇。小镇的主导产业为旅游业,旅游黄金季节从复活节直到九、十月份。弗威作为旅游区的魅力来自于这里平静宁和的生活环境和壮丽的自然风光以及相对便利的交通设施。这里随处可见的小客栈和夜总会也吸引了大批的年轻人。 小镇的第二大产业是航运。弗威的海港是欧洲最大的天然海港之一,这里有占地广阔的航运综合体深入内陆,很多商船经由这里运送瓷器或者向境外运送汽车。  相似文献   

River-Channel Changes in England and Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An investigation of the literature on river-channel changes in the UK reveals that the rate and extent of changes is much higher than was previously thought. In order to assess how widespread these changes are, and whether the rates and types of changes are typical, an historical survey has been carried out of the streams which drain the upland areas of England and Wales. This survey involved the comparison of Ordnance Survey 1:10,560 maps from approximately 1870 and 1950, and revealed that almost 35% of the rivers draining upland England have shown some pattern instability during this period.
Great variety exists both in the types of channel planform changes and their extent: several rivers possess short isolated reaches of change separated by stable sections. This suggests the operation of thresholds of channel stability, and further research aims to identify these in terms of specific factors and conditions.  相似文献   

Recent government policies to tackle single homelessness have been expressly concerned to reduce the incidence of rough sleeping, particularly in central London. This paper sets the issue of street homelessness in its policy and legislative context; examines available evidence of the rise in street homelessness in Britain; and presents a critical overview of the Single Homelessness Initiative.  相似文献   

The combination of competition and regulation established in the electricity industry of England and Wales stimulates production efficiency and thus helps the industry to achieve low costs. Nevertheless this system does have some disadvantages as regards the incentives it presents to generators and to suppliers. These deficiencies arise because Use of System Charges both for Distribution and for Transmission are determined in a way that inadequately reflects the structure and level of marginal costs. Furthermore, the way that profiling for consumers taking less than 100 kW will work is likely to inhibit tariff innovation.  相似文献   

本文通过具体的小城镇道路改造规划设计实践,结合城市设计相关理论,为小城镇道路改造过程中有关的建筑形态、景观环境、道路交通、街道空间等综合设计提供思路,促进小城镇建设持续健康发展。  相似文献   

夏志香 《山西建筑》2009,35(33):302-303
针对引起桥头跳车的原因,结合在运城环城公路西南段施工经验,对防治桥头跳车提出一些具体措施,以减轻桥头跳车的危害,更好地解决桥头跳车问题,从而提高公路营运效率和经济效益。  相似文献   

Strategic Resource Development Options in England and Wales   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the options which had to be considered for new water resources in the development of the † National Rivers Authority's water resource strategy for England and Wales. The options included interregional transfers, strategic reservoirs, and a range of unconventional schemes including aquifer recharge, effluent re-use, groundwater abstraction where levels are rising, desalination, and transfer by sea. The main options are described and comparative costs are presented.  相似文献   

"Migration profiles by age have been increasingly used in the analysis of migration data, and a theoretical function has been developed by researchers at the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA). This paper refines the approach by applying the principles of maximum likelihood to the estimation of the coefficients for the function. This enhances the statistical basis and in particular enables [the authors] to carry out tests of similarity between different areas on the basis of the calibrated coefficients. The method is applied to 1971 Census data for the local authorities of England and Wales."  相似文献   

简述了道路线形设计的重要性,以迎宾大道工程为例,从地形选线、地质选线、经济选线等方面着手,分析了道路路线的设计原则,并总结了复杂地形情况下的道路工程设计经验,为复杂地形区的城镇道路设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The Wales National Pool has the only 50 m Olympic length competition swimming pool in Wales, together with a 25 m training pool. These pools receive considerable use (>360 days a year for up to 16 h a day), ranging from local schools and the public to international events. The costs associated with energy and water consumptions totalled £280 000 in 2006–2007 and were therefore a prime target for optimisation. An audit methodology was developed that comprised not just consumption data appraisal (e.g. metered energy and water consumptions), but a structural analysis of the complex building that houses the pools, with particular emphasis on the heat transfer properties of the building's components. A three-dimensional heat transfer model was developed to identify energy minimisation opportunities, for both summer and winter conditions. It indicated that a range of heat insulation measures could achieve an energy consumption reduction of about 20% with an annual cost saving of about £50 000, with better than a 2-year payback on investment outlay. Water use was found to be optimum in relation to national guidelines for pool water dilution. The energy optimisation model has the potential to be applied to other complex buildings, such as hospitals, offices and factory spaces.  相似文献   

Historical evidence suggests that successful economic development efforts have been characterized by a structural transformation of the developing economy from one dominated by agricultural employment and production to one dominated by nonagricultural employment and production. Such transformations have typically involved the migration of relatively sizeable fractions of the nation's agricultural work force to centers of nonagricultural employment and production. In this study we employ regression analysis to examine the magnitudes in which various factors influenced intercounty migration in England and Wales during the Nineteenth Century. Our evidence suggests that out-migration tended to be lower the higher the agricultural wage that prevailed in a county. The results also reflect the attractiveness of job opportunities in the nonagricultural sector and the deterring effects of distance.  相似文献   

This paper considers the attitudes of residents, living in currently treeless streets in a Scottish town, to street trees. Tour streets were selected for the study to provide a gradation from underprivileged to affluent. Most respondents did not see trees as important in improving the quality of their street. Trees were seen as most important in the two affluent streets, and least important in a low income street with a preponderance of elderly residents. Male respondents were significantly more likely to favour street tree planting than females. Other factors investigated, such as respondent age, and the degree of maintenance care and structural complexity demonstrated by respondents' front gardens, did not show statistically significant associations with the expressed preference for street trees.  相似文献   

介绍了英格兰和威尔士的水务私有化发展状况,及与之配套的水务监管架构、监管职能、价格帽激励机制以及全面绩效评价体系的概况。  相似文献   

This paper explores some of the problems faced by planning‐led rural housing initiatives since the issuing of government guidance in 1991 and 1992 (i.e. the 1991 Circulars and PPG3/PPG3 Wales). A range of difficulties have undermined confidence in the strategy and a key problem has been the lack of certainty resulting from poor development plan coverage in England and Wales. This uncertainty has fuelled debate surrounding the legitimacy of the strategy and its potentially negative impact on development control. However, in 1991, local planning authorities were given new legally‐defined responsibilities for producing local plans and evidence from the DoE/WO monitoring surveys shows that plan coverage will have increased markedly by the end of 1996. Improved plan coverage and evidence that planning and housing departments are developing better working practices are encouraging signs. If greater certainty can be generated, the planning system may be able to make a more positive contribution to the supply of affordable rural housing.  相似文献   

A well‐known use of perchlorate is as a rocket fuel propellant; however, more widespread uses include in munitions and fireworks, and it also occurs naturally. Perchlorate suppresses the thyroid, which can lead to a variety of adverse effects. It is a widespread contaminant in the United States, but limited occurrence data in the United Kingdom exist, and even less for drinking water. Monitoring of 20 raw and treated drinking water sites in England and Wales, covering four seasonal periods, showed that perchlorate is a low‐level background contaminant of raw and treated drinking water. Low concentrations (treated drinking water: <0.020–2.073 μg/L, mean 0.747 μg/L) were detected at every higher‐risk site. The concentrations were comparable in each of the four sampling exercises and no significant trends were apparent relating to the time of year, the type of risk or the method of chlorination. Limited data showed that removal by ion exchange and granular‐activated carbon may occur.  相似文献   

R. J. Tebbutt  BA  MSc    J. A. Guy  BSc  DIC  PhD    R. J. Cochin  BSc  PhD  MBA  J. N. Lester  BSc  MSc  DIC  PhD  DSc 《Water and Environment Journal》2002,16(2):100-104
Since privatisation in 1989, the changing nature of the water industry in England and Wales has increased the need for effective investment appraisal. Previous research highlighted many aspects of the industry that could detract from the efficacy of conventional discounted cash-flow techniques, and found that an investment-appraisal technique must fulfil a number of criteria in order to overcome these difficulties. This paper examines a number of financial and strategic management techniques for investment appraisal, and assesses their suitability with reference to these criteria. It shows that, of the studied techniques, the 'balanced scorecard'appears to be most suited for use in the water industry of England and Wales.  相似文献   

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