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本文介绍了锅炉车间通过技术改造,对锅炉除尘冲灰系统中的冲灰水进行闭路循环,重复利用,减少废水排放,节约生产成本的实践。  相似文献   

南钢在保证2号高炉煤气除尘效果的前提条件下,通过技改,改善煤气洗涤水的循环系统,实现水的闭路循环,达到零排放,从而提高水的利用率,节约水资源,减少对环境的污染。  相似文献   

循环流化床锅炉半干法脱硫系统输送含石灰石灰粉容易出现堵管、管道磨损大和输灰厂用电率高的问题,通过输灰系统先导柱栓式节能改造,解决了容易堵管问题,输送能力得以明显提升,结合自动跟踪锅炉灰负荷率和输灰过程压力曲线特性参数的节能自适应控制系统,实现了输灰系统全负荷智慧节能优化控制。提高输灰系统安全稳定性,高效节约输送压缩空气量,降低了输灰空压机厂用电率,减轻输灰管道磨损,提高了气动阀门等设备的寿命,减少输灰系统及空压机维护检修工作量。  相似文献   

本文指出了第一代35t/h循环流化床锅炉漏灰磨损部位并对产生原因进行了分析,给出了耐火材料的具体选用部分技术改进措施。  相似文献   

何健 《工业锅炉》2010,(1):45-47
介绍了锅炉房冲灰渣水作为脱硫循环液在除尘脱硫一体化应用中产生的问题,针对系统发生的结晶堵塞现象,通过化学实验,分析了混合浆液和结晶体的化学成分,探讨了解决结晶问题的措施。  相似文献   

以典型烟气循环流化床脱硫工艺所产生的脱硫灰为样品,采用理论分析、化学分析、电镜扫描、热重分析、X-衍射分析等手段,较系统地研究了脱硫灰的化学组成、外观形貌、物相组成等特性。研究表明:脱硫反应对原粉煤灰颗粒有侵蚀作用,脱硫塔内存在明显的团聚效应;脱硫灰的主要物相组成是:莫莱石、石英、Fe2O3等粉煤灰物相,以及CaSO3·1/2H2O、CaCO3、CaSO4等脱硫物相。值得注意的是CaSO3·1/2H2O是主要的含硫物相,且各灰样中CaCO3含量较大。  相似文献   

孙景林 《节能》2002,(5):40-42
为了进一步有效地节省水资源 ,针对我厂灰渣泵冲洗水系统的特点实行了冲洗水自动控制改造 ,并对系统的改造安装、配线及调试工作进行了分析 ,认为该系统运行情况良好 ,取得了一定的经济效益。  相似文献   

在循环流化床燃烧/热解双反应器冷态试验装置上研究了高温循环灰的流动特性.结果表明:随着提升管内表观气速的增加,立管内的负压差梯度变化不大;而随着系统循环量的增加,立管内的负压差梯度以及滑移速度均增大;随着加入热解室内松动气量的增加,立管内尤其是立管上部的压力也随之增大,热解室内无论是移动床流动还是流态化流动均对立管的稳定性影响不大;但当热解室内的压力超过某一值时,立管内的料封很快被破坏,导致系统无法运行.循环流化床燃烧/热解双应器中灰流动性研究可为热态过程操作条件的选取、立管内流动状态的预测等提供参考.  相似文献   

基于健康风险理论,构建了致癌重金属灰水足迹评估价模型,并将其应用于我国致癌重金属灰水足迹评价中。结果表明,我国的总致癌重金属灰水足迹为4 390.6×108 m3,且关键污染物为六价铬与砷;我国的致癌重金属灰水足迹分布有显著的地区差异,其中华中地区的镉灰水足迹、砷灰水足迹和总致癌重金属灰水足迹分别为181.11×108、1 281.51×108、1 352.13×108 m3,均为全国最高;华东地区的六价铬灰水足迹为1 063.24×108 m3,为全国最高;湖南省、江西省、浙江省分别为我国镉灰水足迹、砷灰水足迹和六价铬灰水足迹最高的省份。  相似文献   

Given the energy limitations challenging industries, heat recovery systems have been given much attention during the past two decades. As power plants are continuously wasting energy to the environment, their potential for heat recovery has been promising from the early days and different approaches including using nanofluid-based coolants have been implemented to harvest the maximum amount of energy. Nevertheless, a systematic optimization design approach has not been introduced for designing these nanofluid-based heat recovery systems. In this study such an optimization method is presented where nanofluid-based heat recovery system for a biomass plant is mathematically modeled and optimized using a modified variant of particle swarm optimization (PSO). Al2O3 nanoparticles dispersed in distilled water with volume fractions of up to 2% are formed the coolant. For mathematical modeling, the properties of Al2O3-water nanofluid are taken from the available literature and an existing case study is employed for testing the efficiency of the proposed method. The advantage of using PSO, which is categorized as a population-based evolutionary algorithm, is that various design variables for the system could be considered simultaneously and the optimum characteristics would be achieved based on any given design target. For a more robust performance of the optimizer, the PSO is modified and multi leaders are being used for evolution process instead of the single global best particle employed in the conventional PSO. A simple, yet effective, adaptive penalty function is introduced to handle the inequality constraints of the problem. The results indicate that the optimum configuration uses a 2% Al2O3-water nanofluid and could harvest the same amount of energy with significantly lower annual cost (56.6% lower) and thus it is superior to the existing methods.  相似文献   

In this paper, power is optimized for an endoreversible closed intercooled regenerated Brayton cycle coupled to constant-temperature heat reservoirs in the viewpoint of finite-time thermodynamics (FTT) or entropy generation minimization (EGM). The effects of some design parameters, including the cycle heat reservoir temperature ratio and total heat exchanger inventory, on the maximum power and the corresponding efficiency are analyzed by numerical examples. The analysis shows that the cycle dimensionless power can be optimized by searching the optimum heat conductance distributions among the hot- and cold-side heat exchangers, the regenerator and the intercooler for fixed total heat exchanger inventory, and by searching the optimum intercooling pressure ratio. When the optimization is performed with respect to the total pressure ratio of the cycle, the maximum dimensionless power can be maximized again.  相似文献   

以某电厂热电联产项目热网工程为例,从供热方案的选择、监控系统的设计及热网运行调节等几方面对热电联产集中供热系统进行节能技术分析,并计算出节能量。最后对项目的环保、效益进行评价。  相似文献   

提出了一种锅炉受热面灰污监测与吹灰优化方法。该方法利用神经网络建立锅炉清洁受热面换热模型,在此基础上运用非线性动态规划技术进行受热面吹灰周期的优化。在扬子石化公司热电厂#8锅炉上进行了现场测试,结果表明所提出的方法是有效的。  相似文献   

我国陶瓷行业发展非常迅速,陶瓷喷雾塔燃烧系统是陶瓷生产工艺的重要耗能环节,开展陶瓷喷雾塔先进燃烧技术研究及工程应用对陶瓷生产行业的发展具有重要意义。文中介绍自主研发的陶瓷喷雾塔干法微煤燃烧技术,该技术已在陶瓷行业中实现190多套的工程应用。文中以肇庆市某陶瓷有限公司、常德市某陶瓷有限公司及佛山市某陶瓷有限公司的喷雾塔干法微煤燃烧技改工程为案例对喷雾塔干法微煤燃烧技术的节能效果及社会经济效益进行分析。分析得出:陶瓷喷雾塔干法微煤燃烧技术平均生产1 t粉料节省的煤粉量为16.10 kg/t,相比水煤浆、链排炉燃烧技术平均节能率达22.98%,节能效果显著;平均生产1 t粉料节省标准煤量为13.91 kg/t,每生产1t粉料CO_2排放量降低36.71 kg/t,具有显著的社会效益和经济效益。  相似文献   

本文介绍了密闭式高温冷凝水回收节能技术和系统运行方式 ,总结该系统在福州鼓山清禄集团的改造和运行经验。  相似文献   

A linear programming (LP) routine was implemented to model optimal energy storage dispatch schedules for peak net load management and demand charge minimization in a grid-connected, combined photovoltaic-battery storage system (PV+ system). The LP leverages PV power output and load forecasts to minimize peak loads subject to elementary dynamical and electrical constraints of the PV+ system. Battery charge/discharge were simulated over a range of two PV+ system parameters (battery storage capacity and peak load reduction target) to obtain energy cost for a time-of-use pricing schedule and the net present value (NPV) of the battery storage system. The financial benefits of our optimized energy dispatch schedule were compared with basic off-peak charging/on-peak discharging and real-time load response dispatch strategies that did not use any forecast information. The NPV of the battery array increased significantly when the battery was operated on the optimized schedule compared to the off-peak/on-peak and real time dispatch schedules. These trends were attributed to increased battery lifetime and reduced demand charges attained under the optimized dispatch strategy. Our results show that Lithium-ion batteries can be a financially viable energy storage solution in demand side, energy cost management applications at an installed cost of about $400–$500 per kW h (approximately 40–50% of 2011 market prices). The financial value of forecasting in energy storage dispatch optimization was calculated as a function of battery capacity ratio.  相似文献   

沈阳市污水源热泵应用及社会效益浅析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了污水源热泵的基本形式,分析比较了其相对于其他热源的优越性.结合沈阳地区可利用的污水量及污水的特征,概算了可供热的面积,简要分析了应用污水源热泵的社会效益,指出了推广应用污水源热泵所需要解决的问题及相应的解决方法.  相似文献   

随着深空探测的不断发展,作为最具发展潜力的能源之一,空间核动力在国内外得到大量关注和研究.空间核动力系统中热电转换技术至关重要,在大功率阶段下,布雷顿循环动态热电转换系统因其功率较大,效率较高等优点得到广泛应用和发展,对其进行特性分析和参数优化具有重要意义.对运用闭式布雷顿循环的次临界安全空间(S4)反应堆系统建立回热...  相似文献   

根据实践研制了大中型雾化柴油炉芯灶,论述的炉灶结构及砌筑要点为城镇大中型燃煤炉灶节能改造提供了有效参考设备和技术。  相似文献   

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