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The monthly distribution of relapses in ulcerative colitis was analysed retrospectively to assess seasonal variation. In 338 patients who were regularly followed up at the colitis clinic, 1013 relapses occurred during the period 1977 to 1988. A peak of relapses occurred in the spring and autumn, with a decrease in the summer; the ratio of the observed to expected number of relapses was 201:255.3 for the summer, 289:252.6 for the autumn, 243:249.8 for the winter, and 280:255.3 for the spring. In contrast, month of diagnosis was evenly distributed without seasonality. The data support the concept that exacerbations in ulcerative colitis are influenced by seasonal factors.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The intimal hyperplasia hypothesis that equates lumen narrowing after arterial injury with intimal mass has recently been challenged. Evidence has emerged to suggest that lumen narrowing is caused in large part by changes in artery wall geometry rather than intimal mass per se. We have begun to explore this hypothesis in a unique nonhuman primate model of atherosclerosis. METHODS: Monkeys who were fed an atherogenic diet for 3 to 5 years underwent experimental angioplasty of the left iliac artery. The contralateral iliac artery served as an intraanimal control. Arteries were removed 2, 4, 7, 14, 28, or 112 days later for analysis (6 or 13 per time point). Angioplasty dilated arteries by fracturing atheroma and stretching or tearing the media. Cross-sections of injured arteries were analyzed for expression of extracellular matrix components and cell surface integrins that are important in wound healing. Antibodies, riboprobes, or histochemical stains specific for fibrin, hyaluronan, versican (chondroitin sulfate-containing proteoglycan), procollagen-I, elastin, and the alpha 2 beta 1 and alpha V beta 3 integrins were used. RESULTS: A thin mural thrombus was seen at sites of denudation and plaque fracture (days 2 to 7). This provisional matrix was invaded by leukocytes (days 2 to 4) and alpha-actin-positive smooth muscle cells (SMCs; days 4 to 7). Thrombus was replaced by SMCs expressing hyaluronan and the associated versican proteoglycans (day 14). Versican was expressed throughout the neointima as it enlarged (day 28), but expression later subsided (day 112). Procollagen-I expression initially increased in the adventitia (day 4) and then in the forming neointima (day 14). Procollagen-I expression was found to persist within the adventitia and in the neointima in SMCs nearest the lumen (days 28 to 112). Elastin staining was prominent within the mature neointima (day 112) but not at earlier time points. Integrin expression also increased within the injured artery wall. alpha v beta 3 staining (fibrin[ogen] receptor) increased in the injured media (days 2 to 7) and was then seen throughout the early neointima (day 7). Low level expression of alpha V beta 3 subsequently persisted within the forming neointima (day 28). alpha 2 beta 1 (collagen receptor) expression increased in the neointima in SMCs nearest the lumen (day 28). CONCLUSIONS: Lumen narrowing after angioplasty in this model of atherosclerosis is caused largely by decreased artery wall diameter. The pattern of matrix and integrin expression within the injured artery wall is in many ways analogous to that of healing wounds. These observations suggest that tissue contraction may play a role in lumen narrowing at sites of arterial reconstruction. Strategies to inhibit wound contraction may prove effective in preventing restenosis.  相似文献   

The goal of reconstructive surgery is to restore anatomy and function. Sexual activity is an important criterion for reconstruction. Wound healing, postoperative rehabilitation, and a positive self-image also can be restored with the creation of a neovagina or neovulva.  相似文献   

Cypermethrin is a synthetic pyrethroid that belongs to a group of insecticides with low mammalian toxicity but high insecticidal activity. The present study was designed to investigate the toxicity of cypermethrin on freshly isolated hepatocytes from male and female rats. Hepatocytes were harvested by a collagenase perfusion technique and were exposed to different concentrations of cypermethrin (100, 200, 400, or 800 ng/2 x 10(6) cells) for up to 2 h. Cell viability and the leakage of aspartate transaminase (AST) and alanine transaminase (ALT) were determined throughout the incubation period. The cell viability of the hepatocytes from male and female rats exposed to 400 ng and 800 ng was significantly reduced after 60 and 30 min of incubation, respectively. With cells from female rats, viability was also reduced upon exposure to 200 ng cypermethrin for 2 h. The decrease in cell viability was dose and time dependent. The leakage of ALT and AST was significantly increased with 400 and 800 ng concentrations at 60 and 30 min, respectively. ALT leakage from female hepatocytes was significantly increased at 60 min of incubation with the 200-ng dose, whereas 2 h of incubation was required for the leakage of ALT from the cells of male rats. The present data indicate that cypermethrin has toxic effects on male and female rat hepatocytes in a dose- and time-dependent manner. The data suggest that female rat hepatocytes may be more sensitive to the toxic effects of cypermethrin than male cells.  相似文献   

During an 18-month period, 6 laparoscopic partial nephrectomies were attempted, 4 of which were successful. The surgical technique was modified and improved between cases aided by new laparoscopic instrumentation, such as the argon beam coagulator and the 7.5 MHz. ultrasonic sector scanning system. In a retrospective comparison between laparoscopic and open partial nephrectomy, estimated blood loss was 525 ml. for the former versus 708 ml. for the latter procedure. However, operating time was more than 2 hours longer with the laparoscopic approach. The major advantages of the laparoscopic procedure appear to be a more rapid return to full diet, less postoperative pain and less requirement for parenteral narcotics. Despite the small size of this series and limited followup data, convalescence may be shortened by 4 weeks after laparoscopic partial nephrectomy. Patients with benign diseases of the kidney, especially with a duplicated collecting system, who require partial nephrectomy may be considered candidates for the laparoscopic approach. The advantages to the patient, however, may be offset by the technical demands on the surgeon.  相似文献   

This paper aims to review current literature on the treatment of acute intraventricular hemorrhage in adults with intraventricular infusion of fibrinolytic agents. A literature search on the topics of "intraventricular hemorrhage" or "intracerebral hemorrhage" with "thrombolytic therapy", "fibrinolytic therapy", "urokinase", "streptokinase", "tissue plasminogen activator" or "tPA" covering the years 1966-1997 was carried out electronically. This was supplemented by searching the reference lists of the identified articles. Articles regarding exclusively intracerebral hemorrhage or hematoma, neonatal intraventricular hemorrhage, non-therapeutic issues, and laboratory research were excluded. The included articles are summarized in evidence and evaluation tables. Six articles evaluating the treatment of intraventricular hemorrhage in adults with intraventricular fibrinolytic agents were identified. One reports a small randomized clinical trial including 16 patients and appears to show a statistically insignificant preference for urokinase treatment. Five other reports present case series for which a total of 58 patients were exposed to either streptokinase, urokinase, or recombinant tissue plasminogen activator (rt-PA) and suggest good outcome. Two of them were with non-randomized retrospective or prospective controls, and three have no controls. Despite important limitations, all reports suggest that blood is more rapidly cleared from the ventricles and outcome is better when administering a fibrinolytic agent intraventricularly. While the experience presented in these papers suggests that intraventricular administration of fibrinolytic agents may be associated with fewer complications, more rapid clearing of blood from the ventricles, less late hydrocephalus, and better long-term outcome than is seen in patients treated with ventricular drainage alone, it is insufficient to recommend such treatment as a matter of policy. Substantial methodologic flaws render these findings suggestive at best. If the suggestive findings of these studies were confirmed in well-designed randomized clinical trials, an important impact on clinical practice could be expected.  相似文献   

A safe paramedian approach to the rhomboid fossa for surgical treatment of intrinsic brainstem lesions is based on detailed knowledge of the morphometric anatomy of superficially located motor structures. The morphometry of the rhomboid fossa is described in this report on the basis of histological studies conducted in six human brainstem specimens, with special emphasis on the colliculus facialis and the trigona nervi hypoglossi and vagi. Morphometric data include analysis of shrinkage factors in each specimen. The colliculus is a landmark for the nervus facialis, oculomotor nuclei, and the paramedian pontine reticular formation. In the surgeon's view from the posterior approach, the colliculus covers an area of 5.7 mm in the mediolateral and 6.8 mm in the craniocaudal direction and is located 0.6 mm lateral to the median sulcus. The fibers of the nervus facialis come as close as 0.2 mm to the surface of the fourth ventricle. The colliculus is located 15.7 mm above the obex. The trigona nervi hypoglossi and vagi cover a rectangular area measuring 3.1 by 6.5 mm and serve as a landmark for lower cranial nerve nuclei. These nuclei are located 0.3 mm lateral to the midline. An area with a maximum extension of 0.9 cm between the colliculus and trigona can be used for an infracollicular paramedian approach. The same applies to a supracollicular approach cranial to the colliculus and caudal to the fibers of the nervus trochlearis within the medullary velum, with a craniocaudal extension of 4 mm. Superficial motor nuclei and fibers can be identified by neurophysiological mapping, which helps to define safe surgical corridors into the rhomboid fossa, thus reducing functional morbidity caused by the operative approach in intrinsic pontine and pontomedullary lesions.  相似文献   

Morphologic correlates of physiologic closure mechanisms of the laryngeal vestibule were investigated in plastinated serial sections of 25 normal adult larynges. The anterior part of the laryngeal vestibule was seen to be bounded by the epiglottis and the thyroepiglottic ligament medially, and by lateral extensions of the periepiglottic adipose tissue laterally. The posterior part of the laryngeal vestibule was bordered by the aryepiglottic folds. Morphologically, the periepiglottic space and the aryepiglottic folds were completely separated by several transversely oriented collagenous fiber layers attached to the thyroid perichondrium laterally. This may suggest a corresponding functional separation, as described previously in the literature. Closure of the anterior part of the laryngeal vestibule during swallowing is probably related to the lowering of the epiglottis, with both depending on pressure exerted onto the periepiglottic adipose tissue. Closure of the posterior part of the laryngeal vestibule is most likely related to closure of the rima glottidis, with both depending on adduction of the arytenoid cartilage.  相似文献   

The effects of surgical trauma resulting from laparoscopic cholecystectomy and open cholecystectomy, were compared by assessing the postoperative acute phase alterations of selected plasma proteins, hormones and lymphocyte subpopulations in fifty-seven patients prior to elective cholecystectomy. Patients were prospectively randomized to undergo either laparoscopic cholecystectomy (n = 30) or open cholecystectomy (n = 27). Duration of operation and general anesthesia was similar in the two patient groups. The laparoscopic cholecystectomy patients had a shorter postoperative stay in hospital (3.1 (0.5) days vs. 7.1 (1.6) days; p < 0.001). In open cholecystectomy patients a significantly greater postoperative acute phase increase in plasma C-reactive protein (p < 0.001), cortisol (p < 0.05), and prolactin blood level (p < 0.001) was recorded. The postoperative acute phase decrease in the blood total-T-lymphocyte count (CD3 cells) and in the activated-lymphocyte count (OKDR cells) was significantly greater after open cholecystectomy (p < 0.05). These results, showing that acute phase responses are less marked after laparoscopic cholecystectomy than after open cholecystectomy, support the concept that the laparoscopic procedure is less traumatic.  相似文献   

The authors study 86 cases of ischaemic problems affecting the upper limb associated with digital necrosis. They emphasise the wide range of aetiologies encountered and discuss the relationship between this syndrome and the main forms of arterial disease, principally inflammatory, scleroderma appearing to be the dominant though not sole aetiology. The aetiological results are also studied in relation to the extent of the necrosis and the sex of the patient. These data are compared with those found in the literature.  相似文献   

Anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction by free patellar tendon graft was performed using 2 different surgical approaches to the intercondylar notch in 67 consecutive patients with chronic anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency. In the first 30 patients (Group A), the traditional medial parapatellar arthrotomy with lateral luxation of the patella was done, whereas in the last 37 patients (Group B) a transpatellar tendon approach was used. Postoperative pain was managed by analgesics and, in patients who had epidural anesthesia, by administration of bupivacaine in indwelling catheters. Generally, the analgesics and bupivacaine were given immediately on request to establish comfort at rest and to permit range of motion exercises without severe pain. Compared with those in Group A, the patients of Group B had a significantly longer period from the first dose of analgesic or bupivacaine to the second, and the total number of doses of analgesic or bupivacaine was significantly lower. In the subgroup of patients with epidural anesthesia (21 in Group A and 32 in Group B), the Group B patients required significantly less analgesics, as doses equivalent to 10 mg of morphine, compared with that of Group A.  相似文献   

From March 1980 to December 1995, at the Department of Neurosurgery of the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría (INP), 23 patients were treated for orbital tumors. In this communication, the authors report on the clinical presentation, age, radiological findings, visual-evoked potentials, type of surgery, histological diagnosis, and results. Two kinds of surgical techniques were employed: craniotomy with orbital roof removal (NAFZIGER) and fronto-orbitotomy. Eleven patients had optic nerve gliomas, 3 had fibrous osseous dysplasia, 2 meningiomas, neurofibromas, Langerhans cells histiocytosis, and 1 case of Anaplastic astrocytoma, Teratoma, primitive Neuroectodermal tumor, germinoma with areas of choriocarcinoma. The results were evaluated for the quality of life in regard to the Karnofsky scale, tumor recurrence and postoperative visual-evoked potentials. It is important to note the very variable histological kinds of lesions found in this series that can be approached surgically with cranio orbitotomy with good results.  相似文献   

We previously reported early results of a new technique using a suture anchor to perform a modified Bankart reconstruction. That study included patients from two medical centers and had an average followup of only 1 year. This report includes patients from a single center with followup extended to a mean of 42 months (range, 33 to 61). Between April 1988 and August 1991, 53 patients with recurrent anterior glenohumeral instability underwent modified Bankart reconstruction with the use of a suture anchor. Thirty-two patients met inclusion criteria (identifiable Bankart lesion, open repair with suture anchors, and minimum followup of 2 years); 4 patients were lost to followup. There have been no complications as a result of this technique. Ninety-three percent of the patients in the study had objectively excellent or good results. There were 2 failures with recurrent anterior dislocation. The use of a suture anchor can simplify the Bankart reconstruction. At average followup of 3 years, 26 patients have returned to presurgery activity levels without recurrent dislocation or subluxation. However, careful attention to anchor placement at the junction of articular cartilage and the glenoid neck is necessary to avoid technical failure.  相似文献   

Fingertip amputations are the most common type of amputation injury in the upper extremity. These injuries are either seen in the emergency room or in an office setting. These lesions are very frequent and require precise wound care for optimal results. The longer finger and the thumb, being the most distal and independent mobile parts of the hand are affected very often by these kind of injuries. Treatment of fingertip injuries is a continuous focus of controversy among hand and orthopaedic surgeons. Different treatment options have been described, depending on the affected segment and finger, type of lesion, gender and age of the patient, location, size, and depth of the defect. The indications, advantages, and disadvantages of several reconstructive procedures for fingertip injuries have been described. The techniques themselves are not described in detail.  相似文献   

Hospital discharge on the day after an uncomplicated vaginal delivery may be appropriate if clinical criteria are used for the selection of patients and post-discharge follow-up plans are in place. To ensure safety for these patients, Advocate Health Care developed a mother/baby philosophy statement, guidelines for maternal and infant discharge in less than 48 hours, and an algorithm to assure that appropriate follow-up care takes place after discharge. To evaluate the Mother/Baby Home Transition Program, home health follow up, readmission rates, and sentinel events were tracked. Most home health visits occurred within 48 hours. Infant readmission rates ranged from 1.1-2.6%, whereas maternal readmission rates ranged from 0-0.52%. Three sentinel events in 1996 and three in 1997 required readmissions to an ICU. Data continue to be monitored and shared monthly with clinical leaders.  相似文献   

The authors detail the anatomical, physiological, and clinical considerations of the free forearm flap. These characteristics determine the many indications of this flap in the maxillofacial surgical reconstruction. Contraindications are quasi inexistent. The second part of this work analyses the surgical and microsurgical operative technique use for the authors. All different parts of this work are discussed upon a deep review of the recent literature.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to determine in a prospective, randomized, blinded design whether arthroscopically assisted anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction offered any significant immediate or short-term advantages over traditional open reconstruction through a limited arthrotomy. Patients with a diagnosis of deficiency of the anterior cruciate ligament were randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups: the open group (limited open reconstruction) or the arthroscopic group (fully arthroscopic reconstruction). Postoperatively, both groups were treated identically. Intra- and postoperative observations included length of surgery, duration of hospitalization, and amount of pain medication. Follow-up evaluations were performed at 1, 6, 12, 16, 20, and 24 weeks to record crepitus, swelling, range of motion, ligament laxity, and thigh atrophy. Lysholm scores were obtained at the 16 and 24 week follow-ups. At 24 weeks, 86% of the open group and 89% of the arthroscopic group had good-to-excellent results. Intraoperative, postoperative, and follow-up findings indicated no statistically significant differences or relationships between the two groups in any of the variables measured, except that operative time was 13 minutes longer in the arthroscopic group (P < 0.001). The results do not substantiate a clinical advantage for either technique.  相似文献   

Investigations into the configuration of the radiation induced strand breaks in the low dose range are presented. DNA sections containing the radiation induced strand breaks were separated from the undamaged sections in order to increase the concentration of lesions. The configuration of 3'terminals in damaged DNA from gamma-irradiated thymocytes was analysed studying the priming ability for the DNA polymerase I. The experiments show that soon after irradiation with a dose of 10 krad DNA strand breaks carry 3'OH end groups as well as damaged 3'terminals not susceptible to Dna polymerase I. The fraction of damaged terminals increases with dose. We conclude that also after low doses an exonucleolytic action is required in cells for removing damaged 3'terminals before repair DNA synthesis can take place.  相似文献   

M Handelsman 《Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly》1998,19(5):507-12, 514; quiz 516
Partially edentulous implant treatment has evolved from using a standard diameter fixture for every tooth site to selection of the implant diameter according to the surgical demands, space available, and the dimension of the final prosthetic tooth. The advantages are functional, improved emergence profiles for esthetics, and optimal contours for oral hygiene maintenance. This article reviews presurgical treatment planning for wide-diameter implants.  相似文献   

A study of the capability of the roll-over test to predict pregnancy-induced hypertension was undertaken using our private patients. Sixty primigravid and 60 multigravid patients were studied between the twenty-eighth and thirty-second week of gestations. These patients were chosen at random by one of our two nurses who conducted all these studies. All results were recorded but were not available to the physicians. Eighteen months later, after all study patients had delivered, the hospital charts and the patients' office records were evaluated to determine if preganancy-induced hypertension had occurred. In primigravid patients a positive test accurately predicted the later development of pregnancy-induced hypertension only 50 per cent of the time while a negative test accurately predicted that it would not develop 93 per cent of the time. In multigravid patients, only 25 per cent of the patients who had positive tests later developed hypertension. The negative test in multigravid patients was accurate 94 per cent of the time.  相似文献   

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