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天生桥一级水电站的作用与地位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
南盘江~红水河是我国近期重点开发的水电能源基地之一,其开发建设已全面展开。天生桥一级水电站是南盘江~红水河梯级开发的龙头水库,发电补偿效益巨大,综合利用及社会环境效益显著,它的建成可缓解华南地区缺电状况,改善电源结构,增强广东、广西、贵州、云南四省区互联电网,加强“西电东送”实现四省(区)资源优化配置,促进四省(区)国民经济的可持续发展。  相似文献   

龙滩水电站工程在西部大开发战略中的地位和作用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
翟若愚 《水力发电》2003,29(10):1-3
龙滩水电站工程是国家实施西部大开发和“西电东送”的重要标志性工程,是红水河上最闪亮的一颗明珠。它的开发建设,对于推进“西电东送”,促进全国联网,在全国范围内实现能源资源的优化配置,对于满足广东和广西地区电力增长的需要,优化华南地区电源结构和电网结构,减轻红水河下游及西江两岸地区的洪水威胁,促进广西和贵州少数民族地区经济和社会的全面发展,具有巨大的作用。  相似文献   

红水河水力资源丰富,是我国优越的水电开发基地之一,自南盘江天生桥至黔江大藤峡河段,规划修建10个梯级水电站,目前正在逐步兴建,规划实施后将形成完整水库群,改变了天然河流的水沙条件,已有的水文站网已不适应改变了的河流情况,需要提出对策进一步进行调整,以便使水沙观测资料得以连续,更好地为国民经济建设服务。  相似文献   

龙滩水电站位于红水河上游.下距广西壮族自治区天峨县城15km。龙滩水电站是我国“西电东送”电力开发战略中的标志性工程,是红水河梯级开发的龙头电站,其工程综合效益巨大,  相似文献   

1引言珠江流域的省界主河道主要处于黔桂交界的南盘江下游河段三江口至蔗香段(河长264km),以及红水河的蔗香至曹渡河口处(属龙滩电站的回水区,全长约100km);省界支河道主要处于上游云贵交界的南盘江支流黄泥河段.省界河流水力资源丰富,是水电资源的“富矿”,也是西部大开发、西电东送的主要水电开发地.例如,从黔桂界河三江口至曹渡河口段,就有已建成的大型水电工程天生桥一级和天生桥二级电站二座,正在开工建设的平班电站,加上目前在建的龙滩电站的回水区也处在该段省界河道,故使黔桂界河水资源管理的矛盾日益突出.…  相似文献   

从黔桂交界的南盘江天生桥,到广西桂平县境内的黔江大藤峡,是西江上游红水河规划开发的河段,全长1050公里。如果把红水河比作一条闪光的巨龙,那么,天生桥和大藤峡便是龙头与龙尾了。今年春天,我们的红水河流域之行,涉足的第一站便是大藤峡。  相似文献   

珠江干流西江上中游河段红水河,自南盘江黄泥河口至黔江大藤峡,是水力资源最集中的河段,红水河梯级开发,不仅有巨大的发电效益,而且还担负着珠江流域防洪工程体系调蓄控制上游洪水的重任;红水河还是沟通流域东、西部的水运通道之一.加快红水河水利水电开发,将为新世纪珠江流域经济发展创造条件,保障新世纪珠江中下游防洪安全,促进流域东、西部地区经济协调发展.龙滩水电站、大藤峡水利枢纽为红水河综合开发的两个战略性工程,应尽早动工兴建.应大力推进红水河开发,贯彻实施西部大开发战略,努力实现珠江流域的持续发展.  相似文献   

钟俊 《水力发电》2004,30(12):48-50,55
龙滩水电站工程是中国大唐集团公司最大的在建项目,是红水河流域梯级开发中的龙头骨干工程,其对下游梯级的补偿等综合效益巨大。它的开发建设是实施西部大开发和“西电东送”战略的重要体现,对中国大唐集团公司发展战略的实施和国家可持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

天生桥水电站位于红水河上游的南盘江上。南盘江水量丰沛,落差大,是一条开发价值较高的河流。干流全长915公里,流域面积56,177公里~2。,年来水量217亿米~2,总落差1,839米。其中黄泥河口至北盘江入口的河段,  相似文献   

红水河流域蕴藏着丰富的水能资源,是国家近期开发的水电基地之一。天生桥二级水电站就是利用红水河上游南盘江雷公滩河段180m落差而兴建的电站,装机容量132万kW,是我国在建引水式电站中装机容量最大、引水隧洞最长、隧洞直径最大的一座。该水电站在建设过程中,遇到多种不良地质现象,被国内外专家称为“不良地质现象博物馆”,这无疑给工程建设带来许多意想不到  相似文献   

A detailed regional drought study is carried out in the southern peninsula of India to characterize the spatio-temporal nature of droughts and to predict the drought magnitudes for various probabilities in the homogeneous drought regions. The method of several random initializations of the cluster centres of the K-means algorithm is suggested for the identification of the initial regions in the context of drought regionalization, which is shown to perform better than the initialization from the Ward’s algorithm and the Ward’s algorithm itself. The peninsula is classified into seven spatially well-separated homogeneous drought regions. The robust L-moment framework is used for the regional frequency analysis of drought magnitudes computed using the standardized precipitation index. The Pearson type III is found to be appropriate for regional drought frequency analysis in six of the regions, while the robust Wakeby distribution is suggested for one region. Low magnitude droughts are frequent and dominant in the northern part of west coast, the north-eastern coast and its adjoining inland region, while high magnitude droughts are less in number and are experienced in semi-arid central part, southern part of western coast, south-eastern part and north-western inland region. The spatial maps of drought magnitudes indicate that at higher return periods (100 and 200 years) the south-eastern part of the peninsula is likely to encounter high magnitude droughts, while the central region is likely to experience the same at lower return periods (10 and 50 years). Hence these regions need to be given special importance in the drought mitigation planning activities.  相似文献   

We examine the likelihood of delisting the Hamilton Harbour as an Area of Concern, if the nutrient loading reductions proposed by the Remedial Action Plan are actually implemented. Our analysis suggests that the chl a criterion of 10 μg L− 1 is achievable, but the water quality setting process should explicitly accommodate the natural variability by allowing for a realistic percentage of violations, e.g., exceedences of less than 10–15% of the weekly samples during the stratified period should still be considered as compliance of the system. The current epilimnetic total phosphorus criterion of 17 μg L− 1 is probably stringent and therefore a somewhat higher value (e.g., 20 μg L− 1) may provide a more realistic goal. Phosphorus dynamics in the sediment–water column interface need to be revisited, as the internal nutrient loading can conceivably be a regulatory factor of the duration of the transient phase and the recovery resilience of the Harbour. We also pinpoint two critical aspects of the system dynamics that invite further investigation and will likely determine our predictive capacity to assess compliance with the chlorophyll a criterion of 10 μg L− 1, i.e., the nutrient recycling mediated by the microbial food web and the structural shifts towards a zooplankton community dominated by large-sized and fast-growing herbivores. The latter prospect highlights the notion that the bottom-up (i.e., nutrient loading reduction) approach historically followed in the Harbour was sufficient to bring the system in its present state, but any further improvements should be viewed in the context of a combined bottom-up and top-down (i.e., alleviation of the zooplanktivorous pressure) control.  相似文献   

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