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We consider a variant of Gold’s learning paradigm where a learner receives as input nn different languages (in the form of one text where all input languages are interleaved). Our goal is to explore the situation when a more “coarse” classification of input languages is possible, whereas more refined classification is not. More specifically, we answer the following question: under which conditions, a learner, being fed nn different languages, can produce mm grammars covering all input languages, but cannot produce kk grammars covering input languages for any k>mk>m. We also consider a variant of this task, where each of the output grammars may not cover more than rr input languages. Our main results indicate that the major factor affecting classification capabilities is the difference n−mnm between the number nn of input languages and the number mm of output grammars. We also explore the relationship between classification capabilities for smaller and larger groups of input languages. For the variant of our model with the upper bound on the number of languages allowed to be represented by one output grammar, for classes consisting of disjoint languages, we found complete picture of relationship between classification capabilities for different parameters nn (the number of input languages), mm (number of output grammars), and rr (bound on the number of languages represented by each output grammar). This picture includes a combinatorial characterization of classification capabilities for the parameters n,m,rn,m,r of certain types.  相似文献   

We present a new positive lower bound for the minimum value taken by a polynomial PP with integer coefficients in kk variables over the standard simplex of RkRk, assuming that PP is positive on the simplex. This bound depends only on the number of variables kk, the degree dd and the bitsize ττ of the coefficients of PP and improves all the previous bounds for arbitrary polynomials which are positive over the simplex.  相似文献   

We consider orthogonal drawings of a plane graph GG with specified face areas. For a natural number kk, a kk-gonal drawing of GG is an orthogonal drawing such that the boundary of GG is drawn as a rectangle and each inner face is drawn as a polygon with at most kk corners whose area is equal to the specified value. In this paper, we show that every slicing graph GG with a slicing tree TT and a set of specified face areas admits a 10-gonal drawing DD such that the boundary of each slicing subgraph that appears in TT is also drawn as a polygon with at most 10 corners. Such a drawing DD can be found in linear time.  相似文献   

Solomonoff’s central result on induction is that the prediction of a universal semimeasure MM converges rapidly and with probability 1 to the true sequence generating predictor μμ, if the latter is computable. Hence, MM is eligible as a universal sequence predictor in the case of unknown μμ. Despite some nearby results and proofs in the literature, the stronger result of convergence for all (Martin-Löf) random sequences remained open. Such a convergence result would be particularly interesting and natural, since randomness can be defined in terms of MM itself. We show that there are universal semimeasures MM which do not converge to μμ on all μμ-random sequences, i.e. we give a partial negative answer to the open problem. We also provide a positive answer for some non-universal semimeasures. We define the incomputable measure DD as a mixture over all computable measures and the enumerable semimeasure WW as a mixture over all enumerable nearly measures. We show that WW converges to DD and DD to μμ on all random sequences. The Hellinger distance measuring closeness of two distributions plays a central role.  相似文献   

A real xx is called hh-bounded computable  , for some function h:N→Nh:NN, if there is a computable sequence (xs)(xs) of rational numbers which converges to xx such that, for any n∈NnN, at most h(n)h(n) non-overlapping pairs of its members are separated by a distance larger than 2-n2-n. In this paper we discuss properties of hh-bounded computable reals for various functions hh. We will show a simple sufficient condition for a class of functions hh such that the corresponding hh-bounded computable reals form an algebraic field. A hierarchy theorem for hh-bounded computable reals is also shown. Besides we compare semi-computability and weak computability with the hh-bounded computability for special functions hh.  相似文献   

This paper considers two discrete time, finite state processes XX and YY. In the usual hidden Markov model XX modulates the values of YY. However, the values of YY are then i.i.d. given XX. In this paper a new model is considered where the Markov chain XX modulates the transition probabilities of the second, observed chain YY. This more realistically can represent problems arising in DNA sequencing. Algorithms for all related filters, smoothers and parameter estimations are derived. Versions of the Viterbi algorithms are obtained.  相似文献   

Let GG be the smallest Suzuki group Sz(8) and let FF be an algebraically closed field of characteristic 2. The basic algebra of the group algebra of GG over FF is described by its Ext-quiver and a certain set of relations.  相似文献   

We consider time-space tradeoffs for static data structure problems in the cell probe model with word size 1 (the bit probe model). In this model, the goal is to represent nn-bit data with s=n+rs=n+r bits such that queries (of a certain type) about the data can be answered by reading at most tt bits of the representation. Ideally, we would like to keep both ss and tt small, but there are tradeoffs between the values of ss and tt that limit the possibilities of keeping both parameters small.  相似文献   

Let F(x,y)F(x,y) be a polynomial over a field KK and mm a nonnegative integer. We call a polynomial gg over KK an mm-near solution of F(x,y)F(x,y) if there exists a c∈KcK such that F(x,g)=cxmF(x,g)=cxm, and the number cc is called an mm-value of F(x,y)F(x,y) corresponding to gg. In particular, cc can be 0. Hence, by viewing F(x,y)=0F(x,y)=0 as a polynomial equation over K[x]K[x] with variable yy, every solution of the equation F(x,y)=0F(x,y)=0 in K[x]K[x] is also an mm-near solution. We provide an algorithm that gives all mm-near solutions of a given polynomial F(x,y)F(x,y) over KK, and this algorithm is polynomial time reducible to solving one variable equations over KK. We introduce approximate solutions to analyze the algorithm. We also give some interesting properties of approximate solutions.  相似文献   

We present a new algorithm for computing the topology of a real algebraic surface SS in a ball BB, even in singular cases. We use algorithms for 2D and 3D algebraic curves and show how one can compute a topological complex equivalent to SS, and even a simplicial complex isotopic to SS by exploiting properties of the contour curve of SS. The correctness proof of the algorithm is based on results from stratification theory. We construct an explicit Whitney stratification of SS, by resultant computation. Using Thom’s isotopy lemma, we show how to deduce the topology of SS from a finite number of characteristic points on the surface. An analysis of the complexity of the algorithm and effectiveness issues conclude the paper.  相似文献   

Assume that a program pp on input aa outputs bb. We are looking for a shorter program qq having the same property (q(a)=bq(a)=b). In addition, we want qq to be simple conditional to pp (this means that the conditional Kolmogorov complexity K(q|p)K(q|p) is negligible). In the present paper, we prove that sometimes there is no such program qq, even in the case when the complexity of pp is much bigger than K(b|a)K(b|a). We give three different constructions that use the game approach, probabilistic arguments and algebraic arguments, respectively.  相似文献   

The focus of the present paper is on providing a local deterministic algorithm for colouring the edges of Yao-like   subgraphs of Unit Disk Graphs. These are geometric graphs such that for some positive integers l,kl,k the following property holds at each node vv: if we partition the unit circle centered at vv into 2k2k equally sized wedges then each wedge can contain at most ll points different from vv. We assume that the nodes are location aware, i.e. they know their Cartesian coordinates in the plane. The algorithm presented is local in the sense that each node can receive information emanating only from nodes which are at most a constant (depending on kk and ll, but not on the size of the graph) number of hops (measured in the original underlying Unit Disk Graph) away from it, and hence the algorithm terminates in a constant number of steps. The number of colours used is 2kl+12kl+1 and this is optimal for local algorithms (since the maximal degree is 2kl2kl and a colouring with 2kl2kl colours can only be constructed by a global algorithm), thus showing that in this class of graphs the price for locality is only one additional colour.  相似文献   

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