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陈宝清  吕传花  董闯  黄龙 《真空》2004,41(4):55-57
对黄铜基材装饰件表面先采用高能级磁控溅射离子镀(专利号:85102600.1)技术镀不锈钢代替电镀钯-镍合金,再采用等离子体型阴极弧源-磁控溅射镀(专利号:ZL98236950.6)技术在不锈钢镀膜表面上镀制TiN/Au/透明陶瓷保护膜SiO2、TiO2.对其硬度、耐蚀性及耐磨性进行分析.  相似文献   

Increased resistance of plasma-sprayed ceramic coatings to cyclic thermal exposure can be achieved by increasing the strain tolerance of the ceramic and by controlling harmful residual stresses. Strain tolerance can be increased by controlling internal structure to minimize harmful flaws and to add favorable discontinuities. Structures with controlled porosity, internal microcracking and segmentation were shown to give good resitance to thermal cycling. Plasma spraying on low temperature substrates was shown to increase spalling life in a cyclic thermal test by reducing damaging compressive stresses.  相似文献   

热镀锌技术是钢铁材料表层最为有效的防腐蚀手段。为进一步提高耐锌蚀涂层的使用寿命,采用等离子喷涂技术在熔锌装备表面制备了多级耐锌蚀复合涂层及非晶陶瓷涂层,并利用XRD和SEM对其物相组成、结构及形貌进行了研究。结果表明,非晶陶瓷涂层与熔融锌液存在着不浸润,但耐锌蚀涂层仍然会被腐蚀,镀锌装备内部由于存在温度差使得熔融锌液会进行上下、左右的流动,对非晶层会产生冲刷作用,长时间的冲刷会使非晶层变薄,直至消失。非晶陶瓷涂层的制备在一定程度上降低了加热管的导热性,但可以通过加大功率来进行弥补,封孔后的耐锌蚀涂层的热震性能提高了6倍,使用寿命是原来的2.2倍,延长寿命效果显著。  相似文献   

Some wear-resistant ceramic and cermet coatings, such as Al2O3, TiO2, Al2O3-TiO2, Cr2O3, Cr3C2-NiCr and cobalt-cladded WC, were prepared by the arc plasma spraying technique. In this paper optimized spraying parameters of various coatings are briefly described. Some physical properties of these coatings materials were measured. Wear tracks and damage forms were studied by microscopy and scanning electron microscopy techniques. Wear damage mechanisms of these coatings are discussed together with the relationship between wear damage of the coatings and their microstructure, physical properties and especially their thermal diffusivity. The higher the thermal diffusivity of a coating, the better is its wear resistance. The wear resistance of coatings has no obvious relationship with many other physical properties. The pore size, shape and distribution as well as the crack texture in the coatings have important bearings on their wear resistance. Approaches to improve wear-resistant coatings are presented.  相似文献   

Plasma sprayed coatings have a complex structure which is produced by the overlaying of many molten or semi-molten particles in the diameter range of 20 to 120 μm. There is a need to characterize the failure behaviour of coatings and this has been carried out by using acoustic emission (AE) methodology. Coatings of NiCrAIY bond coat with a zirconia-12 wt% yttria overlay were applied to discshaped specimens of U-700 alloy. A waveguide of 1 mm diameter platinum was TIG welded to the specimen and allowed it to be suspended in a tubular furnace. The specimen was thermally cycled to 1150° C and the AE monitored. One method of examining the AE is from the viewpoint of the accumulative count data. It is also convenient to establish the temperatures for “initial” AE and “significant” AE (i.e., the temperature at which 100 counts is exceeded) so that coatings may be compared. Several other analyses have been carried out with the aim of establishing parameters which are related to the crack size and crack population. These studies have been used to postulate types of cracking mechanisms which may occur in plasma sprayed coatings during thermal cycling. It is shown that microcracking gave rise to a large amount of AE. However, this coating still survived more thermal cycles than a coating which exhibited macrocracking events. Data of this nature will be presented and the results discussed.  相似文献   

开发含纳米组分的粉芯丝材,采用超音速电弧喷涂技术获得复合涂层,对涂层进行退火处理,结合金相、硬度、X射线衍射、扫描电镜、透射电镜等分析方法对喷涂层的组织结构和高温冲蚀性能进行表征.结果表明:喷涂过程中粉芯丝材的表皮材料和芯粉材料能相互熔解和融合形成较均匀的固溶体;涂层中硬度分布较均匀;退火处理使涂层缺陷减少,应力消除,亚稳相分解,同时结晶度提高,从而显著提高涂层硬度;退火处理后涂层耐高温冲蚀性显著提高.  相似文献   

The application range of porous all‐oxide ceramic matrix composites (CMCs) can be significantly extended through deposition of protective coating systems. Typical applications include protection against erosion, wear and foreign object damage as well as a reduced permeability. Environmental barrier coatings (EBC) are mandatory in order to guarantee sufficient lifetime of the CMC components under high temperature‐, high heat flux conditions and corrosive attack (combustor liners, thermal protection systems for atmospheric reentry). Limited thermal stability of today’s oxide fibers requires additional thermal barrier functionality for EBCs in order to keep the effective CMC bulk temperatures below 1200 °C. Depending on the specific application DLR’s coating concept for all‐oxide CMCs is based on either a single reaction‐bonded aluminium oxide (RBAO) coating or a hybrid coating system consisting of a RBAO bond coat followed by an EB‐PVD YSZ/FSZ top coat and is highlighted for three case studies. Deposition techniques (magnetron sputtering, MOCVD) alternative to EB‐PVD as well as the suitability of fibrous and cellular materials for thick EBC/TBC layers are explored.  相似文献   

针对燃煤电厂锅炉水冷壁爆管问题,研究设计了一种热膨胀系数梯度变化的涂层结构.为了提高涂层与基体的结合强度,计算了涂层及管壁的温度场及热应力场的分布.结果表明:涂层与管壁的界面处热应力最大,并且热应力与涂层的热膨胀系数成正比,通过调整涂料各成分的含量来改变各层的热膨胀系数;采用双层结构梯度涂层,理论计算表明界面处的最大热应力为1.78 MPa;而通过拉伸力学性能测试得出涂层的平均抗剪切强度为5.60 MPa,是界面处最大热应力值的3倍左右.因此,在管壁表面喷涂功能梯度涂层,能够缓和涂层与基体界面间的热应力.  相似文献   

Computer-aided structural analyses of high temperature coatings requires use of a computerized database covering the structural aspects of available coatings. A wide variety of corrosion-resistant coatings have been developed to deal with the lack of high temperature surface stability of metals and alloys used in hot components of energy conversion systems or turboengines. These coatings are applied by a number of different manufacturing processes. Each coating has been developed for specific conditions of temperature, corrosion, erosion, and wear.

Because of the multitude of coatings, application methods, and operating conditions, and the importance of their microstructure, the user must have easy access to all of the required data. The Coatings and High Temperature Corrosion Data Bank was created to collect background information on coating characteristics, high temperature corrosion behavior, service data, and field experience. This article describes the history, objectives, and software of the database with emphasis on the scope of the corrosion metadata, data collection, and evaluation.  相似文献   

Xiaodong He  Yibin Li  Yue Sun 《Thin solid films》2009,517(17):5120-5129
High emissivity coatings are widely used in many cases where heat transfers through electromagnetic radiation that arises due to the temperature of a body. Extensive theoretical and experimental efforts have been made to synthesize and investigate high emissivity coatings. The emissivity can be improved through various or combined mechanisms. The characterization of the emissivity is still a fully open problem. In this paper, we review the various mechanisms associated with the emissivity enhancement and emissivity characterization techniques. Based on these literature reviews, the prospect will be presented in the concluding remarks.  相似文献   

A discussion of fabrication techniques and performance testing of solid oxide components for use in hydrogen steam electrolysis is presented. Novel plasma spray techniques are utilized to deposit the thin ceramic oxide electrode, electrolyte, and interconnect layers on a planar intermetallic bipolar plate. Optimal porosity is achieved within the electrode microstructure through mixed feed techniques that are a combination of dry powder feed and liquid solution injection. The perovskite anode coatings formed from liquid precursor feedstock require post-deposition annealing in an oxygen-rich atmosphere to form the desired perovskite structures. Electrical conductivity measurements were measured for all electrodes and interconnect materials as a function of temperature to 1000 °C. Supported by the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Nuclear Energy Science and Technology, under the DOE Idaho Operations Contract No. DE-AC07-05ID14517  相似文献   

采用溶胶-凝胶法,以异丙醇铝为前驱体制备Al2O3溶胶,浸渍提拉后800℃下真空烧结,在316L奥氏体不锈钢表面制备出无裂纹的Al2O3涂层,研究涂层层数对316L奥氏体不锈钢高温抗氧化性能的影响.通过XRD和DSC对干凝胶粉末进行分析,并使用SEM研究Al2O3涂层表面形貌特征.涂层的高温抗氧化性能则使用氧化称重法来表征,对比有涂层试样和空白试样在高温氧化环境中的增重比.结果表明:制备出的涂层Al2O3颗粒均匀细小,有效阻止了氧化的进程,提拉3次制备的涂层的抗高温氧化效果最佳,在800℃使用的情况下至少延缓氧化时间165 h.  相似文献   

将方石英作为第二相、锆英砂作为矿化剂加入到SiO2基陶瓷型芯基体材料中,采用热压注法制备陶瓷型芯。研究预加方石英含量对SiO2基陶瓷型芯性能的影响,分析在1550℃下预加方石英含量对SiO2基陶瓷型芯高温蠕变性能的影响机制。结果表明,随着预加方石英含量的增加,SiO2基陶瓷型芯抗弯强度和高温挠度逐渐减小,型芯的气孔率逐渐增加。当预加方石英含量为10wt%时,石英玻璃析晶速率最快,方石英开始相连构成耐高温的方石英骨架,陶瓷型芯抵抗高温变形的能力显著提高,陶瓷型芯的综合性能最佳,其抗弯强度、高温挠度和气孔率分别为5.13 MPa、1.18 mm和40.55%。   相似文献   

采用金相显微镜、透射电镜、X射线衍射仪、显微硬度计以及微动磨损机研究了激光重熔等离子喷涂锌铝基Al2O3复合陶瓷涂层的组织结构、硬度及其耐磨性能.研究结果表明:等离子喷涂层由α-Al2O3和γ-Al2O3组成,层间为机械结合界面;经激光重熔后的组织为单一的体心四方结构的δ-Al2O3相,其点阵常数a0=7.943×10-8cm,c0=23.500×10-8cm,Al2O3与基体间的界面结合状况得到明显改善;熔覆后的Al2O3涂层硬度达150~170 HV100g,耐磨性能(S=L 988)比基体材料(S=2.837)有较大提高,其磨损机制是疲劳磨损和磨粒磨损,但以磨粒磨损为主.  相似文献   

The paper is concerned with systematic studies on the formation of overlay coatings on nickel and iron base superalloys to improve their resistance against high temperature oxidation and hot corrosion. In contrast to the simpler case of aluminizing nickel base alloys, the problems arising in aluminizing iron base superalloys and in siliconizing nickel base alloys have not yet been solved.A new and economical coating procedure is presented, which involves a reaction sintering process of unalloyed powder mixtures to obtain overlay coatings. The influence of the compositions of the layer and the substrate on the chemical compatibility of the whole layer composite is described in detail. It is shown that overlay coatings containing high concentrations of silicon can only be applied on nickel base superalloys if elements that are able spontaneously to form reaction barriers are present within the substrate alloy (e.g. aluminium) or in the as-preformed interlayer. Refractory metals have proved to be the most advantageous.To obtain a ductile coating, silicon-rich donor phases in the form of isolated precipitates were incorporated into a matrix containing low concentrations of silicon. These coating systems can also be applied to improve the aluminization of iron base alloys. The high temperature oxidation and corrosion behaviours of the coated samples were tested in burner gas or air at 1000°C and in molten salts at 900°C.  相似文献   

We perform accelerated corrosion tests of aluminum-zinc coatings according to the B-117 ASTM standard in the following three modes: (1) CCT mode, which includes drying at 60°C for 4h, holding at a relative humidity of 100% for 2h, and salt spraying (pH=6.8–7.2) at 35°C for 2h; (2) AAR mode, which includes drying at 60°C and a relative humidity of 20–30% for 4h, holding at a relative humidity of more than 90% for 2h, and acid salt spraying (pH=3.5) at 35°C for 2h; (3) NSS, i.e., neutral salt spray test. Electrochemical tests were performed in a 0.05 M aerated solution of Na2SO4. Our investigations demonstrate that the best protective properties are exhibited by Galvalume coatings, which is explained by the the additional chromate passivation treatment. Institute of Precision Mechanics, Warsaw, Poland. Published in Fizyko-Khimichna Mekhanika Materialiv, Vol. 32, No. 6, pp. 43–48, November–December, 1996.  相似文献   

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