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Relationships between net migration and basic employment, income, and regional urbanization are examined using 1960–70 census data for the state of Washington. Regression analysis indicates that changes in employment in agriculture, forestry, fishing and mining and in manufacturing have a direct effect on the rate of net migration. Change in median family income is also directly related to net migration but the effect is not as strong as that of employment. Location by region has a substantial impact on net population shifts with net inflows attributable to the urbanization which occurred in western Washington from 1960 to 1970. The employment, income, and regional effects are clarified by explicitly recognizing rapid growth in educational, governmental and retirement activity and recent large increases in basic employment which occurred in two small groups of counties. Overall, the results indicate that while the rate of net migration is responsive to changes in basic employment and family income, it is also important to recognize regional factors such as urbanization.A special note of appreciation is expressed to Mr. Sharif Masud who developed background data used in the analysis. Work was conducted under Regional Project W-118 of the Agricultural Research Center, Washington State University.  相似文献   

The Annals of Regional Science - Previous researchers have studied the interstate migration of college students employing a gravity conception of movement. Such a conceptualization has been found...  相似文献   

This study found a long run equilibrium relationship among population, labor force participation rate and employment, in which population is positively related to employment and negatively related to labor force participation rate. We proved that employment growth from new business investment causes increase in population in the state of Washington in spite of its beautiful environment and amenities. The causality does not operate in reverse way. We decomposed the time series into stationary components and non-stationary components and interpreted each component on the basis of historical economic condition of Washington. The response of the labor force participation rate to an impulse in employment supports Bartik's (1993) and Yeo and Holland's (2004) findings. Obviously the result is the opposite of Blanchard and Katz's (1992) finding that the long-run effect of job growth on the labor force participation rate is negligible. With regard to the party who benefits from job growth, we suspect that most of new jobs are captured by in-migrants because the pattern of the stationary component of employment and net migration is quite similar and the impulse response of population is significantly higher than that of employment.  相似文献   

This paper concentrates on the linkages between land-use planning and participation and raises questions regarding the limitations of ethnic or racial groups' participation in policy-making. Findings from empirical research conducted in both the UK and the US are presented. The paper suggests that uncritically involving groups defined by race or ethnicity is not coterminous with equality but may reinforce stereotypes in the policy making process.  相似文献   

Hunting is an integral part of North American cultures, providing a powerful connection to the outdoors for millions of people and generating billions of dollars to local and national economies. Socially, hunting has been part of hominid cultures since very early in the fossil record; a tradition that contemporary North American hunters tend to pass down to subsequent generations through family and community networks. The 13.7 million American hunters and 2.1 million Canadian nature-recreationists spend more than $38.3 billion and $1.8 billion, respectively, on non-commercial hunting-related expenses each year. Hunting activities also yield hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions of dollars in tax and other revenues in both countries. The contributions of hunters serve as the fundamental foundation for a social and economic support system for conserving wildlife and habitats for future generations.  相似文献   

给水管网的泄漏与检漏   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
毋海燕  高俊岩 《山西建筑》2006,32(13):170-171
根据泄漏控制的迫切性和重要意义,分析了泄露产生的原因和防漏措施以及检漏技术的发展。重点介绍了目前各种供水企业管网检漏技术的优缺点和适用范围,并在此基础上提出了管道检漏的新思路。  相似文献   

《Utilities Policy》2007,15(2):151-159
The Watertime project developed analytical narratives of decision-making episodes relating to water services in 29 European cities. These narratives identified the impact on a rational choice process of the cumulative activities of a range of interest-seeking actors, and the degree of public participation in these decisions. Parallel studies identified the national and international contexts, the long-term historical context, and the constraints on future possibilities created by these contexts. The relationship between the actors, factors and contexts and the decision-making process is analysed using the concept of the public sphere. This acts as a democratic medium which absorbs the activities of actors pursuing their own goals, the influence of various factors, and the constraints of history and assessments of the future, and generates autonomous public activity which creates a public interest basis for decisions of the state and public authorities. A set of good practice recommendations, and a participatory decision support system, were derived. The analysis explains the importance of public participation and transparency for the quality of public decision-making and is applicable in principle to multiple levels of decision-making.  相似文献   

Hunters have been central to waterfowl management in North America over the past century. Numerous partnerships among government agencies, non-government organizations and private individuals form the core of conservation endeavours for migratory ducks, geese and swans and their diverse habitats. As a consequence of these efforts and the resilience of waterfowl populations, these species have fared better than most guilds of migratory birds. Threats to remaining habitats and the waning connections of people to wild things and wild places comprise the most serious challenges to sustaining this system.  相似文献   

黄卫昌  张雪 《园林》2007,(2):4-5
华盛顿大学树木园位于美国西雅图市东北部,离华盛顿大学校区约1.5公里。早在1924年,校方就预留了这块土地用于建设植物园(或树木园)。1934年,树木园董事会和华盛顿大学校委签定了建设和维持树木园的协议。现在树木园由华盛顿大学和西雅图市政府联合管理,  相似文献   

In his 1956 article, “A Pure Theory of Local Expenditures,” Charles Tiebout introduced the foundation of what was to become the competitive market model of analyzing local government service provision and choice of residential location. This model has since served as the base of a large body of work describing and evaluating the impact of the actions and structure of local government. Recent philosophical and ideological trends in government have led to many services and amenities traditionally provided directly by local governments being supplied instead by various privatized arrangements. This article presents a game theoretic model of local public good provision that takes into account the impact of privatized service delivery. The model develops a framework for analyzing the public/private decision process and the integration effects of these decisions.  相似文献   

该文通过分析国内外优秀幼儿园实例及笔者近年的幼儿园建筑设计实践,对幼儿园建筑的游戏空间设计进行研究,总结规律.通过对走廊的游戏空间、角色扮演空间、小尺度交往空间、看与被看的空间、灰空间及亲近自然的游戏空间六大幼儿园建筑的游戏空间方面进行研究,希望形成一个从活动单元到室内公共区域到过渡空间,再到室外的空间这样一个多层次的游戏空间.挖掘幼儿园建筑中游戏空间对儿童成长的引导作用,希望这些研究工作对今后的幼儿园设计起到指导的作用.  相似文献   

School ground greening has many acknowledged benefits for play, learning and health, but less is known about the outcomes of such projects from children’s perspectives. This study aims to investigate the process, and children’s participation, at two Swedish schools over four years of planning, planting, management and maintenance, using short interviews and observations. There was a large general interest among the children to participate in the development and maintenance of their school grounds, but different participatory and pedagogical approaches were used. The participation of children in the planning stage appears to be of specific importance for the functionality of school grounds, while long-term participation in management and maintenance can affect children’s experiences from, and perspectives on, greening areas and projects positively over time. The results point to the large impact that greening projects with continuity in participation can have on children’s activity and meaning-making.  相似文献   

What is the role of culture in contemporary urban life? Can culture function as an urban planning tool for individual and social well-being? Two elements are of special relevance in this regard: cultural vibrancy in terms of level of initiative in policies, use of facilities and activities, and individual and social propensities towards the participation in, and consumption of, cultural activities and goods. This paper takes the recent path of research on the impact of cultural participation on the social and economic sustainability of urban processes, with a specific focus on the individual subjective well-being dimension. Two Italian cities, one endowed with a high stock of cultural facilities, activities, and access (Bolzano/Bozen) and the other with a comparatively much lower stock in all respects (Siracusa), are examined. Comparative analysis suggests that the impact of culture on subjective well-being in a context of high cultural supply and substantial cultural participation is much more relevant with respect to low-endowment and low-participation cases, thus suggesting the possibility of a culture/well-being positive feedback dynamics leading to urban ‘cultural poverty traps’. On the basis of these results, we draw some implications for cultural policy design in urban contexts.  相似文献   

“市场力”博弈:房价升降的一个理论分析框架   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
房地产价格形成过程是市场主体博弈的过程。房地产市场主体行为对房价的影响体现为三种市场力:主升力、主降力和平衡力。通过构建房地产市场力博弈均衡概念模型进行理论分析,发现市场力博弈均衡的结果决定房价的升降趋势,并提出破解当前房价高企的对策。  相似文献   

诺丁斯的关心教育理论及已有的实证研究充分说明了让幼儿学会关心的可能性与必要性。幼儿园是培养幼儿关心品质的主体,但是目前幼儿园教育仍存在"重智轻德"、教师关心素养不足、家庭与幼儿园教育衔接缺失等问题。基于此,幼儿园要重新审视关心教育的重要性,通过树立以关心为核心的教育目标、全面提升教师关心素养、用多种艺术形式激发幼儿关心情感、利用角色游戏、混龄同伴交往及注重家园共育连续性等途径来发展幼儿的关心品质。  相似文献   

Numerous different and sometimes discrepant interests can be affected, both positively and negatively, throughout the course of a major infrastructure and construction (MIC) project. Failing to address and meet the concerns and expectations of the stakeholders involved has resulted in many project failures. One way to address this issue is through a participatory approach to project decision making. Whether the participation mechanism is effective or not depends largely on the client/owner.This paper provides a means of systematically evaluating the effectiveness of the public participation exercise, or even the whole project, through the measurement of stakeholder satisfaction. Since the process of satisfaction measurement is complicated and uncertain, requiring approximate reasoning involving human intuition, a fuzzy approach is adopted. From this, a multi-factor hierarchical fuzzy comprehensive evaluation model is established to facilitate the evaluation of satisfaction in both single stakeholder group and overall MIC project stakeholders.  相似文献   

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