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在与结构化覆盖网络Chord进行对比分析的基础上提出了一种快速部署的P2P网络模型Fastchord。该网络充分利用了节点自身的管理能力,有效分解各节点间协同处理的工作量,能够以较小的代价迅速创建、部署。实验表明,该网络具有良好的自激励机制和优良的查询效率,在要求快速组网的应用中具有很强的实用性。  相似文献   

一种新的常数度数的P2P覆盖网络   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
许多结构式P2P系统使用DHT技术将数据映射到相应的节点,以便在数据的存放与查找方面有很好的扩展性.但是,在节点数为n的网络中,大多数结构式P2P系统的每一次查询(lookup)都需要O(logn)步,而且每个节点都要维护O(logn)个邻居.该文提出了一种新的常数度数的P2P系统,它模仿立方体互连圈(CubeConnectedCycle)的拓扑结构,命名为Cycloid.在节点数为n=d×2d的Cycloid系统中,每次查询只要Ο(d)步,并且每个节点只需要维护Ο(1)个邻居.模拟实验表明,在网络规模较大和节点出入频繁的动态P2P网络中,Cycloid比其它常数度数的P2P系统(如Viceroy和Koorde)具有更好的性能,尤其是Cycloid具有更高的搜索效率、更均匀的数据分配、更平衡的节点负载.  相似文献   

基于DHT的结构化P2P网络的性能比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结构化P2P网络使用分布式哈希表(DHT)技术将数据映射到相应的节点,以便在数据的存放与查找方面有很好的扩展性,同时P2P网络的路由表的容量和链路长度之间存在渐进曲线的关系。本文首先介绍现有的P2P网络拓扑类型,然后对基于DHT的结构化P2P网络进行了详细的分析比较。  相似文献   

随着P2P技术的迅猛发展、需求与应用的不断拓展、用户数量的急剧增加以及交互方式的日益多样化,P2P系统开始具有高度动态性和复杂性的特征,成为一个典型的复杂网络,其网络拓扑已被证实具有复杂网络的诸多特性。本文从拓扑特征的角度出发,基于复杂网络理论提出了移动P2P覆盖网络模型,将节点按其性能分为稳定节点和移动节点两大类,将稳定节点通过结构化覆盖网络组成可扩展的广域P2P社区,将移动节点通过非结构化覆盖网络组成局域网。这种层次化的覆盖网络避免了剧烈的网络波动,适应了实际网络的动态性变化。仿真结果表明,该模型有较短的平均查询耗时,并可以根据带宽情况调节路由查询的参数,从而获得适当的路由效率。  相似文献   

针对服务部署策略不完善的问题,提出P2P覆盖网络框架下自上而下的2级服务部署策略。在顶层P2P网络中部署领域,并在每个领域中部署各种服务组件。对单个领域和伙伴关系领域的放置情况进行建模,使用3种算法进行求解。仿真实验结果表明,伙伴关系领域的邻近放置策略降低了跨领域组合服务的路由开销。  相似文献   

基于Chord的结构化P2P路由改进算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
路由效率是结构化P2P覆盖网最关键的问题,结构化P2P网络是构建在于物理网络拓扑之上的一层Overlay网络.不考虑物理网络的拓扑结构,从而导致覆盖网与物理拓扑不匹配,导致了较大的网络延迟.提出了一个基于邻接表的路由改进算法,通过模拟仿真实验证明,该算法能在很大程度上解决不匹配问题,并达到提高路由效率的研究目的.  相似文献   

基于分布式哈希表(DHT)的结构化P2P网络具有扩展性好、健壮和自组织等优点,但只支持精确匹配的查询.本文提出一种基于分布式范围树的结构化P2P范围查询方法(DRT-RQ),该方法将多维索引的分布式范围树分发到已有的结构化DHT覆盖网络中,利用DHT系统提供的数据查找接口,有效实现数据对象的范围查询.实验结果表明,基于分布式范围树的范围查询(DRT-RQ)比基于前缀哈希树的范围查询(PHT-RQ)需要更短的查询延时.  相似文献   

P2P网络中基于DHT的自适应Chord风险模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对Chord模型在节点加入或离开时产生大量消息,不适用于动态网络的问题,提出一种基于分布式哈希表(Distribute Hash Table,DHT)的自适应Chord模型,即Self-adaptive Chord。方法是该模型在节点加入或离开的时候暂不考虑整个网络逻辑拓扑的一致性,只简单更新其前驱节点和后继节点的路由表,而在节点转发消息时动态地调整各节点路由表,使得网络逻辑拓扑动态地趋向于一致。通过实验对比评估了自适应Chord和Chord性能,结果表明自适应Chord能有效降低由于网络动荡引发的消息数量,同时基本保留了Chord的高效率查询。结论为自适应Chord提供了一种在节点动荡频繁的环境下的候选解决方案。  相似文献   

在结构化对等网络中,负载失衡现象的产生将会造成单点失效、网络拥塞、请求延迟甚至是系统瘫痪等系统应用性能问题。本文针对传统复制算法中存在的无有效的预防热点策略、忽视节点性能差异性和副本维护机制等问题,提出基于节点性能分类和数据,节点分析的自适应负载均衡算法。通过实验模拟证明本文算法能够有效地实现结构化对等网络的负载均衡,降低数据请求报文的丢失率,从而有效地提高系统节点的利用率。  相似文献   

叶德谦  张树国 《计算机工程》2006,32(19):141-142
SIP协议是VoIP领域中最重要的协议之一。在现有的SIP协议里使用了服务器,带来了需要手工配置、维护,以及扩展性较差等问题。为解决这些问题,该文在分析目前VoIP系统的基础上,借鉴Skype结构,结合哈希表查询P2P网络,提出了一种纯P2P-VoIP结构,这种结构具有零配置和易于扩展等特点。  相似文献   

Large-scale overlay networks have become crucial ingredients of fully-decentralized applications and peer-to-peer systems. Depending on the task at hand, overlay networks are organized into different topologies, such as rings, trees, semantic and geographic proximity networks. We argue that the central role overlay networks play in decentralized application development requires a more systematic study and effort towards understanding the possibilities and limits of overlay network construction in its generality. Our contribution in this paper is a gossip protocol called T-Man that can build a wide range of overlay networks from scratch, relying only on minimal assumptions. The protocol is fast, robust, and very simple. It is also highly configurable as the desired topology itself is a parameter in the form of a ranking method that orders nodes according to preference for a base node to select them as neighbors. The paper presents extensive empirical analysis of the protocol along with theoretical analysis of certain aspects of its behavior. We also describe a practical application of T-Man for building Chord distributed hash table overlays efficiently from scratch.  相似文献   

Many structured peer-to-peer (P2P) systems supported by distributed hash table (DHT) schemas have been proposed recently to improve the scalability of distributed virtual application systems. By organizing the peers based on interconnection topologies, existing proposed schemas are purely based on the logical relationship without knowledge of the physical networks. In this paper, we propose a new structured DHT schema, which receives routing information not just from virtual neighbors in P2P overlay network, but also from nearby physical neighbors. The average degree of our model is 5, the diameter is logarithmic. The simulation shows that our model achieves shorter query path length, higher clustering, and better robustness than other overlay networks which have the same level of degree and diameter.  相似文献   

Overlay networks are becoming widely used for content delivery because they provide effective and reliable services that are not otherwise available. However, they can negatively affect each other as well as the underlying network. A management system that controls and adapts their behavior is therefore needed. This will meet not only the specific demands of the users but also those of the network and service providers. This paper presents a novel approach to the issue of automating overlay network management. In contrast to existing management approaches which require static a priori policy configurations, policies are created dynamically. A policy layer consists of a set of policy enforcement points and policy decision points. This is used to capture the goals of users, services, and networks into network-level objectives. The behavior of the overlay network is adapted to the changing conditions in its environment. The creation, adaptation, and termination of overlays are achieved through policies. Policies are generated and enforced on the fly from the context information of the user, the network and the service provider. The new approach provides users and applications with more flexibility to dynamically change their quality-of-service requirements while maintaining smooth quality-of-service delivery. We show the advantages of our architecture and provide simulation results to verify its effectiveness.  相似文献   

基于Web语言分布和P2P中共享信息的特点,提出了一个基于语言类别的P2P覆盖网络。该方法通过对节点共享信息的语言进行识别,将节点根据不同的语言类别进行组织,查询时对查询问题进行同样的分类,并在对应语言类别中进行查找。仿真表明,该方法有效地提高了不同语言用户的查询成功率,同时便于已有语义分析技术在P2P网络中的进一步应用。  相似文献   

Many structured peer-to-peer (P2P) systems supported by distributed hash table (DHT) schemas have been proposed recently to improve the scalability of distributed virtual application systems. By organizing the peers based on interconnection topologies, existing proposed schemas are purely based on the logical relationship without knowledge of the physical networks. In this paper, we propose a new structured DHT schema, which receives routing information not just from virtual neighbors in P2P overlay network, but also from nearby physical neighbors. The average degree of our model is 5, the diameter is logarithmic. The simulation shows that our model achieves shorter query path length, higher clustering, and better robustness than other overlay networks which have the same level of degree and diameter.  相似文献   

为了构建一个具有路由表小、查询路径长度短、鲁棒性强且支持文件组浏览服务的P2P覆盖网络,通过对扩展蝶网理论的分析与设计,提出了一个新的基于Cayley图的结构化P2P网络BuNet。通过模拟实验,证明了BuNet相比其他结构化P2P网络在查询路径短和鲁棒性等方面具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

The lack of proper support for multicast services in the Internet has hindered the widespread use of applications that rely on group communication services such as mobile software agents. Although they do not require high bandwidth or heavy traffic, these types of applications need to cooperate in a scalable, fair and decentralized way. This paper presents GMAC, an overlay network that implements all multicast related functionality–including membership management and packet forwarding–in the end systems. GMAC introduces a new approach for providing multicast services for mobile agent platforms in a decentralized way, where group members cooperate in a fair way, minimize the protocol overhead, thus achieving great scalability. Simulations comparing GMAC with other approaches, in aspects such as end-to-end group propagation delay, group latency, group bandwidth, protocol overhead, resource utilization and failure recovery, show that GMAC is a scalable and robust solution to provide multicast services in a decentralized way to mobile software agent platforms with requirements similar to MoviLog.  相似文献   

XCube: Processing XPath queries in a hypercube overlay network   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we present the design and performance of XCube, a tag-based system for managing XML data in a hypercube overlay network. In XCube, each node in a d-dimensional hypercube is identified by a d-bit vector. A peer manages a smaller hypercube with dimension d′?d. An XML document is compactly represented as a structure summary and a content summary. The structure summary comprises a d-bit vector derived from the distinct tag names in the document and a synopsis capturing the structure of the document. The content summary consists of a bit map that summarizes the document content. The metadata of a document, i.e., owner IP, document identifier, structure summary and content summary, is indexed at its anchor peer (the peer that manages the node with matching bit vector). In addition, the structure summary is further indexed at all peers that manages nodes whose bit vectors are covered by the document’s bit vector. An XPath query is processed in four phases. In phase 1, the query is routed to its anchor peer according to the bit vector of the query. In phase 2, the query is evaluated against all the synopses stored in its anchor peer and forwarded to the anchor peers of the matching synopses. In phase 3, the anchor peer of each related synopsis examines the query on the related bit maps and forwards the query to the related owner peers. Finally in phase 4, the owner peers evaluate the query on the XML documents and return answers to the querying peer. We also present a scheme that dynamically partitions the hypercube to balance the load across peers. We further exploit the partition history to remove redundant messages. We conduct a comprehensive experimental study and the results show the efficiency of XCube.  相似文献   

在之前的研究中,提出一个基于P2P的混合应用级多播模型.该模型将本地多播树和结构化的骨干网络整合在一起.在本地多播网中,协调节点组织本地节点形成多播树;在骨干网络中,协调节点相互合作传播数据.另外,通过合并路径,以及调整协调节点位置等方法来提高性能.但是,之前研究的模型存在自组织管理的问题,节点加入离开的动态性问题也没有考虑.改进后的模型首先解决了节点加入离开这一动态性问题;增设了DN节点,用来管理协调节点,为之提供合并路径所必需的路由信息,以及调整位置所需的相关信息.先介绍改进的模型,之后给出实验数据.  相似文献   

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