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吕欣  马智  冯登国 《软件学报》2006,17(3):509-515
量子安全直接通信是继量子密钥分配之后提出的又一重要量子密码协议,它要求通信双方在预先不需要建立共享密钥的情况下就可以实现消息的保密传输.给出了一个新的量子安全直接通信方案,该方案利用量子Calderbank-Shor-Steane(CSS)纠错码和未知量子态不可克隆等性质,方案的安全性建立在求解一般的线性码的译码问题是一个NP完全问题、Goppa码有快速的译码算法和量子图灵机不能有效求解NP完全问题的基础上.在协议中,发送方Alice把要发送的秘密消息转化为一一对应的错误向量,把错误向量加到其接收到的、Bob编码过的量子态上,并发给接收方Bob.Bob利用其私钥,通过测量、解码可以得到错误向量,并可以用相应的算法恢复出秘密消息.控制量子信道的攻击者Eve不能恢复出秘密消息,因其不知道Bob的密钥.与已有的量子安全直接通信方案相比,该方案不需要交换任何额外的经典信息和建立量子纠缠信道.  相似文献   

量子纠错码在量子计算和量子通信中起着至关重要的作用.文中区别于之前关于量子纠错码的研究,之前大多关于量子纠错码的研究都在对称的量子信道上,所谓对称的量子信道是指量子比特翻转的错误概率与量子相位翻转的错误概率相等的信道.文中的研究侧重在非对称的量子信道上,所谓非对称性体现在量子相位翻转的错误概率与量子比特翻转的错误概率不相等,前者大于后者,利用经典多项式码,基于多项式基构造映射,满足了构造定理的条件,从而构造了一类非对称量子纠错码  相似文献   

量子纠错码在量子通信和量子计算中起着非常重要的作用,之前的量子纠错码的构造大部分都是利用经典的纠错码来构造得到,如Hamming码,BCH码,RS码,Reed-Muller码等各种经典纠错码。目前,很少有人利用图生成的线性码方法来构造量子纠错码,提出了一个新的构造量子纠错码和非对称量子纠错码的方法,即利用[n]立方图的线图生成的二元线性码来构造量子纠错码和非对称量子纠错码,得到了一类新的量子纠错码和非对称量子纠错码,并且,当码字的长度较大时,对所构造的非对称量子纠错码,在非对称信道上有更大的纠错能力。  相似文献   

量子密钥分配协议具有可证明的绝对安全性,但是由于量子信道噪声的作用,量子比特在传输过程中容易产生错误,从而降低量子密钥分配的效率.对此,根据量子纠错理论,利用Hamming码构造一种[7,1]CSS纠错码,并结合BB84协议,提出一种改进的量子密钥分配协议.通过理论分析与数值计算,对比改进协议与BB84协议在含噪声量子...  相似文献   

量子纠错码的一个统一构造方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在量子通信和量子计算中,量子纠错码起着至关重要的作用。人们已经利用Hamming码、BCH码、Reed-Solomon码等各种循环码、常循环码、准循环码来构造量子纠错码。利用准缠绕码将这些构造方法统一起来,给出了准缠绕码包含其对偶码的充分必要条件及准缠绕码的一个新构造方法,并且利用准缠绕码构造了新的量子纠错码。  相似文献   

提出了一种在有限域上的简单上闭链分块逆Jacket变换(CBIJT)。为将高阶的上闭链逆Jacket矩阵(CBIJM)因式分解成单位矩阵和低阶稀疏矩阵,考虑运用带来快速变换的连续结构来减少计算负荷。采用类似的递归方式分析两个CBIJT,即单维和双维CBIJT。这两个CBIJT为单位矩阵和低阶CBIJT的多重Kronecker积。  相似文献   

钟淑琴  马智  许亚杰 《计算机工程》2010,36(23):266-267,270
根据由简单无向图构造的量子纠错码与量子稳定子码的关系,利用与图对应的对称矩阵直接给出量子稳定子码的稳定子,由此提出一种基于矩阵方法的量子纠错码构造方法,通过将子矩阵变换为循环矩阵,找到满足特殊性质的矩阵,并证明对任意素数p>3,量子MDS码[[9,5,3]]p和[[8,4,3]]p存在,对任意素数p>7,量子MDS码[[9,3,4]]p存在。  相似文献   

基于纠错码的信息隐藏容量模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
闫雪虎 《计算机工程》2010,36(3):172-173
分析基于纠错码信息隐藏的可行性和基本原理,对当前基于纠错码信息隐藏的主要算法模型进行研究和优缺点分析。介绍基于纠错码信息隐藏的最大嵌入容量模型,以及模型在理想状况下的理论推导结果,对分组码和卷积码进行对比研究,给出比较结果,并提出需要改进和完善的地方。  相似文献   

由于量子计算相比于经典计算的突出优越性,量子小波变换的实现对于小波变换的理论完善和实际应用具有重要的意义.在给出了正移置换矩阵的量子逻辑线路后,运用矩阵扩展Kronecker积,基于W-H变换和正移置换矩阵对Harr小波矩阵进行了分解,给出了相应的数学表达式和量子逻辑线路.并对其实现复杂度和物理实现可能性进行了分析.  相似文献   

由中心权重哈达玛变换发展而来的Jacket变换,因其正交性、求逆简单和拥有快速算法等特点逐渐受到关注。Jacket变换可应用于信号与图像处理、数字移动通信、量子编码、大数据处理等领域。为了进一步丰富Jacket变换理论,提出了一种通用的循环分块Jacket变换(r-circulant block Jacket transform,r-CBJT)。同时基于基本的r循环分块矩阵的性质,给出了任意阶r循环分块Jacket变换矩阵的构造方法。随后进一步推导了任意阶r循环分块Jacket变换矩阵的快速构造与分解算法,该快速算法可表示为单位矩阵与低阶Jacket矩阵连续克罗内克积的迭代形式。相比直接计算算法,该快速算法拥有更高的计算效率,且该快速算法也可应用于具有类似结构的其他类型的r循环分块Jacket变换。  相似文献   

We investigate the performance of a quantum error-correcting code when pushed beyond its intended capacity to protect against errors, presenting formulae for the probability of failure when the errors affect more qudits than that specified by the code’s minimum distance. Such formulae provide a means to rank different codes of the same minimum distance. We consider both error detection and error correction, treating explicit examples in the case of stabilizer codes constructed from qubits and encoding a single qubit Pacs: 03.67.Pp  相似文献   

郭迎  曾贵华  马少军 《软件学报》2006,17(5):1133-1139
为了同时检测量子随机错误和量子突发错误,提出了量子事件错误检错码.通过利用构造的错误图样,该码不但检测并纠正错误发生的事件类型,而且可以检测到错误发生的种类、随机错误的数量、错误发生的长度甚至错误发生的位置.  相似文献   

The complexity of the error correction circuitry forces us to design quantum error correction codes capable of correcting a single error per error correction cycle. Yet, time-correlated error are common for physical implementations of quantum systems; an error corrected during the previous cycle may reoccur later due to physical processes specific for each physical implementation of the qubits. In this paper, we study quantum error correction for a restricted class of time-correlated errors in a spin-boson model. The algorithm we propose allows the correction of two errors per error correction cycle, provided that one of them is time-correlated. The algorithm can be applied to any stabilizer code when the two logical qubits and are entangled states of 2 n basis states in .   相似文献   

The effect of noise on a quantum system can be described by a set of operators obtained from the interaction Hamiltonian. Recently it has been shown that generalized quantum error correcting codes can be derived by studying the algebra of this set of operators. This led to the discovery of noiseless subsystems. They are described by a set of operators obtained from the commutant of the noise generators. In this paper we derive a general method to compute the structure of this commutant in the case of unital noise. PACS: 03.67.–a, 03.67.Pp  相似文献   

在量子信道中,粒子在传输过程中通常会受到噪声的影响,提出基于自对偶量子低密度校验码的量子对话协议来抵抗噪声攻击,使用B构造法和U构造法相结合的方法来构造自对偶量子低密度奇偶校验矩阵。所提量子对话协议能够抵抗常见的外部攻击,且不存在信息泄露,提高了编码和译码的效率。从纠错的角度研究所提量子对话协议的安全性,安全分析表明,该协议具有足够的安全性,能够有效抵御常见的恶意攻击。  相似文献   

"乒乓"量子通信协议的量子直接通信已引起了许多学者们的关注,然而,由于双向量子信道的对称性,该协议存在安全性缺陷.基于量子纠错码(QECC)编码原理和构造技术提出了一种新的攻击策略.基于该攻击策略分别对纠缠态和非正交态的"乒乓"协议进行了论证,并从信息论角度对Eve可以获得的信息量和可能被检测到的概率进行了分析.分析结果表明,以前提出的"乒乓"量子通信协议都是不安全的,即攻击者可以在不被检测到的情况下获得传输的信息.  相似文献   

A novel, practical and convenient approach to constructing Calderbank-Shor-Steane (CSS) codes based on factor graphs is presented in this paper. Our proposed method is applied to solve two problems associated with constructing CCS codes. One is judging whether a code is a weakly self-dual code or not, the other is finding the generator matrix and parity-check matrix of a weakly self-dual code. The novelty, practicality and convenience of the approach are shown as follows. First, the approach is a hitherto unexplored one to constructing CSS codes. Second, the judgment of a weakly self-dual code is entirely based on factor graphs. Namely, we consider a code a weakly self-dual one when the Tanner graph or convolutional factor graph of its dual code can be obtained by that of its own via our proposed transform TRL. Finally, we can obtain the generator matrix and parity-check matrix of a weakly self-dual code via factor graphs other than conventional algebra methods, which allow us avoid matrix computation to get them. An example is given to show how to construct quantum CSS code based on factor graphs. The method can be extended to other CSS codes.  相似文献   

Hsieh  M.  Kempe  J.  Myrgren  S.  Whaley  K. B. 《Quantum Information Processing》2003,2(4):289-307
A single physical interaction might not be universal for quantum computation in general. It has been shown, however, that in some cases it can achieve universal quantum computation over a subspace. For example, by encoding logical qubits into arrays of multiple physical qubits, a single isotropic or anisotropic exchange interaction can generate a universal logical gate-set. Recently, encoded universality for the exchange interaction was explicitly demonstrated on three-qubit arrays, the smallest nontrivial encoding. We now present the exact specification of a discrete universal logical gate-set on four-qubit arrays. We show how to implement the single qubit operations exactly with at most 3 nearest neighbor exchange operations and how to generate the encoded controlled-NOT with 27 parallel nearest neighbor exchange interactions or 50 serial gates, obtained from extensive numerical optimization using genetic algorithms and Nelder–Mead searches. We also give gate-switching times for the three-qubit encoding to much higher accuracy than previously and provide the full speci.cation for exact CNOT for this encoding. Our gate-sequences are immediately applicable to implementations of quantum circuits with the exchange interaction. PACS: 03.67.Lx, 03.65.Ta, 03.65.Fd, 89.70.+c  相似文献   

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