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<正> 文章介绍了一种新发明的净化技术,它采用吸附分离手段,净化处理能制成的甲烷废物:垃圾废物净化处理是一项十分重要的环保工作。在美国每天城市废物和垃圾有450000吨,这些废物和垃圾为加以净化处理每年可制成2000亿立方英尺甲烷。  相似文献   

吸附分离是一种古老的技术,在五十年代以前发展很慢,在化学工业中很少应用。近二十余年来,吸附分离技术有明显的进步,本文扼要叙述它的原理、操作方式和发展情况。  相似文献   

乙苯吸附分离技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
评述了乙苯吸附剂和解吸剂的研制进展,着重分析了离子交换种类、离子交换程度、基质沸石的硅铝比及水含量对吸附选择性的改善作用以及不同类型吸附-解吸体系对吸附剂分离性能和传质速率的影响.简要介绍了模拟移动床工艺和顶替色谱工艺的研究进展.  相似文献   

四川天一科技股份有限公司(天科股份,股票代码600378)是国家科技部和中国科学院评审认定的高新技术企业。公司下属的变压吸附分离工程研究所是专业从事变压吸附(简称PSA)气体分离技术的研究、工程技术开发、工程设计、工程承包的机构。公司已建成投产各类变压吸附装置1000多套,其中建成投产变压吸附提纯氢气装置近600套。  相似文献   

四川天一科技股份有限公司(天科股份,股票代码600378)是以重点科研院所西南化工研究设计院的优质资产为主而设立,并通过国家有关部门和中国科学院“双高”论证认定的高新技术企业,于2001年1月在上交所上市。公司下属的变压吸附分离工程研究所是专业从事变压吸附(简称PSA)气体分离技术的研究、工程技术开发、工程设计、工程承包的机构。  相似文献   

吸附理论与吸附分离技术的进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
各种固体界面上发生的吸附现象引起了广泛的关注,基于吸附的分离过程在工业和环保等领域发挥着重要的作用。近年来,涉及吸附现象的许多技术创新领域在不断扩展,改进现有的吸附剂,研发新型吸附剂及新用途;而研究的重点在缩小理论与实际应用的不协调,使吸附由技艺走向科学,由物理、化学、工程等多学科的交叉而形成的界面科学迅速成熟。概述了吸附和吸附分离过程的基础,围绕上述方面体现吸附理论的研究进展和吸附实际应用之间的关系,用实例介绍在吸附与吸附分离过程方面的研究与实践。  相似文献   

吸附法分离空气技术进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

变压吸附气体分离技术简介化工部西南化工研究院以其雄厚的技术力量及先进的科研装备,从70年代初在国内率先进行了变压吸附气体分离技术(简称PSA)的研究工作。经过从实验室试验到中间装置试验的努力探索,解决了工艺工程中的一系列难题,干1982年在国内首次开...  相似文献   

介绍了近期吸附法分离空气的技术进展,着重介绍了制氧、氮的有关工艺及吸附剂的技术进展。对该技术作了评价,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

<正> 近代的膜分离如电渗析、反渗透等所使用的都是高分子固体膜。固体膜的不足之处是流速低、选择性差、易受腐蚀、制膜工艺繁琐、设备复杂以及占地面积大等。七十年代初期,在模拟生物膜的结构与功能取得进展的基础上,蓬勃发展起来的液膜分离技术,是化学仿生学的分支——富集仿生学的实现手段,其高效、快速、专一的程度达到了前所未有的高度,不仅克服了固体膜的上述缺点,而且在使分离科学从静态扩展到动态、从宏观进入微观、从现象深入本质的发展中占有  相似文献   

Graphene and its derivatives have been considered intensively in the development and application of new types of adsorption and separation functional materials, due to its unique structure and superior performance. A comprehensive review on recent studies on adsorption and separation functional materials is given, including graphene, graphene oxide, graphene gel, graphene‐based sponge, graphene separation membrane as well as graphene continuous oil absorption and separation materials. Moreover, the preparation methods and application prospects are mainly utilized to illustrate the research progress. Especially, it is predicted that layered graphene membrane and graphene continuous oil absorption and separation materials may be the most research worthy.  相似文献   

支撑液膜分离技术   总被引:16,自引:2,他引:14  
本文综述了支撑液膜的渗透机理、不稳定的解释、解决不稳定的方法,最后对支撑液膜的发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   


Two mathematical models, namely the continuous moving-bed model (steady-state model) and the intermittent moving-bed model (transient model), have been used to describe simulated moving-bed adsorption separation processes. Four-column and 12-column simulated moving-bed systems for the separation of optical isomers with nonlinear adsorption isotherms were studied with the two models, respectively. The model equations were solved by using the numerical method of orthogonal collocation in finite elements. For the 4-column simulated moving bed, the differences between the simulation results from the two mathematical models are very obvious. Process dynamics, i.e., evolution of the species concentrations in the extract and raffinate and the axial profiles at different times, of the above systems in one switching period at the cyclic steady state are presented and discussed. They were numerically simulated with the intermittent moving bed model. The computations in a Cray J916 computer were very time consuming for the 12-column system.  相似文献   


A separation technique based on the selective adsorption characteristics for an acid-salt mixture on an anion-exchange resin was used to separate acid and salt from solution. Its application can lead to the recovery and reuse of the waste acid solution in such metallurgical process as steel pickling and mineral extraction. Experimental studies were carried out in this work. Concentrated nitric acid and cuprous nitrate were treated with the strong anion-exchange resin Dowex 1. In column experiments the concentrated acid solution used was about 3 N and the cuprous nitrate concentration about 15 to 25 g/L. After the treatment, about one-fifth to one-third of the treated waste solution can be recovered and reused.  相似文献   


A novel adsorptive process for air separation using a zeolitic adsorbent is described. The process essentially consists of three simple cyclic steps, and it can be used for simultaneous production of an 80—90% oxygen-enriched gas and a 98 + % nitrogen-enriched gas from ambient air. Successful operation of the process requires the use of a zeolite which exhibits high nitrogen adsorption capacity and selectivity from air. The role of nitrogen adsorption selectivity of the zeolite in the vacuum desorption process is examined, and experimental performance data for the air separation process are reported.  相似文献   

一种新型分离技术--分子蒸馏技术   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
介绍了分子蒸馏技术的基本原理及其有别于一般蒸馏技术的特点。使如“蒸馏温度远低于液体沸点,蒸馏压强低,受热时间短等。 介绍了分子蒸馏技术在工业中的应用以及国内外发展概况,特别了北京化工大学煌有关研究开发情况。  相似文献   

蒋新  华向东 《硅酸盐通报》2008,27(6):1180-1184
吸附相反应技术是近年来发展起来的主要用于制备纳米复合材料以及纳米催化剂的新型微尺度反应技术.在反应过程中,载体表面吸附层是反应的主要场所,反应物在表面的吸附和在两相间的分配过程决定了反应进行的方式,并影响产物的形态.本文综述了水浓度、温度、吸附质浓度等因素对反应物的吸附过程和平衡吸附率影响,从过程的原理出发,对这些因素的作用规律进行了探讨,形成了较为全面、系统的认识.  相似文献   

采用静态吸附试验,研究了3种活性炭(AC、BC、CC)的静态吸附与解吸,筛选出一种较好的活性炭AC;通过动态吸附和解吸实验,对二硝酰胺铵(ADN)的吸附、解吸工艺条件进行了优化。结果表明,AC的吸附能力与解吸能力均优于活性炭BC与CC,是分离纯化ADN的理想吸附剂;当上样溶液质量浓度为30 155.32mg/L、流速为5mL/min时,活性炭AC对ADN的吸附量较大。以80℃热水为洗脱溶剂,洗脱至第10个柱体积时,总洗脱率达95.64%。  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Hydrogen isotope separation has been the com- mon concern for many years, for pure deuterium can be used as a fuel of the nuclear fusion reactor or as a tracer in medical cure, chemical reaction and geo- graphic research. Several methods such as chemical exchange, cryogenic distillation, laser, and thermal diffusion are applied for separating the hydrogen iso- topes, but these methods require great invest and en- ergy consumption. Therefore, other alternative meth- ods need …  相似文献   

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