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Ajaz S. Hussain Padmaja Shivanand Robert D. Johnson 《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》1994,20(10):1739-1752
Most pharmaceutical products are complex systems designed to meet several compendial or other performance standards simultaneously. Ideal or 'optimum' product composition and the manufacturing process variables are generally established after extensive experimentation. Artificial Neural Networks are pattern recognition tools that allow the development of 'expert' systems without having to write computer programs. With this technology it may be possible to develop formulation 'expert' systems to predict the formulation composition and the manufacturing process conditions necessary to achieve the desired performance standards. This report introduces the concept of a formulation expert system to predict the in vitro drug release profile from hydrophilic matrix tablets. Formulation expert systems or Computer Aided Formulation Design has the potential to reduce the time and cost of the product development process. 相似文献
《Drug development and industrial pharmacy》2013,39(10):1739-1752
AbstractMost pharmaceutical products are complex systems designed to meet several compendial or other performance standards simultaneously. Ideal or ‘optimum’ product composition and the manufacturing process variables are generally established after extensive experimentation. Artificial Neural Networks are pattern recognition tools that allow the development of ‘expert’ systems without having to write computer programs. With this technology it may be possible to develop formulation ‘expert’ systems to predict the formulation composition and the manufacturing process conditions necessary to achieve the desired performance standards. This report introduces the concept of a formulation expert system to predict the in vitro drug release profile from hydrophilic matrix tablets. Formulation expert systems or Computer Aided Formulation Design has the potential to reduce the time and cost of the product development process. 相似文献
本文通过典型变焦距镜头的实例和图形,详细介绍了机械补偿变焦距镜头几种常用的变倍组和补偿组在变焦过程中往复运动导轨的结构形式,及其各种结构形式的优缺点。并论述了设计各种形式导轨机构应注意的问题。 相似文献
This paper describes the growth of the individual and team national undergraduate and graduate AIAA/Industry design competitions. These design competitions have been developed primarily to enhance the university capstone design education experience of both undergraduate and graduate aerospace engineering programs. The competitions represent an Industry/University partnership to improve the design capability of individuals, corporations and the nation at large. The AIAA serves as the facilitator in this process. The student design teams respond to RFPs developed by AIAA Technical Committees. The competitions are funded by interested corporations. The AIAA design competition model or template could easily be implemented by any professional engineering society to nurture and encourage student capstone design efforts in that society's discipline. Students, corporations, the AIAA and the nation benefit from these competitions which enhance the competitiveness of all of the participants and thereby the competitiveness of the national community. The paper also includes an assessment of these competitions and some thought about their future direction. 相似文献
对于一些工业炸药生产线老厂区,由于厂区内建设用地紧张、内部距离受限等原因,无法在原有生产线基础上单独设置成品中转站台或成品中转库时,需要找到一种可靠措施,在保证转运车辆中工业炸药与生产工房内存药不相互殉爆的前提下实现工房土堤外装车。通过某公司的隔爆墙设计实例得出,采用两层钢砼墙板中间夹砂的组合隔爆墙替代防护土堤,占地面积小,能够起到抗爆、防殉爆效果,可以有效阻止生产工房或成品装车位有一方爆炸时导致另一方主体结构遭受严重破坏,是解决工业炸药生产企业老厂区工业炸药生产线防护土堤外装车的有效途径之一。 相似文献
大型食品真空冷冻干燥设备控制系统设计与应用研究 总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1
针对大型冻干设备控制对象复杂,可靠性及控制精度要求高,特别是冻干设备中加热系统的大惯性、纯滞后、非线性以及时变等特点,在FD-200冻干设备控制系统设计中,采用二次热源控温法,并选用带自动修改调节因子的Fuzzy控制算法,实现对加热搁板温度的控制;采用PID控制调节电动调节充气阀的开度以控制干燥仓的充气量,实现对干燥仓压力的控制;手动调节制冷系统的制冷量和蒸发温度,实现对冷阱温度的控制。碎冰冻干实验和小葱冻干实验表明,加热搁板温度控制精度为±0.6℃,干燥仓压力控制精度为±4 Pa,冷阱温度控制精度±2.5℃,各控制精度均能较好地满足冻干工艺要求。 相似文献
介绍了核电厂Ⅲ型活性炭碘吸附器及装卸料机的设计研究。Ⅲ型活性炭碘吸附器及装卸料机是目前运用到核空气通风净化系统领域中最先进的设备。本文从工作原理、结构设计、性能和试验等方面做了详细论述。 相似文献
Barry H. Margolin 《技术计量学》2013,55(2):135-150
This paper discusses the use of interactive computing in APL for the design and analysis of an ad hoc experiment. As an example, a project involving a 16 × 4 × 2 experiment in 8 blocks of size 8 is reviewed. The desirability of utilizing single-degreeof-freedom pseudo-factors in both the design and analysis phases of such experiments is exhibited, and the detection of and compensation for heterogeneity of variance and outliers are discussed. 相似文献
The terahertz region of the electromagnetic spectrum plays a vital role in biomedical imaging because of its sensitivity to vibrational modes of biomolecules. Advances in broadband terahertz imaging have been emerging in the field of biomedical spectroscopy. Biomedical imaging is used to distinguish between the infected (cancer) and the non-infected tissue, which requires broad band and highly efficient radar absorbing material (RAM) designs (to obtain high resolution image of the tissue). In this paper, a metamaterial broadband RAM design is proposed towards biomedical spectroscopy applications in the THz region. The particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm is used for the design and optimization of the RAM, which enhances the absorption to nearly 99.32% at the required operational frequency. 相似文献
从信号传输形式、与上位机的通讯方式和扩展调试等三个方面对称重传感器的专用测量单元进行了改进,构建了一种基于C8051F350单片机的智能数字式应变称重传感器专用测量单元。采用了RS-485总线通讯协议作为通讯方式,首创性地开发了一套专用的控制命令码协议,并进行了大量实验验证。实验数据表明系统具有较高的测试精度和良好的重复性及稳定性,可以满足工程中实际应用的要求。 相似文献
介绍用于水泥等粉,粒状物品包装的方底糊口纸袋制造设备--糊口机喂料装置的工作原理及有关的设计和计算。 相似文献