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软件无线电是近几年来提出的一种实现无线通信的新体制。文章简要介绍了软件无线电的概念、特点和理想软件无线电系统的结构。介绍了软件无线电系统的关于系统“软件”程度的评价标准。  相似文献   

软件无线电技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
软件无线电 ( Software Radio)是一种实现无线通信的新体制 ,是无线通信领域的一次重大变革。本文论述了软件无线电的概念和体系结构 ,分析了实现的关键技术和难点 ,并介绍了美军的 Speakeasy实验系统  相似文献   

从硬件平台和软件结构两个方面介绍了软件无线电的体系结构,并介绍了软件无线电的发展方向。  相似文献   

软件无线电发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗序梅 《移动通信》2002,26(4):8-11
1 前言软件无线电是实现无线通信新体系结构的一种技术,在经过近几年的发展之后,其重要性和可行性正逐步被越来越多的人所认识和接受。软件无线电技术的重要价值体现在:硬件只是作为无线通信的基本平台,而许多的通信功能则是通过软件来实现的,这就打破了长期以来设备的通信功能实现仅仅依赖于硬件的发展格局。所以有人称,软件无线电技术的出现是通信领域继固定到移动,模拟到数字之后的第三次革命。本文主要介绍全球软件无线电技术研究动态、对实现软件无线电台至关重要的器件技术的发展以及软件无线电台商用前景。2 全球软件无线电…  相似文献   

本文简要介绍了软件无线电技术的原理和发展情况,在此基础上对软件通信体系结构(SCA)的原理和关键技术进行了论述,并对无线通信技术的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文从软件技术发展的角度出发,探讨了通信对抗系统中软件模块化的思路、构想以及在实施时需要注意和解决的问题。  相似文献   

软件无线电的体系结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍了软件无线电基本概念基础上,说明了软件无线电出现和发展的必然性和意义。然后,结合软件无线电体系结构的定义、功能实现方式以及理想的体系结构的硬件、软件和接口,提出了软件无线电体系结构的发展方向和对移动通信的影响。  相似文献   

赵荣黎 《移动通信》2002,26(7):22-26
本文叙述了软件无线电的定义和体系结构,给出软件无线电的横向和纵向分层组成,以及表征软件无线电的重要参数。讨论了移动通信应用软件无线电技术的重要问题,包括硬件平台与SDR实现、复杂度与成本权衡等。  相似文献   

浅谈软件无线电原理及其关键技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘伟 《电信快报》2001,(4):22-23
1 软件无线电体系结构 与传统无线电系统相比,软件无线电系统具有结构通用、功能软件化、互操作性好等一系列优点。图1画出了这两种系统的结构方框图。 由图1可见,传统模拟无线电系统的射频部分、上/下变频、滤波及基带处理全部采用模拟方式,某个频段和某种调制方式的通信系统都对应专门的硬件结构;而数字无线电系统的低频部分采用数字电路(如本振用数字频率合成器、信源编译码和调制解调由专用芯片完成),但其射频部分和中频部分仍离不开模拟电路。与传统无线电系统相比,软件无线电系统的A/D/A变换移到了中频,并尽可能靠…  相似文献   

现代微电子技术及微处理器技术的进步,特别是大规模集成器件和可编程器件的出现,使以硬件为主的传统无线电技术得到了长足的进步.DSP、FPGA及通用处理器(GP)等硬件的发展和PC机总线概念的引入,导致无线电结构的重大变革,使无线电技术进入新的阶段--软件无线电.  相似文献   

The software radio architecture   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
As communications technology continues its rapid transition from analog to digital, more functions of contemporary radio systems are implemented in software, leading toward the software radio. This article provides a tutorial review of software radio architectures and technology, highlighting benefits, pitfalls, and lessons learned. This includes a closer look at the canonical functional partitioning of channel coding into antenna, RF, IF, baseband, and bitstream segments. A more detailed look at the estimation of demand for critical resources is key. This leads to a discussion of affordable hardware configurations, the mapping of functions to component hardware, and related software tools. This article then concludes with a brief treatment of the economics and likely future directions of software radio technology  相似文献   

The software radio concept   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
Since early 1980 an exponential blowup of cellular mobile systems has been observed, which has produced, all over the world, the definition of a plethora of analog and digital standards. In 2000 the industrial competition between Asia, Europe, and America promises a very difficult path toward the definition of a unique standard for future mobile systems, although market analyses underline the trading benefits of a common worldwide standard. It is therefore in this field that the software radio concept is emerging as a potential pragmatic solution: a software implementation of the user terminal able to dynamically adapt to the radio environment in which it is, time by time, located. In fact, the term software radio stands for radio functionalities defined by software, meaning the possibility to define by software the typical functionality of a radio interface, usually implemented in TX and RX equipment by dedicated hardware. The presence of the software defining the radio interface necessarily implies the use of DSPs to replace dedicated hardware, to execute, in real time, the necessary software. In this article objectives, advantages, problem areas, and technological challenges of software radio are addressed. In particular, SW radio transceiver architecture, possible SW implementation, and its download are analyzed  相似文献   

软件无线电在电离层电波探测中的应用   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:10  
提出了应用软件无线电发展新的电离层电波探测技术,开发新一代电离层电波探测设备的思想,并针对广泛使用的电离层探测设备数字测高仪,详细讨论了软件化数字测高仪的系统结构、特色和可行性。结果表明:发展新的软件化电离层电波探测设备的理论和技术条件均已成熟,它所具有的开放性和灵活性,能更好的满足二十一世纪电离层空间大气研究的需要。  相似文献   

从近年来新型作战概念牵引、机载平台限制、架构发展及技术推动4个层面阐述了网络化作战环境中射频综合的必要性,基于未来作战样式对于射频综合系统的能力特征需求进行耦合分析;对分立式的异构传感器进行综合设计,提出射频综合的基本架构方案,从机载总体角度对射频综合总体、共形孔径、射频管理等关键技术进行分析,为系统综合设计提供支撑。  相似文献   

Progress in software defined radio has been rapid, since the term was first coined in the mid 1990s. In this brief overview we summarise some of the recent advances in software defined radio from a range of technology perspectives — radio frequency design, baseband reconfigurability, reconfigurable applications and protocols and regulatory (and related network) aspects. Our frame of reference for this article is commercial mobile telecommunications, although many of the technology advances are of relevance and application in other arenas, such as defence, satellite communications and broadcasting. Software defined radio has come a long way very quickly, but in reality is still in its infancy — the next decade will see substantially further advances. This paper draws heavily upon two books on this subject recently edited by the author — the contributors to those books are listed at the end of this article and the work of these pioneers of software radio is fully and most gratefully acknowledged. Additional detail on issues covered in this article may be found in specific chapters of these books, referenced as [Name] within the text.  相似文献   

引言 随着无线通信的发展,出现了多种模式的通信体制,为了满足互通性的问题,软件无线电的思想被提出来.所谓软件无线电,其中心思想是:构造一个具有开放性、标准化、模块化的通用硬件平台,将通信的各种功能通过软件来完成,并使宽带A/D和D/A转换器尽可能靠近天线,以研制出具有高度灵活性、开放性的新一代无线通信系统.  相似文献   

1软件无线电的概念 1992年5月在美国通信系统会议上,Joe Mitola首次提出了“软件无线电”(Software Radio)的概念。软件无线电是一种实现无线通信的新的体系结构。它的基本概念是把硬件作为无线通信的基本平台,把尽可能多的无线通信及个人通信功能用软件实现。这样无线通信新系统、新产品的开发将逐步转到软件上来.而无线通信产品的价值将越来越多地体现在软件上.打破了传统通信功能的实现仅仅依赖于硬件发展的格局。  相似文献   

FPGA in the software radio   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
As new radio standards are deployed without substantially supplanting existing ones, the need for multimode multiband handsets and infrastructure increases. This article describes how emerging FPGA technology's unique combination of size and power efficiency plus field programmability offers a transition of FPCAs from ASIC prototyping to embedded products. Software-defined receiver examples suggest an enlarged role for FPGAs in pragmatic paths toward the productization of software radio technology  相似文献   

Emerging technologies for software radio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multimode, multiband transceivers were once seen as a desirable but unachievable goal, particularly when considering small, battery-powered terminals. There are, however, significant market-pulls requiring just such a device and dual-mode systems (albeit with largely separate hardware) are now a reality. The next revolution will be the production of so-called flexible architecture terminals, in which the same hardware is used for all modulation formats and bands, with the internal software determining the mode to be utilised. Considerable research is being directed toward this goal worldwide, and practical results are beginning to appear which indicate that the unachievable may soon become a reality  相似文献   

Engineering the embedded software radio   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Software-defined radios allow flexible implementation of different basebands in digital signal processors. For communications transceivers this introduces an engineering problem: how to manage the different protocol stacks that may be required to work above the baseband software. To solve this, we propose a consistent software architectural framework for the dynamic implementation of these different protocols within an embedded environment. We discuss its requirements and present one possible approach based on STREAMS  相似文献   

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