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In this paper, we propose parallel processing of continuous queries over data streams to handle the bottleneck of single processor DSMSs. Queries are executed in parallel over the logical machines in a multiprocessing environment. Scheduling parallel execution of operators is performed via finding the shortest path in a weighted graph called Query Mega Graph (QMG), which is a logical view of K machines. By lapse of time, number of tuples waiting in queues of different operators may be very different. When a queue becomes full, re-scheduling is done by updating weight of edges of QMG. In the new computed path, machines with more workload will be used less. The proposed system is formally presented and its correctness is proved. It is also modeled in PetriNets and its performance is evaluated and compared with serial query processing as well as the Min-Latency scheduling algorithm. The presented system is shown to outperform them w.r.t. tuple latency (response time), memory usage, throughput and also tuple loss- critical parameters in any data stream management systems.  相似文献   

In this paper, a method for fast processing of data stream tuples in parallel execution of continuous queries over a multiprocessing environment is proposed. A copy of the query plan is assigned to each of processing units in the multiprocessing environment. Dynamic and continuous routing of input data stream tuples among the graph constructed by these copies (called the Query Mega Graph) for each input tuple determines that, after getting processed by each processing unit (e.g., processor), to which next processor it should be forwarded. Selection of the proper next processor is performed such that the destination processor imposes the minimum tuple latency to the corresponding tuple, among all of the alternative processors. The tuple latency is derived from processing, buffering and communication time delay which varies in different practical parallel systems.  相似文献   

The filtering of incoming tuples of a data stream should be completed quickly and continuously, which requires strict time and space constraints. In order to guarantee these constraints, the selection predicates of continuous queries are grouped or indexed in most data stream management systems (DSMS). This paper proposes a new scheme called attribute selection construct (ASC). Given a set of continuous queries, an ASC divides the domain of an attribute of a data stream into a set of disjoint regions based on the selection predicates that are imposed on the attribute. Each region maintains the pre-computed matching results of the selection predicates. Consequently, an ASC can collectively evaluate all of its selection predicates at the same time. Furthermore, it can also monitor the overall evaluation statistics, such as its selectivity and tuple dropping ratio, dynamically. For those attributes that are employed to express the selection predicates of the queries, the processing order of their ASC’s can significantly influence the overall performance of a multiple query evaluation. The evaluation sequence can be optimized by periodically capturing the run-time tuple dropping ratio of its current evaluation sequence. The performance of the proposed method is analyzed by a series of experiments to identify its various characteristics.  相似文献   

In the era of data explosion, high volume of various data is generated rapidly at each moment of time; and if not processed, the profits of their latent information would be missed. This is the main current challenge of most enterprises and Internet mega-companies (also known as the big data problem). Big data is composed of three dimensions: Volume, Variety, and Velocity. The velocity refers to the high speed, both in data arrival rate (e.g., streaming data) and in data processing (i.e., real-time processing). In this paper, the velocity dimension of big data is concerned; so, real-time processing of streaming big data is addressed in detail. For each real-time system, to be fast is inevitable and a necessary condition (although it is not sufficient and some other concerns e.g., real-time scheduling must be issued, too). Fast processing is achieved by parallelism via the proposed deadline-aware dispatching method. For the other prerequisite of real-time processing (i.e., real-time scheduling of the tasks), a hybrid clustering multiprocessor real-time scheduling algorithm is proposed in which both the partitioning and global real-time scheduling approaches are employed to have better schedulablity and resource utilization, with a tolerable overhead. The other components required for real-time processing of streaming big data are also designed and proposed as real time streaming big data (RT-SBD) processing engine. Its prototype is implemented and experimentally evaluated and compared with the Storm, a well-known real-time streaming big data processing engine. Experimental results show that the proposed RT-SBD significantly outperforms the Storm engine in terms of proportional deadline miss ratio, tuple latency and system throughput.  相似文献   

Operator scheduling in data stream systems   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
In many applications involving continuous data streams, data arrival is bursty and data rate fluctuates over time. Systems that seek to give rapid or real-time query responses in such an environment must be prepared to deal gracefully with bursts in data arrival without compromising system performance. We discuss one strategy for processing bursty streams - adaptive, load-aware scheduling of query operators to minimize resource consumption during times of peak load. We show that the choice of an operator scheduling strategy can have significant impact on the runtime system memory usage as well as output latency. Our aim is to design a scheduling strategy that minimizes the maximum runtime system memory while maintaining the output latency within prespecified bounds. We first present Chain scheduling, an operator scheduling strategy for data stream systems that is near-optimal in minimizing runtime memory usage for any collection of single-stream queries involving selections, projections, and foreign-key joins with stored relations. Chain scheduling also performs well for queries with sliding-window joins over multiple streams and multiple queries of the above types. However, during bursts in input streams, when there is a buildup of unprocessed tuples, Chain scheduling may lead to high output latency. We study the online problem of minimizing maximum runtime memory, subject to a constraint on maximum latency. We present preliminary observations, negative results, and heuristics for this problem. A thorough experimental evaluation is provided where we demonstrate the potential benefits of Chain scheduling and its different variants, compare it with competing scheduling strategies, and validate our analytical conclusions.Received: 18 October 2003, Accepted: 16 April 2004, Published online: 14 September 2004Edited by: J. Gehrke and J. HellersteinBrian Babcock: Supported in part by a Rambus Corporation Stanford Graduate Fellowship and NSF Grant IIS-0118173.Shivnath Babu: Supported in part by NSF Grants IIS-0118173 and IIS-9817799.Mayur Datar: Supported in part by Siebel Scholarship and NSF Grant IIS-0118173.Rajeev Motwani: Supported in part by NSF Grant IIS-0118173, an Okawa Foundation Research Grant, an SNRC grant, and grants from Microsoft and Veritas.Dilys Thomas: Supported by NSF Grant EIA-0137761 and NSF ITR Award Number 0331640.  相似文献   

徐署华  胡君 《计算机应用》2009,29(7):1771-1774
流式数据库系统是一种新型数据库系统,方便于执行连续数据流查询。许多基于流的应用都是分布式的, 由于输入流速率及其他系统参数如可用的计算资源是易变的,所以一个流查询方案必须能适应这些变化。 提出一种分布式流查询方案并进行了优化,使用元组响应时间及系统吞吐量来评价方案的性能。同时,通过实验和其他方案进行比较,证明了方案是最佳的。  相似文献   

Data stream management systems (DSMSs) offer the most effective solution for processing data streams by efficiently executing continuous queries (CQs) over the incoming data. CQs inherently have different levels of criticality and hence different levels of expected quality of service (QoS) and quality of data (QoD). Adhering to such expected QoS/QoD metrics is even more important in cases of multi-tenant data stream management services. In this work, we propose DILoS, a framework that, through priority-based scheduling and load shedding, supports differentiated QoS and QoD for multiple classes of CQs. Unlike existing works that consider scheduling and load shedding separately, DILoS is a novel unified framework that exploits the synergy between scheduling and load shedding. We also propose ALoMa, a general, adaptive load manager that DILoS is built upon. By its design, ALoMa performs better than the state-of-the-art alternatives in three dimensions: (1) it automatically tunes the headroom factor, (2) it honors the delay target, (3) it is applicable to complex query networks with shared operators. We implemented DILoS and ALoMa in our real DSMS prototype system (AQSIOS) and evaluate their performance for a variety of real and synthetic workloads. Our experimental evaluation of ALoMa verified its clear superiority over the state-of-the-art approaches. Our experimental evaluation of the DILoS framework showed that it (a) allows the scheduler and load shedder to consistently honor CQs’ priorities, (b) significantly increases system capacity utilization by exploiting batch processing, and (c) enables operator sharing among query classes of different priorities while avoiding priority inversion, i.e., a lower-priority class never blocks a higher-priority one.  相似文献   

The CQL continuous query language: semantic foundations and query execution   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
CQL, a continuous query language, is supported by the STREAM prototype data stream management system (DSMS) at Stanford. CQL is an expressive SQL-based declarative language for registering continuous queries against streams and stored relations. We begin by presenting an abstract semantics that relies only on “black-box” mappings among streams and relations. From these mappings we define a precise and general interpretation for continuous queries. CQL is an instantiation of our abstract semantics using SQL to map from relations to relations, window specifications derived from SQL-99 to map from streams to relations, and three new operators to map from relations to streams. Most of the CQL language is operational in the STREAM system. We present the structure of CQL's query execution plans as well as details of the most important components: operators, interoperator queues, synopses, and sharing of components among multiple operators and queries. Examples throughout the paper are drawn from the Linear Road benchmark recently proposed for DSMSs. We also curate a public repository of data stream applications that includes a wide variety of queries expressed in CQL. The relative ease of capturing these applications in CQL is one indicator that the language contains an appropriate set of constructs for data stream processing. Edited by M. Franklin  相似文献   

This paper presents the scalable on-line execution (SOLE) algorithm for continuous and on-line evaluation of concurrent continuous spatio-temporal queries over data streams. Incoming spatio-temporal data streams are processed in-memory against a set of outstanding continuous queries. The SOLE algorithm utilizes the scarce memory resource efficiently by keeping track of only the significant objects. In-memory stored objects are expired (i.e., dropped) from memory once they become insignificant. SOLE is a scalable algorithm where all the continuous outstanding queries share the same buffer pool. In addition, SOLE is presented as a spatio-temporal join between two input streams, a stream of spatio-temporal objects and a stream of spatio-temporal queries. To cope with intervals of high arrival rates of objects and/or queries, SOLE utilizes a load-shedding approach where some of the stored objects are dropped from memory. SOLE is implemented as a pipelined query operator that can be combined with traditional query operators in a query execution plan to support a wide variety of continuous queries. Performance experiments based on a real implementation of SOLE inside a prototype of a data stream management system show the scalability and efficiency of SOLE in highly dynamic environments. This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grants IIS-0093116, IIS-0209120, and 0010044-CCR.  相似文献   

Two research efforts have been conducted to realize sliding-window queries in data stream management systems, namely, query revaluation and incremental evaluation. In the query reevaluation method, two consecutive windows are processed independently of each other. On the other hand, in the incremental evaluation method, the query answer for a window is obtained incrementally from the answer of the preceding window. In this paper, we focus on the incremental evaluation method. Two approaches have been adopted for the incremental evaluation of sliding-window queries, namely, the input-triggered approach and the negative tuples approach. In the input-triggered approach, only the newly inserted tuples flow in the query pipeline and tuple expiration is based on the timestamps of the newly inserted tuples. On the other hand, in the negative tuples approach, tuple expiration is separated from tuple insertion where a tuple flows in the pipeline for every inserted or expired tuple. The negative tuples approach avoids the unpredictable output delays that result from the input-triggered approach. However, negative tuples double the number of tuples through the query pipeline, thus reducing the pipeline bandwidth. Based on a detailed study of the incremental evaluation pipeline, we classify the incremental query operators into two classes according to whether an operator can avoid the processing of negative tuples or not. Based on this classification, we present several optimization techniques over the negative tuples approach that aim to reduce the overhead of processing negative tuples while avoiding the output delay of the query answer. A detailed experimental study, based on a prototype system implementation, shows the performance gains over the input-triggered approach of the negative tuples approach when accompanied with the proposed optimizations  相似文献   

多数据流滑动窗口并发连接方法   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
提出一种多数据流滑动窗口连接方法M3Join及其实现架构Roujoin.Roujoin由一个连接路由表和多个连接区组成,其内容根据并发连接请求设置,先将新元组插入缓冲区,然后根据其路由标记查找连接路由表进入合适的连接区执行连接或输出给用户.如果产生连接元组,则更改其路由标记后送回连接路由表,并反复迭代直到没有连接元组.由于共享中间结果,在处理多个并发查询时只需扫描流元组一遍.实验结果表明M3Join具有良好的性能,能够满足并发连接查询处理的需求.  相似文献   

Scheduling, in many application domains, involves optimization of multiple performance metrics. For example, application workflows with real-time constraints have strict throughput requirements and also desire a low latency or response time. In this paper, we present a novel algorithm for the scheduling of workflows that act on a stream of input data. Our algorithm focuses on the two performance metrics, latency and throughput, and minimizes the latency of workflows while satisfying strict throughput requirements. We also describe steps to use the above approach to solve the problem of meeting latency requirements while maximizing throughput. We leverage pipelined, task and data parallelism in a coordinated manner to meet these objectives and investigate the benefit of task duplication in alleviating communication overheads in the pipelined schedule for different workflow characteristics. The proposed algorithm is designed for a realistic bounded multi-port communication model, where each processor can simultaneously communicate with at most k distinct processors. Experimental evaluation using synthetic benchmarks as well as those derived from real applications shows that our algorithm consistently produces lower latency schedules that meet throughput requirements, even when previously proposed schemes fail.  相似文献   

数据流中一种适应性查询处理机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对数据流中连续查询特征,本文提出一种适应性的查询处理机制,它不但能在有限时间内最大可能地输出结果元组,也可对有限的元组以最快时限输出。而此查询处理机制主要依托于基于输出速率的代价模型,此模型将不断变化的流速、谓词选择率、操作符处理时间作为代价函数变量,将输出速率作为代价模型的函数值。因此此代价模型可适应环境以及数据流本身不断变化的因素,并可作为查询计划动态选择的标准。实验证明此适应性查询处理机制最终能有效地提高输出速率、增加查询吞吐量、减少时间延迟,降低查询间内存占有量。  相似文献   

One of the primary issues confronting XML message brokers is the difficulty associated with processing a large set of continuous XPath queries over incoming XML streams. This paper proposes a novel system designed to present an effective solution to this problem. The proposed system transforms multiple XPath queries before their run-time into a new data structure, called an XP-table, by sharing their common constraints. An XP-table is matched with a stream relation (SR) transformed from a target XML stream by a SAX parser. This arrangement is intended to minimize the run-time workload of continuous query processing. In addition, an early-query-termination strategy is proposed as an improved alternative to the basic approach. It optimizes query processing by arranging the evaluation sequence of the member-lists (m-lists) of an XP-table adaptively and offers increased efficiency, especially in cases of low selectivity. System performance is estimated and verified through a variety of experiments, including comparisons with previous approaches such as YFilter and LazyDFA. The proposed system is practically linear-scalable and stable for evaluating a set of XPath queries in a continuous and timely fashion.  相似文献   

针对数据流的特征,提出了一种基于速率的抢占式批处理方法。一个查询计划是一个操作符序列。文章将一个查询计划划分为不同的操作单元,并为不同的操作单元分配不同的优先级,而且这个优先级随系统因素的变化而动态改变,根据变化的优先级来动态调度操作单元,采取抢占式调度,从而提高连续查询的查询效率。实验表明该方法不但能提高系统的总体性能,而且可以减少元组的平均等待时间,大大提高了元组的输出速率。  相似文献   

We address the problem of load shedding for continuous multi-way join queries over multiple data streams. When the arrival rates of tuples from data streams exceed the system capacity, a load shedding algorithm drops some subset of input tuples to avoid system overloads. To decide which tuples to drop among the input tuples, most existing load shedding algorithms determine the priority of each input tuple based on the frequency or some historical statistics of its join attribute value, and then drop tuples with the lowest priority. However, those value-based algorithms cannot determine the priorities of tuples properly in environments where join attribute values are unique and each join attribute value occurs at most once in each data stream. In this paper, we propose a load shedding algorithm specifically designed for such environments. The proposed load shedding algorithm determines the priority of each tuple based on the order of streams in which its join attribute value appears, rather than its join attribute value itself. Consequently, the priorities of tuples can be determined effectively in environments where join attribute values are unique and do not repeat. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm outperforms the existing algorithms in such environments in terms of effectiveness and efficiency.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the integration of information retrieval (IR) and database (DB) techniques provides users with a broad range of high quality services. Along this direction, IR-styled m-keyword query processing over a relational database in an rdbms framework has been well studied. It finds all hidden interconnected tuple structures, for example connected trees that contain keywords and are interconnected by sequences of primary/foreign key relationships among tuples. A new challenging issue is how to monitor events that are implicitly interrelated over an open-ended relational data stream for a user-given m-keyword query. Such a relational data stream is a sequence of tuple insertion/deletion operations. The difficulty of the problem is related to the number of costly joins to be processed over time when tuples are inserted and/or deleted. Such cost is mainly affected by three parameters, namely, the number of keywords, the maximum size of interconnected tuple structures, and the complexity of the database schema when it is viewed as a schema graph. In this paper, we propose new approaches. First, we propose a novel algorithm to efficiently determine all the joins that need to be processed for answering an m-keyword query. Second, we propose a new demand-driven approach to process such a query over a high speed relational data stream. We show that we can achieve high efficiency by significantly reducing the number of intermediate results when processing joins over a relational data stream. The proposed new techniques allow us to achieve high scalability in terms of both query plan generation and query plan execution. We conducted extensive experimental studies using synthetic data and real data to simulate a relational data stream. Our approach significantly outperforms existing algorithms.  相似文献   

基于滑动窗口的聚集查询是数据流研究领域的一个热点问题。在已有的研究工作中,聚集算法都是针对立即执行的连续查询提出的,这些算法均是当数据流新到一个元组立即计算一次聚集结果。而在实际应用中,连续查询有时采取的是周期执行方式。论文针对周期执行的连续查询提出了复合滑动窗口聚集算法,即数据流新到一个元组,将它插入到基本窗口中,当基本窗口被插满时计算一次聚集结果。给出了非增量式和增量式两种算法。理论分析和实验结果表明增量式算法具有较好的性能。  相似文献   

Conventional data warehouses employ the query-at-a-time model, which maps each query to a distinct physical plan. When several queries execute concurrently, this model introduces contention and thrashing, because the physical plans??unaware of each other??compete for access to the underlying I/O and computation resources. As a result, while modern systems can efficiently optimize and evaluate a single complex data analysis query, their performance suffers significantly and can be highly erratic when multiple complex queries run at the same time. We present in this paper Cjoin, a new design that substantially improves throughput in large-scale data analytics systems processing many concurrent join queries. In contrast to the conventional query-at-a-time model our approach employs a single physical plan that shares I/O, computation, and tuple storage across all in-flight join queries. We use an ??always on?? pipeline of non-blocking operators, managed by a controller that continuously examines the current query mix and optimizes the pipeline on the fly. Our design enables data analytics engines to scale gracefully to large data sets, provide predictable execution times, and reduce contention. We implemented Cjoin as an extension to the PostgreSQL DBMS. This prototype outperforms conventional commercial systems by an order of magnitude for tens to hundreds of concurrent queries.  相似文献   

In a number of emerging streaming applications, the data values that are produced have an associated time interval for which they are valid. A useful computation over such streaming data is to produce a continuous and valid skyline summary. Previous work on skyline algorithms have only focused on evaluating skylines over static data sets, and there are no known algorithms for skyline computation in the continuous setting. In this paper, we introduce the continuous time-interval skyline operator, which continuously computes the current skyline over a data stream. We present a new algorithm called LookOut for evaluating such queries efficiently, and empirically demonstrate the scalability of this algorithm. In addition, we also examine the effect of the underlying spatial index structure when evaluating skylines. Whereas previous work on skyline computations have only considered using the R-tree index structure, we show that for skyline computations using an underlying quadtree has significant performance benefits over an R-tree index.  相似文献   

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