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研究了<0001<和<1210>晶向蓝宝石(α-Al2O3单晶)在注入360keV.1×10 ̄16cm ̄-2或100keV、6×10 ̄16cm ̄-2的In ̄+后产生的损伤、注入层的性能变化和退火行为。实验结果表明,退火过程中损伤的恢复和In的分布与退火气氛有关:在100keV、6×10 ̄16cm ̄-2的In ̄+注入时,注入层电阻率降低了10个量级,大小为6.8×10 ̄3·cm,表面损伤层的显微硬度提高了92%;在360keV,1×10 ̄16cm ̄-2的In+注入时,其表面损伤层的显微硬度提高了45%,在空气中不同温度下退火后,其显微硬度的变化和损伤的变化具有相同的规律。 相似文献
Carl J. McHargue E. Alves L.C. Ononye C. Marques 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):81-84
Many previous studies of ion-implanted sapphire have used gas-forming light ions or heavier metallic cations. In this study, boron (1017 cm−2, 150 keV) was implanted in c-axis crystals at room temperature, 500 and 1000 °C as part of a continuing study of cascade density and “chemical” effects on the structure of sapphire. Rutherford backscattering-ion channeling (RBS-C) of the RT samples indicated little residual disorder in the Al-sublattice to a depth of 50–75 nm but almost random scattering at the depth of peak damage energy deposition. The transmission electron micrographs contain “black-spot” damage features. The residual disorder is much less at all depths for samples implanted at 1000 °C. The TEM photographs show a coarse “black-spot damage” microstructure. The optical absorption at 205 nm is much greater than for samples implanted with C, N, or Fe under similar conditions. 相似文献
Analysis of sapphire implanted with different elements using artificial neural networks 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A. Vieira N. P. Barradas E. Alves 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2002,190(1-4):241-246
Five elements (Ti, Fe, Co, Er and Au) were implanted in sapphire to fluences between 8×1013 and 5×1017 at/cm2, and energies between 200 and 800 keV. We used Rutherford backscattering to determine the dose and depth of the implanted elements. The data analysis is performed using an artificial neural network (ANN). Here we report a generalisation of previous works where ANNs were successfully applied for specific implantations such as Er in sapphire and Ge in Si. We have now developed a code that it is able to analyse data from implantations of any element with Z between 18 and 83 into sapphire. Although this problem is considerably more complex than single-system ANNs, the ANN developed produced excellent results when applied to experimental data. We discuss the reliability of the ANN and its applicability to the analysis of large batches of implanted samples. 相似文献
X. Xiang X.T. Zu S. Zhu C.F. Zhang L.M. Wang 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):192-195
Zn+ ion implantation (48 keV) was performed at room temperature up to a fluence of 5 × 1017 cm−2 in -Al2O3 single crystals. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and optical absorption spectroscopy were utilized to characterize the optical properties, chemical charge states and the microstructure of embedded metallic Zn nanoparticles, respectively. XPS analysis indicated that implanted Zn ions are in the charge state of metallic Zn0. TEM analysis revealed the metallic Zn nanoparticles of 3–10 nm in the as-implanted sample at a fluence of 1 × 1017 cm−2. A selected area electron diffraction (SAD) pattern indicates the random orientation of the Zn nanoparticles. A clear absorption peak appeared gradually in the optical absorption spectra of the as-implanted crystals, due to surface plasma resonance (SPR) of Zn nanoparticles. The wavelength of the absorption peak shifted from 260 nm to 285 nm with the increasing ion fluence, ascribed to the growth of Zn nanoparticles. 相似文献
E. Alves J.V. Pinto R.C. da Silva M. Peres M.J. Soares T. Monteiro 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):363-367
Rutile single crystals were implanted at room temperature with fluences of 5 × 1015 Er+/cm2 ions with 150 keV energy. Rutherford backscattering/channeling along the 0 0 1 axis reveals complete amorphization of the implanted region. Photoluminescence reveals the presence of an optical centre close to the intra-ionic emission of Er3+ in the as-implanted samples. After annealing at 800 °C in air no changes were observed in the aligned RBS spectrum. On the contrary, annealing in reducing atmosphere (vacuum) induces the epitaxy of the damage layer. These results are unexpected, since for implantations of other ions under the same conditions, epitaxial recrystallization of the damage region occurs at this temperature. On the other hand, photoluminescence studies show the presence of new Er-related optical centres with high thermal stability in the samples annealed under oxidizing conditions. Annealing at 1000 °C in vacuum leads to the complete recrystallization of the damaged region. At this temperature a large fraction of Er segregates to the surface. 相似文献
A. Kabir A. Meftah M. Toulemonde M. Izerrouken 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(19):3195-3198
In our previous work [15], we have evidenced, using RBS-C, two effects in the aluminium sublattice of sapphire irradiated with 90.3 MeV xenon ions: a partial disorder creation that saturates at ∼40% followed above a threshold fluence by a highly disordered layer appearing behind the surface. In this work, by RBS-C analysis of the oxygen sublattice, we have observed only one regime of partial disorder creation that saturates at ∼60% in tracks of cross-section double of that found for the aluminium sublattice. Complementary analysis by X-ray diffraction shows that the lattice strain increases with the fluence until a maximum is reached about 7.5 × 1012 ions/cm2. For higher fluences, strain decreases first indicating a little stress relaxation in the material and tends afterwards, to remain constant. This stress relaxation is found to be related to the aluminium sublattice high disorder. 相似文献
采用光致发光手段研究了几种不同注入离子N、O、Mg、Si和Ga对n型GaN蓝光发射带的影响.其中离子的注入剂量分别为1013、1014、1015和1016cm-2,注入温度为室温.注入后的样品在900℃流动氮气环境下进行10 min的热退火.通过对实验测得的光致发光谱的分析,给出了不同注入离子对n型GaN蓝光发射带的影响随注入剂量的变化关系以及该影响的相对强弱,进而确定蓝光发射起源于注入离子引入的间位缺陷. 相似文献
HUANGNing-Kang CHENGBei-Bei 《核技术(英文版)》2000,11(2):96-100
The behavior of the radiation damage of sapphire crystal ,produced by implantation with 380 keV Nb^ ion followed by annealing in a series of steps from 500to 11000℃ at reducing atmosphere,was investigated in optical absorption and XPS measurements.It is found that the implanted niobium in sapphire is in different local environments with different chemical states after the annealing,The changes in optical denstiy (OD) from the bands,based on the well known E-type centers,show that the annealing behavior of the radiation damage may be divided into different stages due to different mechansisms. 相似文献
T.S. Iwayama T. Hama 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(19):3203-3206
Si ion implantation was widely used to synthesize specimens of SiO2 containing supersaturated Si and subsequent high temperature annealing induces the formation of embedded luminescent Si nanocrystals. In this work, the potentialities of excimer UV-light (172 nm, 7.2 eV) irradiation and rapid thermal annealing (RTA) to enhance the photoluminescence and to achieve low temperature formation of Si nanocrystals have been investigated. The Si ions were introduced at acceleration energy of 180 keV to fluence of 7.5 × 1016 ions/cm2. The implanted samples were subsequently irradiated with an excimer-UV lamp. After the process, the samples were rapidly thermal annealed before furnace annealing (FA). Photoluminescence spectra were measured at various stages at the process. We found that the luminescence intensity is strongly enhanced with excimer-UV irradiation and RTA. Moreover, effective visible photoluminescence which is not observed with a simple FA treatment, is found to be observed even after FA at 900 °C, only for specimens treated with excimer-UV lamp and RTA. Based on our experimental results, we discuss the effects of excimer-UV lamp irradiation and RTA process on Si nanocrystals related photoluminescence. 相似文献
U.S. Sias L. Amaral M. Behar H. Boudinov E.C. Moreira 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):178-182
In the present work we have studied the photoluminescence (PL) behavior from Si nanocrystals (NCs) as a function of the excitation power density and annealing time. The NCs were produced in a SiO2 matrix by Si implantations from room temperature (RT) up to 700 °C, followed by post-annealing in N2 atmosphere at high temperature. With this aim we have changed the excitation power density (from 2 × 10−3 W/cm2 up to 15 W/cm2) and the annealing time (from 10 min up to 15 h). The strong PL signal, which at 15 W/cm2 is composed by a single-peak structure (650–1000 nm) centered at around 780 nm, expands up to 1200 nm showing a two-peak structure when measured at 20 × 10−3 W/cm2. The peak structure located at the short wavelength side is kept at 780 nm, while the second peak, starting at around 900 nm, redshifts and increases its intensity with the implantation temperature and annealing time. The effect of the annealing time on the PL spectra behavior measured at low excitation power agrees by the first time with the Si NC growth according to quantum confinement effects. 相似文献
《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》1999,147(1-4):226-230
Sapphire (α-Al2O3) single crystals were implanted with different doses of Pt and W ions in the range of 1 × 1014 at/cm2 to 5 × 1016 at/cm2 at room temperature. Detailed angular scans through the main axial directions show that up to 1015 at/cm2 fluences about 80% of the W and Pt ions are incorporated into substitutional or near substitutional lattice sites. Below the amorphization threshold implantation damage show a double peak structure which anneals out partially at low temperature (800oC). Amorphization of the implanted region starts for doses of the order of 1 × 1016 at/cm2. The amorphous layer regrowths epitaxially in vacuum at 1100oC, with a velocity of 3 Å/min and stops when the crystalline/amorphous interface reaches the region of maximum Pt concentration. When the annealing is done at ambient atmosphere the damage recovers completely at 1100oC even for doses of the order of 5 × 1016 Pt+/cm2 leading to the formation of Pt precipitates. 相似文献
X.D. Zhou F. Ren X.H. Xiao G.X. Cai C.Z. Jiang 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2009,267(20):3437-3442
We report on the effects of annealing conditions on the photoluminescence from Si nanocrystal composites fabricated by implantation of Si ions into a SiO2 matrix, followed by thermal treatment in a nitrogen atmosphere. The evolution of the photoluminescence under different annealing temperatures (900–1100 °C) and annealing time (0.5 up to 5 h) were systematically studied for the implanted samples. After annealing the spectra presented two photoluminescence bands: one centered at 610 nm and another around 800 nm. Combined with transmission electron microscopy, we conclude that the photoluminescence behavior of the two bands suggests different origins for their emissions. The 610 nm band has its origin related to matrix defects, while the 800 nm band can be explained by a model involving recombination via quantum confinement effects of excitons in the Si nanocrystals and the interfacial states recombination process confined in the interfacial region between nanocrystals and SiO2 matrix. 相似文献
采用光致发光手段研究了几种不同注入离子N、O、Mg、Si和Ga对n型GaN蓝光发射带的影响。其中离子的注入剂量分别为10^13、10^14、10^15和10^16cm^-2,注入温度为室温。注入后的样品在900℃流动氮气环境下进行10min的热退火。通过对实验测得的光致发光谱的分析,给出了不同注入离子对n型GaN蓝光发射带的影响随注入剂量的变化关系以及该影响的相对强弱,进而确定蓝光发射起源于注入离子引入的间位缺陷。 相似文献