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Two techniques based on modeling of the measurement process of the system measuring transducer – digital voltmeter are proposed.  相似文献   

Simulation and investigation of the effect of an isolated jump on realization of the unit of power of laser radiation and dissemination of the size of the unit are considered. Results are obtained by means of a newly developed algorithm that characterizes the behavior of the mean value of a signal and the standard deviation of a system as functions of the parameters of a jump in the power of laser radiation and the length and amplitude of the jump. If information concerning the time when a jump occurs is available, the proposed algorithm makes it possible to take into account how a jump affects the ultimate result of a measurement.  相似文献   

An algorithm for reconstructing the form of continuous laser emission at the input of a system for measuring the standard of the unit of mean laser power is presented. The power can also be calculated using this algorithm.  相似文献   

A technical solution for the average power laser radiation standard applied to the ultraviolet range is suggested and characteristics of the standard are provided.__________Translated from Izmeritelnaya Tekhnika, No. 2, pp. 32–35, February, 2005.  相似文献   

A method is considered of reducing the error of transferring the size of a unit of laser radiation energy for a secondary standard of the units of average power and energy of laser radiation by using the readings of a relative-level sensor. A procedure is developed for processing the readings of this sensor.  相似文献   

The problem is considered of creating a uniform structure for the various categories of a standard for the unit of average laser radiation power. The approach is based on directly synthesizing the structure of a standard instrument. As an example, a computer modeling is carried out of a combination which is typical for many types of measurement, namely a measurement transducer and a voltmeter, and this was applied to the case of measuring average laser radiation power.  相似文献   

On the basis of an analysis of the principle underlying the construction of standards and systems designed for reproduction of the unit of mean power and energy of laser radiation, it is shown that these standards consist of unified subsystems that carry the principal metrological load. By means of such a division, it is possible to realize a systems-engineering synthesis of standards with preassigned error. __________ Translated from Izmeritel'naya Tekhnika, No. 11, pp. 20–23, November, 2005.  相似文献   

The potential for the use of the Laserstar power meter for the determination of the stability of laser radiation power is considered. A relation is established between the discreteness of the reader and the resolution in the determination of the stability of laser power. Examples illustrating the determination of the stability of the radiating power of certain lasers are presented.  相似文献   

A method of extending the dynamic range of the secondary standard of the units of the mean power and energy of laser radiation into the low-level region is considered. A technique of calculating the optimal transmission coefficients for a set of attenuators is developed.  相似文献   

The results are given of theoretical investigations and of a simulation modeling of the process of measuring the energy of short-pulse laser radiation. The grounds are given for choosing the principal parameters of the measurement transducers depending on the probability density distribution function of the values of the output signal. Comparative values are given of the relative standard deviation in accordance with a proposed mathematical model and with experimental data obtained using a working standard of the unit of energy created at the All-Russia Scientific-Research Institute of Optophysical Measurements.  相似文献   

The results are presented of the development of set of basic circuits providing for the thermostatting of the heat-sensitive layer of a multielement receiver utilizing VO2, the readout and measurement of information in the plane of a multielement laser radiation receiver, and the interfacing of the receiver with an IBM PC/AT personal computer.  相似文献   

微弱激光辐射探测技术在激光告警设备中的应用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
根据激光告警设备的作战对象和设备特点,分析了微弱激光探测技术应用于激光告警设备的主要限制因素,这些因素包括大视场接收和窄带光谱滤波技术之间的矛盾、光学系统通光孔径和视场角之间的矛盾、低激光重复频率的限制和激光信号的窄脉冲限制等;针对不同体制激光告警设备不同的灵敏度需求,简要介绍了在直接探测体制激光告警设备和散射截获体制激光告警设备采用的微弱激光辐射探测技术,这些技术包括低噪声探测器、低噪声光电接口电路和放大电路、双探测电路相关检测技术、大视场大相对孔径光学系统和大视场光谱滤波技术等,上述技术的应用,满足了激光告警设备的灵敏度需求。  相似文献   

标准化管理在现代企业管理中处于重要地位.发电企业的行业性质决定了在安全管理、设备管理和人员管理方面更加严格.建立企业标准化管理体系,实施标准化管理是发电企业实现健康发展、高速发展和高效发展的重要途径.工作票、操作票使用和管理标准、运行交接班管理标准、运行巡回检查管理标准和设备定期轮换及试验管理标准是发电企业生产运行管理的核心管理标准,通过这些标准建立的必要性及主要内容的介绍,明确标准化管理在发电企业生产管理中的重要作用.  相似文献   

燃煤机组为完成电网负荷调峰任务,锅炉负荷长期频繁波动,对氮氧化物的生成及脱除效果有显著影响。以某660 MW燃煤机组瞬态过程氮氧化物的生成及脱除特性为研究目标,建立了机组瞬态过程氮氧化物生成预测模型,开展了变负荷过程中氮氧化物生成预测研究。针对燃煤机组变负荷过程燃烧器切换的特点,发现新增燃烧器的负荷点越高时,越能有效避免氮氧化物的生成值增大。另外,分析了选择性催化还原(selective catalytic reduction,SCR)动态特性,分别研究了SCR入口氮氧化物浓度、喷氨浓度、烟气流速和反应温度等阶跃变化对氮氧化物脱除的动态特性影响,为后续瞬态过程喷氨优化控制逻辑提供参考。  相似文献   

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