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基于人工智能方法的无源光网络优化规划   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
使用人工智能方法对PON网络拓扑结构进行优化,以富士通FPX-1000无源光网络系统为例进行了仿真实验,并对遗传算法,增添算法和Hopfield网络方法进行比较,仿真结果表明遗传算法明显优于增添算法和Hopfield网络方法,遗传算法可使网络建设代价最小化,它非常好地解决了PON规划问题。  相似文献   

Page  Carl V. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1969,6(9):67-74
When computers were yet in their infancy, some experts fancied them to be?much as they fancied humans were?structurable to develop intelligence on their own. It has since been learned that the mind is not developed with the spontaneity originally conjectured and that computers are not wont to ``bootstrap' their way to higher levels of intelligence. The computer, if it is to adapt to new situations, must be given a ``helping human hand'. There are various ways of programming a computer to ``acclimate': One is based on a logic of syntax; another uses semantics; still a third, dwelled upon here at length, is based on repeated human intervention and computer interplay.  相似文献   

This paper will review certain approaches to artifical intelligence research--mainly work done since 1960. An important area of research involves designing a machine that can adequately improve its own performance as well as solve other problems normally requiring human intelligence. Work in heuristic programming that seems most relevant to this goal will be discussed at length. Important subproblems are devising techniques for self-improvement, the general problem of deciding what task to best work on next in a network of tasks, and the general problem of how to mechanize learning or inductive inference. Some work in linguistics and pattern recognition is directly concerned with the induction problem. Another area of research that will be treated is simulation of organic evolution.  相似文献   

随着社会经济的不断发展与进步,科学技术的不断改革与创新,人工智能技术发展得到了质的飞跃,社会各界人士开始高度关注和重视到人工智能的应用。人工智能作为计算机运行过程的重中之重,是一个必不可缺的关键环节,它能够有效提高计算机的工作质量和效率,最大化满足现代社会对于智能化和人性化的服务需求,推动社会和谐稳定的发展,文章将进一步对人工智能在计算机中的应用展开分析与探讨。  相似文献   

人工智能在医学上的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍人工智能在医学临床医疗诊断、神经网络技术、中医学、专家系统以及医学影像诊断等中的应用,并分析人工智能技术的发展现状,对其在医学中的发展作以展望.  相似文献   

An intelligent mobile robot that implements concepts of mechatronics, mobile robotics, and behavior-based artificial intelligence has been developed. The design process for such a mobile robot employs a concept of simple trade-off between the mechanical, electrical, and computational systems for the benefit of improving the robots overall system performance. The main features of the robot, named SCAVENGER, are to navigate freely in a controlled environment, search for one or more target objects with known characteristics (colored golf balls), and avoid the other objects as obstacles. A combination of infrared sensors, color detectors, and bumper skirts is used to facilitate navigation and object recognition. The robots brain consists of an on-board MC68HC11 microcontroller, which is programmed in C. The control software implements behavior-based artificial intelligence, where the robots overall intelligence is made up of layers of several simple and primitive behaviors similar to those observed in insects. In this work, the design of the robots subsystems, where the implementation of mechatronics is most in effect, is covered in more detail with a particular interest in object recognition and collection systems.  相似文献   

移动通信技术走过了37年的发展历程,人工智能技术也已走过了64年的发展历程。从早期的各自独立演进,到5G与人工智能开始深度融合发展,"5G与人工智能"已被业界视为一组最新的通用目的技术组合,对垂直行业的发展起到提振生产力与赋能的作用。首先介绍了早期移动通信和人工智能各自的发展路线,并重点回顾了人工智能与通信技术在3G到5G阶段开始融合发展。针对通信人工智能,详细阐述了当前人工智能技术在移动通信生态系统中各领域的发展情况,包括通信网络基础设施、网络管理与运营、电信业务管理、跨领域融合智能化、垂直行业与专网等,并总结了通信国际标准组织对人工智能技术在移动通信系统中的分级定义与演进路线。面向下一个十年,展望了通信人工智能未来的发展路线与演进趋势,并结合3GPP与ITU-R的5G/6G时间表,前瞻性探索了基于3GPP和O-RAN路线的网络智能化、基于体验感知与意图的网络管理与运营系统的发展、网络AI信令体系、面向智慧中台演进的电信业务与支撑体系、跨领域融合的智能化体验管理与策略管理、从SLA向ELA的演进以及面向垂直行业的智能专网等。最后建议行业达成共识,在下一个十年中全面加速推进人工智能在通...  相似文献   

近年来,围棋人机世纪大战备受社会各界关注,相关的讨论并没有随着人类在围棋智能化领域的完败而结束,人工智能概念反而愈加频繁地出现在公众的视野中。在这一特殊的时代背景下,人机围棋大战及其出乎意料的结果所催生的人工智能热必将深刻影响这一行业的发展前景。文章主要通过围棋人机世纪大战这一热门事件探讨了人工智能的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Modern artificial intelligence for human-robot interaction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Interaction between humans and traditional robotic systems can be problematic, as the traditional robotic systems often perform repetitive actions in a restricted environment, whereas human interaction is often characterized by novel ways of interactions, which creates an ever-changing environment. Therefore, traditional robotic system methods and technologies are often difficult to apply in situations and applications where the interaction plays a major role. So we developed a new kind of user-guided behavior-based robotics and applied this method to both mobile and humanoid robots, in order to investigate how nonexpert users could develop their own complex robot behaviors within a very short time (e.g., 30-60 min) with no prior knowledge of the robot technology. In the development of the team of humanoid robots, Viki, we used a modern approach to artificial intelligence that puts emphasis on the balance between control, electronic hardware, material, sensory system, and energy. It is possible to develop simple user interfaces with the user-guided behavior-based approach, in order to allow any user to design performances with the humanoid robots. However, we should not only look at the control of robots when designing human-robot interactions, but also on the physical aspects of the robotic system. Therefore, the novel concept of "programming by building" is introduced and exemplified with the creation of a prototype system consisting of building blocks with individual processing and communication capabilities. By assembling such building blocks, the user develops both the physical aspects and the functionality of the robotic system in an easy manner with no need to use a host computer or a traditional programming language. The approach is further exemplified with the implementation of neural building blocks that can later be trained by the user.  相似文献   

人工智能技术的发展,推动着社会生产力的提高,同时也融入到职业教育中.主要介绍了目前与职业教育有关的人工智能的研究领域,并论述了人工智能与职业教育的结合点.  相似文献   

大数据时代,人工智能有了飞速发展。作为人工智能的重要分支之一,机器学习在网络运维有广泛的应用前景。本文结合网络故障预警工作,梳理了机器学习的主要算法模型,重点探讨了人工智能应用于故障预警的难点和关键技术:加权的样本采样、时序样本的特征值提取、使用随机森林模型和深度神经网络模型时的参数设置。  相似文献   

刘伟 《电子测试》2020,(6):97-98,115
人工智能应用于电力系统自动化中,既是电力系统自动化相关产业发展的一种趋势,也是我国电力系统自动化在时代发展中的一种进步的标志。本论文首先对人工智能在电力系统自动化中的应用趋势进行探讨,主要包括人工智能运用的普遍化、人工智能技术更新的快速性两种。此外,本论文也对人工智能在电力系统自动化中的应用优势进行探讨,包括提高电电力系统设备效率、降低操作误差、提高对设备的控制效果以及对相关参数调节的便利性。最后,本论文对人工智能在电力系统自动化中的应用进行总结,包括在电力设备中的应用、电力控制中的应用、电力保护中的应用以及在电力系统中的应用四个方面。  相似文献   

网络时代的人工智能以计算机为核心,在认知科学、生物智能、物理学、网络科学等交叉学科领域的研究中已经有了较大的发展与创新。人工智能的水平越来越高,处理速度越来越快,为人类减轻了体力劳动或脑力劳动的负担,极大地改善了人类的生活质量和生产效率。在此叙述了人工智能发展的历程,以智能配网和以智慧城市为例分析基于网络时代下的人工智能的应用,并对人工智能发展趋势进行预估。该分析对人工智能的发展有着积极的意义。  相似文献   

刘伟 《电子测试》2020,(9):106-107,105
人工智能应用于电力系统自动化中,既是电力系统自动化相关产业发展的一种趋势,也是我国电力系统自动化在时代发展中的一种进步的标志。本论文首先对人工智能在电力系统自动化中的应用趋势进行探讨,主要包括人工智能运用的普遍化、人工智能技术更新的快速性两种。此外,本论文也对人工智能在电力系统自动化中的应用优势进行探讨,包括提高电电力系统设备效率、降低操作误差、提高对设备的控制效果以及对相关参数调节的便利性。最后,本论文对人工智能在电力系统自动化中的应用进行总结,包括在电力设备中的应用、电力控制中的应用、电力保护中的应用以及在电力系统中的应用四个方面。  相似文献   

乔建忠 《电子测试》2021,(3):131-132
计算机网络技术的迅速发展,给我们的工作、生活带来了极大的便利,通过计算机网络我们能够方便的进行信息交互,同时在工业生产过程中,网络技术也大幅提高了企业的生产效率.但是随着信息技术的不断发展,我们在生产生活中面临的爆炸式增长的数据量和信息量,在这个过程中,传统的计算机网络技术在实现各类控制和数据信息处理操作之后,缺乏更多...  相似文献   

时代科技的进步,使得计算机网络技术不断成熟,其应用范围也从单一领域迅速扩大到更多领域.网络时代的到来与昌盛发展,随之衍生出来一些亟需解决的问题,诸如传统的数据运算以及问题求解等功能已经远远无法满足现代计算机网络安全和系统管理的实际需要.人工智能虽然是一门新兴的科学产业,但因其显著优势已经在计算机网络技术领域得到了非常好的应用和发展,为计算机网络技术的发展发挥了重要作用.  相似文献   

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