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规则推理和案例推理的集成研究   总被引:15,自引:1,他引:15  
杜晓明  于永利 《计算机工程》1998,24(5):33-35,70
基于规则的推理(RBR)和基于案例的推理(CBR)是知识或两类实用有效的推理方式,文中提出了一种RBR与CBR相互集成的方法,为消除CBR和RBR结果之间的冲突,引入了逆案例,隐含规则和相似性度量等概念,以此提高了系统求解问题的效率,增强了系统对不良结构问题的适应性。  相似文献   

A Rule-based Approach for the Conflation of Attributed Vector Data   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
In this paper we present a complete approach for the conflation of attributed vector digital mapping data such as the Vector Product Format (VPF) datasets produced and disseminated by the National Imagery and Mapping Agency (NIMA). While other work in the field of conflation has traditionally used statistical techniques based on proximity of features, the approach presented here utilizes all information associated with data, including attribute information such as feature codes from a standardized set, associated data quality information of varying levels, and topology, as well as more traditional measures of geometry and proximity. In particular, we address the issues associated with the problem of matching features and maintaining accuracy requirements. A hierarchical rule-based approach augmented with capabilities for reasoning under uncertainty is presented for feature matching as well as for the determination of attribute sets and values for the resulting merged features. Additionally, an in-depth analysis of horizontal accuracy considerations with respect to point features is given. An implementation of the attribute and geometrical matching phases within the scope of an expert system has proven the efficacy of the approach and is discussed within the context of the VPF data.  相似文献   

基于规则的建模方法的可解释性及其发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
建模方法的可解释性指其以可理解的方式表达实际系统行为的能力. 随着实践中对可靠性需求的不断提高, 建立出可靠且可解释的模型以增强人对实际系统的认知成为了建模的重要目标. 基于规则的建模方法可更直观地描述系统机理, 并能有效融合定量信息和定性知识实现不确定信息的灵活处理, 具有较强的建模性能. 本文从基于规则的建模方法出发, 围绕知识库、推理机和模型优化梳理了其在可解释性方面的研究, 最后进行了简要的评述和展望.  相似文献   

博客作为个性化的个人知识管理系统,越来越受到教育工作者的青睐并被整合到现代教育中去.本文阐述了博客的含义及其适合课程整合的特征,分析了博客在信息技术与课程整合实践中的应用.  相似文献   

张博锋  蔡青 《微机发展》1995,5(2):31-34
图形处理不仅是CAD/CAM集成系统中不可缺少的一部分,而且也是CAD/CAM集成系统中的关键技术之一,并贯穿于CAD/CAM的始终。本文从集成化的一般概念出发,以某实用型CAD集成系统(ACDS)为例,在详细分析了系统集成化过程中的几个难点的基础上提出一种可行且实用的集居方法-图向图形的集成方法。  相似文献   

论文介绍了用于完成异构数据源数据转换和集成任务的原型系统SDE。该系统以模式映射为基本设计思想,通过本地网关完成异构模式下的查询要求与结果数据的动态转换,并保证结果数据满足目标模式结构与参照完整性的要求。该工具为实现异构系统之间的数据互操作提供了一种有效的解决方案。  相似文献   

Today many enterprises are forced to produce products which fulfill individual customer requirements. This situation results in an exploding number of variant parts of a product again resulting in a huge number of product data. To meet these new requirements, many enterprises introduced powerful CIM systems. Normally, this leaded to heterogeneous EDP concepts which are characterized by autonomous CIM components, each with its own database. This paper illustrates how rule-based management of product data on the one hand significantly reduces the amount of product data and how rule-based management of product data on the other hand allows to automate data exchange between several CIM components. One important consequence of this approach is, that the integration of business oriented and technical components within a CIM system is significantly improved.  相似文献   

Recently, the areas of planning and scheduling in artificial intelligence (AI) have witnessed a big push toward their integration in order to solve complex problems. These problems require both reasoning on which actions are to be performed as well as their precedence constraints (planning) and the reasoning with respect to temporal constraints (e.g., duration, precedence, and deadline); those actions should satisfy the resources they use (scheduling). This paper describes IPSS (integrated planning and scheduling system), a domain independent solver that integrates an AI planner that synthesizes courses of actions with constraint-based techniques that reason based upon time and resources. IPSS is able to manage not only simple precedence constraints, but also more complex temporal requirements (as the Allen primitives) and multicapacity resource usage/consumption. The solver is evaluated against a set of problems characterized by the use of multiple agents (or multiple resources) that have to perform tasks with some temporal restrictions in the order of the tasks or some constraints in the availability of the resources. Experiments show how the integrated reasoning approach improves plan parallelism and gains better makespans than some state-of-the-art planners where multiple agents are represented as additional fluents in the problem operators. It also shows that IPSS is suitable for solving real domains (i.e., workflow problems) because it is able to impose temporal windows on the goals or set a maximum makespan, features that most of the planners do not yet incorporate  相似文献   

多文档文摘技术能帮助用户减少不必要的阅读时间,有广阔的应用前景。该文以新闻报道为处理对象,以MMR(Maximal Marginal Relevance)文摘提取算法为基础,针对目前新闻报道往往以专题形式组织展现的特点,提出了一种基于话题的多文档文摘方法。这种方法以话题关键字为打分依据,同时考虑句子位置特征等信息对句子的重要性进行评分。 该文利用TDT4的新闻报道语料对上述文摘方法进行了试验评价,将基于话题的文摘系统和两个Baseline文摘系统进行比较,取得了较好的实验结果,尤其在5%的压缩比例下有明显优势。  相似文献   

抽取式摘要的核心问题在于合理地建模句子,正确地判断句子重要性。该文提出一种计算句子话题重要性的方法,通过分析句子与话题的语义关系,判断句子是否描述话题的重要信息。针对自动摘要任务缺乏参考摘要作为训练数据的问题,该文提出一种基于排序学习的半监督训练框架,利用大规模未标注新闻语料训练模型。在DUC2004多文档摘要任务上的实验结果表明,该文提出的话题重要性特征能够作为传统启发式特征的有效补充,改进摘要质量。  相似文献   

科学与工程领域经常使用数值积分,为此提出了一种求解数值积分的新方法。其主要思想是通过训练神经网络权值 并用傅立叶级数 来近似未知函数 ,然后用 来近似积分 。提出并证明了神经网络算法的收敛性定理和数值积分的求解定理。数值积分算例验证了本文算法的有效性。研究结果表明,本文提出的数值积分方法有高的计算精度,在工程实际中有较大的应用价值。  相似文献   

Nowadays, typical software and system engineering projects in various industrial sectors (automotive, telecommunication, etc.) involve hundreds of developers using quite a number of different tools. Thus, the data of a project as a whole is distributed over these tools. Therefore, it is necessary to make the relationships of different tool data repositories visible and keep them consistent with each other. This still is a nightmare due to the lack of domain-specific adaptable tool and data integration solutions which support maintenance of traceability links, semi-automatic consistency checking as well as update propagation. Currently used solutions are usually hand-coded one-way transformations between pairs of tools. In this article we present a rule-based approach that allows for the declarative specification of data integration rules. It is based on the formalism of triple graph grammars and uses directed graphs to represent MOF-compliant (meta) models. As a result we give an answer to OMG's request for proposals for a MOF-compliant “queries, views, and transformation” (QVT) approach from the “model driven application development” (MDA) field.  相似文献   

尽管模型驱动开发(MDD)代表软件工程的发展方向,但是目前MDD还缺乏一套完整的转换规则描述方法和相应的实现机制,难以实现模型的自动转换。为此定义了一个平台独立模型到平台相关模型的转换框架,采用UML活动图说明模型转换的实现机制;基于OCL定义了转换规则的表示法,并结合UML模型到Java模型的转换给出了转换规则的定义。最后在一个具体的实例中验证了此方法的合理性和易用性。  相似文献   

该文以现代汉语(特别是网络搜索词)中的名名组合为主要研究对象,探索一种基于规则的汉语名名组合的自动释义方法。其研究步骤为: (1)利用《现代汉语语义词典》中名词的语义类别,来建立名名组合的语义类组合模式;(2)在“生成词库论”中物性角色思想的指导下,用名名组合中某个名词的施成角色或功能角色作为释义动词,来揭示这两个名词之间的语义关系;(3)以语义类组合模式为单位构建名名组合的释义模板,并汇集成名名搭配数据库;(4)利用《知网》资源,来获取具体名词的施成角色和功能角色,建立汉语名词知识库。在这两个数据库的基础上,我们初步实现了一个汉语名名组合的自动释义程序。  相似文献   

融合案例推理与规则推理的设备采购决策支持系统   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对制造行业新产品试制部门的设备采购过程进行了分析,指出其对于整个企业制造过程的重要性,说明采购决策支持系统的引入的必要性,并将基于案例推理与基于规则推理相结合,构造了混合框架的推理系统及相应的案例表示结构,解决了设备采购等复杂决策领域中决策支持系统冗余推理的问题。最后将该混合推理框架及案例表示结构应用于某大型跨国制造企业试制部门的决策支持系统中,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

A Fuzzy AHP Approach to Evaluating Machine Tool Alternatives   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Selecting process of a machine tool has been very important issue for companies for years, because the improper selection of a machine tool might cause of many problems affecting negatively on productivity, precision, flexibility and company’s responsive manufacturing capabilities. On the other hand, selecting the best machine tool from its increasing number of existing alternatives in market are multiple-criteria decision making (MCDM) problem in the presence of many quantitative and qualitative attributes. Therefore, in this paper, an analytic hierarchy process (AHP) is used for machine tool selection problem due to the fact that it has been widely used in evaluating various kinds of MCDM problems in both academic researches and practices. However, due to the vagueness and uncertainty on judgments of the decision-maker(s), the crisp pair wise comparison in the conventional AHP seems to insufficient and imprecise to capture the right judgments of decision-maker(s). That is why; fuzzy number logic is introduced in the pair wise comparison of AHP to make up for this deficiency in the conventional AHP. Shortly, in this study, an intelligent approach is proposed, where both techniques; fuzzy logic and AHP are come together, referred to as fuzzy AHP. First, the fuzzy AHP technique is used to weight the alternatives under multiple attributes; second Benefit/Cost (B/C) ratio analysis is carried out by using both the fuzzy AHP score and procurement cost, of each alternative. The alternative with highest B/C ratio is found out and called as the ultimate machine tool among others. In addition, a case study is also presented to make this approach more understandable for a decision-maker(s).  相似文献   

汉语疑问词具有多义性,至少有三种通用解读: 疑问解读、存在解读(虚指)和全称解读(任指)。该文从汉语疑问词的词义排歧角度出发,通过总结汉语疑问词三种解读所处的句法环境的共同特征,确立其在复杂句法环境中的强势解读,进而构建一个基于规则的汉语疑问词的语义识别模型,为制订词义排歧决策表提供依据。该文以词义最多的疑问词“什么”为例,尝试通过这一思路,来构建基于规则的“什么”的语义识别模型和词义排歧决策表,并通过实验来验证,然后将其改进。  相似文献   

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