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ISO/IECJTC1与ETSI签订信息交换协定ISO/IECJTC1与ETSI(欧洲电信标准学会)于近期签订了信息交换协定,协定如下:A.交换总体信息ISO/IECJTC1和相关各分委员会向ETSI提供ISO/IECJTCI和相关各分委员会的工作计划(包括进展情况和目标日期);有关工作草案和委员会草案;新工作建议;ISO/IECJTC1DIS、国际标准和技术报告的文本。ETSI和各技术委员会向ISO/IECJTC1提供访问有关信息,包括ETSI工作计划、各技术小组的职权范围、出版物目录和向ETSI范围内的观察员提供的其他资料;以电信系列标志的prEN…  相似文献   

在ETSI相关标准的基础上,结合实际的测试体会,提供了一种xDSL分离器瞬态响应测试方法。  相似文献   

作为卫星通信的重要发展方向,宽带卫星通信日益受到人们的重视.2004年起,欧洲标准化组织ETSI相继出台了一系列宽带卫星通信的标准,为宽带卫星通信系统的设计提供指导与参考.  相似文献   

DVB是一个系列标准,其主要的标准DVB-S、DVB-C和DVB-T为世界上大多数的广播运营商用于电视和数据广播业务。ETSI(全欧广播电视组织)在2004年1月颁布了新的卫星数字电视标准DVB-S2  相似文献   

欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)是为制定适用于全欧洲的电信标准而建立的。经过6年的运作,ETSI现已通过了850多项欧洲电信标准和该协会的技术报告,还有很多标准正待启用。已有160多项标准开始进入公众评论阶段。ETSI目前有会员373个,分别来自30个国家,其中美国的会员数最多,有88个,其次是德国和法国,分别有65个和58个。会员的类型有:公共网络经营者(15%)、生产商(56.3%)、行政部门(10.4%)、用户(6.9%)、科研机构、咨询公司及私营服务提供者(11.4%)。为了确保协会的工作能高效、快速地取得进展,ETSI大会是主要…  相似文献   

电信科学研究规划院和欧洲电信标准协会 共商合作前景CATRP and ETSI Discuss Cooperation Prospects 1996年11月19日,来访的欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)高级代表团和电信科学研究规划院(CATRP)在京共同举办了电信技术标准研讨会。 在研讨会上,代表团提供了《全球多媒体移动性》、《欧洲信息基础设施》和《通向信息高速公路的捷径》3份资料,并分专题详细介绍了ETSI机构的工作。邮电部科技司周宝信副司长出  相似文献   

目前,天津水利已完成欧洲ETSI标准TETRA数字群系统的建设,该系统可以提供通信指挥高度、水数据高速传输、动态重组、脱网直通等功能的服务。  相似文献   

2005年4月18日,DVB很高兴地宣布:其革命性的卫星标准——DVB-S2获得ETSI(欧洲电信标准协会)批准。DVB-S2是在DVB-S成功的基础上设计的,它在合理成本的基础上提供比现有的标准更灵活、性能更好的服务。作为新一代卫星数字广播标准,DVB-S2在更有效利用原有信道传输容量的同时,还大大拓展了业务范围,囊括了广播电视服务、互联网交互式服务、卫星新闻采集、数据内容分布/中继等。  相似文献   

Hughes宣布推出新一代平台HN System。该平台将有助于最有效地执行采用了自适应编码调制(ACM)技术的DVB—S2行业标准。HN System还符合IPoS(卫星IP,北美的美国通信工业协会(TIA)和欧洲的欧洲电信标准协会(ETSI)和国际电信联盟(ITU)批准的首个全球卫星行业标准。  相似文献   

美国的几家大计算机公司看起来已经赢得它同欧洲电信标准机构(ETSI)的一场争执。引发这场争执的原因是ETSI计划对这些公司的一些专利技术实行强制许可。去年九月初公布的投票表决结果表明,ETSI88.4%的成员要求ETSI放弃这个计划。 设在华盛顿的计算机及商用机器制造商协会在去年指控ETSI的知识产权政策违反了欧洲联盟的竞争  相似文献   

张帆 《电信快报》1999,(6):24-28
与IPoverATM和IPoverSDH不同,由动态同步传送模式(DTM)提供的IPoverDTM(IPOD)解决方案,以其高效的协议、灵活的业务支持、强大的可扩展能力等显著优点,引起了ETSI等标准化组织的重视。文章从DTM原理出发,分析IPOD模型及其两种转发机制,探讨IPOD的应用实例和发展前景。  相似文献   

首先介绍嵌入式UICC(eUICC)的提出背景,总结GSMA、ETSI、3GPP和3GPP2中的相关工作。其中ETSI SCP的研究侧重从卡的角度定义嵌入式UICC的应用场景和需求,3GPP的研究侧重用于3GPP网路的嵌入式UICC参数集、远程配置和更新机制、安全策略等,3GPP2则研究嵌入式UICC在3GPP2网络中的应用需求和远程配置/更新机制。最后对eUICC中的关键技术远程配置管理进行探讨,并提出一种嵌入式UICC远程管理实现方案。  相似文献   

This paper discusses some of the recent work within the Broadband Radio Access Network (BRAN) project of ETSI (European Telecommunications Standards Institute), regarding the issue of establishing an interworking solution between Hiperlan/2 and 3G cellular systems and introduces the concept of Hiperlan/2 Public Access. So far the BRAN project has identified several fundamentally different types of possible solutions whose differences lie within the level of integration. The most essential requirements identified were authentication, mobility between Hiperlan/2 and 3G, service continuity, and preservation of the applied security levels. Recent agreements between ETSI, IEEE and MMAC may now take this work forward to produce a generic WLAN to 3G and external networks interworking standard. Indeed such work may also form the precursor for post 3G systems.  相似文献   

HIPERLAN is the new European standard for radio LANs currently being formulated by ETSI RES10 for operation at 5 GHz and 17 GHz. It will be suitable for radio replacement of wired LANs and for ad hoc networking providing a user data rate of 10–20 Mbit/s. This paper is a review of the work of ETSI RES10 on the formulation of the HIPERLAN standard. The origins of ETSI RES10 are documented. The targets set for HIPERLAN and the problems in achieving these targets are discussed. The paper reviews the technical arguments for and against the proposed solutions to these problems, concentrating on the design of the transmission scheme and the channel access mechanism. The discussions leading to significant decisions about the standard are summarized. If the FCC in the United States of America allocate the equivalent 5 GHz band to unlicensed wireless LAN systems, many of these discussions will be revisited for future standards in this band. The paper will be of interest to anyone in academia or industry wishing to be brought quickly up to date with the state of the standard in order to focus their research or development activities. The paper also gives a general insight into the technical side of the standards formulation process in ETSI.  相似文献   

Introduces the work being performed in ETSI and ITU-T on the management of IN and on IN and TMN harmonization. After a short history of, and rationale for the work in this area, a brief overview of the results achieved in ETSI's joint experts group on IN/TMN is provided. This includes the proposed mapping of the IN functional entities onto TMN function blocks and the proposal for integration of IN and TMN modeling techniques. This work has resulted in the “Baseline Document on the Integration of IN and TMN”. Both ETSI and ITU-T have accepted this document as a starting point for further addressing the special requirements of IN with respect to management (i.e., rapid deployment and provisioning of new services and corresponding management functionality). The work on further alignment of IN and TMN terminology and concepts is an ongoing activity, as both IN and TMN concepts are expected to evolve toward the definition of open and distributed platform-oriented environments. The article also addresses this work program, the intermediate results, and the expected outcome of this continued effort on the standardization of IN management  相似文献   

未来的卫星移动通信网是第三代移动通信系统的重要组成部分 ,本文介绍ITU和ETSI围绕其标准化工作所进行的研究情况 ,包括系统目标与设计准则、轨道星座、频率分配 ,以及标准化工作的研究内容等。  相似文献   

There are two major trends in communicationstechnology: multimedia and mobile communications. Thisis necessary to support new service concepts anddemanding capabilities of wireless communicationsystems. Although the migration to ATM-based broadbandISDN is visible, wireless ATM (WATM) internetworking formobile clients is still in its infancy. In this article,a brief overview of the current mobile communications standards GSM and DECT is presented. It isshown why these standards fail to deliver adequateperformance for multimedia data transfer. We thendescribe the recently approved IEEE 802.11 wirelesslocal area network standards and ETSI HIPERLAN 1 indetail and discuss their suitability for the transfer ofATM cells. Next, the ongoing work of the ATM Forum'sWATM Working Group and the efforts of the ETSI RES 10 regarding the further development ofHIPERLAN 2, 3, and 4 is elaborated. Finally, severalexisting WATMs are described.  相似文献   

Digital Video Broadcasting Terrestrial (DVB-T) is a standard issued by the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI). The ETSI also issued some implementation guidelines regarding transmission aspects which include coverage requirements. For broadcasting designers, the main reference for calculating coverage is the recommendations of the International Telecommunication Union—Radiocommunication Sector (ITU-R). However, we are in trouble if we try to use the ITU-R recommendations to meet the ETSI coverage requirements because the latter specify a minimum signal level at the receiver to be guaranteed over 99 % of time whereas the ITU-R recommendations only give a calculation procedure for up to 50 % of the time. The present paper offers a method in order to adapt the ETSI coverage requirements to the ITU-R recommendations, based on a research measurement of the DVB-T signal level received in four different environments over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Intelligent network overview   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The International Consultative Committee for Telephone and Telegraph (CCITT) program of work that addresses global international intelligent network (IN) standards and a framework for the standardized evolution of IN are described. Bell Communication Research's (Bellcore's) IN work, referred to as the Advanced Intelligent Network (AIN), is also discussed in relation to the CCITT IN Recommendations. In addition, IN activities of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) and the Telecommunications Technology Committee (TTC) of Japan are described  相似文献   

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