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This study assesses the high-temperature storage (HTS) test and the pressure-cooker test (PCT) reliability of an assembly of chips and flexible substrates. After the chips were bonded onto the flexible substrates, specimens were utilized to assess the HTS test and PCT reliability. After the PCT and HTS tests, the die-shear test was applied to examine changes in die-shear forces. The microstructure of the test specimens was analyzed to evaluate reliability and to identify possible failure mechanisms. When the duration of the HTS test was increased, the percentage of gold bumps that peeled off from the surface of the copper pads on the chip side increased, and a crack was present at the bonding interface between the gold bumps and chip bond pads. This crack was due to thermal stress generated during the HTS test, and degraded the die-shear force of the assembly of chips and flexible substrates. After the PCT, the crack was present at the interface between deposited layers of copper electrodes after the specimens were subjected to the PCT for various durations. Moisture penetrated into the deposited layers of the copper electrodes, deposited layers lost their adhesion, and the crack progressed from the corner into the central bond area as the test duration increased. To improve the PCT reliability of assemblies of chips and flexible substrates using the thermosonic flip-chip bonding process, one must prevent moisture from penetrating into deposited layers of copper electrodes and prevent crack formation at the interface between nickel and copper layers. Underfill would be an effective approach to prevent moisture from penetrating into deposited layers during the PCT, thereby improving the reliability of the samples during the PCT. 相似文献
为了减小热超声键合换能系统的振动稳定性、提高键合强度,从超声波在热超声键合换能系统中的传播出发,建立了超声波在接触界面处传播的微观模型.研究表明,当静应力较小时,输出的超声波不完整,材料内部质点的有效振动较小;当静应力逐渐增大时,材料进入弹性变形阶段,输出的超声波波形与输入的超声波的波形一致,材料内部质点的有效振动最大;当静应力太大时,材料进入塑性变形区域,材料内部质点的有效振动减小.通过在芯片倒装键合实验台上实验,测量在不同压电陶瓷片预紧力下,变幅杆的振动速度和芯片的键合强度,证明了所提出模型的正确性. 相似文献
混合集成电路工艺已成为今后电源和器件等微型化模块快速发展的关键瓶颈,在简要介绍内部引线键合技术的基础上,重点讨论HIC和MCM中广泛应用的直径25.4μm金丝热超声球焊工艺的技术特点、材料特性、工艺过程、工艺控制、工艺设计、目检要求、强度测试和应力试验,介绍了该工艺在近期的应用与发展. 相似文献
本文主要分析了智能卡产品倒装片工艺固有的位置精度问题。通过数据分析,找出了设备长期工作后,精度下降引发产品倒装问题的主要原因。同时,采用AutoCAD软件对倒装片智能卡(Chip Card)产品的布局分析,并结合设备精度、FPC(挠性线路板)制造精度等因素,进行倒装片工艺的仿真模拟,进而可以确定需要改进的设计布局图中的关键尺寸,从而彻底地解决了引发倒装片工艺精度差的问题。 相似文献
《Components and Packaging Technologies, IEEE Transactions on》2009,32(2):261-267
助焊剂涂敷是C4凸点焊料的倒装键合中的关键工艺步骤之一,涂敷均匀和稳定性决定了回流焊后整体成品的质量和可靠性,同时影响倒装键合设备的生产效率。在实际生产中,现有的助焊剂涂敷系统影响设备提升生产效率,并且暴露出生产过程中助焊剂泄漏量过大的问题。通过分析现有涂敷系统的问题和助焊剂泄漏的成因,优化设计了一种更高效的助焊剂涂敷系统,有效提升了设备生产率,使泄漏量对生产的影响降低到最小。 相似文献
热超声倒装焊在制作大功率GaN基LED中的应用 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
设计了适合于倒装的大功率GaN基LED芯片结构,在倒装基板硅片上制作了金凸点,采用热超声倒装焊接(FCB)技术将芯片倒装在基板上.测试结果表明获得的大面积金凸点连接的剪切力最高达53.93 g/bump,焊接后的GaN基绿光LED在350 mA工作电流下正向电压为3.0 V.将热超声倒装焊接技术用于制作大功率GaN基LED器件,能起到良好的机械互连和电气互连. 相似文献
Yong Liu Irving S. Timwah Luk 《Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on》2008,31(1):61-71
In this paper, a transient nonlinear dynamic finite element framework is developed, which integrates the wire bonding process and the silicon devices under bond pad. Two major areas are addressed: one is the impact of assembly 1st wire bonding process and another one is the impact of device layout below the bond pad. Simulation includes the ultrasonic transient dynamic bonding process and the stress wave transferred to bond pad device and silicon in the 1st bond. The Pierce strain rate dependent model is introduced to model the impact stain hardening effect. Ultrasonic amplitude and frequency are studied and discussed for the bonding process. In addition, different layouts of device metallization under bond pad are analyzed and discussed for the efforts to reduce the dynamic impact response of the bond pad over active design. Modeling discloses the stress and deformation impacts to both wire bonding and pad below device with strain rate, different ultrasonic amplitudes and frequencies, different friction coefficients, as well as different bond pad thickness and device layout under pad. The residual stress, after cooling down to a lower temperature, is discussed for the impact of substrate temperature. 相似文献
Jeng Y.-R. Chiu S.-M. Huang P.-Y. Shyu S.-H. 《Electronics Packaging Manufacturing, IEEE Transactions on》2010,33(1):65-70
Growth of Intermetallic Compounds in Thermosonic Copper Wire Bonding on Aluminum Metallization 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Hui Xu Changqing Liu Vadim V. Silberschmidt Zhong Chen 《Journal of Electronic Materials》2010,39(1):124-131
Interface evolution caused by thermal aging under different temperatures and durations was investigated by means of scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). It was found that approximately 30-nm-thick and discontinuous Cu-Al intermetallic compounds (IMCs) were present in the initial bonds before aging. Cu-Al IMCs grew under thermal aging with increasing aging time. The growth kinetics of the Cu-Al IMCs was correlated to the diffusion process during aging; their combined activation energy was estimated to be 1.01 eV. Initially, Al-rich Cu-Al IMCs formed in the as-bonded state and early stage of aging treatment. Cu9Al4 was identified by selected-area electron diffraction (SAD) as the only type of Cu-Al IMC present after thermal aging at 250°C for 100 h; this is attributed to the relatively short supply of aluminum to the interfacial reaction. 相似文献
Kun-Mo Chu Won-Kyoung Choi Young-Chul Ko Jin-Ho Lee Hyo-Hoon Park Duk Young Jeon 《Advanced Packaging, IEEE Transactions on》2007,30(1):27-33
A MEMS scanner has been flip-chip bonded by using electroplated AuSn solder bumps. The microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) scanner is mainly composed of two structures having vertical comb fingers. To optimize the bonding condition, the MEMS scanner was flip-chip bonded with various bonding temperatures. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) with an energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) spectroscopic system was used to observe the microstructures of the joints and analyze the element compositions of them. The die shear strength increased as the bonding temperature increased. During the thermal aging test, the delamination occurred at the interconnection of the MEMS scanner bonded at 340 degC. It is inferred that the Au layer serving as pad metallization has been dissolved in the molten AuSn solder totally, and subsequently the Cr layer was directly exposed to the AuSn solder. Judging by the results of both die shear test and thermal aging test, the optimal bonding temperature was found to be approximately 320 degC. Finally, using this MEMS scanner, we obtained an optical scanning angle of 32deg when driven by the ac control voltage of the resonant frequency in the range of 22.1-24.5 kHz with the 100-V dc bias voltages 相似文献
《Lightwave Technology, Journal of》2009,27(12):1985-1989
为消除温度在热超声倒装键合过程中芯片与基板对准精度的影响,必须将因键合加热而引起的图像抖动量控制在亚像素范围内.设计了一套实验方案,通过实验对比,发现在未启用吹气装置时图像间的抖动剧烈,明显受温度影响,不能满足对准精度要求.采用二元二次曲面拟合亚像素法计算了启用吹气装置后图像间的平移,发现图像间整像素级的抖动明显消除,亚像素级的抖动受温度影响小,在键合温度下最大抖动量不超过0.3像素,能满足对准精度要求.该方法为热超声倒装工艺提出了有价值的参考. 相似文献