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于芳 《硅谷》2009,(20)
包装设计师不仅仅是一种行业的代名词,也是一种社会的力量,可以看出包装设计师不仅能在不同的时代和历史阶段中推动包装行业的发展,而且也能影响和决策包装业的未来。从我国包装设计的现状入手,来分析我国包装设计师应承担的责任。主要包括适度包装设计、树立环保意识、在包装设计中体现时代感和民族性等责任,而且找出履行责任的方法供包装设计师参考,使包装设计师能正确的进行包装设计。  相似文献   

王玥颖 《上海包装》2023,(2):123-125
随着新时代的不断发展,人们在购买商品时注重商品质量的同时,也更加重视商品的包装设计,一款优秀的商品包装能够激发消费者的购买欲望。因此,各行业的设计标准都在逐步提高,设计师也越来越频繁地在到商品包装中使用插画设计方法。对商品包装设计的要求越来越高,这不仅能够提高商品的价值,还能得到消费者的认可,从而提高品牌的知名度。因此,设计师要不断创新插画在包装设计中的应用,吸引消费者眼球。文章将对商业插画在包装设计中的表现形式、应用原则、创新应用与价值提升进行分析与探讨。  相似文献   

陈希 《湖南包装》1997,(4):22-23
包装设计是商品包装生产中的一个重要组成部分,也是一项综合性的特殊的艺术。凭借绘画、摄影、书法、图案、立体造形等多种艺术手法,通过利用各种材料和工艺制作,生产出具有保护商品、宣传商品、推销商品的包装,在国内外市场上享有无声的推销员的美名。包装设计工作的实践中已说明,一个优秀的包装设计师应该是位综合性通才。一个优秀的包装设计师,是不仅勤于造型艺术的绘画、摄影、书法、磨炼,而且要精于印制工艺的各种技术,还要求具备有一定的市场营销学、文学、民俗学和美学的素养。本文就包装设计艺术特点和审美之间的问题谈些看…  相似文献   

<正>在201 3年第十三届(APD)亚洲包装设计展上220件亚洲包装设计师的作品中,有来自上海8所大学艺术设计类学院的36件作品,这些作品代表了目前上海包装设计高等教育的成果,体现了年轻设计师对时尚的追求和探索,反映了艺术  相似文献   

过山 《湖南包装》2002,(4):15-16
在人类历史进入二十一世纪的今天,知识经济的浪潮席卷而来,包装设计的地位,也从社会经济发展的边缘推向了中心,并赋予了它神圣的使命。包装设计作为设计中的重要一环,已由简单的保护、容纳功能,发展成为沟通生产与消费的桥梁。包装成为融工业生产、科学技术、文化艺术、民俗风貌等多种元素为一体的文化包装,而设计师便是这一过程中的有力推动者。随着人类文明的不断进步和生产力的迅速发展,人们越来越意识到设计师在推动生产发展和保进经济  相似文献   

时代的发展与包装设计教育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
尚震  祝劲松 《包装工程》2002,23(4):180-181
社会在发展,这种时代的责任感与紧迫感迫使我们每一位设计师及教育工作者都不得不面对社会设计竞争,而这种诱人的设计发展前景又不得不促使我们每一位设计师加强对自身设计素质的培养与艺术素质的提高,这是新时代对设计师教育工作者们提出的基本要求。  相似文献   

包装图形设计在包装商品中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从事商品包装设计的设计师们都知道,包装设计具有双重性,即艺术性与商品性。而从销售包装设计的角度来看艺术性是隶属于商品性的,两者的融合才是一件完美的销售包装设计。包装设计表达语言与及其它方面设计相比具有一定的共性,也存在着一定差异。它是一种视觉传达设计,由于文化传达的方式,内容和媒体的不同,因而有其表达特点。  相似文献   

谈中国的民族化包装设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
民族风格是一个民族在长期发展中形成的本民族的社会结构、经济生活、风俗习惯、文化传统,因此而产生了共同的心理状态、审美观点和艺术形式。一个民族的文化传统、审美心理、审美习惯等在包装设计上的体现,就是民族风格的包装设计,也称为民族化包装或传统包装。民族风格是民族气质和精神的表现。它的形成,往往取决于由来已久的历史沉淀和观念的凝炼。  相似文献   

每年摩纳哥奢侈品包装展的产品都以其设计创新和引导奢侈品包装潮流而备受业界的瞩目,在这一亮点中,有不少法国设计师的精品杰作堪称为经典,他们为许多国际品牌所做的包装设计展现了新颖的创意与生产技术、包装材料及市场定位的精准结合。  相似文献   

中华文化,博大精深,辉煌灿烂;中国书法源远流长,出神入化。日本的优秀设计师把中国的书法艺术融汇进包装设计中,诠释出对于现代商品包装的时尚理念,形成了日本的包装设计风格。中国是书法艺术的鼻祖,对于日本包装设计师“中为日用”的传承,可否为我们提供一些新的启示。  相似文献   


On 6th July 1862, Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote a letter to Coleman Sellers, thanking him for some photographs received and excusing his own negligence in writing. His eldest son, missing in action in Richmond, commanded all his attention, but then Holmes added: ‘If it were not for this war, I should begin getting photographic apparatus tomorrow. If peace ever returns I feel sure I shall try my hand at the art and then I shall be only too happy to send you some of my handiwork in return for the many favors I have received from you’1. The letter catches Holmes at an interesting point in his life. Always intrigued by photography and well known among his friends as a popularizer of it, he was finally thinking of turning theory into practice.  相似文献   

This paper reports data on how well one engineering curriculum with extensive experiential components helps students mature toward more complex thinking; toward being better able to make good decisions on ambiguous, real-world, engineering problems. Hour-long, structured interviews were used to assess students' thinking based on William Perry's Model of Intellectual Development. These cross-sectional data show Colorado School of Mines students progressing an average of 1.0 Positions during their undergraduate years. This may be an unusually high achievement. If so, the data speak to the value of experiential education in a curriculum. However, the data are disturbing in that only one quarter of graduating seniors show progression to the level needed in their professions (above Position 5), while one third of them still fall below Position 4. We argue that, to get more students to progress above Position 5, professors teaching experiential engineering courses need to be knowledgeable about developmental models like Perry's and need to use those insights proactively in mentoring their students.  相似文献   

侯利业  王珂  刘扬 《包装工程》2017,38(14):19-22
目的给处于发展瓶颈中的传统工艺企业和作坊提供创新发展思路。方法以西安美术学院设计系产品设计毕设作品"染着"扎染服务体验设计为例,通过对案例中的创新设计介绍与市场前景分析,从而得出传统工艺企业的创新设计中,需建立用户思维、重视产品体验思维及提高互联网属性思维。结论对于处于发展瓶颈的传统手工业企业与作坊来说,需要用互联网思维认识和思考企业发展的问题,积极拥抱互联网,通过创新性设计使得企业摆脱困境,焕发新生。  相似文献   

欧阳禾子 《包装工程》2007,28(2):131-134
通过探讨同构创意图形的几种组合形式和变通思维之间内在本质的联系,了解两者之间可以相互转换,思维的转换可以创造出同构创意图形,同构创意图形让人产生思维的转换,不断提高变通思维能力从而创造出更多的同构创意图形.  相似文献   

户外广告的媒介语言创新研究   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:1  
魏莹 《包装工程》2011,32(2):1-4
从户外媒介载体自身的特性出发,分析其对户外广告创意的积极作用,提出了户外广告创意在造型、时空、环境、媒体和互动等角度的发展方向。并进一步结合案例,阐述了户外广告创意利用户外媒介的特性进行创新的具体方法和手段,以期突破广告创意的思维局限,摆脱固有的表现形式,展现户外广告的时代魅力,从而提升户外广告的述求力。  相似文献   

设计的模仿、创新与流行   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
张成忠  陈婷 《包装工程》2006,27(3):173-175
针对目前一些工业设计师在进行产品设计时,习惯于跟随当时"流行"的形态去思考问题,形成盲目的模仿,缺乏创意,使自己的设计作品失去了生命力.该文以汽车造型流行风格的几个阶段为例,分析了各阶段形态流行的多方面原因及影响因素,提出了创新设计的重要性以及设计师在科技、功能、材料到美学形式和价值等产品的所有方面,运用科学的创新思维方法.  相似文献   

《Technology in Society》2004,26(2-3):371-374
As our world has become increasingly complex, everything has changed; yet, in an even larger sense, nothing about great leadership has changed. Just as the great institutions of the past had strong but different cultures underpinned by explicitly stated or implicitly understood values and principles, so too, the great organizations of today and tomorrow require top leaders who consider their most important job to be the creation, nurturing and, yes, carefully adapting value-based cultures which enable organizations and their people to prosper while consistently adhering to well-understood values and operating principles.  相似文献   

S. Kahraman  A. Saatci  S. Misir 《Sadhana》2006,31(5):515-526
Earthquakes in Turkey are frequently occurring disasters, causing much loss of life and property. It is tragic indeed that earthquakes should share the agenda with amnesty laws for illegal buildings. Illegal buildings are those constructed without authorization, legal bureaucratic sanction and, in most cases, without normal engineering control and checks. Buildings may become illegal for a variety of reasons. The very prospect of a waiver bill for illegal buildings spurs further illegal construction. The status of illegal buildings may legally change in time. What is an illegal building today may well be legal tomorrow under these circumstances. The present study deals with two different kinds of building: one is the framed building and the other has shear-wall frame. The capacity ratios, storey drifts and natural periods for the legally approved buildings and the effects of illegal or legal additional floors on these values are compared. It is determined that these buildings with illegal storeys should be strengthened and retrofitted by providing cast in-situ reinforced concrete shear walls.  相似文献   

Atom probe tomography has without any doubt become a routine technique to analyze the detailed three-dimensional chemistry of materials at the nanoscale. This article provides a general overview of what APT can reliably do today and what it might do tomorrow in terms of material characterization. The recent achievements in the analysis of new materials and new materials structures are first presented allowing some speculation on future possible developments. The ability to provide unique quantitative chemical information to link processing to device performance is then reviewed in the context of the recent nanowire and gate structures analyses. Finally examples of the systematic use of atom probe tomography to explore material behaviors and kinetic processes controlling microstructure evolution are presented.  相似文献   

As health care is improving, our life expectancy is increasing but as we get older we lose bone density due to osteoporosis. At present the treatment for severe cases of osteoporosis is the total hip replacement. This has been one of the most successful surgical procedures in the history of medicine, but it uses bio-inert materials to replace damaged bone. These materials cause further loss in bone density and eventually the replacement needs to be replaced. A patient that has a hip replacement at the age of 60 may need several revision operations by the time they reach ninety. For large done defects an alternative is transplantation, but there are limitations of a lack of donors and morbidity of the donor site. Both of these techniques are tissue replacement techniques. A shift in thinking is required from tissue replacement to the regeneration of tissues to their original state and function. One path to follow is the regeneration of bone using ceramic and glass scaffolds that mimic the structure of bone mineral, bond to bone and in some cases activate the genes within bone cells to stimulate new bone growth.  相似文献   

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