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相场法模拟对流作用下铝合金的枝晶生长   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于现有二元合金纯扩散相场模型,建立了耦合流场和溶质场的相场模型,采用有限体积法和有限差分法对控制方程进行数值求解,模拟了对流作用下二元合金等温凝固过程中枝晶的生长,研究了过冷度对枝晶生长形貌和溶质场的影响,分析了枝晶主轴中心方向的溶质分布.结果表明:过冷度越大,枝晶的生长速率越快,固液界面前沿溶质扩散层越薄,溶质梯度越大.  相似文献   

袁训锋  丁雨田 《铸造技术》2012,33(8):913-917
基于耦合流场的Wheeler模型,采用有限差分法,对纯镍单枝晶和多枝晶生长过程进行模拟,研究了强制对流对枝晶形貌、温度分布及枝晶臂尖端生长行为的影响。结果表明,在流速为14.76 m/s的垂直强制对流作用下,单枝晶生长时逆流枝晶臂生长迅速,其尖端稳态生长速度比纯扩散时增加了47.14%;顺流枝晶臂生长缓慢,其尖端稳态生长速度比纯扩散时减小了49.72%。模拟结果与Ivanstov理论及试验结果一致。多枝晶生长时,受强制流动、晶体结构特征和生长空间的共同作用,仅有指向逆流侧外部区域的优先生长方向上的枝晶臂生长受到促进,主枝和侧枝发达,其他优先生长方向的枝晶臂生长均受到抑制,主枝和侧枝退化。  相似文献   

采用相场法模拟了等温过程中枝晶长大过程。结果表明:晶粒经历了由球形经星形向复杂枝晶转变的过程;过冷度的增加使晶粒的生长速度增加。利用本模型成功模拟出各种不同择优取向的枝晶生长形貌。  相似文献   

相场法模拟对流对枝晶生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于Tong相场模型发展得到的单相场控制多晶粒相场模型,采用相场、流场及温度场三场耦合的方法,对纯镍凝固过程中的枝晶生长进行了数值模拟.时比研究了有无对流情况下,单个枝晶不同择优取向的枝晶形貌和枝晶尖端生长速度;模拟了多个晶粒的竞争生长,再现了凝固过程中的枝晶生长过程.  相似文献   

赵宇辉  张国伟  侯华  程军 《铸造技术》2006,27(5):511-513
简介了相场方法,利用相场法对纯铝进行了数值模拟,研究了晶核半径、界面厚度等参数对晶粒形貌的影响。模拟结果与实验结果基本吻合。表明相场方法符合枝晶生长的物理机制。  相似文献   

在二元合金相场模型研究的基础上,建立了耦合溶质场和流场的相场模型。采用有限差分法对相场模型进行数值求解,模拟了流场作用下Al-4.5wt%Cu合金凝固过程中的枝晶演化。质量和动量守恒方程采用Simple算法进行求解,解决了因压力带来的求解难题。通过数值模拟研究了强迫对流流速对枝晶生长形貌和溶质场分布情况的影响,并分析了对流速度对上游、下游和法向枝晶主干尖端生长速率和曲率半径的影响。  相似文献   

对流作用下枝晶生长行为的相场法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基于Wheeler等提出的纯扩散相场模型,建立耦合溶质场、温度场和流场的相场模型,采用有限差分法对控制方程进行数值求解,研究Ni-Cu合金凝固过程中单晶粒枝晶和多晶粒枝晶在强制对流作用下的生长行为。结果表明:熔体的流动显著改变凝固前沿的传热和传质,从而改变枝晶的生长行为。在流速为6.43m/s的垂直强制对流作用下,上游枝晶受过冷熔体冲刷,枝晶尖端溶质浓度和温度低,实际过冷度大,枝晶生长迅速,稳态生长速度比纯扩散时增加28%;热量和溶质在下游富集,下游枝晶尖端溶质浓度和温度高,实际过冷度小,枝晶生长缓慢,稳态生长速度比纯扩散时减小26%。  相似文献   

袁训锋  丁雨田 《铸造技术》2012,(9):1034-1036
基于耦合流场的Wheeler模型,采用有限差分法对纯镍枝晶生长过程进行了模拟,研究了初始晶核半径对枝晶形貌及尖端生长行为的影响,分析了初始晶核半径大于尖端分裂临界晶核半径时的枝晶生长机理。结果表明,在流速为14.76 m/s的垂直强制对流作用下,初始晶核半径小于尖端分裂临界晶核半径时,不同初始晶核半径的枝晶臂尖端生长行为相似,且为抛物线形;初始晶核半径大于尖端分裂临界晶核半径时,晶核各优先生长方向上均形成两个突起,水平方向的两个突起合并粗化形成单一枝晶臂,逆流、顺流方向的两个突起平行生长形成尖端分叉的枝晶臂。  相似文献   

相场法模拟铸铝凝固过程的枝晶生长   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用相场法对纯铝进行了数值模拟,研究了晶核半径、界面厚度等参数对晶粒形貌的影响.模拟结果与实验结果基本吻合.表明相场方法符合枝晶生长的物理机制,模拟结果接近实验结果.  相似文献   

利用相场法微观组织数值模拟技术,对纯铝物质的枝晶生长过程进行了仿真.研究了初始晶核半径、空间步长和各向异性对纯铝枝晶生长的影响.通过计算结果表明,在保证初始晶核半径不被熔化前提下,初始晶核半径不影响枝晶形貌;空间步长取值应在0.2d0~0.6d0范围内;各向异性趋于增大枝晶尖端生长速度,减小枝晶尖端半径.  相似文献   

Convection effect on dendritic growth using phase-field method   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Phase-field model was employed to quantitatively study the effect of convection on pattern selection and growth rate of 2D and 3D dendrite tip,as well as the effect of the different convection velocity on the dendritic growth.The calculated results show that crystal is asymmetric in the priority direction of growth under flow.The dentritic growth is promoted in the upstream region and suppressed in the downstream region.Convection can cause deviation in the dendrite growth direction and the preferred direct...  相似文献   

Wu  Meng-wu  Guo  Zhi-peng  Xiong  Shou-mei 《中国铸造》2017,14(5):359-364
Fluid flow has a significant impact on the microstructure evolution of alloys during solidification. Based on the previous work relating simulation of the dendritic growth of magnesium alloys with hcp (hexagonal close-packed) structure, an extension was made to the formerly established CA (cellular automaton) model with the purpose of studying the effect of fluid flow on the dendritic growth of magnesium alloys. The modified projection method was used to solve the transport equations of flow field. By coupling the flow field with the solute field, simulation results of equiaxed and columnar dendritic growth of magnesium alloys with fluid flow were achieved. The simulated results were quantitatively compared with those without fluid flow. Moreover, a comparison was also made between the present work and previous works conducted by others. It can be concluded that a deep understanding of the dendritic growth of magnesium alloys with fluid flow can be obtained by applying the present numerical model.  相似文献   

应用投影算法与相场法相结合的数学模型,采用基于非均匀网格的自适应有限元法求解该模型,并对强制流动作用下镍过冷熔体中枝晶生长行为进行模拟。模拟结果表明,强迫对流的引入导致枝晶生长的不对称性。当流速小于临界值时,流动对枝晶的不对称生长影响较小;当流速达到或超过临界值时,枝晶生长的控制因素逐渐从热扩散过渡到对流。随着流速的增大,流动法向的一次枝晶臂朝逆流方向倾斜角度增大。而枝晶生长对熔体流动具有明显的影响。随着枝晶尺寸的增大,在顺流区域产生涡流效应,涡流区逐渐扩大并在枝晶尖端出现重熔现象。此外,非均匀网格的自适应有限元方法的CPU耗费时间比均匀网格方法降低一个数量级,并且加速比与计算域尺寸成正比。  相似文献   

相场法模拟强迫层流对流动法向枝晶的影响(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用耦和流场的相场模型,考虑热扰动影响因素,模拟非等温条件下低雷诺数过冷熔体强迫层流对流动法向枝晶生长的影响。以高纯丁二腈(SCN)过冷熔体枝晶生长为例,分析熔体有流动和无流动时二次枝晶形貌差异的原因;研究过冷熔体层流速度、流动法向一次枝晶臂偏转角度和枝晶尖端生长速度之间的关系;推导枝晶尖端前沿熔体流动速度值与枝晶生长时间的理论表达式;定量对比其理论值与模拟值,结果吻合较好。  相似文献   

相场法凝固组织模拟的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于艳梅  A.Karma  C.Beckermann 《铸造》2000,49(9):507-511
阐述了相场法是一种用于模拟凝固微观组织的有效方法 ,是目前国内外的研究热点 ;论述了相场法模拟凝固微观组织的原理和国内外的研究现状 ,并指出进一步研究的方向。  相似文献   

Numerical simulation based on phase field method was developed to describe the solidification of two-dimensional isothermal binary alloys. The evolution of the interface morphology was shown and the effects of phase field parameters were formulated for succinonitrile-acetone alloy. The results indicate that an anti-trapping current(ATC) can suppress many trapped molten packets, which is caused by the thickened interface. With increasing the anisotropy value from 0 to 0.05, a small circular seed grows to develope secondary dendritic, dendritic tip velocity increases monotonically, and the solute accumulation of solid/liquid interface is diminished distinctly. Furthermore, with the increase of the coupling parameter value, the interface becomes unstable and the side branches of crystals appear and grow gradually.  相似文献   

焊接熔池冷却速度快、凝固时间短、过冷度大,结合以上特点构建相场法与有限筹分的耦合数学模型,对TIG焊接熔池中等轴晶生长过程进行研究.首先,利用该模型成功模拟了纯镍焊接熔池中心区域单个等轴晶生长过程形态演变.进一步研究了不同过冷条件下,等轴枝晶生长形貌和生长行为的变化规律.模拟结果符合固液界面形貌稳定性理论.同时,初步计...  相似文献   

Phase-field crystal methodology is applied, for the first time, to study the effect of alloy composition on the clustering behavior of a quenched/aged supersaturated ternary Al alloy system. An analysis of the work of formation is adapted from a methodology developed in Fallah et al. to describe the dislocation-mediated nucleation and growth mechanisms of early clusters in binary alloys [Phys Rev B 2012;86:134112]. Consistent with the experiments, we demonstrate that the addition of Mg to an Al–1.1Cu alloy increases the nucleation rate of clusters in the quenched/aged state by increasing the effective driving force for nucleation, enhancing the dislocation stress relaxation and decreasing the surface energy associated with the Cu-rich co-clusters of Cu–Mg. Furthermore, we show that it is thermodynamically favorable for small subcritical clusters to have higher affinity for Mg than larger post-critical Cu-rich clusters, particularly depicting a two-stage clustering phenomenon.  相似文献   

Fluid flow has a significant impact on the microstructure evolution of alloys during solidification. Based on the previous work relating simulation of the dendritic growth of magnesium alloys with hcp(hexagonal closepacked) structure, an extension was made to the formerly established CA(cellular automaton) model with the purpose of studying the effect of fluid flow on the dendritic growth of magnesium alloys. The modified projection method was used to solve the transport equations of flow field. By coupling the flow field with the solute field, simulation results of equiaxed and columnar dendritic growth of magnesium alloys with fluid flow were achieved. The simulated results were quantitatively compared with those without fluid flow. Moreover, a comparison was also made between the present work and previous works conducted by others. It can be concluded that a deep understanding of the dendritic growth of magnesium alloys with fluid flow can be obtained by applying the present numerical model.  相似文献   

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