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介绍了一种全模拟Ka频段自适应射频对消技术,用于解决连续波雷达收发隔离不足的问题.该技术利用了幅度相等、相位相反矢量叠加后相互抵消的基本原理,采用毫米波解调器把泄露信号分解为I、Q信号,经有源滤波放大网络后再通过毫米波矢量调制器构造出与泄露信号等幅反相的矢量,并通过波导耦合器馈入接收通道与泄露信号叠加达到对消效果.采用此技术,研制出了一台带对消器的Ka频段单天线连续波雷达原理样机,在600 MHz对消带宽内,对消度达到25 dB以上,最大对消度35 dB. 相似文献
连续波雷达相比于脉冲雷达具有小型化、低工作电压、高可靠性、高距离分辨率,以及不存在距离盲区等一系列优点。但是连续波雷达具有一个最大的问题就是信号泄漏问题,从发射机直接耦合到接收机的信号相较于远处的有用信号来说要大很多,当探测距离较远时就需要增大发射功率,这样直接耦合到接收机的信号就有可能淹没有用信号甚至烧毁接收机,这是连续波雷达不可避免的问题。在分析直接耦合信号的特性之后,运用射频对消技术构建一个与直接耦合的信号幅度相同,相位相差180°的信号在接收机前进行对消。整个射频对消系统经过测试得出在500MHz的带宽内,对消比达到了30dB以上。 相似文献
针对外辐射源雷达的直达波对消技术,传统的变步长对消算法依据参考信号或对消后瞬时误差进行步长调整,对于剩余的目标回波等信号也产生了抑制效果,同时影响了直达波信号的对消效果,为此,提出了一种基于对消信号与直达波的相关性的Sigmoid函数变步长最小均方(Variable Step Size LMS based on Sigmoid function,SVSLMS)算法,根据对消后的信号与直达波的相关性进行步长调整。理论分析与仿真结果表明,改进的SVSLMS算法对直达波对消有更快的收敛速度,同时对目标回波信号的影响更小。 相似文献
8mm连续波雷达微波对消技术 总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2
本文讨论了连续波雷达收发隔离问题的重要性,介绍了当前存在的解决收发隔离问题的方法。在8mm波段进行了实验,泄漏功率可被对消20~30dB以上,且能闭环跟踪泄漏信号的幅度和相位变化。由于测试仪器的限制,实际对消量还要大一些。 相似文献
连续波雷达中频自适应对消技术 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文针对连续波雷达存在的收发隔离问题,基于相关反馈原理提出了一种中频自适应对消系统,并对该系统在时域进行了开环分析,分析结果表明,通过对辅助通道信号的相关反馈控制,可得到一个与主通道泄漏信号幅度相同,相位相反的对消信号,将此信号加入到主通道,便可达到对消的目的。 相似文献
In this letter, we propose a hybrid analog/digital detection algorithm, the Correlated Interference Cancellation (CIC) algorithm, for Impulse Radio Ultra-WideBand (IR-UWB) system. The CIC algorithm correlates received signal with its delayed versions in the analog domain and samples the correlation output at the symbol rate. The symbol rate samples are processed in the digital domain to perform interference cancellation. Therefore, CIC works for high data rate systems with heavy InterSymbol Interference (ISI). Simulation results show that CIC achieves good performance in typical UWB channels. 相似文献
Improved parallel interference cancellation for CDMA 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
This paper introduces an improved nonlinear parallel interference cancellation scheme for code-division multiple access (CDMA) that significantly reduces the degrading effect on the desired user of interference from the other users that share the channel. The implementation complexity of the scheme is linear in the number of users and operates on the fact that parallel processing simultaneously removes from each user a part of the interference produced by the remaining users accessing the channel the amount being proportional to their reliability. The parallel processing can be done in multiple stages. The proposed scheme uses tentative decision devices at the multiple stages to produce the most reliably estimated received data for generation and cancellation of user interference. Simulation results are given for a multitude of different situations, in particular, those cases for which the analysis is too complex 相似文献
The authors propose an interference cancelling method using the noise subspace of a covariance matrix in which the desired signal is subtracted. A beamformer using the method can generate deep nulls even for the interferences correlated with the desired signal or located close to the look-direction. In addition, the authors consider how the method can be computed efficiently by utilising the minimum eigenvector.<> 相似文献
Correia A.M.C. Rodrigues A.C.B. Cercas F.A.B. 《Selected Areas in Communications, IEEE Journal on》2000,18(1):42-52
This work considers asynchronous time division code division multiple access (TD-CDMA) systems with RAKE receivers and one stage of parallel interference cancellation (PIC) or serial interference cancellation (SIC). A general method based on the concept of spherically symmetric signals is presented for the evaluation of the average probability of error of uncoded TD-CDMA systems. Slow frequency-hopping (SFH) with frequency overlap (FO) between adjacent carriers and interference cancellation are also included in the analysis, which considers the multipath Rayleigh fading channel (which models indoor and outdoor vehicular radio propagation). We analyze quadrature phase shift keying (QPSK) modulation with coherent demodulation and multipath (frequency) diversity with maximal ratio combining (MRC). Power control, adaptive SFH, and interference cancellation are employed for improving the bit-error rate (BER) performance. It is found that the scheme with SFH, in spite of the FO, always improves the performance substantially, and interference cancellation, in general, provides the highest BER improvement 相似文献
A method for designing near optimal, tapered subarrays for adaptive interference cancellation is proposed. The design method simultaneously produces a complete ordered set of fixed beam definitions, or nonadaptive weight vectors. The designer may choose to implement the first K of these if he or she wishes to have exactly K adaptive weights. In other words, the digital-adaptive processing is done in beam space, such that the beams are designed using the proposed method. To facilitate an RF implementation of the nonadaptive beamformer, each auxiliary beam uses only a designer-specified number of the elements in the aperture, thereby reducing the number of waveguide connections required. This design approach is fundamentally different from conventional subarray design approaches in that the new designs utilize cost functions related to interference cancellation. 相似文献
Jong-Ho Lee Seong-Cheol Kim 《Communications Letters, IEEE》2006,10(8):629-631
In this letter, we propose an efficient detection scheme for space-time block coded (STBC) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) with insufficient cyclic prefix (CP). The proposed scheme employs successive interference cancellation (SIC) and cyclic prefix reconstruction (CPR) concepts. Simulation results present that the proposed scheme outperforms the conventional scheme for STBC OFDM systems. 相似文献
Optimisation of soft interference cancellation for DS-CDMA 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
CDMA interference cancellation engenders biased amplitude estimates of interference, hurting BER. The source of the bias is shown and amplitude estimates are recomputed with downscaled interference estimates. The mean and variance of the new metrics are determined and used to express BER. The optimal scaling factor minimising BER is derived for each interferer 相似文献
In this paper, we introduce a novel approach to interference cancellation (IC) for code division multiple access (CDMA) uplink transmission. Several models combining principles of serial (SIC) and parallel (PIC) interference cancellation are discussed. The proposed scheme is derived from the analysis of these hybrid models and applies a user configuration algorithm (termed “trickle”) in order to provide improved bit-error-rate (BER) performance. The algorithm utilizes an adaptive matrix to compute the required configuration to be used for the subsequent interference cancellation stage. We demonstrate that significant performance improvements can be achieved over various hybrid schemes. A reduced-complexity version of the trickle algorithm is also introduced where the processing delay is greatly reduced while maintaining similar performance. We present several numerical examples through which we demonstrate the efficacy of the proposed algorithms relative to existing interference cancellation algorithms. 相似文献