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BACKGROUND: The ventilatory response to hypoxia is composed of the stimulatory activity from peripheral chemoreceptors and a depressant effect from within the central nervous system. Morphine induces respiratory depression by affecting the peripheral and central carbon dioxide chemoreflex loops. There are only few reports on its effect on the hypoxic response. Thus the authors assessed the effect of morphine on the isocapnic ventilatory response to hypoxia in eight cats anesthetized with alpha-chloralose-urethan and on the ventilatory carbon dioxide sensitivities of the central and peripheral chemoreflex loops. METHODS: The steady-state ventilatory responses to six levels of end-tidal oxygen tension (PO2) ranging from 375 to 45 mmHg were measured at constant end-tidal carbon dioxide tension (P[ET]CO2, 41 mmHg) before and after intravenous administration of morphine hydrochloride (0.15 mg/kg). Each oxygen response was fitted to an exponential function characterized by the hypoxic sensitivity and a shape parameter. The hypercapnic ventilatory responses, determined before and after administration of morphine hydrochloride, were separated into a slow central and a fast peripheral component characterized by a carbon dioxide sensitivity and a single offset B (apneic threshold). RESULTS: At constant P(ET)CO2, morphine decreased ventilation during hyperoxia from 1,260 +/- 140 ml/min to 530 +/- 110 ml/ min (P < 0.01). The hypoxic sensitivity and shape parameter did not differ from control. The ventilatory response to carbon dioxide was displaced to higher P(ET)CO2 levels, and the apneic threshold increased by 6 mmHg (P < 0.01). The central and peripheral carbon dioxide sensitivities decreased by about 30% (P < 0.01). Their ratio (peripheral carbon dioxide sensitivity:central carbon dioxide sensitivity) did not differ for the treatments (control = 0.165 +/- 0.105; morphine = 0.161 +/- 0.084). CONCLUSIONS: Morphine depresses ventilation at hyperoxia but does not depress the steady-state increase in ventilation due to hypoxia. The authors speculate that morphine reduces the central depressant effect of hypoxia and the peripheral carbon dioxide sensitivity at hyperoxia.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine extensions of a model of hypoxic ventilatory decline (HVD) in humans. In the original model (model I) devised by R. Painter, S. Khamnei, and P. Robbins (J. Appl. Physiol. 74: 2007-2015, 1993), HVD is modeled entirely by a modulation of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In the first extension (model II), a more complicated dynamic is used for the change in peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In the second extension (model III), HVD is modeled as a combination of both the mechanisms of Painter et al. and a component that is independent of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity. In all cases, a parallel noise structure was incorporated to describe the stochastic properties of the ventilatory behavior to remove the correlation of the residuals. Data came from six subjects from a study by D.A. Bascom, J.J Pandit, I.D. Clement, and P.A. Robbins (Respir. Physiol. 88: 299-312, 1992). For model II, there was a significant improvement in fit for two out of six subjects. The reasons for this were not entirely clear. For model III, the fit was again significantly improved in two subjects, but in this case the subjects were those who had the most marked undershoot and recovery of ventilation at the relief of hypoxia. In these two subjects, the chemoreflex-independent component contributed approximately 50% to total HVD. In the other four subjects, the chemoreflex-independent component contributed approximately 10% to total HVD. It is concluded that in some subjects, but not in others, there may be a component of HVD that is independent of peripheral chemoreflex sensitivity.  相似文献   

Analytical techniques using multiple-exposure roentgenograms were employed to investigate surgical repositioning of either the femoral or the tibial attachment of the medial collateral ligament. The motion of the femoral attachment of the ligament with respect to the tibial attachment was used to compute the changes in length of the borders of the ligament for normal knees and for knees with repositioned attachments. The results support the conclusion that when advancement of the medial collateral ligament is utilized in the treatment of medial instability, optimization is accomplished by distal and anterior advancement with the knee in 30 degrees of flexion. Femoral displacement (proximal realignment) or tibial displacement at knee-flexion angles greater than 45 degrees is not recommended.  相似文献   

The ventilatory response to hypoxia (PAO2 55 and 45 Torr) at each of four levels of PACO2 was studied in five healthy subjects before and after a rise in rectal temperature of 1.4 degrees C had been induced by means of a heated flying suit. At a given level of chemical drive both ventilation and mean inspiratory flow increased after heating, frequency relatively more than tidal volume. In isoventilation comparisons mean inspiratory flow was identical in normo- and hyperthermia, whereas the durations of inspiration (TI) and expiration (TE) were proportionately shortened. It is suggested that a rise in temperature shortens TI by affecting a central "clock" and that TE changes are secondary to changes in end-inspiratory volume. The euoxic CO2 response in hyperthermia was suggestive of multiplication between CO2 and temperature. Hypoxic sensitivity was significantly increased, indicating a temperature effect on the arterial chemoreceptors. The breathing pattern was in either temperature condition identical in euoxia and in hypoxia.  相似文献   

Sixteen healthy volunteers breathed 100% O2 or room air for 10 min in random order, then their ventilatory response to sustained normocapnic hypoxia (80% arterial O2 saturation, as measured with a pulse oximeter) was studied for 20 min. In addition, to detect agents possibly responsible for the respiratory changes, blood plasma of 10 of the 16 subjects was chemically analyzed. 1) Preliminary O2 breathing uniformly and substantially augmented hypoxic ventilatory responses. 2) However, the profile of ventilatory response in terms of relative magnitude, i.e., biphasic hypoxic ventilatory depression, remained nearly unchanged. 3) Augmented ventilatory increment by prior O2 breathing was significantly correlated with increment in the plasma glutamine level. We conclude that preliminary O2 administration enhances hypoxic ventilatory response without affecting the biphasic response pattern and speculate that the excitatory amino acid neurotransmitter glutamate, possibly derived from augmented glutamine, may, at least in part, play a role in this ventilatory enhancement.  相似文献   

Acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor, is used in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and central sleep apnoea syndrome and in the prevention and treatment of the symptoms of acute mountain sickness. In these patients, the drug increases minute ventilation (V'E), resulting in an improvement in arterial oxygen saturation. However, the mechanism by which it stimulates ventilation is still under debate. Since hypoxaemia is a frequently observed phenomenon in these patients, the effect of 4 mg x kg(-1) acetazolamide (i.v.) on the ventilatory response to hypercapnia during hypoxaemia (arterial oxygen tension (Pa,O2)=6.8+/-0.8 kPa, mean+/-SD) was investigated in seven anaesthetized cats. The dynamic end-tidal forcing (DEF) technique was used, enabling the relative contributions of the peripheral and central chemoreflex loops to the ventilatory response to a step change in end-tidal carbon dioxide tension, (PET,CO2) to be separated. Acetazolamide reduced the CO2 sensitivities of the peripheral (Sp) and central (Sc) chemoreflex loops from 0.22+/-0.08 to 0.11+/-0.03 L x min(-1) x kPa(-1) (mean+/-SD) (p<0.01) and from 0.74+/-0.32 to 0.40+/-0.10 L x min(-1) x kPa(-1) (p<0.01), respectively. The apnoeic threshold B (x-intercept of the ventilatory CO2 response curve) decreased from 2.88+/-0.97 to 0.95+/-0.92 kPa (p<0.01). The net result was a stimulation of ventilation at PET,CO2 <5 kPa. The effect of acetazolamide is possibly due to a direct effect on the peripheral chemoreceptors as well as to an effect on the cerebral blood flow regulation. Possible clinical implications of these results are discussed.  相似文献   

During ventilatory acclimatization to hypoxia (VAH), the relationship between ventilation (VE) and end-tidal PCO2 (PETCO2) changes. This study was designed to determine 1) whether these changes can be seen early in VAH and 2) if these changes are present, whether the responses differ between isocapnic and poikilocapnic exposures. Ten healthy volunteers were studied by using three 8-h exposures: 1) isocapnic hypoxia (IH), end-tidal PO2 (PETO2) = 55 Torr and PETCO2 held at the subject's normal prehypoxic value; 2) poikilocapnic hypoxia (PH), PETO2 = 55 Torr; and 3) control (C), air breathing. The VE-PETCO2 relationship was determined in hyperoxia (PETO2 = 200 Torr) before and after the exposures. We found a significant increase in the slopes of VE-PETCO2 relationship after both hypoxic exposures compared with control (IH vs. C, P < 0.01; PH vs. C, P < 0.001; analysis of covariance with pairwise comparisons). This increase was not significantly different between protocols IH and PH. No significant changes in the intercept were detected. We conclude that 8 h of hypoxia, whether isocapnic or poikilocapnic, increases the sensitivity of the hyperoxic chemoreflex response to CO2.  相似文献   

Acclimatization to altitude involves an increase in the acute hypoxic ventilatory response (AHVR). Because low-dose dopamine decreases AHVR and domperidone increases AHVR, the increase in AHVR at altitude may be generated by a decrease in peripheral dopaminergic activity. The AHVR of nine subjects was determined with and without a prior period of 8 h of isocapnic hypoxia under each of three pharmacological conditions: 1) control, with no drug administered; 2) dopamine (3 microg. min-1. kg-1); and 3) domperidone (Motilin, 40 mg). AHVR increased after hypoxia (P 相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether maximal inspiratory force predicts successful neonatal extubation, and whether aminophylline affects maximal inspiratory force or the success rate of extubation. DESIGN: Double-blind, prospective, randomized, placebo-controlled trial. SETTING: Tertiary level neonatal intensive care unit. PATIENTS: A total of 20 ventilated, preterm, newborn infants: birth weight < 2.5 kg; gestation < 35 wks. INTERVENTIONS: Intravenous aminophylline 4 mg/kg bolus followed by 2.5 mg/kg every 6 hrs x three doses, then 1.5 mg/kg every 6 hrs; or placebo. Drug administration began when infants were receiving an FIO2 of < 0.4 and were progressively weaning from assisted mechanical ventilation. A standardized weaning protocol was instituted, and patients were extubated when they were able to tolerate a mechanical ventilatory rate of < 5 cycles/min. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Occlusion pressures, including maximal inspiratory force, were measured before aminophylline and daily until endotracheal extubation. Arterial blood gases were measured every 3 hrs, and 24-hr cardiac and respiratory recordings were performed postextubation. Three of ten aminophylline-treated patients failed extubation compared with two of ten placebo infants (p = nonsignificant). Mean apnea frequency postextubation was 0.02/hr in the aminophylline group compared with 0.3/hr in the placebo group (p < .05). Aminophylline had no effect on successful extubation or on maximal inspiratory force. Maximal inspiratory force was not correlated with the success of extubation. Apnea frequency postextubation was significantly reduced by aminophylline. CONCLUSIONS: Aminophylline is an effective prophylaxis for postextubation apnea in the preterm infant but does not affect maximal inspiratory force or increase the success rate of extubation in this patient population.  相似文献   

The effect of intravenous administration of 40 mg/kg N omega-nitro-L-arginine (L-NNA), an inhibitor of the synthesis of nitric oxide (NO), on the ventilatory response to CO2 was studied in anesthetized cats. The ventilatory response to CO2 was assessed during normoxia by applying square-wave changes in end-tidal PCO2 of approximately 1 kPa. Each CO2 response was separated into a fast peripheral and slow central component characterized by a CO2 sensitivity (Sp and Sc, respectively), time constant, time delay, and an offset (apneic threshold). L-NNA reduced Sp, Sc, and the apneic threshold significantly by approximately 30%. However, the ratio Sp/Sc was not changed. It is argued that the reduction in Sp and Sc, Sp/Sc remaining constant, may be due to a potent inhibitory action of L-NNA on the brain stem respiratory-integrating centers and on the neuromechanical link between these centers and respiratory movements. It is concluded that NO plays an important role in the control of breathing.  相似文献   

We investigated the effect of systemic hypoxia (Krebs-Henseleit solution gassed with 5% CO2/95% N2) on an isolated, perfused rat lung. Hypoxia resulted in a slowly developing sustained increase in pulmonary perfusion pressure (PPP) accompanied by an increase in lung weight (LW). The endothelin (ET) receptor antagonists BQ123 (3 and 10 microM), BQ788 (3 microM) and bosentan (1.5 and 5 microM) all attenuated the hypoxia-induced increases in LW and PPP. In addition, phosphoramidon (1 microM), an ET-converting enzyme inhibitor, also significantly attenuated the hypoxia-induced increases in PPP and LW. The use of two agents that alter peptide secretion, phalloidin (10 and 50 nM) and colchicine (100 nM), and the peptide synthesis inhibitor cycloheximide (5 microM) all significantly attenuated the hypoxia-induced increases in PPP and LW. The increase in PPP and LW after the onset of hypoxia was accompanied by an increase in perfusate levels of ET-1 compared with normoxic time-matched controls. The results show that in this model, systemic hypoxia is capable of causing a sustained vasoconstriction and increased LW. The fact that these increases can be attenuated by an ET-converting enzyme inhibitor, ET receptor antagonists and agents that block peptide synthesis and secretion, together with the increase in perfusate levels of ET-1, suggests that ET production and release contribute to the changes seen.  相似文献   

The effect of prolonged hypoxemia (H) after birth on the evolution of the ventilatory response to changes in arterial partial pressure of O2 was determined in unanesthetized, awake lambs. H was induced for 12 d after birth in seven lambs through exposure to 0.10 fraction of inspired O2 (FiO2). Five control (C) lambs were kept in 0.21 FiO2. The ventilatory response (percent increase from baseline) to acute hypoxia was tested with 0.14 FiO2 and 0.10 FiO2. The tonic activity of the peripheral chemoreceptors was assessed by the transient pure oxygen inhalation test (Dejours' test). The occlusion technique was used to measure the baseline neuromuscular drive of breathing. A markedly decreased early ventilatory response to acute hypoxia persisted in the H lambs for at least 5 wk after termination of H compared with the C group. The second phase of the response was significantly lower only at 12 d (the end of H) and was thereafter comparable to that in the C lambs. The ventilatory response to hyperoxia was significantly lower in the H lambs only at the end of hypoxemia at 12 d and rapidly normalized after return to normoxia. H did not significantly affect resting neuromuscular drive. These results show that postnatal maturation of the ventilatory response to changes in arterial partial pressure of O2 can be delayed by prolonged postnatal hypoxemia. The effect on the response to hyperoxia is transient, whereas the response to acute hypoxia is affected for an extended time. This study illustrates the importance of an adequate postnatal arterial partial pressure of O2 for the development of the ventilatory response to acute hypoxia.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Exogenous catecholamine administration in humans stimulates ventilation. The present study was designed to investigate whether increased endogenous catecholamine release influences objective measures of ventilation and subjective measures of breathlessness in normal subjects. METHODS: Yohimbine, a pre-synaptic alpha 2 adrenoceptor antagonist, or placebo was administered to 10 normal male subjects in a double-blind cross-over fashion. Ventilation and metabolic gas exchange were measured during steady state exercise at 60% of previously determined maximal oxygen consumption. Venous lactate and noradrenaline were measured during exercise. Subjects' sensation of breathlessness and fatigue were recorded using visual analogue scales. RESULTS: Plasma noradrenaline was higher following yohimbine administration (at 6 min exercise; 4.58 +/- 0.56 nmol.l-1 vs 8.74 +/- 1.53; P < 0.05). Oxygen consumption was unchanged, but ventilation was greater throughout exercise following yohimbine. The sensation of exertion was greater following yohimbine, and at any given level of ventilation, the sensation of exertion was greater. CONCLUSIONS: Yohimbine administration causes increased noradrenaline release. This is associated with an increased ventilatory response and an increase in the sensation of exertion during steady state exercise. An increase in circulating noradrenaline might be a mechanism for both increased ventilation and pathological conditions of breathlessness such as chronic heart failure.  相似文献   

The right superior cervical ganglion was removed from 1-day-old rat pups. For four consecutive days (22-26 days of age), the rats were injected twice daily with isoproterenol-HCl (IPR) at a dose of 2.0 mg/100 g.b.w. and killed on the 27th day of age. Control animals were injected with the solvent, 0.1% Na2S2O5, according to the same protocol. In both control and IPR-treated rats, fluorescence microscopic examination of glands prepared by the Falck-Hillarp method showed a total absence of adrenergic nerve fibers on the side of sympathectomy, and a normal innervation on the unoperated side, while light microscopic examination of Epon-embedded glands revealed no differences in structure between the noninnervated and intact glands. However, after IPR treatment the noninnervated glands consistently showed greater absolute and relative weight, and total DNA, RNA and protein than the corresponding intact gland from the same animal. It is suggested that this greater hyperplastic and hypertrophic response in the noninnervated gland represents a postjunctional supersensitivity of acinar cells to the beta agonistic action of IPR.  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that the immediate (< 1 min) ventilatory response to 100% O2 in preterm infants, a test of peripheral chemoreceptor activity characterized by a decrease in ventilation due to apnea, is more pronounced at lower baseline O2 concentrations. We studied 12 healthy preterm infants [birth weight 1,425 +/- 103 (SE) g; study weight 1,670 +/- 93 g; gestational age 30 +/- 1 wk; postnatal age 27 +/- 7 days] during quiet sleep. The infants inhaled 15, 21, 25, 30, 35, 40, and 45% O2 for 5 min in a randomized manner (control period), followed by 100% O2 for 2 min, and then the same initial O2 concentration again for 2 min (recovery period). A nose piece and a flow-through system were used to measure ventilation. The immediate decrease in ventilation with 100% O2 was 46% on 15% O2, 24% on 21% O2, 11% on 25% O2, 8% on 30% O2, 12% on 35% O2, and 8% on 40% O2; there was no decrease on 45% O2 (P < 0.01). The corresponding mean duration of apnea was 29 s during 15% O2, 18 s during 21% O2, 8 s during 25% O2, 9 s during 30 and 35% O2, and 3 s during 40% O2; only one infant developed a 5-s apnea during 45% O2 (P < 0.001). The findings suggest that 1) the ventilatory decrease in response to 100% O2 is dependent on the baseline oxygenation, being more pronounced the lower the baseline O2 concentration; and 2) this ventilatory decrease is entirely related to more prolonged apneas observed with lower baseline O2 concentrations. We speculate that the peripheral chemoreceptors, being so active in the small preterm infant with relatively low arterial PO2, are highly susceptible to changes in PO2, and this makes them prone to irregular or periodic breathing, especially during sleep.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to establish the chemosensitivity of patients with chronic heart failure. BACKGROUND: The ventilatory response to exercise is often increased in patients with chronic heart failure, as characterized by the steeper regression slope relating minute ventilation to carbon dioxide output. We hypothesized that the sensitivity of chemoreceptors may be reset and may in part mediate the exercise hyperpnea seen in this condition. METHODS: Hypoxic and peripheral hypercapnic chemosensitivity were studied in 38 patients with chronic heart failure (35 men, 3 women; mean [+/-SE] age 60.2 +/- 1.3 years; radionuclide left ventricular ejection fraction 25.7 +/- 2.3%) and 15 healthy control subjects (11 men, 4 women; mean age 54.9 +/- 3.0 years) using transient inhalations of pure nitrogen and single breaths of 13% carbon dioxide, respectively. The change in chemosensitivity during mild exercise (25 W) was assessed in the first 15 patients and all control subjects. Central hypercapnic chemosensitivity was also characterized in 25 patients and 10 control subjects by the rebreathing of 7% carbon dioxide in 93% oxygen. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing was performed in all subjects. RESULTS: Maximal oxygen consumption was 16.6 +/- 0.9 versus 29.7 +/- 2.2 mol/kg per min (p < 0.0001), and the ventilation-carbon dioxide output regression slope was 37.2 +/- 1.5 versus 26.5 +/- 1.4 (p < 0.0001) in patients and control subjects, respectively. Hypoxic and central hypercapnic chemosensitivity were enhanced in patients (0.707 +/- 0.076 vs. 0.293 +/- 0.056 liters/min per % arterial oxygen saturation [SaO2], p = 0.0001 and 3.15 +/- 0.41 vs. 2.02 +/- 0.25 liters/min per mm Hg, p = 0.025, respectively) and correlated significantly with the ventilatory response to exercise. Hypoxic chemosensitivity was augmented during exercise in patients and in control subjects but remained higher in the former (1.530 +/- 0.27 vs. 0.685 +/- 0.12 liters/min per %SaO2, p = 0.01). The peripheral hypercapnic chemosensitivity of patients at rest and during exercise was similar to that in control subjects, consistent with its lesser contribution to overall carbon dioxide chemosensitivity. CONCLUSIONS: Enhanced hypoxic and central hypercapnic chemosensitivity may play a role in mediating the increased ventilatory response to exercise in chronic heart failure.  相似文献   

In order to understand the mechanisms underlying the seizure generation, the present study has investigated the effect of hypoxia on the transition between seizure and interictal bursting. Bathing rat brain slices of the hippocampus and entorhinal cortex in magnesium-free medium elicits electrographic seizures. However, they are eventually replaced by the interictal bursts. It has previously been shown that the interictal bursts, arising in the hippocampal area CA3, are propagated to and disrupt the seizure generation in the entorhinal cortex. In this report we demonstrate that hypoxia promotes the seizure reappearance in the entorhinal cortex by suppressing the interictal bursts in CA3.  相似文献   

Results of 3 experiments with 84 male Wistar rats indicate that the hyperthermic effect of morphine in rats becomes attenuated over the course of successive administrations by a conditional, compensatory, hypothermic response elicited by cues present at the time of morphine administration, thus accounting for hyperthermic tolerance. Ss with a history of morphine administration displayed a tolerant response to the hyperthermic effect of the drug and a compensatory hypothermia following a placebo if these substances were administered following cues that previously signaled morphine—neither the tolerant reaction to morphine nor the hypothermic response to the placebo resulted when Ss were injected following cues that previously signaled injection of physiological saline (Exp I). Presenting environmental cues previously associated with morphine, but without the drug, abolished established tolerance, that is, pyretic tolerance could be extinguished (Exp II). Placebo sessions interspersed between morphine sessions impeded the acquisition of tolerance, that is, pyretic tolerance was retarded by partial reinforcement (Exp III). (52 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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