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许战 《今日消防》2022,7(1):127-129
文章调查了宁波市消防救援支队425名消防救援人员的运动损伤流行病学现况,通过调查分析运动损伤发生率、发生性质、多发部位、发生程度、高发风险项目等基本特征,并根据问卷调查和消防员常训、专训项目特点,分析目前宁波市消防救援人员运动损伤产生的原因及康复中存在的问题,阐述了开展消防员损伤康复工作的必要性,为宁波市消防救援人员运动损伤的防控、运动损伤康复提供对策和建议。根据运动损伤调查和康复情况,提出合理安排运动负荷、增强核心力量及膝关节稳定性训练、加强康复诊疗监督、融入康复性体能训练等预防和康复建议对策,为科学化训练提供参考。  相似文献   

Engineers have a profound influence on the future of their organisations and societies. But how is this represented in political and managerial processes, and can a better understanding of the nature of power help focus their contribution? This article takes a fresh look at the nature of managerial and political power. It argues that the core contribution of engineers to management and politics-if they want a voice-must be in leading and managing change  相似文献   

Drawing on an agency theory approach, this paper examines conflict of interests and the resulting agency costs in the provision of urban public transport services in Istanbul's public transport system, particularly the private bus and minibus operators' relationship with local government. The agency problem in Istanbul's urban mobility system shows itself most explicitly in private bus and minibus operators because of the net-cost (NC) contract model in place. The private bus and minibus operators' relationship with local government is examined as a case study of agency relationships. Conceptually, government transport authorities and transport operators, together with the passengers, are the main actors of this urban public transport system. They all have distinct needs, interests and requirements and interact with each other, all embedded in a specific institutional environment. Service quality provided by public transport operators depends on the positive interactions between these actors. Whereas passengers demand reliable, affordable, safe and comfortable mobility services, private bus and minibus operators aim to increase their revenue and maximise their profits. In contrast to this, government bus operators provide in-house bus services without much concern for profitability. Regulators or local authorities, on the other hand, are expected to set up an institutional environment where passengers' and operators' expectations are met in a satisfactory manner. Empirical analyses and interviews with key agents demonstrate that agency costs are shown to be the result of misaligned interests between the government transport authority and private operators that lead to reduced service quality in terms of safety, comfort, reliability and affordability. We conclude that the agency costs of current NC contracting on passengers in Istanbul has deficiencies and propose instead a performance-based gross-cost (PrGC) contracting model. PrGC contracting can alleviate agency costs by changing the incentives of operators where regulatory and financing mechanisms are not enough to handle NC contracting. Istanbul represents some transferable lessons and implications, especially for developing cities around the world.  相似文献   

城市规划的目的是公共利益,必须杜绝私益介入.对于具体规划如何确定为公共利益以及解决与公民权利的冲突,最重要的途径是存在一个公众参与的正当程序,这也是保护公民合法权利,监督行政权运行所必需的,但是现行<中华人民共和国城市规划法>对此几乎一片空白.另外,该法对于违法城市规划以及实施城市规划的违法具体行政行为,也没有规定救济途径,这也使得人们当前在讨论修订<城市规划法>时不能不对此予以关注.  相似文献   

城市规划的目的是公共利益,必须杜绝私益介入。对于具体规划如何确定为公共利益以及解决与公民权利的冲突,最重要的途径是存在一个公众参与的正当程序,这也是保护公民合法权利、监督行政权运行所必需的,但是现行《中华人民共和国城市规划法》对此几乎一片空白。另外,该法对于违法城市规划以及实施城市规划的违法具体行政行为,也没有规定救济途径.这也使得人们当前在讨论修订《城市规划法》时不能不对此予以关注。  相似文献   

Public–private partnerships (PPPs) involve many different participants, and the equity allocation between them may influence the performance of PPP projects. While the optimal capital structure and equity capital structure of the project company have been extensively investigated, few studies have examined how to allocate equity shares among different private participants. Considering both public and private benefits, this study focuses on the optimal equity structure between construction contractor (CC) and operating contractor (OC). A game model is used to analyze how quality benefit and marginal contribution of CC and OC’s effort affect the optimal equity structure. The findings reveal that the private consortium expects the party (CC or OC) with higher marginal contribution of effort to own more equity shares, while government expects the party (CC or OC) with lower marginal contribution of effort to own more equity shares. Furthermore, a non-linear relationship between the optimal equity structure and government’s bargaining power is found. The results also manifest that the quality benefit of construction on operation is a nontrivial factor when designing the equity structure. If unconsidered, the CC’s optimal equity ratio will be either undervalued (when a higher construction quality can reduce the operating cost) or overvalued (when a higher construction quality can increase the operating cost). These findings can provide some insights into designing the equity structure for PPP projects in the bidding process.  相似文献   

《Fire Safety Journal》2001,36(7):623-639
This review brings together several different strands of research: (i) the sleep arousal literature pertaining to auditory arousal thresholds (AATs), (ii) studies on factors affecting responsiveness to auditory signals during sleep, (iii) literature on responsiveness to smoke detector alarms during sleep and (iv) research on fire fatality statistics and victim characteristics. The review discusses the influence of age, sleep deprivation, signal frequency, background noise, hearing loss, time of night, stage of sleep, sex differences, dream incorporation, depression, signal meaningfulness, sleeping tablets, alcohol and marijuana on responsiveness during sleep. Studies using smoke alarms clearly suggest that an unimpaired sleeping adult will awaken quickly to a 55–60 dBA alarm (such as with a hallway installation), while the AAT literature suggests higher thresholds (most likely due to differences in signal frequency). However, it is argued that the level required to wake such adults under the ideal circumstances of an experimental situation should not be the minimum standard for pillow audibility. Such a level is unlikely to arouse children, those on sleep inducing medication, people with high frequency hearing loss (as may occur with age), those who are sleep deprived or those under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. The responsiveness of the unimpaired adults tested is not generalisable to the responsiveness of the people most likely to be the victims of fire occurring while they are asleep (the very young, elderly, intoxicated, or sick). The sound intensity of the alarm at the pillow should have the highest chance of arousing those most at risk of dying. It is, therefore, recommended that smoke detector alarms be installed in the bedrooms themselves such that the signal intensity is at the maximum level tolerable to the human ear, that is approximately 90 dBA.  相似文献   

《Journal of Urbanism》2013,6(1):85-105
Public art has become part of the rhetoric of regeneration and within this participation has come to play an increasingly significant role. Public art, through its aesthetic and process, is perceived as integral to place-making within regeneration practice, affording cohesion to otherwise disaffected and disillusioned communities and distinctiveness to reformed places. Based on the example of a regenerated inner-city neighbourhood in Glasgow, the Gorbals, this paper questions the role of public participation in the installation of public art. How the regeneration of the neighbourhood unfolded was heavily influenced by new urbanist ideals in which place-making techniques were instrumental in repositioning the perception of the neighbourhood for its residents as well as externally. We argue that within a complex process of regeneration there are limits to how public participation can be built into the process of installing public art, reflecting in turn the different routes through which places become meaningful.  相似文献   

李天  周晶 《建筑师》2018,(2):57-62
从1860年天津开埠至20世纪初,天津租界的城市设计没有专业建筑师与规划师的参与,天津租界的早期设计者是具有一定工程背景的工兵、道路测量师与传教士。这些非专业设计者对城市的规划与建筑的设计受到军事思维的制约与殖民地城市建设习惯的影响,虽然设计手法较为粗糙,但是在缺乏熟练工匠与现代建筑材料的情况下完成了天津租界的早期建设,并为今日天津历史城区风貌的形成奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The relocation of port facilities produces transformations in major port cities. This paper analyses changes that occurred in three case studies: Barcelona, San Francisco and Lisbon. The comparison of these cases and the identification of similar experiences highlight important features of waterfront planning and design. In each case, the dialogue between the municipality and the port authority leads to different solutions for the relocation of port facilities and waterfront regeneration.

Land administered by municipalities and port authorities is under different and autonomous jurisdiction and, between them, transportation infrastructures have created an urban barrier. City and port, through continuous dialogue and convergence of efforts can either succeed to remove the barrier or blur its effect. There are geographical, cultural and historical dimensions that continuously affect the dialogue between city and port as this relates to the process of regeneration and relocating port facilities.

Specific projects of architecture and urban design are useful tools in the convergence of efforts between the two main actors in re‐establishing access from central historic urban areas to the water. In these cases, projects are producing more changes than the urban master plans themselves.  相似文献   

The constitution of Iraq affects the development by the Kurdistan Region of Iraq of its natural resources, oil in particular. The paper examines the constitution’s provisions in regard to natural resource questions. The Kurdistan Regional Government should give adequate attention to water problems and adopt a transparent oil and gas policy. There should be a new settlement for the disputed territories outside the current constitutional framework.  相似文献   

This study on the present status of fire and life safety principles for underground facilities is based on contributions by eight member nations of the International Tunnelling Association: Australia, Canada, China, Germany, Italy, Japan, Sweden and the U.SA This document may serve as a tentative guideline for future development in this field Findings are divided into three major category areas of underground works: road tunnels, railway tunnels, and underground parking facilities. Tables and explanatory information for each category are provided.  相似文献   

该文结合建筑系建筑学专业"卓越工程师"教育培养计划的探索项目,推出了"模拟设计院"的教学模式的试验,其宗旨就是为了能更好地培养建筑行业的"卓越工程师"。经过五年多的教学实践,教学试验结果表明对于四年级学生综合能力和职业技能的培养有很多的帮助,通过对教学情景与教学模式的设置,情景模拟,学而致用,为教育模式的丰富和创新提供了新的探索。  相似文献   

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