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The somatotopical organization of the somatosensory cortex was analyzed. Echo-planar imaging was used to obtain functional images, and magnetic field strength was 1.5T. Natural stimulation at a frequency of 3 Hz (scrubbing or tapping) was applied to one of the three cutaneous areas: toes, fingertips, and tongue tip. The focal bands which show the significant signal increases were located on the contralateral post-central gyrus, and these changes of signal intensity originate from the cortical parenchyma because there were no major veins in the central sulcus. The focal bands which respond to each stimulation sites were anatomically distinct and located medially-to-laterally in the order of toes, fingertips, and tongue tip.  相似文献   

The potential of functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) for experimental studies of the brain and behavior considerable given its superior time and spatial resolution, but few studies have attempted to validate them against established methods for measuring cerebral activation. In a previous study absolute regional cerebral blood flow was measured in 16 healthy individuals using quantitative H215O-PET during standardized happy and sad mood induction and during two non-emotional control conditions. During sad mood, blood flow increased in the left amygdala and these changes correlated with shifts towards a negative affect. In the present study blood oxygenation level dependent (BOLD) changes were measured with fMRI during the same experimentally controlled mood states and control tasks. Twelve right-handed normal subjects were examined with a T2*-weighted FLASH sequence. A significant increase in signal intensity was found during sad as well as happy mood induction in the left amygdala. This converging evidence supports the potential of fMRI for advancing the understanding of neural substrates for emotional experience in humans.  相似文献   

Budd-Chiari syndrome is a rare and serious thrombotic event with significant morbidity and mortality. Recommendations regarding future conception and management during pregnancy have not been defined. We present a patient with history of idiopathic Budd-Chiari Syndrome and subsequent orthotopic liver transplantation who was successfully managed during pregnancy. A 24-year-old white female, gravida 1 para 0, status postorthotopic liver transplantation 5 years previously for Budd-Chiari syndrome with post-transplant insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus presented to our clinic at 7 weeks of gestation for initial prenatal evaluation. Maintenance immunosuppressive therapy and prophylactic heparin anticoagulation was administered throughout the pregnancy, which was uneventful until 35 weeks gestation, at which time pre-eclampsia and premature preterm rupture of membranes prompted labor induction. The patient developed no evidence of acute or chronic hepatic rejection and no evidence of recurrent Budd-Chiari syndrome during the pregnancy or post-partum convalescence. Prudent use of prophylactic anticoagulation, close immunosuppressive monitoring, and periodic fetal and maternal surveillance are warranted in patients with previous orthotopic liver transplantation for idiopathic Budd-Chiari syndrome and may reduce risk of recurrence during pregnancy.  相似文献   

Children without dyslexia (n=10) received nonphonological treatment, and those with dyslexia received phonological (n=11) or nonphonological (n=9) treatment. Before and after treatment they performed aural repeat, visual decode, and aural match pseudoword tasks during functional MRI scanning that separated stimulus input from response production. Group map analysis indicated that children with dyslexia overactivated compared with good readers during the aural-repeat/aural-match contrast in bilateral frontal (Brodmann's area [BA] 3, 4, 5, 6, 9), left parietal (BA 2, 3), left temporal (BA 38), and right temporal (BA 20, 21, 37) regions (stimulus input) and underactivated in right frontal (BA 24, 32) and right insula (BA 48) regions (response production); they underactivated in BA 19/V5 during the visual-decode/aural-match contrast (response production). Individual brain analysis for children with dyslexia revealed that during the aural-repeat/aural-match contrast (stimulus input), phonological treatment decreased and normalized activation in left supramarginal gyrus and postcentral gyrus. Nonphonological treatment increased and normalized activation during the visual-decode/aural-match contrast (response production) in BA19/V5 and changed activation in the same direction as good readers during aural-repeat/aural-match contrast (stimulus input) in left postcentral gyrus. The significance of the findings for competing theories of dyslexia is discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

It has been shown that T1-weighted dynamic MR imaging is a useful method in differentiating malignant breast tumors from benign lesions. Invasive breast carcinomas enhance more rapidly than benign lesions such as fibroadenomas, papillomas, and proliferative fibrocystic diseases. However, significant overlap in the dynamic profile of benign and malignant lesions may occur, resulting in relatively low specificity, which is an inherent limitation of this technique. The author attempted to improve diagnostic accuracy by utilizing dynamic susceptibility contrast MR imaging (DSC-MRI) with a single-shot echo-planar imaging sequence. Twenty-two patients underwent DSC-MRI using a 1.5-T unit (Magnetom Vision, Siemens). Images were obtained before, during and after the bolus injection of 20 mL of gadopentetate dimeglumine. The signal reduction rate within the first 30 seconds (delta RT2) was calculated by the following equation: delta RT2 = (postcontrast signal intensity-precontrast signal intensity)/precontrast signal intensity. A rapid, strong decrease in signal intensity was observed on the first pass of the contrast material in all cases of carcinoma, whereas no or only a minimal decrease in signal intensity was observed in all but one of the benign lesions. This method seems to be more accurate than T1-weighted dynamic MR imaging in the differentiation benign and malignant breast lesions. Since DSC-MRI can be performed quickly, subsequent conventional T1-weighted imaging can provide additional information about the morphologic features of lesions, to further support the diagnosis. In conclusion, DSC-MRI seems to be a promising method for the accurate preoperative assessment of breast lesions.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Our purpose was to determine the utility of functional MR imaging in conjunction with a word-generation paradigm in the assessment of language lateralization. METHODS: Functional MR imaging and Wada testing for language lateralization was performed in patients with complex partial seizures during the performance of word-generation tasks. A language lateralization quotient was calculated from the number of activated pixels in the right and left hemispheres. A language laterality score was derived from the Wada results as the percentage of correct responses during right internal carotid artery injection minus the percentage of correct responses during left internal carotid injection. A correlation coefficient between the functional MR imaging results and the Wada language laterality scores was calculated. RESULTS: In 13 patients, hemispheric dominance based on Wada testing was confirmed by functional MR imaging during silent word generation. The Wada laterality scores varied from 100 to -100 and the functional MR imaging scores varied from 100 to -10. The language lateralization scores determined by functional MR imaging correlated significantly with the language lateralization scores derived from Wada testing. CONCLUSION: Functional MR imaging performed during word generation is an accurate method for lateralizing language function in patients with complex partial epilepsy.  相似文献   

Utilizing site-directed mutagenesis, 77 charged and polar residues that are highly exposed on the surface of human thrombin were systematically substituted with alanine. Functional assays using thrombin mutants identified residues that were required for the recognition and cleavage of the procoagulant substrate fibrinogen (Lys21, Trp50, Lys52, Asn53 + Thr55, Lys65, His66, Arg68, Tyr71, Arg73, Lys77, Lys106 + Lys107, Asp193 + Lys196, Glu202, Glu229, Arg233, Asp234) and the anticoagulant substrate protein C (Lys21, Trp50, Lys65, His66, Arg68, Tyr71, Arg73, Lys77, Lys106 + Lys107, Glu229, Arg233), interactions with the cofactor thrombomodulin (Gln24, Arg70) and inhibition by the thrombin aptamer, an oligonucleotide-based thrombin inhibitor (Lys65, His66, Arg70, Tyr71, Arg73). Although there is considerable overlap between the functional epitopes, distinct and specific residues with unique functions were identified. When the functional residues were mapped on the surface of thrombin, they were located on a single hemisphere of thrombin that included both the active site cleft and the highly basic exosite 1. No functional residues were located on the opposite face of thrombin. Residues with procoagulant or anticoagulant functions were not spatially separated but interdigitated with residues of opposite or shared function. Thus thrombin utilizes the same general surface for substrate recognition regardless of substrate function although the critical contact residues may vary.  相似文献   

The cortical processing of vestibular information is not hierarchically organized as the processing of signals in the visual and auditory modalities. Anatomic and electrophysiological studies in the monkey revealed the existence of multiple interconnected areas in which vestibular signals converge with visual and/or somatosensory inputs. Although recent functional imaging studies using caloric vestibular stimulation (CVS) suggest that vestibular signals in the human cerebral cortex may be similarly distributed, some areas that apparently form essential constituents of the monkey cortical vestibular system have not yet been identified in humans. Galvanic vestibular stimulation (GVS) has been used for almost 200 years for the exploration of the vestibular system. By contrast with CVS, which mediates its effects mainly via the semicircular canals (SCC), GVS has been shown to act equally on SCC and otolith afferents. Because galvanic stimuli can be controlled precisely, GVS is suited ideally for the investigation of the vestibular cortex by means of functional imaging techniques. We studied the brain areas activated by sinusoidal GVS using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). An adapted set-up including LC filters tuned for resonance at the Larmor frequency protected the volunteers against burns through radio-frequency pickup by the stimulation electrodes. Control experiments ensured that potentially harmful effects or degradation of the functional images did not occur. Six male, right-handed volunteers participated in the study. In all of them, GVS induced clear perceptions of body movement and moderate cutaneous sensations at the electrode sites. Comparison with anatomic data on the primate cortical vestibular system and with imaging studies using somatosensory stimulation indicated that most activation foci could be related to the vestibular component of the stimulus. Activation appeared in the region of the temporo-parietal junction, the central sulcus, and the intraparietal sulcus. These areas may be analogous to areas PIVC, 3aV, and 2v, respectively, which form in the monkey brain, the "inner vestibular circle". Activation also occurred in premotor regions of the frontal lobe. Although undetected in previous imaging-studies using CVS, involvement of these areas could be predicted from anatomic data showing projections from the anterior ventral part of area 6 to the inner vestibular circle and the vestibular nuclei. Using a simple paradigm, we showed that GVS can be implemented safely in the fMRI environment. Manipulating stimulus waveforms and thus the GVS-induced subjective vestibular sensations in future imaging studies may yield further insights into the cortical processing of vestibular signals.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Cardiomyoplasty is a new surgical alternative therapy for CHF. Although conditioning of muscle for cardiomyoplasty has a positive effect on fatigue resistance it also produces negative effects. In this study we assessed the effect of salbutamol, a beta2-agonist, on both the positive and the negative effects of conditioning. METHODS: In a control group of six animals one latissimus dorsi was subject to chronic, 1 Hz, low-frequency stimulation (CLFS) while the other served as a control. The experimental group of seven dogs received a continuous SC infusion of salbutamol and one latissimus dorsi was subjected to CLFS. The other muscle demonstrated the effects of salbutamol per se. After 42 days the animals were anesthetized and fatigue resistance, muscle mass, and mechanical properties of the muscles were evaluated. RESULTS: Salbutamol increased muscle mass, tetanic tension, and rate of rise and fall of tetanic tension. It diminished fatigue resistance and had no effect on shortening velocity. Chronic stimulation decreased muscle mass, tetanic tension, rate of rise and fall of tetanic tension, and muscle shortening velocity in both groups of dogs. Salbutamol diminished the declines in muscle mass, rate of tension development, and rate of muscle shortening due to CLFS, but did not change the effects of CLFS on tetanic tension and the rate of fall of tetanic tension. Salbutamol did not alter the increase in fatigue resistance induced by CLFS. CONCLUSIONS: The favorable effect of CLFS on fatigue resistance was unaffected by salbutamol. The unfavorable effects of CLFS on loss of muscle mass, rate of tension development, and decline in shortening velocity were partially blocked by salbutamol, improving the ability of the latissimus dorsi to augment cardiac systole.  相似文献   

Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was performed using a clinical 1.5 T MR scanner. Normal volunteers and patients with several neurological disorders were studied with somatosensory stimulation using sponge at right hand and visual stimulation using checkerboard pattern. Both fMR images by gradient echo echo planar imaging and three dimensional gradient echo images were studied. Reconstructed 3 dimensional functional brain mapping was superimposed on 3D anatomical images. Apparent signal increase was observed at contra lateral sensorimotor cortex and secondary sensory cortex with sponge stimulation. In the case of left homonymous hemianopia due to cerebral infarction, increasing signal was only observed surrounding left calcarine fissure by using stimulation of all visual field. In conclusion, fMRI and 3-D functional brain mapping has extremely high potentiality to examine pathophysiology of various neurological disorders.  相似文献   

A human mandibular osteosarcoma cell line, HMOS-1, with osteoblastic phenotypes and tumor-genicity was established. The cell line showed high alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity immediately after seeding, with its peak around the 7th to 10th day of culture (1.44 mumol/min/mg protein). Parathyroid hormone (PTH) enhanced the ALP activity as well as intracellular cAMP production in a concentration-dependent manner. The effects of PTH on both ALP activity and cAMP production were expressed more strongly at the end stage of logarithmic cell growth than at the resting stage. 1,25 (OH)2D3 also stimulated the ALP activity, but its effect was low and was not different in any of the different culture stages. When these cells were transplanted to BALB/C nude mice, similar tumours to the original one, with abundant osteoids were observed. However, th e synthesis of type 1 collagen was not detected in the culture medium. The results indicate that the HMOS-1 cell line expresses an immature pre-osteoblastic phenotype. Because of these characteristics, HMOS-1 cells should be useful, not only in studies on the differentiated phenotypes of human osteoblasts, but also in studies on the diagnosis, treatment and aetiology of human osteosarcoma of the jaw.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) have been associated with frontal lobe deficits. We used a novel brain electrical imaging method to investigate rapid and continuous changes in brain activity during the continuous performance task (CPT) in normal boys and in boys with ADHD. The amplitude and latency topography of the steady-state visually evoked potential (SSVEP) were examined while subjects performed the "X" version of the CPT (CPT-X; the reference task) and the "A-X" version of the CPT (CPT-AX). METHODS: Seventeen boys meeting DSM-III-R criteria for ADHD and 17 age-matched controls participated in the study. Brain electrical activity was recorded from 64 scalp sites. During the reference task, subjects pressed a microswitch on the unpredictable appearance of the letter X. During the CPT-AX, subjects were required to press the microswitch on the appearance of the letter X only if an A had preceded it. RESULTS: In the interval between the appearances of the A and the X of the correct trials of the CPT-AX, control boys showed transient reductions in SSVEP latency at right prefrontal sites. By contrast, boys with ADHD showed no change or an increase in prefrontal SSVEP latency at right prefrontal sites. CONCLUSION: Our results suggest increased speed of prefrontal neural processing in children without ADHD following a priming stimulus, and a deficit in such processes in children with ADHD.  相似文献   

The Werner syndrome locus (WRN) is located at 8p11-p12. To facilitate eventual cloning of the WRN gene, a 10,000-rad radiation-reduced hybrid (RH) cell panel was generated to map genetic markers, sequence-tagged sites (STSs), and genes in this region. A hamster cell line carrying an intact human chromosome 8 was fused with another hamster cell line. Two sets of hybrid cell panels from 2 separate fusions were generated; each panel consisted of 50 independent clones; 33 and 34 cell lines from the 2 fusions retained human chromsome material as determined by inter-Alu PCR. The combined panel was genotyped for 52 markers spanning the entire chromosome, including 10 genes, 29 anonymous polymorphic loci, and 13 STSs. Seventeen of these markers have not been previously described. Markers near the centromere were retained at a higher frequency than more distal markers. Fluorescence in situ hybridization was also used to localize and order a subset of the markers. A RH map of the WRN region was constructed using a maximum likelihood method, giving the following most likely order: D8S131-D8S339 (GSR)-D8S124-D8S278-D8S259-(D8S71)-D8S283- D8S87-D8S105-D8S135 (FGFR1)-D8S135PB-D8S255-ANK1. A genetic map of 15 short tandem repeat polymorphic loci in the WRN region was also constructed. The marker orders from the genetic and RH maps were consistent. In addition, an integrated map of 24 loci in the WRN region was generated using information from both genetic and RH mapping methods. A 1000:1 framework map for 6 loci (LPL-D8S136-D8S137-D8S87-FGFR1-ANK1) was determined by genetic mapping, and the resulting locus order was fixed during analysis of the RH genotype data. The resulting integrated map contained more markers than could confidently be ordered by either genetic or RH mapping alone.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: A three-dimensional bidomain model of a block section of both the right and left ventricular walls that included rotational anisotropy and fiber curvature was used to investigate potential distributions generated during paced activation mapping. Unlike previous large-scale tissue models, the extracellular stimulus was included. METHODS AND RESULTS: The model was used to test the hypothesis that information about the underlying tissue structure (surface fiber angle gradients, amount of fiber rotation per unit depth, and anisotropy) can be extracted from surface potential distributions during stimulation. Results from distributions during stimulation were compared to those obtained using the distributions during activation. To better correlate results to possible experimental measurements, the analysis was performed using a 21 X 21 grid of "electrode" sites, each separated by 1 mm. Fiber orientation was estimated from the surface data by: (1) curve-fitting the elliptical shape of the epicardial potential distribution during stimulation; (2) identifying the location of the potential maxima leading the wavefront during early activation; and (3) for epicardial stimuli, curve-fitting the elliptical shape of the activation isochrones. Results show that surface potential distributions from the stimulus can be used to estimate fiber orientation; however, the accuracy of the reconstruction is highly dependent on the amount of fiber rotation per unit depth. CONCLUSIONS: Extracellular potential data during and after stimulation is shown to reflect the organization of myocardial fibers and, as such, could be used to characterize the three-dimensional anisotropic electrical properties in situ.  相似文献   

One minute electrical stimulation was used to excite the right and left cervical vagi as well as specific points on, or branches of, the left thoracic vagus. Respiratory, heart rate and blood pressure responses were observed with the nerves intact and cut. Stimulation of either intact cervical vagus produced apnea, bradycardia and blood pressure depression. Stimulation of the cut ends after nerve section demonstrated that the heart rate and blood pressure effects were efferent and the respiratory change was afferent. No responses were observed due to stimulation of the vagus caudal to the lungs. Stimulation of cardiac branches reduced heart rate and blood pressure but did not produce significant respiratory effects. Middle and anterior pulmonary branches were found to contribute only to respiratory changes through afferent nerves. Sudden, sustained reduction of CO2 in the airways produced immediate, sustained apnea. The data suggest that CO2 sensitive thoracic receptors important in regulation of respiration are confined primarily to the lungs and that these receptors play no direct role in cardiovascular function.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Localization of early activated endocardial areas during ventricular tachycardia (VT) is mandatory for performance of surgical or radiofrequency catheter interventions. The use of a multielectrode catheter may shorten the procedure time and increase the accuracy of the procedure compared with single-electrode mapping techniques. This study was performed to evaluate the safety and efficacy of a 32-bipolar-electrode mapping catheter in patients. METHODS AND RESULTS: The basket-shaped mapping catheter (BMC), integrated with a computerized mapping system, allowed on-line reconstruction of endocardial activation maps. Twenty patients with VT were studied before surgery (n=4) or radiofrequency catheter ablation (n=16). End-diastolic left ventricular (LV) volume was 280+/-120 mL, with an LV ejection fraction of 33+/-14%. The volume encompassed by the BMC was 164+/-27 mL (130 to 200 mL); the deployment time was 46+/-11 minutes. Endocardial activation time during sinus rhythm was 105+/-34 ms; 14+/-5 electrodes could be used to stimulate the heart. Cycle length of VT was 325+/-83 ms. Earliest endocardial activation was recorded 58+/-42 ms before the onset of the surface ECG. Complications were pericardial effusion (n=2) and transient cerebral disorientation (n=1). CONCLUSIONS: Percutaneous multielectrode endocardial mapping in patients with VT is feasible and relatively safe. The use of this technique shortens the time patients have to endure VT.  相似文献   

Objective: This study presents and evaluates a method to detect malingered pain-related disability (MPRD) using the Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI), a multiscale self-report instrument with a number of useful applications in pain assessment. Method: In this study PAI scores from respondents in a chronic pain clinic (N = 317) and college students instructed to feign chronic pain (N = 152) were compared. Results: Although existing PAI validity indicators demonstrated strong effects in discriminating actual pain and MPRD cases, these indicators were not sufficiently sensitive to feigned pain to recommend for clinical practice. A discriminant function was developed and cross-validated, which improved upon the sensitivity of the other indicators and yielded an overall hit rate of 88% for detecting individuals instructed to malinger pain-related disability. Conclusion: These data suggest that this new PAI indicator holds some promise for more effective detection of MPRD. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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