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Even though information visualization (InfoVis) research has matured in recent years, it is generally acknowledged that the field still lacks supporting, encompassing theories. In this paper, we argue that the distributed cognition framework can be used to substantiate the theoretical foundation of InfoVis. We highlight fundamental assumptions and theoretical constructs of the distributed cognition approach, based on the cognitive science literature and a real life scenario. We then discuss how the distributed cognition framework can have an impact on the research directions and methodologies we take as InfoVis researchers. Our contributions are as follows. First, we highlight the view that cognition is more an emergent property of interaction than a property of the human mind. Second, we argue that a reductionist approach to study the abstract properties of isolated human minds may not be useful in informing InfoVis design. Finally we propose to make cognition an explicit research agenda, and discuss the implications on how we perform evaluation and theory building.  相似文献   

Information Visualization (InfoVis) is now an accepted and growing field but questions remain about the best uses for and the maturity of novel visualizations. Usability studies and controlled experiments are helpful but generalization is difficult. We believe that the systematic development of benchmarks will facilitate the comparison of techniques and help identify their strengths under different conditions. We were involved in the organization and management of three information visualization contests for the 2003, 2004 and 2005 IEEE InfoVis Symposia, which requested teams to report on insights gained while exploring data. We give a summary of the state of the art of evaluation in information visualization, describe the three contests, summarize their results, discuss outcomes and lessons learned, and conjecture the future of visualization contests. All materials produced by the contests are archived in the InfoVis Benchmark Repository.  相似文献   

Although previous research has suggested that examining the interplay between internal and external representations can benefit our understanding of the role of information visualization (InfoVis) in human cognitive activities, there has been little work detailing the nature of internal representations, the relationship between internal and external representations and how interaction is related to these representations. In this paper, we identify and illustrate a specific kind of internal representation, mental models, and outline the high-level relationships between mental models and external visualizations. We present a top-down perspective of reasoning as model construction and simulation, and discuss the role of visualization in model based reasoning. From this perspective, interaction can be understood as active modeling for three primary purposes: external anchoring, information foraging, and cognitive offloading. Finally we discuss the implications of our approach for design, evaluation and theory development.  相似文献   

Many well-cited theories for visualization design state that a visual representation should be optimized for quick and immediate interpretation by a user. Distracting elements like decorative "chartjunk" or extraneous information are avoided so as not to slow comprehension. Yet several recent studies in visualization research provide evidence that non-efficient visual elements may benefit comprehension and recall on the part of users. Similarly, findings from studies related to learning from visual displays in various subfields of psychology suggest that introducing cognitive difficulties to visualization interaction can improve a user's understanding of important information. In this paper, we synthesize empirical results from cross-disciplinary research on visual information representations, providing a counterpoint to efficiency-based design theory with guidelines that describe how visual difficulties can be introduced to benefit comprehension and recall. We identify conditions under which the application of visual difficulties is appropriate based on underlying factors in visualization interaction like active processing and engagement. We characterize effective graph design as a trade-off between efficiency and learning difficulties in order to provide Information Visualization (InfoVis) researchers and practitioners with a framework for organizing explorations of graphs for which comprehension and recall are crucial. We identify implications of this view for the design and evaluation of information visualizations.  相似文献   

The analysis of protein‐ligand interactions is complex because of the many factors at play. Most current methods for visual analysis provide this information in the form of simple 2D plots, which, besides being quite space hungry, often encode a low number of different properties. In this paper we present a system for compact 2D visualization of molecular simulations. It purposely omits most spatial information and presents physical information associated to single molecular components and their pairwise interactions through a set of 2D InfoVis tools with coordinated views, suitable interaction, and focus+context techniques to analyze large amounts of data. The system provides a wide range of motifs for elements such as protein secondary structures or hydrogen bond networks, and a set of tools for their interactive inspection, both for a single simulation and for comparing two different simulations. As a result, the analysis of protein‐ligand interactions of Molecular Simulation trajectories is greatly facilitated.  相似文献   

CoCoNutTrix: Collaborative Retrofitting for Information Visualization   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, the authors retrofitted a version of NodeTrix, a single-user graph visualization environment based on the InfoVis toolkit, to support multiple independent mice. The resulting low-cost environment was called CoCoNutTrix (Colocated Collaborative NodeTrix). Then, it was assessed how analysts viewed CoCoNutTrix and whether it effectively supported collaborative data analysis among domain experts using real data sets for social-network analysis. Our goal is to refine and expand our knowledge about retrofitting and hence designing colocated collaborative- visualization systems.  相似文献   

A visualization system for space-time and multivariate patterns (VIS-STAMP)   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The research reported here integrates computational, visual and cartographic methods to develop a geovisual analytic approach for exploring and understanding spatio-temporal and multivariate patterns. The developed methodology and tools can help analysts investigate complex patterns across multivariate, spatial and temporal dimensions via clustering, sorting and visualization. Specifically, the approach involves a self-organizing map, a parallel coordinate plot, several forms of reorderable matrices (including several ordering methods), a geographic small multiple display and a 2-dimensional cartographic color design method. The coupling among these methods leverages their independent strengths and facilitates a visual exploration of patterns that are difficult to discover otherwise. The visualization system we developed supports overview of complex patterns and through a variety of interactions, enables users to focus on specific patterns and examine detailed views. We demonstrate the system with an application to the IEEE InfoVis 2005 contest data set, which contains time-varying, geographically referenced and multivariate data for technology companies in the US  相似文献   

Providing tools that make visualization authoring accessible to visualization non‐experts is a major research challenge. Currently the most common approach to generating a visualization is to use software that quickly and automatically produces visualizations based on templates. However, it has recently been suggested that constructing a visualization with tangible tiles may be a more accessible method, especially for people without visualization expertise. There is still much to be learned about the differences between these two visualization authoring practices. To better understand how people author visualizations in these two conditions, we ran a qualitative study comparing the use of software to the use of tangible tiles, for the creation of bar charts. Close observation of authoring activities showed how each of the following varied according to the tool used: 1) sequences of action; 2) distribution of time spent on different aspects of the InfoVis pipeline; 3) pipeline task separation; and 4) freedom to manipulate visual variables. From these observations, we discuss the implications of the variations in activity sequences, noting tool design considerations and pointing to future research questions.  相似文献   

The visualization community has developed to date many intuitions and understandings of how to judge the quality of views in visualizing data. The computation of a visualization's quality and usefulness ranges from measuring clutter and overlap, up to the existence and perception of specific (visual) patterns. This survey attempts to report, categorize and unify the diverse understandings and aims to establish a common vocabulary that will enable a wide audience to understand their differences and subtleties. For this purpose, we present a commonly applicable quality metric formalization that should detail and relate all constituting parts of a quality metric. We organize our corpus of reviewed research papers along the data types established in the information visualization community: multi‐ and high‐dimensional, relational, sequential, geospatial and text data. For each data type, we select the visualization subdomains in which quality metrics are an active research field and report their findings, reason on the underlying concepts, describe goals and outline the constraints and requirements. One central goal of this survey is to provide guidance on future research opportunities for the field and outline how different visualization communities could benefit from each other by applying or transferring knowledge to their respective subdomain. Additionally, we aim to motivate the visualization community to compare computed measures to the perception of humans.  相似文献   

Live cell imaging is an important biomedical research paradigm for studying dynamic cellular behaviour. Although phenotypic data derived from images are difficult to explore and analyse, some researchers have successfully addressed this with visualization. Nonetheless, visualization methods for live cell imaging data have been reported in an ad hoc and fragmented fashion. This leads to a knowledge gap where it is difficult for biologists and visualization developers to evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of different visualization methods, and for visualization researchers to gain an overview of existing work to identify research priorities. To address this gap, we survey existing visualization methods for live cell imaging from a visualization research perspective for the first time. Based on recent visualization theory, we perform a structured qualitative analysis of visualization methods that includes characterizing the domain and data, abstracting tasks, and describing visual encoding and interaction design. Based on our survey, we identify and discuss research gaps that future work should address: the broad analytical context of live cell imaging; the importance of behavioural comparisons; links with dynamic data visualization; the consequences of different data modalities; shortcomings in interactive support; and, in addition to analysis, the value of the presentation of phenotypic data and insights to other stakeholders.  相似文献   

随着互联网技术的发展,网络渗入到人们生活的方方面面。一方面,电子商务、社交网络、线上娱乐、信息化办公等各种网络应用为人们的生活带来了诸多便利;另一方面,网络与人们生活的不可分割性为网络攻击和网络犯罪提供了可乘之机。攻击者通过各种各样的网络攻击获取他人隐私,牟取非法利益。近年来,网络攻击的数量越来越多,攻击的规模越来越大,攻击的复杂度也越来越高。因此,网络安全比以往任何时期都显得重要。然而传统的网络安全保障机制,如入侵检测,防御系统,网络防火墙等,因其智能性、动态性、全局性等的缺乏,都不足以应对越发复杂和高强度的网络攻击。因此,网络安全可视化应运而生,成为近年来网络安全研究的一个热点。与传统网络安全保障机制不同,网络安全可视化技术不仅能有效处理海量网络数据信息,捕获网络的全局态势,而且能通过对图形图像模式的分析帮助网络管理人员快速识别潜在的攻击和异常事件,即时预测安全事件,甚至是发现新的攻击类型。可视化技术为网络安全研究方法带来了变革,优秀的网络安全可视化方案层出不穷。网络安全可视化建立在对网络数据分析的基础之上,网络数据对网络安全分析十分重要,而大数据时代的到来进一步凸显了数据的重要性。因此,本文从数据角度出发,根据所处理的网络数据的类型,对网络安全可视化工作进行系统的整理、分类和对比。此外,本文还深入分析网络安全可视化研究面临的挑战并探讨未来该领域的研究方向。  相似文献   

In this survey article, we review glyph-based visualization techniques that have been exploited when visualizing spatial multivariate medical data. To classify these techniques, we derive a taxonomy of glyph properties that is based on classification concepts established in information visualization. Considering both the glyph visualization as well as the interaction techniques that are employed to generate or explore the glyph visualization, we are able to classify glyph techniques into two main groups: those supporting pre-attentive and those supporting attentive processing. With respect to this classification, we review glyph-based techniques described in the medical visualization literature. Based on the outcome of the literature review, we propose design guidelines for glyph visualizations in the medical domain.  相似文献   

Data in its raw form can potentially contain valuable information, but much of that value is lost if it cannot be presented to a user in a way that is useful and meaningful. Data visualization techniques offer a solution to this issue. Such methods are especially useful in spatial data domains such as medical scan data and geophysical data. However, to properly see trends in data or to relate data from multiple sources, multiple-data set visualization techniques must be used. In research with the time-line paradigm, we have integrated multiple streaming data sources into a single visual interface. Data visualization takes place on several levels, from the visualization of query results in a time-line fashion to using multiple visualization techniques to view, analyze, and compare the data from the results. A significant contribution of this research effort is the extension and combination of existing research efforts into the visualization of multiple-data sets to create new and more flexible techniques. We specifically address visualization issues regarding clarity, speed, and interactivity. The developed visualization tools have also led recently to the visualization querying paradigm and challenge highlighted herein.  相似文献   

Digital methods are increasingly applied to store, structure and analyse vast amounts of musical data. In this context, visualization plays a crucial role, as it assists musicologists and non-expert users in data analysis and in gaining new knowledge. This survey focuses on this unique link between musicology and visualization. We classify 129 related works according to the visualized data types, and we analyse which visualization techniques were applied for certain research inquiries and to fulfill specific tasks. Next to scientific references, we take commercial music software and public websites into account, that contribute novel concepts of visualizing musicological data. We encounter different aspects of uncertainty as major problems when dealing with musicological data and show how occurring inconsistencies are processed and visually communicated. Drawing from our overview in the field, we identify open challenges for research on the interface of musicology and visualization to be tackled in the future.  相似文献   

Information visualization is a rapidly evolving field with a growing volume of scientific literature and texts continually published. To keep abreast of the latest developments in the domain, survey papers and state‐of‐the‐art reviews provide valuable tools for managing the large quantity of scientific literature. Recently, a survey of survey papers was published to keep track of the quantity of refereed survey papers in information visualization conferences and journals. However, no such resources exist to inform readers of the large volume of books being published on the subject, leaving the possibility of valuable knowledge being overlooked. We present the first literature survey of information visualization books that addresses this challenge by surveying the large volume of books on the topic of information visualization and visual analytics. This unique survey addresses some special challenges associated with collections of books (as opposed to research papers) including searching, browsing and cost. This paper features a novel two‐level classification based on both books and chapter topics examined in each book, enabling the reader to quickly identify to what depth a topic of interest is covered within a particular book. Readers can use this survey to identify the most relevant book for their needs amongst a quickly expanding collection. In indexing the landscape of information visualization books, this survey provides a valuable resource to both experienced researchers and newcomers in the data visualization discipline.  相似文献   

Email is one of the most popular forms of communication nowadays, mainly due to its efficiency, low cost, and compatibility of diversified types of information. In order to facilitate better usage of emails and explore business potentials in emailing, various data mining techniques have been applied on email data. In this paper, we present a brief survey of the major research efforts on email mining. To emphasize the differences between email mining and general text mining, we organize our survey on five major email mining tasks, namely spam detection, email categorization, contact analysis, email network property analysis and email visualization. Those tasks are inherently incorporated into various usages of emails. We systematically review the commonly used techniques and also discuss the related software tools available.  相似文献   

This survey provides an introduction into eye tracking visualization with an overview of existing techniques. Eye tracking is important for evaluating user behaviour. Analysing eye tracking data is typically done quantitatively, applying statistical methods. However, in recent years, researchers have been increasingly using qualitative and exploratory analysis methods based on visualization techniques. For this state‐of‐the‐art report, we investigated about 110 research papers presenting visualization techniques for eye tracking data. We classified these visualization techniques and identified two main categories: point‐based methods and methods based on areas of interest. Additionally, we conducted an expert review asking leading eye tracking experts how they apply visualization techniques in their analysis of eye tracking data. Based on the experts' feedback, we identified challenges that have to be tackled in the future so that visualizations will become even more widely applied in eye tracking research.  相似文献   

Graphs represent general node‐link diagrams and have long been utilized in scientific visualization for data organization and management. However, using graphs as a visual representation and interface for navigating and exploring scientific data sets has a much shorter history, yet the amount of work along this direction is clearly on the rise in recent years. In this paper, we take a holistic perspective and survey graph‐based representations and techniques for scientific visualization. Specifically, we classify these representations and techniques into four categories, namely partition‐wise, relationship‐wise, structure‐wise and provenance‐wise. We survey related publications in each category, explaining the roles of graphs in related work and highlighting their similarities and differences. At the end, we reexamine these related publications following the graph‐based visualization pipeline. We also point out research trends and remaining challenges in graph‐based representations and techniques for scientific visualization.  相似文献   

随着移动互联网与社会网络的深度融合,基于位置服务(Location Based Service,LBS)的社交媒体应用更加流行,成为地理社会网络(Geo-Social Networks,GSN)的研究重点。基于位置信息的社会网络(Location Based Social Network,LBSN)由于具有时空特性,其海量数据可视化不同于传统信息可视化,必须结合其地理信息特征进行表达。该文以GSN中抽取出的海量时空数据为分析对象,从LBSN时空数据抽取、海量时空数据可视化等方面进行综述,对地理社会网络时空数据交互可视化分析技术开展研究,以期能够实现比较方便、快速、直接地从地理社会网络的海量数据中提取出有用、可靠、可知识化的综合信息,并通过信息可视化方式进行直观表达、展示与分析。  相似文献   

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