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This paper provides an impulsive control scheme for chaotic systems based on their Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy models. Firstly, we utilize a T–S fuzzy model to represent a chaotic system. Secondly, using comparison methods, a general asymptotical stability criteria is derived for chaotic systems with impulsive effects. Finally, as an illustrative example, Lorenz system is considered to verify the effectiveness of the control scheme.  相似文献   

This paper deals with passivity control for uncertain singular discrete T–S (Takagi-Sugeno) fuzzy time-delay systems subject to actuator saturation. Primarily, a sufficient condition is derived which guarantees that the uncertain singular discrete T–S (Linear matrix inequality) constraints is formulated to estimate the domain of attraction for the discrete T–S closed-loop system. At last, we show the applicability and superiority of obtained theoretical results through three simulations.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with the problem of observer-based reliable passive control for uncertain Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy systems with time-delay and actuator faults. By employing Lyapunov stability theory, fault treatment method and linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), a sufficient condition on the existence of an observer-based reliable passive controller is given. Further, the LMI conditions are proposed for the observer-based reliable passive controller design. The gain of reliable controller and observer can be obtained by solving the proposed LMIs. Using the reliable passive controller, the closed-loop system is not only internally stable but also strictly passive even though some actuator components fail and system state fails to be measured completely. Finally, a truck-trailer system example is given to verify the effectiveness and advantages of the designed approach.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the problem of robust H control for uncertain T–S fuzzy systems with time-varying delay. By employing a novel technique, new delay-dependent stabilisation conditions for the existence of a robust H controller are obtained based on the parallel distributed compensation method. The result obtained is an important contribution as it establishes a new way that can reduce the conservatism without imposing any restrictions and computational efforts at the same time. In this article, all the conditions are shown in terms of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs), which can be solved efficiently by using LMI optimisation techniques. Two numerical examples are given to demonstrate the merits of the approach proposed in this article. Finally, application to control a truck-trailer is also given to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed design method.  相似文献   

In this study, a novel approach via the composite of fuzzy controllers and dithers is presented. According to this approach, we can synthesize a set of fuzzy controllers and find appropriate dithers to stabilize nonlinear multiple time-delay (NMTD) interconnected systems. A robustness design of model-based fuzzy control is first proposed to overcome the effect of modeling errors between the NMTD interconnected subsystems and Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy models. In terms of Lyapunov's direct method, a delay-dependent stability criterion is then derived to guarantee the asymptotic stability of NMTD interconnected systems. Based on this criterion and the decentralized control scheme, a set of model-based fuzzy controllers is synthesized via the technique of parallel distributed compensation (PDC) to stabilize the NMTD interconnected system. When the designed fuzzy controllers cannot stabilize the NMTD interconnected systems, a batch of high-frequency signals (commonly referred to as dithers) is simultaneously introduced to stabilize it. If the frequencies of dithers are high enough, the outputs of the dithered interconnected system and those of its corresponding mathematical model–the relaxed interconnected system can be made as close as desired. This makes it possible to obtain a rigorous prediction of the stability of the dithered interconnected system based on the one of the relaxed interconnected system. Finally, a numerical example is given to illustrate the feasibility of our approach.  相似文献   

The dissipative analysis and control problems for a class of Markov jump non-linear stochastic systems (MJNSSs) are investigated. A sufficient condition for the dissipativity of MJNSSs is given in terms of coupled non-linear Hamilton–Jacobi inequalities (HJIs). Generally, it is difficult to solve the coupled HJIs. In this paper, based on T–S fuzzy model, the dissipative analysis and controller design for MJNSSs is proposed via solving a set of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) instead of HJIs. Finally, a numerical example is presented to show the effectiveness of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This article further studies the observer-based H -control problem for discrete-time Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy systems. By using fuzzy Lyapunov functions and introducing slack variables, a sufficient condition, which can guarantee observer-based H -control performance for T–S fuzzy systems, is proposed in terms of a set of bilinear matrix inequalities. Moreover, in the so-called two-step procedure, results of the first step are allowed to select in order to reduce the conservatism of previous approaches. In comparison with the existing literature, the proposed approach not only provides more relaxed H -control conditions but also ensures better H -control performance. Finally, the validity and applicability of the proposed approach are successfully demonstrated through two numerical examples.  相似文献   

A new indirect adaptive switching fuzzy control method for fuzzy dynamical systems, based on Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) multiple models is proposed in this article. Motivated by the fact that indirect adaptive control techniques suffer from poor transient response, especially when the initialisation of the estimation model is highly inaccurate and the region of uncertainty for the plant parameters is very large, we present a fuzzy control method that utilises the advantages of multiple models strategy. The dynamical system is expressed using the T–S method in order to cope with the nonlinearities. T–S adaptive multiple models of the system to be controlled are constructed using different initial estimations for the parameters while one feedback linearisation controller corresponds to each model according to a specified reference model. The controller to be applied is determined at every time instant by the model which best approximates the plant using a switching rule with a suitable performance index. Lyapunov stability theory is used in order to obtain the adaptive law for the multiple models parameters, ensuring the asymptotic stability of the system while a modification in this law keeps the control input away from singularities. Also, by introducing the next best controller logic, we avoid possible infeasibilities in the control signal. Simulation results are presented, indicating the effectiveness and the advantages of the proposed method.  相似文献   

This paper concerns the problems of non-fragile guaranteed cost control (GCC) for nonlinear systems with or without parameter uncertainties. The Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy hyperbolic model is employed to represent the nonlinear system. The non-fragile controller is designed by parallel distributed compensation (PDC) method, and some sufficient conditions are formulated via linear matrix inequalities (LMIs) such that the system is asymptotically stable and the cost function satisfies an upper bound in the presence of the additive controller perturbations. The above approach is also extended to the non-fragile GCC of T–S fuzzy hyperbolic system with parameter uncertainties, and the robust non-fragile GCC scheme is obtained. The main advantage of the non-fragile GCC based on the T–S fuzzy hyperbolic model is that it can achieve small control amplitude via ‘soft’ constraint approach. Finally, a numerical example and the Van de Vusse example are given to illustrate the effectiveness and feasibility of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

We consider the design problem of H X controllers for discrete-time fuzzy systems. We introduce two Riccati inequalities from the standard H X theory, one for the state feedback controller, the other for the filter gain. We rewrite the second inequality and obtain an equivalent inequality for the inverse. We then rewrite this using LMI to obtain the final form of the inequality and show that the proposed output feedback controller is n -suboptimal. We give two examples and construct n -suboptimal controllers for them.  相似文献   

In this article, the receding horizon H control problems for sampled-data systems are considered. Since sampled-data systems can be rewritten as equivalent jump systems, the receding horizon H control problems for time-varying jump systems are considered first and the design methods of a state feedback receding horizon H controller and an output feedback receding horizon H controller are given. Then the obtained results are applied to sampled-data systems and the design methods of a state feedback receding horizon H controller and an output feedback receding horizon H controller are given. Two numerical examples are given to illustrate the theory.  相似文献   

In this paper, the Takagi–Sugeno (T–S) fuzzy model representation is extended to the stability analysis for nonlinear interconnected systems with multiple time-delays using linear matrix inequality (LMI) theory. In terms of Lyapunov’s direct method for multiple time-delay fuzzy interconnected systems, a novel LMI-based stability criterion which can be solved numerically is proposed. Then, the common P matrix of the criterion is obtained by LMI optimization algorithms to guarantee the asymptotic stability of nonlinear interconnect systems with multiple time-delay. Finally, the proposed stability conditions are demonstrated with simulations throughout this paper.  相似文献   

Methods have been presented previously (Suryanarayanan and Soudack 1970) for the generation of sensitivity functions for general non-linear sampled-data systems. In this paper, it is shown that economy of simulator components (for hybrid computer generation) or of computational time (for digital computer generation) is achieved for simultaneously generating a number of sensitivity functions in a class of linear sampled-data control systems. Extensive use of signal flow graph algebra is made for this purpose and comprehensive examples are presented.  相似文献   

In this paper, a metric based on modified Euclidean metric on interval numbers, for LR fuzzy numbers with fixed $L(\cdot)$ and $R(\cdot)$ is introduced. Then, it is applied for solving LR fuzzy linear system (LR-FLS) with fuzzy right-hand side, so that LR-FLS is transformed to the minimization problem. The solution of the mentioned non-linear programming problem is our favorite fuzzy number vector solution. Two constructive Algorithms are proposed in detail and the method is illustrated by solving several numerical examples.  相似文献   

This article presents absolute stability conditions for a particular class of Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy control systems. Initially, a Takagi–Sugeno fuzzy control system is transformed into a multivariable Lur’e type system. A simple algorithm for checking the absolute stability of this system is then proposed. Since the key of the proposed algorithm is to solve algebraic Riccati equations, software packages such as MATLAB provides a simple means to check the conditions. The proposed approach does not limit the methods of fuzzification and defuzzification. This article presents several analytical examples to verify the simplicity and efficiency of the proposed approach.  相似文献   

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