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A recent and dramatic increase in the use of automation has not yielded comparable improvements in performance. Researchers have found human operators often underutilize (disuse) and overly rely on (misuse) automated aids (Parasuraman and Riley, 1997). Three studies were performed with Cameron University students to explore the relationship among automation reliability, trust, and reliance. With the assistance of an automated decision aid, participants viewed slides of Fort Sill terrain and indicated the presence or absence of a camouflaged soldier. Results from the three studies indicate that trust is an important factor in understanding automation reliance decisions. Participants initially considered the automated decision aid trustworthy and reliable. After observing the automated aid make errors, participants distrusted even reliable aids, unless an explanation was provided regarding why the aid might err. Knowing why the aid might err increased trust in the decision aid and increased automation reliance, even when the trust was unwarranted. Our studies suggest a need for future research focused on understanding automation use, examining individual differences in automation reliance, and developing valid and reliable self-report measures of trust in automation.  相似文献   

Trust in automation: designing for appropriate reliance   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Lee JD  See KA 《Human factors》2004,46(1):50-80
Automation is often problematic because people fail to rely upon it appropriately. Because people respond to technology socially, trust influences reliance on automation. In particular, trust guides reliance when complexity and unanticipated situations make a complete understanding of the automation impractical. This review considers trust from the organizational, sociological, interpersonal, psychological, and neurological perspectives. It considers how the context, automation characteristics, and cognitive processes affect the appropriateness of trust. The context in which the automation is used influences automation performance and provides a goal-oriented perspective to assess automation characteristics along a dimension of attributional abstraction. These characteristics can influence trust through analytic, analogical, and affective processes. The challenges of extrapolating the concept of trust in people to trust in automation are discussed. A conceptual model integrates research regarding trust in automation and describes the dynamics of trust, the role of context, and the influence of display characteristics. Actual or potential applications of this research include improved designs of systems that require people to manage imperfect automation.  相似文献   

Appropriate trust in and reliance on automation are critical for safe and efficient system operation. This paper fills an important research gap by describing a quantitative model of trust in automation. We extend decision field theory (DFT) to describe the multiple sequential decisions that characterize reliance on automation in supervisory control situations. Extended DFT (EDFT) represents an iterated decision process and the evolution of operator preference for automatic and manual control. The EDFT model predicts trust and reliance, and describes the dynamic interaction between operator and automation in a closed-loop fashion: the products of earlier decisions can transform the nature of later events and decisions. The simulation results show that the EDFT model captures several consistent empirical findings, such as the inertia of trust and the nonlinear characteristics of trust and reliance. The model also demonstrates the effects of different types of automation on ttrust and reliance. It is possible to expand the EDFT model for multioperator multiautomation situations.  相似文献   

This study examines the effect of temporal psychological distance on travellers’ reliance on three types of word-of-mouth (WOM): traditional WOM (tWOM), social media WOM (SNS-WOM), and online review WOM (OR-WOM) in the search for information related to the relaxation, excitement, cost level, and safety destination image attributes. High and low temporal distance was manipulated using distances of 12 months and 2 months, respectively. A series of t-tests of 283 valid responses (155 and 128 for the 12-month and 2-month scenarios, respectively) shows a significant difference in reliance on tWOM when respondents sought safety attribute information, for SNS-WOM when respondents sought relaxation and safety attribute information, and for OR-WOM when respondents sought relaxation attribute information. Thus, this study shows that in terms of temporal distance, WOM is not a homogeneous block. They have sufficiently different characteristics (e.g. level of tie strength and synchronous/asynchronous modes), which, when they interact with the nature of the destination attributes, results in differing reliance on the three types of WOM under various temporal distances. This study thus contributes to construal level theory research and provides a better understanding of the different characteristics of the three types of WOM.  相似文献   

杨传健  葛浩  姚光顺  王波 《计算机应用》2012,32(7):1991-1993
目前,确定有限自动机(DFA)最小化问题多侧重于理论研究,尚无太多便于实现的算法,为此,对确定有限自动机最小化方法进行了研究,提出将DFA转换为信息系统,基于等价类划分方法简化信息系统,再将简化的信息系统转换为最小化DFA;针对上述处理过程,给出一个基于分治思想的DFA最小化算法,在平均情况下该算法的时间复杂度为O(n log n),空间复杂度为O(n)。最后通过实例验证了所提算法的正确性。  相似文献   

This article presents a model of the success of computer-based information systems. We hypothesize that the following variables influence the success of the system: involvement of managers in computerization projects: higher-level managerial support; the technical quality of the system; personal factors; the attitude of managers towards EDP personnel and the attitude of managers towards the computerized system. The research finds that the manager's attitudes to computerization are related to all but the last two.Certain classes of variables are difficult to relate to the success of the system (for example, personal factors). If the evidence for the model is considered strong enough to warrant action, the organization should concentrate on several key variables: high quality of the system; good management support, and good training and management involvement.The results of our research should provide better understanding of the variables associated with the success of a computer-based system.  相似文献   

介绍了办公自动化信息系统的开发、系统设计思想和系统结构。论述了采用LotusDomino/Notes“群组工作软件”进行系统设计的要求、过程、步骤和安全性的实现。  相似文献   

随着网络通信技术的不断发展进步以及在电力行业中的推广应用,自动化通信技术的安全应用成为电力行业研究与关注的一个重要内容。本文将结合电力自动化通信技术推广应用的实际情况,在对于电力通信防护体系进行分析概述的基础上,对其在实际应用中常见的安全问题与解决措施进行总结分析,以促进在电力系统中的进一步推广和应用,推动电力建设与发展。  相似文献   

This paper presents the IPS-I-model: a model that describes the process of information problem solving (IPS) in which the Internet (I) is used to search information. The IPS-I-model is based on three studies, in which students in secondary and (post) higher education were asked to solve information problems, while thinking aloud. In-depth analyses of the thinking-aloud protocols revealed that the IPS-process consists of five constituent skills: (a) defining information problem, (b) searching information, (c) scanning information, (d) processing information, and (e) organizing and presenting information. Further, the studies revealed that regulation skills prove to be crucial for the on-going IPS-process. The IPS-I-model depicts the constituent skills, regulation skills, and important conditional skills. The model gives an initial impetus for designing IPS-instruction.  相似文献   

随着科技发展,电子技术和信息技术日新月异,火电厂在自动化技术的应用方面也取得了快速发展。因此,要对几十道工序上百个子系统进行控制,采用先进的科技手段提高火电厂自动化水平就成为必然,尤其是在电力企业市场化进程不断加速的形势下,只有通过先进的技术,良好的基础条件,才能进一步实现生产过程的自动化和管理水平的现代化,提高企业在市场中的竞争力。可以说,这是火电厂生存和发展的必由之路。  相似文献   


Situational risk has been postulated to be one of the most important contextual factors affecting operator’s trust in automation. However, experimentally, it has received only little attention and was directly manipulated even less. To close this gap, this study used a virtual reality multi-task environment where the main task entailed making a diagnosis by assessing different parameters. Risk was manipulated via the altitude, the task was set in including the possibility of virtually falling in case of a mistake. Participants were aided either by information or decision automation. Results revealed that trust attitude toward the automation was not affected by risk. While trust attitude was initially lower for the decision automation, it was equally high in both groups at the end of the experiment after experiencing reliable support. Trust behavior was significantly higher and increased during the experiment for the decision automation supported group in the form of less automation verification behavior. However, this detrimental effect was distinctly attenuated under high risk. This implies that negative consequences of decision automation in the real world might have been overestimated by studies not incorporating risk.


在营配数据核查的工作中,出现生产人员无法通过配电自动化系统的间隔名称准确定位到营销系统的对应用户,营销人员也无法通过用户名称准确找到生产侧电源点,电源点和用户溯源难的问题.本文采用简单相关系数算法,基于营销业务应用系统的用户、计量点等档案信息,配电自动化、用电信息采集系统的电流、电压、功率数据,将数据按需接入到数据中台...  相似文献   

截止目前办公软件系统化将人员与现代化电脑进行合并,不断的通过系统的组织,更加标准化、更加细致化提升了技术和速度,在本章节中具体分析了关于电脑技术内容的处理,和自动化办公软件含义,电脑系统处理技术为将来的发展方向奠定良好的基础,值得我们去开展探讨。  相似文献   

This article is the first of a series of articles discussing various unsolved research problems in automated reasoning. We begin with an overview of some of the main obstacles that prevent reasoning programs from being even more useful than they currently are. We include a brief discussion of the basic paradigm used by those programs whose power is demonstrated by their use in answering open questions from mathematics. We then turn our attention to an unsolved research problem concerned with finding a strategy to avoid or reduce the deduction of redundant information.This work was supported by the Applied Mathematical Sciences subprogram of the office of Energy Research, U.S. Department of Energy, under contract W-31-109-Eng-38.  相似文献   

Laboratories today face increasing pressure to automate their operations as they are challenged by a continuing increase in workload, need to reduce expenditure, and difficulties in recruitment of experienced technical staff. Was the implementation of a laboratory automation system (LAS) in the Clinical Biochemistry Laboratory at Singapore General Hospital successful? There is no simple answer, so the following topics comparing and contrasting pre- and post-LAS have been explored: turnaround time (TAT), laboratory errors, and staff satisfaction. The benefits and limitations of LAS from the laboratory experience were also reviewed. The mean TAT for both stat and routine samples decreased post-LAS (30% and 13.4%, respectively). In the 90th percentile TAT chart, a 29% reduction was seen in the processing of stat samples on the LAS. However, no significant difference in the 90th percentile TAT was observed with routine samples. It was surprising to note that laboratory errors increased post-LAS. Considerable effort was needed to overcome the initial difficulties associated with adjusting to a new system, new software, and new working procedures. Although some of the known advantages and limitations of LAS have been validated, the claimed benefits such as improvements in TAT, laboratory errors, and staff morale were not evident in the initial months.  相似文献   

This research explores reliance behaviours of decision-makers using a decision aid. Objective and subjective task characteristics in the form of task complexity and task difficulty, respectively, are examined, along with the effect of the individual characteristic of expertise. A total of 130 subjects (65 novices and 65 experienced practitioners) completed a lab experiment using a decision aid (Insolve-DG) to help them make decisions for two insolvency tasks with differing levels of complexity. The research finds that the objective task characteristic (task complexity) and individual characteristic (expertise) both affect reliance behaviours; however, their effects are fully mediated by the subjective task characteristic (task difficulty). Expertise and task complexity are both associated with the degree of task difficulty experienced by an individual user: increasing task complexity increases task difficulty, and increasing expertise reduces task difficulty. Task difficulty and task complexity are established as different constructs; and importantly it is task difficulty, not task complexity, that ultimately affects reliance.  相似文献   

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