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Component technologies are perceived as an important means to keep software architectures flexible. Flexibility offered by component technologies typically addresses software developers at design time. However, the design of software which should support social systems, such as work groups or communities, also demands ‘use-time’, or technically spoken, ‘run-time’ flexibility. In this paper, we summarize a decade of research efforts on component-based approaches to flexibilize groupware applications at run-time. We address the user as a ‘casual programmer’ who develops and individualizes software for his work context. To deal with the challenges of run-time flexibility, we developed a design approach which covers three levels: software architecture, user interface, and collaboration support. With regard to the software architecture, a component model, called FlexiBeans, has been developed. The FreEvolve platform serves as an environment in which component-based applications can be tailored at run-time. Additionally, we have developed three different types of graphical user interfaces, enabling users to tailor their applications by recomposing components. To enable collaborative tailoring activities, we have integrated functions that allow sharing component structures among users. We also present different types of support techniques which are integrated into the user interface in order to enable users’ individual and collaborative tailoring activities. We conclude by elaborating on the notion of ‘software infrastructure’ which offers a holistic approach to support design activities of professional and non-professional programmers.  相似文献   

异构分布式CSCW委托授权模型及其访问控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
基干角色和活动的重要特性,提出了一种面向CSCW环境基于角色-活动并具有时序特征和约束规则的委托授权模型RABDM for CSCW,以及CSCW访问控制体系架构和委托授权工作机制。该模型解决了基于CSCW图形图像协同处理实际应用中访问授权过于集中的问题,实现了分布式和动态时序性等特征。  相似文献   

CSCW系统中用户和访问对象的数量逐渐增多,使得系统的管理工作日益繁重。委托授权机制能较好地解决CSCW中授权管理复杂的问题。为了有利于原型系统或实际应用系统的设计和开发,在面向CSCW基于角色一活动的委托模型RABDM for CSCW(Role-Activity Based Delegation Model for CSCWWJ基础上,利用统一建模语言UML(Unified Modeling Language)对其进行面向对象的可视化静态建模和动态建模。  相似文献   

朱君  汤庸 《计算机科学》2010,37(7):130-133
针对现有方法不能很好地满足CSCW系统对访问控制的需求,提出基于角色和任务的CSCW系统访问控制模型RTBAC(Role and Task-Based Access Model).该模型形式化地描述了用户、角色、任务、权限、工作流等要素及其相互间的关系,通过分配和取消角色来完成对用户权限的授予和取消,并提供了角色间偏序继承和指派关系定义,通过引入任务概念、任务类型划分及角色和任务之间的关系定义,实现了依据任务和任务状态不同对权限进行动态管理.该模型是针对CSCW系统多用户、动态、协作等特性提出的,能较好地满足CSCW系统对访问控制的需求.  相似文献   

胡斌  陈刚  董金祥 《计算机工程》2004,30(13):133-134,153
认知是协同工作过程中进行成功合作的关键,通过对协作过程的分析,指出认知信息的基本组成、获取和使用方式,设计了一个用于帮助协作成员之间建立认知的描述性框架。最后介绍了一个以该框架为基础的设计,用于建立认知的原型系统。  相似文献   

ContextCSRML Tool 2012 is a Requirements Engineering CASE Tool for the Goal-Oriented Collaborative Systems Requirements Modeling Language (CSRML).ObjectiveThis work aims at evaluating the usability of CSRML Tool 2012, thus identifying any possible usability flaw to be solved in the next releases of the application, as well as giving a general overview on how to develop a DSL tool similar to the one evaluated in this work by means of Visual Studio Modelling SDK.MethodIn this evaluation, which was reported by following the ISO/IEC 25062:2006 Common Industry Format for usability tests, 28 fourth-course Computer Science students took part. They were asked to carry out a series of modifications to an incomplete CSRML requirements specification. Usability was assessed by measuring the task’s completion rate, the elapsed time, number of accesses to the help system of the tool and the instructor’s verbal assistance. The participants’ arousal and pleasantness were assessed by analyzing both facial expressions and a USE questionnaire.ResultsIn spite of obtaining high usability levels, the test outcome revealed some usability flaws that should be addressed.ConclusionThe important lessons learnt from this evaluation are also applicable to the success of other usability tests as well as to the development of new CASE tools.  相似文献   

Being present in the same room not only enables people to exchange non-verbal communication but also the physical properties of the room offer opportunities for action and thus contribute to the ongoing social process. This paper discusses concepts from social and behavioural sciences to better understand the role of physical environments and artefacts with respect to cooperation among a group of people. Barker's behaviour setting theory is studied and applied to electronic settings. Requirements for electronic behaviour settings to enable situated cooperation in CSCW across spatial and temporal distances will be derived. Electronic behaviour settings should embody their own physical behaviour, and thus provide electronic places for cooperation. Adaptation to a particular group process can be achieved through a particular constitution of the setting and its adaptation in the course of practical use. This paper studies how this concept maps to existing groupware systems and outlines from practical experience whether this concept may help users adopt groupware in their work practice. This approach will contribute to the support of situated action in computer-supported cooperative work.  相似文献   

CSCW (computer-supported cooperative work) is an active research area with many promising applications and benefits. We argue that the plight of the individual user can also be viewed as a CSCW problem, for the individual frequently acts as multiple persona: performing many independent tasks, perhaps in several places. We propose reflexive CSCW to address such issues. Solutions in the reflexive case will of course be of benefit to users even if they are working in a conventional multi-user CSCW context; proposed solutions in CSCW can be re-presented for individual users.  相似文献   

在CSCW系统中应用IRC   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
探讨在CWCW工作系统中采用IRC的可能性及模式。首抚,简要地介绍了CSCW和IRC基本概念,然后对协同工作中人际交流模式进行了分类研究。最后,在CSCW系统中实现IRC机制进行了研究并介绍了一个简单的IRC模型实现。  相似文献   

基于独立软件级构件的领域软构件体系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简要地介绍了粒度为独立软件级构件的领域软构件体系的创建过程、系统结构、设计原理及其理论及实用意义。  相似文献   

基于角色的CSCW系统访问控制模型   总被引:53,自引:0,他引:53  
李成锴  詹永照  茅兵  谢立 《软件学报》2000,11(7):931-937
针对现有的方法不能很好地满足CSCW系统对访问控制提出的新的需求,该文提出了一个基于角色的CSCW系统访问控制模型RBCSAC(role-based collaborative systems access control).该模型形式化地描述了数据、操作、权限、角色和用户等要素及其相互间的关系,提供访问控制信息的记录方法,通过分配和取消角色来完成对用户权限的授予和取消,并且提供了角色分配规则和操作合法性检查规则.该模型针对CSCW系统的多用户、交互、协作、实时、动态等特性,能较好地满足CSCW系统对访问控制的需求.  相似文献   

基于行为的移动协同感知模型研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
移动协同一般受到资源的限制和移动环境的干扰,影响协同工作的有效进行。基于行为(Activity)设计移动协同系统,以行为为中心构建系统,可以克服上述困难。其中,如何提供行为所围绕的感知信息是关键所在。文章提出了一个基于行为的移动协同感知模型,通过定义行动者实体、目标实体、行为阶段实体等一组感知实体对象及感知行为服务,来提供基于行为的感知信息,并在原型系统中进行了实现。模型提供了移动用户在协同工作行为中群组工作(Team Work)的所有感知要素,从而支持了用户有效完成协同工作。  相似文献   

基于CSCW与XML技术的企业产品展销平台,是在网上发布的电子商务平台.不仅为企业提供形象直观、信息量大、内容全面、周期长久、交易快捷的产品静态信息;同时,还为企业提供生动活泼、互动性强、反馈及时的产品动态信息.  相似文献   

计算机协同工作中共享应用的实现方法及其难点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
计算机协同工作(CSCW)是计算机使用的网络化及多媒体技术不断成熟的基础上提出了的,该文着重介绍了计算机协同工作中共享应用(ShareZpplication)方式的特点及难点,并在对其实现机制分析的基础上,提供了MS-Windows平台上的实现方案。  相似文献   

陈桦  任喜伟 《微计算机信息》2006,22(24):135-137
鉴于当前农村经济发展迟缓、医疗条件相对落后和现有远程会诊系统本身成本昂贵、实用有很大局限性。基于CSCW的设计思想,我们设计出适合当前农村经济、医疗发展的低成本、高效率的城乡远程协同会诊系统。本文从系统前期考虑入手,分析系统的设计内容和目标,最后阐述系统实现的方法。本系统涵盖面广具有很强的可扩展性。  相似文献   

本文首先就CSCW、群件和会议系统的概念以及会议系统的分类进行论述,然后就多媒体会议系统的通用结构进行阐述。  相似文献   

李洛  吴绍根 《微机发展》2005,15(12):145-147
文中对于应用日益增多的格式化数据和非格式化数据欲实现群体协同要求下高效率信息交互服务的问题,针对协同工作模式下群体多媒体数据库的具体工作情景,从CSCW的技术路线,利用目前已趋于成熟的软件代理(Agent)和中间件技术,讨论对于地域分散的多媒体数据库系统的群体应用,从分析多媒体数据管理系统的目标及功能以及群体数据库的协同工作模式两方面入手,提出并分析了一个基于WEB的多媒体数据库协同工作模型。  相似文献   

CSCW系统中协同感知的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
协同感知理论的研究与应用是计算机支持的协同工作的重要研究内容之一.在研究分析了传统的协同感知所依赖的CSCW体系结构的基础上,提出了一种基于P2P的三层结构的协同感知框架,该架构很适合于CSCW中项目可以划分为若干个相对独立的模块的情形.最后对该框架的具体感知模块进行了分析,并讨论了下一步研究将要解决的问题.  相似文献   

嵌入式软件的非功能性质是系统高可靠性的重要构成部分.传统的嵌入式软件可靠性保障技术主要关注于系统开发后期,缺乏有效工具对系统设计的非功能性质进行分析与验证.对基于接口自动机模型的构件化嵌入式软件设计验证原型工具T-CBESD(Tool for Component-based Embedded Software Designs)进行了资源及能耗等非功能性质验证功能的扩展设计与实现,包括:资源接口自动机和能耗接口自动机模型的输入输出接口设计、UML顺序图模型的预处理、带非功能语义信息的组合系统状态空间数据结构的设计、非实时资源使用性质与实时相关能量消耗特征验证算法的实现,以及一个通信构件组合系统的实例应用分析.  相似文献   

集中式CSCW环境中对实时共享对象的并发控制算法   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
在实时CSCW环境中,必然存在多个用户都需要同时访问的共享对象,系统必须对用户访问对象的操作做出实时的响应,以使对象的变化与用户的期望相一致,本文提出了一种解决并发控制的方法,目标是在并发和实时的情况下实现多客户感知的对象一致性,算法基于变换和用户期望,利用前向变换来构建对象的历史记录。  相似文献   

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