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For Co/Si(111) films thinner than 15 ML, the thickness dependent reactivity and magnetic properties have been systematically studied. As the Co coverage increases, Co adatoms on the Si(111) surface show enhanced chemical reactivity for oxidation due to the change of the chemical state. After the saturation oxygen exposure, oxygen atoms interact with a thick Co layer to form a rougher interface. Complex adsorption kinetics of oxygen in the Co layer is observed. From the depth-profiling measurements for Co layers close to the Co-Si interface, the sputtering rate is enhanced due to that the solid surfaces of Si and Co-Si compounds are resistive against oxidation. The descending of the Kerr intensity by saturation oxygen exposure shows the limited diffusion length of oxygen atoms into the films. The inertness of the Co-Si interface, the reduction of pure cobalt and imperfection introduced by oxygen influence the coercivity of O/Co/Si(111).  相似文献   

The effects of the deposition of ultrathin 57Fe layers on both sides of the NiFe layers in NiFe/Cu multilayers were investigated by focusing on their structural, magnetic and magnetoresistance properties. Conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopy measurements showed an out-of-plane magnetic anisotropy of the Fe layers. The magnetoresistance curves showed an unusual shape, where up to three peaks were observed. Eight variables computer simulations, based on a phenomenological model that considers bilinear and biquadratic couplings between layers with cubic and in-plane uniaxial anisotropies, were used in order to calculate the best-fitting magnetization curves for the NiFe/Cu and Fe/NiFe/Fe/Cu multilayers. Both model and Mössbauer spectroscopy results showed that it is the rotation of the Fe magnetic moment from out-of-plane to in-plane orientation that provokes the unusual magnetoresistance curve shape. The observed reduction of the magnetoresistance amplitude with the addition of one monolayer of Fe in the NiFe/Cu multilayer was attributed to a less-effective spin-dependent scattering that occurs at Fe/Cu and Fe/NiFe interfaces than at the NiFe/Cu interfaces.  相似文献   

Y.H. Kim  Y.K. Noh  J.E. Oh 《Thin solid films》2010,518(8):2280-2284
The microstructural properties at the initial growth stage of the GaSb heteroepitaxial growth on a silicon (Si) substrate were investigated using transmission electron microscopy. Well-separated and tall GaSb islands were observed when GaSb was directly grown on a Si substrate (sample A). On the other hand, GaSb was grown to the coalesced and flat islands when a low-temperature AlSb buffer (sample B) was introduced. The different morphologies of the GaSb islands were related to the microstructural properties of the interface between the GaSb and the Si substrate. The GaSb/Si interface was rough, and disordered atomic arrangements were observed at the interface in sample A. On the other hand, the GaSb/Si interface was flat, and well-ordered atomic arrangements appeared at the interface in sample B. Entirely different mechanisms for the relaxation of a misfit strain were demonstrated from a microstructural viewpoint.  相似文献   

The manganite La2/3Sr1/3MnO3 (LSMO)/CuO and LSMO/Al2O3 polycrystalline composite thin films are deposited on Si (111) substrates in a magnetron sputtering system, using the tandem deposition method. The electrical transport and magnetoresistance properties of the films have been systematically investigated. By considering two parallel conduction channels at the grain boundary, we obtain a general expression for the temperature dependency of the resistance that agrees with the experimental data measured in LSMO polycrystalline composite thin films at whole temperature region of 300 K-10 K under the condition of zero magnetic field. Also, the resistance vs. temperature curve under an external magnetic field can be obtained by only varying one parameter in the model. It provides an effective way to obtain the high-temperature grain boundary magnetoresistance in the polycrystalline manganite.  相似文献   

The evolution of the composition distribution and microstructures of Ge islands on Si(001) during the Si overgrowth was investigated by atomic force microscopy combined with selective wet etching procedures. With increasing Si coverage to 5.4 nm, the uncapped Ge islands were found to change their shapes dramatically from domes to truncated pyramids, nanorings and eventually to the fully buried islands. Different atomic composition profiles in SiGe islands were observed at different Si coverages. Especially, the nanorings were found to have a Ge-rich core with a Si-rich periphery. Based on the experimental results, the Ge redistribution in islands during Si capping is not only correlated with the intermixing between Si capping layer and Ge islands, but also a strain-driven process.  相似文献   

NiO ultrathin films have been grown on Ag(001) by Ni deposition in an O2 atmosphere. The thickness range 5–50 ML has been investigated. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy has been used to study the stoichiometric composition and chemical purity of the oxide films. We found completely oxidized stoichiometric NiO films. Their contamination has been found to be limited to the topmost layers. Photoelectron diffraction has given information concerning the local crystal structure of the films. The film atomic geometry has been found to be the same independent of thickness in the 0–50 ML range. The films have the expected (001) rock-salt structure with the same in plane orientation as the Ag(001) substrate. Specular X-ray reflectivity has allowed a very accurate thickness evaluation and has given information on the width of the density gradients at the film–substrate and vacuum–film interfaces, found to be of the order of a few atomic layers.  相似文献   

[Co(7 nm)/Fe(7 nm)]6 multilayers were electron-beam evaporated onto Si(100) substrates in ultrahigh vacuum and irradiated at room temperature with 200-keV Xe ions, leading to ion beam mixing within the Co/Fe multilayer, but not with the Si substrate. Irradiation-induced changes in structural and magnetic properties were characterized by means of Rutherford backscattering spectroscopy, X-ray diffraction and in-plane magneto-optical Kerr effect. Irradiation with 1 × 1016 Xe ions/cm2 induced Co/Fe intermixing to a 1 : 1 atomic concentration ratio (RBS) and the formation of the Fe50Co50 permendur phase in the intermixed zone (XRD). For lower ion fluences, the coercivity decreased strongly, but then increased slowly for higher fluences. The angular pattern of the relative remanence showed a perfect uniaxial anisotropy. The magnetic energy density was parametrized with the expression Es / Ms ∝ (Ku1 / Ms) sin2(φ − φ0) + (Ku2 / Ms) sin4(φ − φ0), Ms being the saturation magnetization and φ0 the symmetry angle. The second-order term Ku2 / Ms was found to decrease strongly with increasing Xe fluence.  相似文献   

Y.F. Ding  J.S. Chen  B.C. Lim  B. Liu 《Thin solid films》2009,517(8):2638-2647
FePt:C thin films were deposited on CrRu underlayers by DC magnetron co-sputtering. The effects of C content, FePt:C film thickness and substrate temperature on the microstructural and magnetic properties of the epitaxial FePt (001) films were studied. Experimental results showed that even with 30 vol.% C doping, the FePt films could keep a (001) preferred orientation at 350 °C. When a FePt:C film was very thin (< 5 nm), the film had a continuous microstructure instead of a granual structure with C diffused onto the film surface. With further increased film thickness, the film started to nucleate and formed a column microstructure over continuous FePt films. A strong exchange coupling in the FePt:C films was believed to be due to the presence of a thin continuous FePt layer attributed to the carbon diffusion during the initial stage of the FePt:C film growth. Despite the presence of a strong exchange coupling in the FePt:C (20 vol.% C) film, the SNR ratio of the FePt:C media was about 10 dB better than that of the pure FePt media. The epitaxial growth of the FePt:C films on the Pt layers was observed from high resolution TEM cross sectional images even for the films grown at about 200 °C. The TEM images did not show an obvious change in the morphology of the FePt:C films deposited at different temperatures (from 200 °C to 350 °C), though the ordering degree and coercivity of the films increased with increased substrate temperature.  相似文献   

Chemical vapor deposition of thin (< 10 nm) films of amorphous boron carbo-nitride (BC0.7N0.08, or BCN) on Ge(100) and Ge nanowire (GeNW) surfaces was studied to determine the ability of BCN to prevent oxidation of Ge. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy was used to track Ge oxidation of BCN-covered Ge(100) upon exposure to ambient, 50 °C deionized water, and a 250 °C atomic layer deposition HfO2 process. BCN overlayers incorporate O immediately upon ambient or water exposure, but it is limited to 15% O uptake. If the BCN layer is continuous, the underlying Ge(100) surface is not oxidized despite the incorporation of O into BCN. The minimum continuous BCN film thickness that prevents Ge(100) oxidation is ~ 4 nm. Thinner films (≤ 3.2 nm) permitted Ge(100) oxidation in each of the oxidizing environments studied. GeNWs with a 5.7 nm BCN coating were resistant to oxidation for at least 5 months of ambient exposure. High resolution transmission electron microscopy images of HfO2/BCN/Ge(100) cross-sections and BCN-coated GeNWs reveal clean, abrupt BCN-Ge(100) interfaces.  相似文献   

Electron energy -loss spectroscopy has been used to investigate the interface between a Y2O3 film and the silicon substrate. The chemical composition of the interface layer is revealed to be nearly pure amorphous SiO2. Yttrium silicates are found at the Y2O3/SiO2 interface region. The formation of the interfacial yttrium silicates has been interpreted by the direct chemical reaction between the deposited Y2O3 film and the SiO2 interface layer. The Si L23 and O K edges of yttrium silicates (Y2SiO5 and Y2Si2O7) have been calculated by the first-principle full multiple - scattering method. The theoretical results are consistent with the experimental spectra, which confirms the formation of yttrium silicates.  相似文献   

The magnetization of ultrathin multilayer systems depends in a very sensitive way on their composition. We consider the temperature dependence of magnetization and its orientation in three types of trilayers: 2ML Co/2ML Cu/4ML Ni/Cu(001), 1ML Co/2ML Cu/4ML Ni/Cu(001) and 1ML Co/2ML Cu/3ML Ni/Cu(001). The composition of each system leads to different interdependence of ordering temperatures characterizing the ferromagnetic films. It is shown that in all cases the sublayer magnetizations change gradually their directions as a function of temperature. The use of Néel sublattices concept in Valenta approach allows us to present all dependences in a layer resolved mode which leads to the conclusion that the spin reorientation process runs through non collinear magnetic superstructures.  相似文献   

G.H. Yang  Y. Gu  Y. Gao  F. Pan 《Thin solid films》2004,457(2):354-358
Co/Mo multilayers with various low Co layer thickness and fixed Mo layer thickness were prepared by alternate evaporation. Transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction and vibrating sample magnetometry were used to study the magnetic properties and microstructures of the films. The magnetic transition from ferromagnetic to superparamagnetic was observed at a critical thickness, accompanied with the structural evolution of the films from crystalline to amorphous. The contribution of the amorphous microstructure to the magnetic properties is discussed.  相似文献   

We investigated Gd2O3 and Zr-incorporated Gd2O3 films grown on Si (100) as a function of nitridation temperature under an NH3 ambient and the incorporation of Zr into the film. The formation of a silicide layer at the interfacial region was suppressed in cases of Zr-incorporated or NH3-nitried Gd2O3 films. The crystalline structure was affected when zirconium, with a relatively small ionic radius, was substituted with gadolinium. When the concentration of Zr atoms in a Gd2O3 film reaches a specific level (Gd0.6Zr1.9O4.3), phase transition occurred from cubic Gd2O3 to monoclinic ZrO2. However, the monoclinic phase disappeared after nitridation at 900 °C in an NH3 ambient. The majority of the nitrogen atoms accumulated near the interface in the films and the concentration of incorporated N increased with increasing Zr content and NH3 annealing temperature. Moreover, nitrogen atoms bonded to Zr-silicate at the interface, in preference to ZrO2 in the film. These incorporation characteristics of nitrogen into Zr-incorporated Gd2O3 film have an effect on the thermal stability and crystalline structure of a film.  相似文献   

We have studied the structure of ultrathin MgO films grown on a single crystal Mo(001) surface. Scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and low energy electron diffraction (LEED) were used to investigate the effect of substrate temperature and oxygen partial pressure on the growth and morphology of these films. LEED indicates the growth of (100) films with MgO 〈110〉 directions oriented along 〈100〉 directions of the substrate. Despite the insulating nature of bulk MgO, films up to 25-Å thick are sufficiently conducting to perform STM measurements. STM reveals Mg deposition in an oxygen ambient at substrate temperatures from 300 to 900 K produces uniform films. Films as thick as eight atomic layers typically have only three layers exposed. These films consist of small domains between 20 and 60 Å in diameter. The domain shapes are random and the perimeters show no preferred orientation. In contrast, films grown at temperatures in excess of 1000 K exhibit larger three-dimensional MgO islands (Volmer-Weber growth). Steps on these high temperature films orient preferentially along thermodynamically favored MgO 〈100〉 directions. STM images of films deposited at high temperature exhibit a checkerboard pattern. The dimensions and symmetry of this pattern are consistent with the coincidence arising from the mismatch of the MgO(100) and Mo(001) lattice. Annealing room temperature deposited films results in island coalescence and produces uniform films with domains in excess of 100 Å. The perimeters of these domains are oriented along MgO 〈100〉 directions.  相似文献   

The results of the structure, electrical transport and magnetoresistance of a ferromagnet-ferroelectric-type La0.67Ca0.33MnO3 (LCMO)/BaTiO3 composites fabricated by the sol-gel method are presented. The structure and morphology characterization indicates no apparent variations in morphology and particle size in spite of the existence of BaTiO3. The insulator-metal transition temperature (TIM) is shifted to a higher temperature and resistivity decreases with the increase of low content BaTiO3. Magnetoresistance (MR) of the composites is enhanced over the whole temperature range as a result of the introduction of BaTiO3. By calculating in terms of a ferromagnetic grain coupling model, we attribute these transport properties to the enhancement of the ferromagnetic coupling between the neighboring grains, which could be explained by the increase of the carrier concentration at the grain boundary due to the introduction of BaTiO3 and the associated magnetoelectric coupling effect.  相似文献   

N. Lei 《Thin solid films》2007,515(18):7290-7293
Molecular beam epitaxially grown Fe on GaAs(001) capped by Au overlayer with variable thickness had been investigated in situ by magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE). It is observed that the MOKE intensity as a function of Au film thickness decays much faster than that derived from the well-known Zak's theory. This can be explained by different optical parameters of ultrathin films from bulk values. It is also found that a minimum thickness of 1.4 nm Au is needed to effectively prevent the oxidation of Fe film at 300 K in atmosphere.  相似文献   

X.H. Xu  T. Jin  H.S. Wu  F. Wang  X.L. Li  F.X. Jiang 《Thin solid films》2007,515(13):5471-5475
Sandwich Ag/[CoPt(3 nm)/C(3 nm)]5/Ag films were deposited on glass substrates by magnetron sputtering. After annealing at 600 °C for 30 min, a nearly-perfect (001)-oriented L10 CoPt film with extremely high perpendicular anisotropy was obtained when the thickness of Ag top- and underlayer were both equal to 5 nm. The strain energy caused by the Ag layer together with the diffusion of Ag and C atoms, resulted in the enhancement of the ordering degree of the L10 CoPt phase and the development of the (001) texture of the films.  相似文献   

We have investigated submonolayers of Co deposited on a Ag(001) surface with ultra low energy ion deposition and a deposition energy ranging from 5 to 30 eV. The sites of nucleation, the island densities and heights were determined with scanning tunneling microscopy. Next to randomly distributed islands on the terraces observed for every deposition energy, preferential nucleation on the upper side of the Ag steps was observed only for 5 and 15 eV. We found that for increasing characteristic length between the islands on a terrace, the number of islands per unit step length increases. This implies that step decoration is related to enhanced diffusion of Co atoms on the Ag surface during nucleation.  相似文献   

Iridium oxide (IrO2) thin films were deposited on Si (100) substrates by means of pulsed laser deposition technique at various substrate (deposition) temperatures ranging from 250 to 500 °C. Effects of substrate temperature on the crystalline nature, morphology and electrical properties of the deposited films were analyzed by using X-ray diffraction, Raman spectroscopy, Scanning electron microscopy and four-point probe method. It was found that the above properties were strongly dependent on the substrate temperature. The as-deposited films at all substrate temperatures were polycrystalline tetragonal IrO2 and the preferential growth orientation changed with the substrate temperature. IrO2 films exhibited fairly homogeneous thickness and good adhesion with the substrate, the average feature size increases with the substrate temperature. The room-temperature resistivity of IrO2 films decreased with the increase of substrate temperature and the minimum resistivity of (42 ± 6) μΩ cm was obtained at 500 °C. The resistivity of IrO2 films correlated well with the corresponding film morphology changes.  相似文献   

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