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As a result of investigation and treatment of 5000 patients with disorders in menstrual function and endocrinous sterility sclerocystic ovaries were diagnosed in 1.8-2% (90 patients). In 6 of them ovarian changes were associated with cancer of the uterine body. In uterine body cancer and sclerocystic ovaries opsomenorrhea and menorrhagia, obesity were of great persistance, the duration of the disease being 12-20 years. Based on the conducted investigations it is considered rational to perform a wedge resection as early as possible, but not following many years of unsuccessful hormone therapy, and to study histologically endometrial curettage specimens. In recurrence of the disease and enlargement even of one ovary a repeat wedge ovariectomy should be performed.  相似文献   

Aging in humans is accompanied by an increase in adrenal glucocorticoid secretion and a decline in adrenal androgen synthesis and secretion. The intense interest in adrenal function in aging individuals in recent years is in large measure related to the potential impact of cortisol excess in the development of cognitive impairment and hippocampal neuronal loss, and to the desire to provide hormone replacement and healthy aging. Although the preliminary data is tantalizing, solid scientific evidence are not at hand. It is apparent that both issues are extremely complex. Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) and its 3 beta-sulfate are fascinating molecules, including their synthesis and actions in the brain. Recent studies have shown that DHEA-sulfate (DHEA-S), but not DHEA, activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR alpha) in the liver, an intracellular receptor belonging to the steroid receptor superfamily. Thus, DHEA-S may serve as a physiological modulator of liver fatty acid metabolism and peroxisomal enzyme expression, and thereby may contribute to the anticarcinogenic and chemoprotective properties of this intriguing class of endogenous steroids. The life-sustaining role of adrenal cortisol secretion and its regulation of metabolism via catabolic actions may be modulated by its partner DHEA and DHEA-S. During the anabolic growth period (childhood and early adulthood) the body is exposed to relatively high levels of DHEA/DHEA-S but to relatively or absolutely high levels of cortisol during infancy and the aging phase. The cortisol/DHEA-S ratio during the life span follows a U-shape curve, which may be telling us to explore these two critical adrenal steroids in tandem.  相似文献   

The paper summarizes the results od several studies of the daily rhythms of steroid hormones in patients with ACTH-dependent Itsenko-Cushing's disease (CD) and congenital adrenal hyperplasia (late-onset forms) (CAH). Normal daily rhythms of adrenal C21- and C19-steroids and ACTH were observed in 23.5% of CD patients. CAH patients had the marked daily rhythms of adrenal androgens and testosterone which were typical of those of cortisole. The ratios of steroid hormones to its precursors provide evidence for enhanced activities of 17-, 11 beta- and 18-hydroxylases in CD patients and normal enzymatic activities in CAH patients, whereas 21-hydroxylase being an exception.  相似文献   

In patients operated upon with the use of peridural blockade the concentration of 11-OCS in blood plasma does not exceed the normal values both during surgery and in the immediate postoperative period. In patients operated upon under conditions of the routine combined narcosis an increased secretion of corticosteroids was observed.  相似文献   

The actions of adrenomedullin on cAMP and aldosterone secretion have been investigated using an intact rat adrenal capsular preparation incubated in vitro. Adrenomedullin was found to cause a dose-dependent increase in aldosterone secretion, with a parallel increase in cAMP release. The minimum concentration of adrenomedullin required for significant stimulation of aldosterone secretion was 10nmol/l. Adrenomedullin did not affect ACTH-stimulated aldosterone secretion, but significantly inhibited endothelin-1 stimulated aldosterone secretion. We conclude that adrenomedullin is an aldosterone stimulant in the rat adrenal gland, acting through cAMP generation.  相似文献   

Increasing evidence suggests that the actions of classical stimulants of adrenocortical growth and function, such as ACTH or dietary sodium restriction, may partially be mediated via locally produced regulators. Several peptide growth factors, such as basic fibroblast growth factor, insulin-like growth factors, and transforming growth factor-beta 1, have emerged in recent years as multifunctional molecules that typically play such regulatory roles. Adrenocortical cells are highly responsive to these growth factors, in particular in the regulation of cell growth and differentiated functions, such as steroidogenesis. In addition, growth factor expression in the adrenal cortex has been shown to be regulated by physiological stimulants. The spatial expression, release, and activation of these growth factors may, therefore, locally mediate or amplify the actions of the hypothalamo-pituitary axis and the renin-angiotensin system on adrenocortical proliferation, differentiation, and steroidogenesis.  相似文献   

Several analogs of angiotensin in which the phenylalanine in position 8 of the peptide chain was replaced by an aliphatic amino acid residue are specific antagonists of angiotensin in aorta, the adrenal medulla, and adrenal zona glomerulosa. In the adrenal cortex and medulla, all actapeptide analogs have more agonist activity than in aortic strips. In studies with N-terminally substituted analogs, it appears that adrenal degradation of the angiotensin molecule by aminopeptidase(s) does not occur or is not retarded by N-terminal mocifications such as sarcosine substitution. The decapeptide analog [Ile8]-angiotensin I and heptapeptide analog [des-Asp1, Ile8]-angiotensin II were excellent antagonists in the adrenal medulla and each peptide was devoid of intrinsic activity. These substituted homologs of angiotensin may offer a novel approach for the development of selective antagonists of angiotensin receptors. In the adrenal cotex, [des-Asp1, Ile8]-heptapeptide possessed greater receptor affinity than any of the angiotensin octapeptides studied. This C-terminally substituted heptapeptide does have significant intrinsic activity in the adrenal cortex which would limit the use of this compound as an antagonist of vascular responses to angiotensin II. In studies with [Ile8]-angiotensin II, [Sar1, Ile8]-angiotensin II, and [des-Asp1, Ile8]-angiotensin II, the pA2 values calculated indicate that the N-terminal residue is not important for receptor binding in the adrenal cortex but may be of significance in binding to adrenal medullary and aortic smooth muscle receptors. At the present time it appears unlikely that any single animal model or assay system can reliably predict the agoinst/antagonist activities of angiotensin analogs for all the various end organs which respond to the angiotensins.  相似文献   

The radioimmunological method was applied to the study of blood testosterone, LH, and FSH content in 41 men suffering from fluorosis, aged from 33 to 45 years. Nineteen men who had no contact with fluorine compounds served as control. In comparison with healthy individuals testosterone content proved to be decreased and FSH content elevated in patients with fluorosis. Blood LH content was increased only in those patients with fluorosis who had long contact with fluorine compounds (over 15 years). The changes in the blood hormone concentration were connected with disturbances of the hormonal, and, possibly, of the germenative function of the testes. The hypophysis proved to suffer less, and the changes of its function were apparently secondary in character.  相似文献   

Isolation procedures for mitochondria from the zona glomerulosa of the bovine adrenal cortex are described in comparison to those isolated from the zona fasciculo-reticularis. The cristal membranes of mitochondria in the zona glomerulosa in situ are tubular or tubulo-vesicular, whereas those of mitochondria in the zona fasciculo-reticularis in situ are vesicular. When mitochondria are isolated from the former zone, they invariably showed a condensed configuration regardless of isolation media, whereas those isolated from the later zone in a ST medium showed an orthodox configuration. When Ca2+ was added to mitochondria isolated form either zone in an STE medium in the condensed configuration, transition from the condensed to the orthodox configuration took place; the cristel membrane of mitochondria from the zona glomerulosa became tubular or tubulo-vesicular and those of mitochondria from the zona fasciculo-reticularis became vesicular. Purity of mitochondria thus obtained from the zona glomerulosa was examined by electron microscope and marker enzymes. Coupling efficiency of mitochondria was found to be remarkably affected by temperature during the isolation procedures and a choice of substrates.  相似文献   

Rat adrenal cortex contains a protein(s) that binds pregnenolone with high affinity. This binding, demonstrated by gel filtration and by a dextran-coated charcoal method, was associated with the cytosol and with fractions solubilized by sonication from the mitochondria and microsomes. The binding of pregnenolone was saturable and was inhibited by mercurials and proteolytic enzymes. Pregnenolone-binding was not influenced by the presence of progesterone, deoxycorticosterone, corticosterone or aldosterone, but was inhibited by steroids with a 3beta-hydroxy-5-ene structure similar to pregnenolone, and by hydroxymethylene steroid and cyanoketone. We suggest that this protein is involved in the intracellular transport and retention of pregnenolone within adrenal cortical cells.  相似文献   

This review examines the morphology of the adrenal gland with particular reference to the adrenal vasculature. It examines the possibility that variability in adrenal gland responsiveness may be attributable to neural or hormonal modulation of adrenal blood flow. Changes in the rate of blood flow through the adrenal cortex would be expected to play an important role in the regulation of steroid hormone release. It would affect both the delivery of the major stimulant (ACTH) and the removal of the end product from the steroidogenic cells (the glucocorticoids). In the past, interest in this area has concentrated on the regulation of arterial blood flow, rather than the regulation of venous drainage. The current review examines the concept of vascular damming, and attempts to link the morphological features of the gland with experimental data associated with glucocorticoid release. It is postulated that regulation of venous drainage, via the vascular dam, plays an important role in the storage of the secretory product during the animals' inactive phase, and in the initial rapid rise in plasma levels of the glucocorticoids seen in response to stress or injection of ACTH.  相似文献   

Digitonin was studied as a means of purifying mitochondrial fractions which were contaminated by lysosmes and other membranous structures. At concentrations which did not cause loss of mitochondrial enzymes, digitonin released into the supernatant significant amounts of marker enzymes for lysosomes, plasma membranes, and other cytoplasmic organelles. Acid glycosidases followed differing patterns of release that may reflect the heterogenous organization of the lysosomal enzyme-membrane complex. While there are limitations to the digitonin method, studies of certain aspects of mitochondrial function may benefit from the digitonin pretreatment step.  相似文献   

An adrenal carcinosarcoma is reported in a 79-year-old woman presenting with clinical signs of hyperaldosteronism. The tumor weighed 199 g and consisted of areas typical of adrenal carcinoma and areas of sarcoma. The sarcomatous component of the tumor showed osteogenic and chondroid differentiation. Vimentin stained both the carcinomatous and sarcomatous regions. Four months after resection, the patient developed metastases. This is the third reported case of adrenal carcinosarcoma and the only case in which hyperaldosteronism or bony differentiation was observed.  相似文献   

Whereas aging has been shown to be associated with striking reductions in circulating levels of adrenal androgens in humans, the alteration in adrenal function that occurs in aging has not been identified. We sought to determine if there are changes in the zonation of the adrenal in aging men by performing histomorphologic analyses of adrenal specimens that had been obtained at autopsy following sudden death due to trauma. We evaluated adrenals from 21 young men (20-29 yrs) and 12 older men (54-90 yrs); inclusion criteria required the presence of medullary tissue in the specimen and fixation within the first 24 hrs postmortem. Sections stained with H/E were examined microscopically and areas of the cortex that included adjacent medullary tissue were chosen for quantitative evaluation by use of a computerized image analysis system. The average width (arbitrary units, pixels) of the zona reticularis and that of the combined zonae fasciculata/glomerulosa were determined from sections stained for reticulum fibers. The zona reticularis represented 37.1 +/- 1.9% of the total cortical width in the young men, which was significantly greater than that of the older men (27.1 +/- 3.3%, P = 0.0082). The zona fasciculata/glomerulosa to zona reticularis ratio in the young men (1.84 +/- 0.15) was significantly less that that of the older men (3.29 +/- 0.47, P = 0.0011). There was no significant difference in the total width of the cortex in young compared to older men. These data suggest that aging results in alterations within the cortex of the adrenals in men such that there is a reduction in the size of the zona reticularis and a relative increase in the outer cortical zones. A reduced mass of the zona reticularis could be responsible for the diminished production of dehydroepiandrosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate that occurs during aging.  相似文献   

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