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与常规能源发电相比,目前光伏发电电价还不具备竞争优势,制定一个合理的上网电价是推动我国光伏产业健康发展的关键。上网电价取决于光伏电站的建设和运营成本,而影响光伏电站投资成本的因素很多,如太阳能辐射量、器件和设备价格、电站规模、项目融资方式、贷款利率、政府补贴额定等,很难制定出统一的上网电价。本文从具体实例出发,在云南某地拟建一个10MW的单晶硅并网光伏电站,将辐射量、设备价格、电站规模及财务参数等因素都具体化,从电站的建设到运行,考虑所有影响投资成本的因素来计算建设成本。然后利用财务分析中的净现值法、内涵报酬率法、项目回收期法三种方法分析计算相应的较为合理的光伏发电上网电价,比较三种方法得到的结果,讨论不同因素对电价的影响效果。  相似文献   

王世江 《太阳能》2011,(16):18-21
国家发展改革委《关于完善太阳能光伏发电上网电价政策的通知》受到市场的极度欢迎,发布当天光伏板块普遍放量增长,它将有利于加快国内光伏市场的启动,缓解我国光伏产品过度依赖进口的局面,特别是在当前欧美债务危机每况愈下、国际贸易保护主义有所抬头的情况下,有助于  相似文献   

光伏发电实施上网分摊电价的必要性与迫切性讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵玉文 《太阳能》2006,(1):8-10
以出口为主的我国光伏业在欧洲光伏产量大幅增加的态势下,市场在哪里?一快速发展的世界光伏产业和市场趋势1在法规政策强力推动下世界光伏产业呈快速增速发展最近10年(1994~2004)的平均年增长率为33%;最近5年(1999~2004)的年平均增长率为  相似文献   

7月29日,国家发改委网站公布了其委7月24日签署的《关于完善太阳能光伏发电上网电价政策的通知》(发改价格[2011]1594号)。文件甫出,旋即受到业界的广泛关注。本刊拟辟专题予以报道。就已明确的标杆电价水平而言,笔者认为,其政策的宣示意义远大于实际  相似文献   

光伏发电有望实现平价上网   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
太阳能发电分为光热发电和光伏发电。通常说的太阳能发电指的是太阳能光伏发电,简称"光电"。光伏发电是利用半导体界面的光生伏特效应而将光能直接转变为电能的一种技术。这种技术的关键元件是太阳能电池。太阳能电池经过串联后进行封装保护可形成大面积的太阳电池组件,再配合上功率控制器等部件就形成了光伏发电装置。  相似文献   

张涛 《太阳能》2011,(16):22-23
8月1日,国家发改委对外公布了《关于完善太阳能光伏发电上网电价政策的通知》(简称《通知》),以项目核准时间和建成投产时间为分界线,制定出全国统一的光电标杆上网电价。尽管行业一直在不断呼吁有关政府主管部门出台政策,推动国内光伏市场的发展,支持日益壮大的中国光伏产业,但由于常常得不到预期的回应,所以,这  相似文献   

7月24日,国家发改委《关于完善太阳能光伏发电上网电价政策的通知》签署出台,立刻在光伏业界内部引起了轩然大波,可谓一石激起千层浪。此次通知中明确给出了统一的标杆上网电价,今年7月1日之前核准建设并于年底前建成投产的  相似文献   

一案由 关于制定阶梯电价和促进我匡光伏发电发展的议案。  相似文献   

近日,日本政府提出新的上网电价方案,该方案将使日本的风能和太阳能项目发展获得更好的收益,尽管日本太阳能成本比世界其他地方高。这项上网电价方案将于今年7月生效,并作为去年福岛核事故后日本开始多元化能源供应的政治措施的一  相似文献   

发改价格〔2011〕1594号各省、自治区、直辖市发展改革委、物价局:为规范太阳能光伏发电价格管理,促进太阳能光伏发电产业健康持续发展,决定完善太阳能光伏发电价格政策。现将有关事项通知如下:一、制定全国统一的太阳能光伏发电标杆上  相似文献   

In the past 20 years, China has paid significant attention to wind power. Onshore wind power in China has experienced tremendous growth since 2005, and offshore wind power development has been on-going since 2009. In 2010, with a total installed wind power capacity of 41.8 GW, China surpassed the U.S. as the country with the biggest wind power capacity in the world. By comparing the wind power situations of three typical countries, Germany, Spain, and Denmark, this paper provides a comprehensive evaluation and insights into the prospects of China’s wind power development. The analysis is carried out in four aspects including technology, wind resources, administration and time/space frame. We conclude that both German and Spanish have been growing rapidly in onshore capacity since policy improvements were made. In Denmark, large financial subsidies flow to foreign markets with power exports, creating inverse cost-benefit ratios. Incentives are in place for German and Danish offshore wind power, while China will have to remove institutional barriers to enable a leap in wind power development. In China, cross-subsidies are provided from thermal power (coal-fired power generation) in order to limit thermal power while encouraging wind power. However, the mass installation of wind power capacity completely relies on power subsidies. Furthermore, our study illustrates that capacity growth should not be the only consideration for wind power development. It is more important to do a comprehensive evaluation of multi-sectorial efforts in order to achieve long-term development.  相似文献   

光伏发电纵横谈   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
从17世纪至今,全球人口从5亿增长到60亿,翻了12番;伴随着历史的进步和发展,人类的能源消耗也从每年1亿吨标煤当量增长到150亿吨标煤当量,翻了150番。  相似文献   

This paper deals with power quality improvement using a three-phase active power filter (APF) connected to a PV power system. A direct power control (DPC) approach is proposed to eliminate harmonic current caused by any nonlinear loads and at the same time guarantees the delivery of a part of the load request from the same PV source. A boost converter is used for maximum power point (MPP) tracking purposes under various climate conditions through a fuzzy logic technique. The suggested study is tested under a MATLAB/Simulink environment. The obtained results depict the efficacy of the proposed procedures to meet the IEEE 519-1992 standard recommendation on harmonic levels.  相似文献   

With the object of enhancing the absorptivity of water for solar radiation, the effect of dissolved salt was studied. Five saturated solutions were prepared by dissolving the following salts in water: copper sulphate, potassium permanganate, potassium dichromate, cobalt chloride and TMPD. The extinction coefficients of these five saturated solutions were measured in the spectral range 330–1100 nm. The results indicated that a mixture of copper sulphate and potassium permanganate solutions behaves as an ideal absorber for solar energy, in that the percentage transmission in the previously mentioned spectral range is reduced to less than 0.1%. The mixture was tested against distilled water, where the rise in temperature against time shows that the absorptivity for solar radiation is significantly improved. The chemical stability of the mixture was also examined over a long period of time.  相似文献   

Thomas E. Hoff 《Solar Energy》2010,84(10):1782-1793
This paper presents a novel approach to rigorously quantify power Output Variability from a fleet of photovoltaic (PV) systems, ranging from a single central station to a set of distributed PV systems. The approach demonstrates that the relative power Output Variability for a fleet of identical PV systems (same size, orientation, and spacing) can be quantified by identifying the number of PV systems and their Dispersion Factor. The Dispersion Factor is a new variable that captures the relationship between PV Fleet configuration, Cloud Transit Speed, and the Time Interval over which variability is evaluated. Results indicate that Relative Output Variability: (1) equals the inverse of the square root of the number of systems for fully dispersed PV systems; and (2) could be further minimized for optimally-spaced PV systems.  相似文献   

3月1日上午,在合肥阳光电源公司产业基地,阳光电源自主建设的500kW.光伏电站成功并网发电,成为我国中部地区建成发电的最大光伏电站.国家发改委、科技部、工信部、中国可再生能源学会的领导,省科技厅厅长徐根应、省发改委总工程师朱也牧、合肥市副市长杨增权、合肥市政协副主席盛志刚,国内可再生能源行业众多主力企业--大唐集团、华电集团、中广核风电、申能新能源、尚德电力、赛维LDK等企业的专家领导以及来自欧洲、日本、韩国的客人等近300位中外嘉宾共同出席并见证了电站的并网发电仪式.  相似文献   

地面用光伏电源系统设计   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
0引言严格地讲 ,一个较大的太阳电池电源系统的设计内容十分广泛 ,包括太阳电池方阵设计 ,系统电器性能的设计和测量 ,总的充、放电电流和电量的测量 ,当地辐射的测量和瞬态光强度的测量 ,蓄电池、逆变器 ,配电、输电、限电、保护装置设计 ,热设计和机械结构设计等。小的独立太阳电池系统 ,可以简单得多。在给定用电负载要求后 ,主要考虑太阳电池和蓄电池用量和优化配置 ,以及选用合适的充、放电控制器。设计时可以年平均太阳辐射总量和太阳工作温度作为主要依据 ,并对倾斜面上的辐射进行必要的修正后 ,直接用于地面光伏电源系统的设计 ,可…  相似文献   

赖文辉 《太阳能》2011,(9):19-20
光伏发电系统是由能把太阳光能直接转换为电能的部件和子系统构成。其中的光伏阵列是将入射的太阳辐射能直接转换为直流电能的单元,太阳电池板组成的阵列与光伏阵列连接箱连接,电流经连接箱汇流后输出到逆变器或直接应用环节。太阳电池板组成的光伏阵列约占光伏发电系统总成本的70%,如何保护光伏阵列和充分提高  相似文献   

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