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英格兰和苏格兰景观特色评价导则介述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
英格兰和苏格兰的景观特色评价研究经历了景观评估、景观评价、景观特色评价三个历史阶段.景观特色评价主要包括特色识别与制定决策两个部分,以突出景观特色识别的重要性.这份景观导则包括文字导则与图则两种形式,在城市开发规划、景观保护与景观管理中得到普遍应用.英格兰和苏格兰景观特色评价导则对我国景观特色的理论与实践具有重要的借鉴意义.  相似文献   

美国城市设计导则介述   总被引:20,自引:1,他引:20  
在美国的城市建设中,对城市形态的整体控制是通过区划法和城市设计导则来实现的。区划法主要是对城市形态的一些硬性规定,而设计导则大多体现的是弹性原则,两者相辅相成,形成对城市形态既控制又引导的机制。本文拟对美国的城市设计导则进行概要介绍,以期提供一些可资借鉴的信息。  相似文献   

由住建部负责编制的《大型公共建筑项目评价导则》,经有关部门会审,日前批准发布,自2011年12月1日起施行。  相似文献   

绿色校园作为绿色产业人才的培养中心,以及绿色建筑和规划实践的示范基地,在绿色和可持续理念的发展和推广方面发挥着重要作用。该文通过对比分析LEED、BREEAM、CASBEE和中国绿色校园评价标准,指出绿色校园评价应以校园整体作为评价对象,以评分项作为绿色校园前端设计和策划的指引。通过对比国内外绿色校园导则,表明绿色校园建设采用预影响、先易后难、分步操作,以及总体目标和阶段性方案并行等是推广实践的良好策略。在此基础上,该文提出绿色校园未来发展的五点建议,以期指引后续校园建设。  相似文献   

吴伟  唐潇 《山西建筑》2011,37(3):3-5
以波特兰市斯卡德摩老城历史地区设计导则为例,探索了波特兰市历史风貌区的导则控制模式,该导则共分为普适性导则、改造类导则、新增类导则、新建类导则四部分,对国内各城市历史风貌区的保护起到了一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

广州市控制性规划导则实施评价研究   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
随着控制性详细规划地位的不断加强,其实施研究也日益受到重视。广州市控制性规划导则相当于控制性详细规划层次。在分析控制性详细规划实施评价重要性及现有评价方法的基础上,结合控制性详细规划的特点,提出了通过规划管理中规划审批案件对原有规划方案的调整来分析控制性详细规划实施效果的方法。随后,通过对广州市控制性规划导则实施的实证研究,分析评价了广州市控制性规划导则的实施情况与实施效果,并提出了完善其实施效果的若干建议。  相似文献   

为实现农村生活污水处理设施的可持续、高质量发展,浙江省住房和城乡建设厅发布了《浙江省农村生活污水绿色处理设施评价导则》(以下简称《导则》)。介绍了《导则》编制的背景和目的,解读了《导则》中相关指标的控制要求和评分依据,分析了《导则》的实施要点。农村生活污水绿色处理设施评价体系由水质达标、资源节约、安全稳定、运维便利、环境友好5类指标和1个创新与示范加分项组成,其中5类评价指标均由控制指标和评分指标组成,按分数评定等级。实践表明,《导则》为农村生活污水处理设施的绿色高质量发展提供了引导。  相似文献   

通过“景观特色级区评价模型”分析丁香公园的景观特色,得到该公园各景观元素的特色等级和公园景观特色总级分,通过数学模型对结果进行分析,总结丁香公园景观特色的优点和不足。  相似文献   

薛丽君  路毅 《山西建筑》2012,(32):231-233
对用"景观特色级区评价模型"研究公园景观进行探讨,得到莲花山公园各景观元素的特色等级和公园景观特色总级分,对数学结果进行分析,为建设特色鲜明的城市公园提供参考。  相似文献   

文章以典型的沿海特色渔港江苏东台市谅港小城镇为例,采用SWOT分析法对其小城镇进行各类风貌特色资源的分析评价,并得出结论,以便对其他沿海特色小城镇景观风貌的营造提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   


Countries ratifying the European Landscape Convention (ELC) agree to identify their landscapes, analyse their characteristics and assess the landscapes taking into account the values afforded them by the population. Some UK countries, such as England, are regarded as pioneers of these ideas and implementation of ELC principles even before it was drafted. Since the early 1990s, England (and Scotland) has been ahead of many countries in the development of methods for characterisation and identification of landscapes. However, such landscape assessment methods have been developed within a specific and distinctive historical context. This paper attempts to define the subtext of English landscape identity that may be ‘lost in translation’ or ignored when these methods are exported to other countries. The paper first outlines three major, interlinked aspects of ideas and societal development that have specifically affected development of landscape conservation and planning and landscape assessment methods in England, namely: (i) ideas from landscape conservation; (ii) countryside protection and planning in the early twentieth century; and (iii) institutionalisation and development of post-war planning and conservation practices. The paper also examines Landscape Character Assessment and discusses ways in which the national context may need to be considered when using this method.  相似文献   


Contemporary wisdom holds that landscape research requires cross-disciplinary collaborations, and consideration of character has been seen as one way to achieve this, yet character-based methods of landscape assessment incline towards unidisciplinarity. This is the case in the UK, with two parallel methods in use since the early 1990s. Both have become influential across Europe in the drafting and implementation of the European Landscape Convention. This paper, a contribution to a special issue of Landscape Research, focuses on one of the methods, Historic Landscape Characterisation (carried out mainly by archaeologists and heritage managers), and compares it with Landscape Character Assessment (used by the landscape architects and geographers) to examine the concepts of both landscape character and interdisciplinarity. It concludes that although a single integrated method for landscape assessment could be desirable, there remain benefits in having separate methods, and the process of combining parallel landscape assessments can bring research benefits.  相似文献   

山石构造景观在现代城市环境中呈现出多样化形式,利用现代技术和材料,山石景观展现在城市公共绿地、风景区、广场、居住小区等多种空间中,表现了石在环境中较强的造型能力,成为创造个性空间的一个重要手段,山石以其独特的形态和自然的气息为人们生活环境增添了无限的情趣和遐想。在现代环境艺术中,其独特的景观特质都有待于进一步发展与探索。  相似文献   

1991年,《资源管理法》在新西兰颁布,使得保护突出的自然特色和景观具有国家层面的重要意义,在资源管理法要求下,新西兰进行了大量的地区和区市景观评估,以及项目开发对环境造成的影响评估,风景园林师在其中起着关键的作用。在不断的发展完善中,景观评估逐渐形成了许多广泛认可的方法和过程。通过景观评估,保证了景观的有效和可持续管理和开发。  相似文献   

潘莹  施瑛 《华中建筑》2009,27(9):9-12
苏珊·拉斯顿的《英国园林——皇家园林、私家园林和公共园林》一书是研究英国景观发展史的重要文献,全书按时间顺序编写,该文取自原书之第六章,展现了18世纪自然风致园的形成和发展的历史过程,对于景观专业学生全面的了解自然风致园产生的自然人文背景有重要意义。  相似文献   

景观绩效评价是美国风景园林基金会于2010年正式启动的研究计划;简介了景观绩效评价的研究背景、基本概念、研究意义和理论基础;详细介绍了案例研究方法在景观绩效评价中的运用及研究内容和进展;对具体的评价方法和计算工具进行了介绍;结合黎明(Daybreak)社区的景观评价,在讨论的基础上总结了对我国可持续风景园林研究的启示。  相似文献   

Planning, especially with the increasing prominence given to community involvement, is a key vehicle for delivering sustainable development. Between 2003 and 2005 two community groups in Cheshire wrote parish landscape character assessments. The completed assessments were combined with an appropriate village design statement and subsequently approved as Supplementary Planning Guidance by Chester City and Vale Royal District Councils respectively. The experiences of these groups are critically appraised against the project aims, tangible and not-tangible costs and criteria relating to the enhancement of community engagement in sustainable development practice. The evaluation highlights the importance of the process as well as the product, the financial costs involved, the volunteer time commitment required, the skills required in the community, the issues associated with data acquisition and the importance of building a strong, open partnership between local authorities and the local community. These findings have relevance to others involved in community-led initiatives.  相似文献   

陈航  张晋石 《风景园林》2016,(10):120-127
日本景观社区营造开始于20世纪60年代,随后逐渐得到发展和完善。现行的景观社区营造,以《景观法》等法案作为其法律基础,并由景观行政团体依法实施。景观社区营造的内容主要由3个部分组成:景观规划、景观建设规范和设计导则、景观条例。在整理了以上内容的基础上,本文选取了日本兵库县篠山市的景观社区营造作为典型案例进行研究,并提出了日本景观社区营造工作对于我国景观规划建设工作的启示。  相似文献   

Landscape planning in the UK tends to concentrate on the site and the landscape scales. Concepts of sustainable development and the re-discovered importance of regional-level planning suggest, however, that there is a growing case for the landscape community to develop a regional planning perspective and to engage in wider areas of decision making in order to assist landscape planning goals. These challenges are explored with particular reference to the North West of England which, through the work of an organization called Sustainability North West and the production of a Regional Landscape Strategy, has been at the forefront of regional-level landscape planning in the UK. A brief account is provided of the production of the Regional Landscape Strategy with some reflections on the experience, highlighting some of the problems and potential of the approach. An exploration of the scope for the wider integration of landscape planning within the new regional arrangements is given.  相似文献   

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