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通过对上海34家大型商场的节能监察,从企业内部的管理体系和制度、商场的中央空调系统,电气照明系统及热工系统等方面分析了目前上海大型商场能源利用的现状及存在问题,并提出了相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

施明融 《上海节能》2005,(6):99-100
为缓解高峰季节电力供需矛盾,改善企事业单位生产和生活条件,优化能源结构,提高能源总体效率,本市鼓励在工厂、宾馆、医院、大型商场和商务楼宇等建筑物中发展燃气空调和分布式供能系统。现提出具体意见如下:  相似文献   

分析了绿色照明与空调机组耗电的关系,根据绿色照明的节电原理,通过实例说明绿色照明用于大型商场、宾馆饭店可显著节电,同时降低空调机组的制冷电耗。  相似文献   

小型热电联产系统(CHP)是以燃气轮机(或柴油机)为动力同时发电和供热的系统,还可根据需要带动空调制冷成为热、电、冷联供系统。小热电联产系统具有能源利用效率高、环境污染少。运行比较灵活、能量(包括电能、热能、冷能等)输送费用低能量输送损耗少等优点。因此它在国外八十年代就得到推广应用,国内在得到此信息后,经有关方面共同努力,在八十年代末,九十年代初也开始在一部分经济发达地区采用。小型热电联产系统特别适用于那些分散的热用户,例如宾馆、医院、小型居民区,大型商场、别墅、海岛、海上钻井平台,石油天然气开…  相似文献   

天然气分布式能源系统多采用冷热电三联供(Combined Cooling,Heat and Power,CCHP)形式,具有能源利用效率高、低碳环保等优点,如何合理地选择燃气发电装置是发展天然气冷热电三联供系统的关键技术难题。当前应用最广泛的天然气分布式能源系统机组为燃气内燃机、小型燃气轮机和微型燃气轮机,对它们进行定性分析,并针对不同用户的负荷特性需求,给出了综合医院、大型商场、寄宿制学校、城市综合体等典型机组配置方案。通过对不同装机容量等级、不同负荷需求、不同运行模式系统的技术经济分析比较得出以下结论:对于较低容量的冷热电联产系统,如医院、商场等场合,燃气内燃机具有明显的节能和经济效益;燃气轮机联合循环适用于规模更大的系统,且其供热能力突出;对于热负荷需求较高的场合,如寄宿制学校等,燃气轮机的方案更合理。  相似文献   

<正>上海,2015年12月16日——麦德龙中国宣布在上海普陀商场正式启动分布式太阳能电站,以"自发自用"的模式为商场供应能源,预计年均发电量达370000 kWh,占商场用电总量的20%左右。这是麦德龙集团全球第二个、亚洲第一个太阳能发电项目,普陀商场也成为国内首批采用太阳能发电的大型商场。麦德龙早于2008年就在德国杜赛尔多夫的一家门店实施了太阳能项目。作为麦德龙的自建店,普陀商场  相似文献   

7月8-9日,徐汇区对徐家汇商圈的大型商场、卖场、综合楼宇40余家单位节能人员约60余人进行了节能技术培训。  相似文献   

制冷空调系统的节能措施与最佳控制的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
杜建通  邹同华 《节能》1998,(12):14-16
制冷空调系统的能量消耗在大型商场、写字楼、超市以及食品工业中占很大比例,采取措施降低能耗将给使用单位带来巨大的经济效益。本文从制冷原理出发,阐述了系统能耗与单个设备能耗之间的关系以及降低制冷空调系统能耗的措施。在研制高性能设备的同时应探讨和研究系统整体运行性能与单个设备运行性能之间的关系,采用计算机调节和优化系统设备的运行,以达到节能的目的。  相似文献   

据记者观察,在本届两会中,来自能源领域的代表委员明显多于往届。可见,能源在国计民生之中的重要性愈加凸显。能源的发展方向、要解决的问题,更是关乎整个中国的发展。本刊在两会期间采访了多位能源人物,就石油、煤炭、电力、新能源、特高压、能源寺法、能源结构调整等所面临的重大发展问题,来“问策能源”——  相似文献   

我国当前的能源问题及未来能源发展战略   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
能源短缺、能源安全、农村和偏远地区的能源供应、以煤为主的不合理能源结构、能源消费对环境的影响以及能源利用效率是我国能源领域面临的问题。全面解决这些问题,需要制定适合中国国情的中国能源发展战略,其内容应包括:合理的能源供应路线,从国内外两个方面保证能源安全;优化能源结构,提高清洁、高效的优质能源的消费比例,使得能源消费能够协调经济与环境的可持续发展,并且因地制宜发展可再生能源保证农村和偏远地区的能源供应;提高能源效率,推进节能技术进步,发挥市场作用,促进能源效率提高;能源消费的环境友好性,这有赖于能源消费结构的优化和能源效率的提高。  相似文献   

商场照明节能潜力及其对空调能耗的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
陈小雁  李苏泷 《节能》2005,(4):11-12,15
分析了商场照明现状及其节能潜力,深入探讨了商场中央空调动态冷负荷的特征并指出照明对于空调冷源全年能耗的影响可达4 0 % ,说明高效照明措施对于照明节能和空调节能均具有重要意义。  相似文献   

The energy‐saving effect and economic benefits of a thermosyphon heat recovery unit installed in a shopping mall are investigated. To evaluate the thermal performance of the heat recovery unit in a season, a seasonal temperature effectiveness is advanced, and its calculation formula is deduced referring to the calculation method of seasonal energy efficiency ratio (SEER) for an air conditioner. The annual operating energy‐saving effect of the unit is analyzed by using the seasonal temperature effectiveness while the static economic evaluation method is applied for the economic benefits analysis of the unit. The analysis results indicate the seasonal temperature effectiveness of the unit is 66.08% in the winter and 55.43% in the summer. The energy‐saving effect of the unit is quite remarkable, and the payback time is about 2.65 years. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Heat Trans Asian Res; Published online in Wiley Online Library (wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/htj). DOI 10.1002/htj.21049  相似文献   

The building energy performance improvement of large-scale public buildings is very important to release China’s energy shortage pressure. The aim of the study is to find out the building energy saving potentials of large-scale public and commercial buildings by energy audit. In this paper, the energy consumption, energy performance, and audit were carried out for a typical commercial mall, the so-called largest mall in Asia, located in a hot-summer and warm-winter climate zone. The total annual energy consumption reaches 210.01 kWh/m2, of which lighting energy consumption accounts for 30.03 kWh/m2 and the lift and elevator energy consumption accounts for 40.46 kWh/m2. It is by far higher than that of the average building energy consumption in the same category. However, the annual heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning (HVAC) energy consumption is only 87.19 kWh/m2 even though they run 24/7. It proves that the energy performance of the HVAC system is good. Therefore, the building energy savings potential mainly relies on reducing the excessive usage of lighting, lifts, and elevators.  相似文献   

The experience of solar energy usage for concreting with the help of different solar radiation devices in Russian regions and in the Commonwealth of Independent States is reported. Information about the cost efficiency of solar energy usage for thermal treatment of concrete is given.  相似文献   

本文通过对上海地区大型公共建筑进行能耗调查和分析,并结合统计学方法,研究确定了主要类型大型公共建筑的建议用能定额指标,并通过比较分析初步评价该用能定额指标的科学性。研究得到:办公类建筑(无信息中心)对应的用能定额值为60.3kgce/(m2a),宾馆酒店类建筑按照三、四、五星级分类对应的用能定额值分别为67.5kgce/(m2a)、81.8kgce/(m2a)和96.1kgce/(m2a),商场类建筑的用能定额值为146.6kgce/(m2a)。  相似文献   

With the increasing demand for electricity, more and more fossil fuels are used to generate electricity which leads to energy shortage and environmental pollution. Therefore, using Renewable Energy Sources (RESs) and developing sustainable smart grid have become a common global priority: Since RESs, like solar and wind energy, are inherently unstable, hydrogen energy, as a completely clean new energy, has received widespread attention: I-Energy, which combines information and energy, is a new research direction in smart grid. Furthermore, the household electricity usage accounts for 41% of the total power consumption. Therefore, Household Intelligent Electricity System (HIES), combining hydrogen energy and i-Energy, becomes smart solutions. In this paper, we review the scientific literature for hydrogen energy and i-Energy on HIES, including recognition of electricity appliances, establishment of power consumption model, human activity analysis, smart interactive terminal, home energy management system, distributed power supply and district coordinated power utilization. Finally, we summarize the challenges and give the solutions concerning HIES, and this work can give a useful reference to new energy used model and environment protection.  相似文献   

In this research paper the effect of introducing financial incentives to promote green electricity generation, in Jordan, was studied. The incentives investigated include tax reduction, introduction of a grace period, provision of capital or reduced discount rate, reduced depreciation life of assets, and the usage of accelerated depreciation methods. The obtained results show that implementing such tools leads to positive financial improvements that serve in encouraging private sector to invest in renewable energy technologies. It is revealed that variations of both grace period and taxation rate lead to minor impacts on internal rate of return and net present value for such projects. On the other hand, the increase in depreciation period makes electricity generated from renewable sources more attractive, in terms of unit price of generated electricity, using the straight line depreciation method. In the contrary, the choice of accelerated depreciation method leads to better attractiveness as the depreciation period is reduced. The effect of discount rate variations is noticeable, and affects economics of such systems significantly. Finally, the results confirmed that wind energy is ranked first, followed by PV and concentrated solar power schemes are the last under the studied conditions in Jordan.  相似文献   

This paper investigates how critical-peak pricing (CPP) affects households with different usage and income levels, with the goal of informing policy makers who are considering the implementation of CPP tariffs in the residential sector. Using a subset of data from the California Statewide Pricing Pilot of 2003–04, average load change during summer events, annual percent bill change, and post-experiment satisfaction ratings are calculated across six customer segments, categorized by historical usage and income levels. Findings show that high-use customers respond significantly more in kW reduction than do low-use customers, while low-use customers save significantly more in percentage reduction of annual electricity bills than do high-use customers—results that challenge the strategy of targeting only high-use customers for CPP tariffs. Across income levels, average load and bill changes were statistically indistinguishable, as were satisfaction rates—results that are compatible with a strategy of full-scale implementation of CPP rates in the residential sector. Finally, the high-use customers earning less than $50,000 annually were the most likely of the groups to see bill increases—about 5% saw bill increases of 10% or more—suggesting that any residential CPP implementation might consider targeting this customer group for increased energy efficiency efforts.  相似文献   

The data from the project “Conviver,” launched in 2006 in Belo Horizonte (Brazil), provides a unique opportunity to study illegal electricity connections. Based on an original dataset of 15,279 low-income households, this paper studies the incidence and determinants of illegality in the context of low-income urban favelas. The probability of engaging in illegal behavior is explained not just by low income, but by a combination of concurring factors: sub-standard energy provision and equipment; inefficient/incorrect use of domestic electric appliances and running an informal in-house business. These recurrent issues in the urban favelas aggravate a sense of exclusion from growth, which is generally recognized as a trigger of illegality. The impact of energy demand on energy-related illegality is carefully analyzed, and different empirical strategies adopted to circumvent some simultaneity problem between both decision processes. The effectiveness of consumption-based energy subsidies is also explored. In spite of some contrary arguments in the literature, in the context of peri-urban slums, such measures may exert a positive impact in mitigating illegal access and use of energy. Effectiveness will be enhanced by accompanying measures such as: perceivable improvements of equipment, metering and maintenance, promotion of beneficiaries’ awareness of energy usage, and energy-saving behaviors.  相似文献   

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