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在ATM网络(异步传输模式)中,ABR(可用比特速率)业务主要面向数据通信服务,ABR带宽利用率的高你七所采用的带宽分配算法有密切的关系。文中介绍了ABR业务中带宽分配的一般性原则,并讨论了一种新的事宽分配算法。 相似文献
宽带通信业务相对于窄带通信业务而言。一般来说,窄带业务是指话音或话带数据业务,如低速率数据和G3传真等;速率高于一次群(1.544Mbit/s或2.048Mbit/s)的统称为宽带业务,如可视图文和活动图像等。 基本概念 B-ISDN是指基于ATM的宽带综合性网路,用户通过宽带用户网路接口(B-UNI)可得到多种电信业务。UNI的速率高于一次群,可以是 相似文献
ATM网络为形展宽带业务提供了极好的平台,本文在分析ATM规程参考模型及ATM网络组成的基础上,重点讨论了VOD、会议电视及LAN高速互连三类应用在ATM网络上的具体实现。 相似文献
APON系统中一种具有多优先级业务的动态带宽分配算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
基于ATM的无源光网络(APON)上行信道的传输是采用时分多址接入(TDMA)方式来共享光纤的,根据光线路终端(OLT)的指示,各光网络单元(ONU)发出的信号占据不同的时隙。为了有效利用带宽,给出了一种具有多优先级业务的动态带宽分配算法—最少业务量损失算法,它通过分级允许控制为各优先级业务分配相应的带宽。当有一新的连接要求时,计算损失业务目标函数Q来高速带宽分配。 相似文献
异步转换模式是未来信息高速公路需要的非常重要的技术。本文介绍了ATM的信元结构和协议结构,以及与ATM网络相关的交换、编码和拥塞控制等技术,。 相似文献
本文在Knockout交换结构的基础上,探讨一种新的ATM交换结构,使其本身带有优先权控制功能,以适应不同业务对信元丢失率及时延的不同要求。这种结构既能最大限度地有效利用系统资源,又能满足不同用户对业务质量的不同要求,并能降低交换结构复杂度。 相似文献
针对千兆无源光网络系统无法满足一些新服务的问题,如分辨率不断增长的互联网视频协议要求,文章提出了一种改进的GIANT动态带宽分配(DBA)算法.通过传输容器(T-CONT)的优先级划分带宽,将T-CONT1的带宽分配给每个分配标识,其主要目的是降低数据、视频和语音等服务的延迟.所提算法将这些服务表示为传输容器,用于动态... 相似文献
本文根据分组话音业务的特点,结合分组话音业务服务质量的要求,特别是分组丢弃概率和平均分组排队时延的要求,研究AAL2分组话音复接器带宽分配算法.得出结论:对于无比特丢弃的AAL2分组话音复接器,按平均速率分配带宽基本上可以满足分组话音业务服务质量的要求;如果适当降低ATM VC的带宽利用率ρ(例如:令ρ=0.9),则可以进一步提高话音质量,获得令人满意的话音;对于带比特丢弃的AAL2分组话音复接器,按平均速率分配带宽,可以很好地满足分组话音业务服务质量要求,获得较高质量的话音.计算机仿真证实了上述结论是正确的. 相似文献
An Efficient and Adaptive Bandwidth Allocation Scheme for Mobile Wireless Networks Using an On-Line Local Estimation Technique 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The next generation of mobile wireless networks has to provide the quality-of-service (QoS) for a variety of applications. One of the key generic QoS parameters is the call dropping probability, which has to be maintained at a predefined level independent of the traffic condition. In the presence of bursty data and the emerging multimedia traffic, an adaptive and dynamic bandwidth allocation is essential in ensuring this QoS. The paradox, however, is that all existing dynamic bandwidth allocation schemes require the prior knowledge of all traffic parameters or/and user mobility parameters. In addition, most proposals require extensive status information exchange among cells in order to dynamically readjust the control parameters, thus making them difficult to be used in actual deployment.In this paper, we introduce a novel adaptive bandwidth allocation scheme which estimates dynamically the changing traffic parameters through local on-line estimation. Such estimations are restricted to each individual cell, thus completely eliminating the signaling overhead for information exchange among cells. Furthermore, we propose the use of a probabilistic control policy, which achieves a high channel utilization, and leads to an effective and stable control. Through simulations, we show that our proposed adaptive bandwidth allocation scheme can guarantee the predetermined call dropping probability under changing traffic conditions while at the same time achieving a high channel utilization. 相似文献
A Novel Effective Bandwidth Based Call Admission Control for Multimedia CDMA Systems 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
PAN Su FENG Guang-zheng ZHU Qi Department of Telecommunications Engineering Nanjing University of Posts Telecommunications Nanjing P.R.China 《中国邮电高校学报(英文版)》2004,11(4)
A novel Call Admission Control(CAC)scheme is proposed for multimedia CDMA systems.The effectivebandwidth of real time calls is reserved in the CAC with the consideration of active factors.The admission of non-real timecalls is controlled by the system according to the residual effective bandwidth left from real time calls.Simulation resultshave shown that the novel CAC has greatly enlarged the admission region for real time calls and make the transmission de-lay of non-real time calls under an acceptable level. 相似文献
将有线网络中的有效带宽理论运用到无线领域,提出基于MIMO-OFDM时频结构帧的资源分配算法。算法综合考虑了物理层的信道状态信息、数据链路层的用户优先级、公平性及延时服务质量(QoS)要求,相对于传统的分层设计更加合理有效。从统计学的角度,研究了延时QoS违反概率与信道状态信息、资源分配之间的关系,并给出算法的具体步骤。仿真结果表明该算法能显著提高系统的频谱效率,且复杂度适中,是一种实际可行的方案。 相似文献
ATM网络中,虚通道路由选择和带宽分配问题是相互关联的,需要考虑虚通道路由布局和带宽大小,并且虚通道连接还是建立虚信道连接的基础,文章根据虚通道连接的特点,提出了将虚通道路由选择和带宽分配联合优化的方法,给出了应用进化规划方法的求解算法和仿真实例。 相似文献
Bandwidth-guaranteed QoS service in ad hoc networks is a challenging task due to several factors such as the absence of the central control, the dynamic network topology, the hidden terminal problem and the multihop routing property. An end-to-end bandwidth allocation algorithm was proposed in [Lin and Liu, 15] to support the QoS service in ad hoc networks. However, without exploring the global resource information along the route, the performance of that algorithm is quite limited. In addition, it also incurs significant control overhead. We develop a new algorithm for end-to-end bandwidth calculation and assignment in ad hoc networks which utilizes the global resource information along the route to determine the available end-to-end bandwidth. Our method also employs the topology-transparent scheduling technology to reduce the control overhead. The proposed algorithm can be efficiently utilized in a distributed manner. Both theoretical analysis and simulation results show that our end-to-end bandwidth allocation scheme can significantly improve the network capacity compared with the existing method. 相似文献
EPON系统的动态带宽分配算法 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
针对EPON系统上行链路多个ONU共享带宽的拓扑结构,分析了制定带宽分配策略所需考虑的基本因素,介绍了一种新的动态带宽分配算法,通过动态请求分配机制,实现上行链路的高效利用。 相似文献