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主要论述了以变性淀粉和玉米醇溶蛋白为壁材,葵花籽油为芯材利用喷雾干燥法制备微胶囊粉末油脂的最佳配比以及粉末油脂中包裹的葵花籽油的性质.使用STABI-A T109变性淀粉时,制备粉末油脂的最佳配比为变性淀粉占2.5%,玉米醇溶蛋白占0.11%,乳化剂占1%,乙醇占40%葵花籽油占1%.该粉末油脂的包埋率可以达到76.52%.使用PREGEL-AT0700A变性淀粉时,制备粉末油脂的最佳配比为变性淀粉占2%,玉米醇溶蛋白占0.11%,乳化剂占1%,乙醇占30%,葵花籽油占1%.该粉末油脂的包埋率可以达到79.41%. 相似文献
以阿拉伯胶、β-环糊精为壁材原料,以亚麻油为芯材,通过喷雾干燥法制备亚麻油微胶囊。以单因素试验选择固形物浓度、阿拉伯胶与β-环糊精质量比、壁材与芯材质量比、搅拌时间、进风温度的适当取值范围,以包埋率为考察指标,使用响应面Box-Behnken 设计方案对生产进行工艺优化,获得最优工艺参数为进风温度179 ℃、阿拉伯胶与β-环糊精质量比6∶1、固形物浓度26%、搅拌时间36 min、壁材与芯材质量比5∶1。在此工艺条件下亚麻油微胶囊包埋率为97.82%。高温贮藏试验表明,微胶囊包埋对亚麻油成分具有较好地稳定作用,可有效地抑制亚麻油的品质退化。冷藏试验结果表明,鸡肉经亚麻油微胶囊复合液涂膜处理后,在8 d 的贮藏过程中,可维持较好的品质。 相似文献
本文以过氧化氢和甲酸在不同催化剂存在下生成过氧甲酸为环化剂,对亚麻油进行环氧化反应。结果表明,在各种催化剂中,磷酸明显优于树脂等,其最佳用量为亚麻油重的0.5~0.7%。过氧化氢用量为亚麻油重的132%效果最好。在环氧化反应中添加溶剂有较好效果,用量最好为油重的25一40%。含磷酸的过氧化氢溶液滴加温度宜为65一68℃,反应温度宜为68一70℃。在本工艺条件下,反应时间可缩短在3~4h,环氧化亚麻油的环氧值≥8。 相似文献
以低浓度的阿拉伯胶为稳定剂,采用反溶剂法制备萝卜硫素-玉米醇溶蛋白纳米水分散体,并对其理化性质及萝卜硫素的释放特性进行研究。结果表明:未包埋萝卜硫素的玉米醇溶蛋白-阿拉伯胶纳米颗粒平均粒径184. 1 nm,多分散指数0. 135,ζ-电位-33. 5 m V,包埋萝卜硫素的颗粒平均粒径159. 8~180. 2 nm,多分散指数0. 152~0. 198,ζ-电位-32. 1~-37. 5 m V,颗粒近球形;当萝卜硫素与玉米醇溶蛋白的质量比为1∶25时,包封率为92. 3%,载量43. 4 mg/g;随着二者质量比增加,包封率显著下降,载量增幅不大,约60. 6~78. 7 mg/g。随着pH升高,pH 2~4时颗粒平均粒径显著减小,pH 4~8时其变化不显著;随着环境温度升高,25~55℃时,颗粒平均粒径变化不显著,55~85℃,平均粒径从200 nm左右增加到350 nm左右。萝卜硫素释放结果表明,60 min内累计释放率接近50%,240 min内几乎完全释放。 相似文献
介绍了玉米醇溶蛋白的化学组成、结构、在不同溶剂中的溶解能力和性质,讨论了以玉米淀粉厂的副产物玉米蛋白粉(CGM)为原料提取玉米醇溶蛋白的工艺条件,以及在工业上新的应用前景。 相似文献
采用水酶法提取胡麻籽油并对其工艺条件进行了详细研究。在单因素实验的基础上,通过正交实验得出了最佳工艺条件,即20 g研碎油料,加酶量为0.10 g,酶解温度50℃,酶解时间1h,最适pH 5.4,料液比1∶10,浸提温度90℃,浸提时间9 h。另外,水酶法提取胡麻籽油的提油率比水浸法提取胡麻籽油的提油率高24.55%。 相似文献
This experiment studied the effect of 3 different physical forms of linseed fatty acids (FA) on cow dairy performance, milk FA secretion and composition, and their relationship with methane output. Eight multiparous, lactating Holstein cows were assigned to 1 of 4 dietary treatments in a replicated 4 × 4 Latin square design: a control diet (C) based on corn silage (59%) and concentrate (35%), and the same diet supplemented with whole crude linseed (CLS), extruded linseed (ELS), or linseed oil (LSO) at the same FA level (5% of dietary dry matter). Each experimental period lasted 4 wk. Dry matter intake was not modified with CLS but was lowered with both ELS and LSO (−3.1 and −5.1 kg/d, respectively) compared with C. Milk yield and milk fat content were similar for LSO and ELS but lower than for C and CLS (19.9 vs. 22.3 kg/d and 33.8 vs. 43.2 g/kg, on average, respectively). Compared with diet C, CLS changed the concentrations of a small number of FA; the main effects were decreases in 8:0 to 16:0 and increases in 18:0 and cis-9 18:1. Compared with diet C (and CLS in most cases), LSO appreciably changed the concentrations of almost all the FA measured; the main effects were decreases in FA from 4:0 to 16:0 and increases in 18:0, trans-11 16:1, all cis and trans 18:1 (except trans-11 18:1), and nonconjugated trans 18:2 isomers. The effect of ELS was either intermediate between those of CLS and LSO or similar to LSO with a few significant exceptions: increases in 17:0 iso; 18:3n-3; trans-11 18:1; cis-9, trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid; and trans-11, trans-13 conjugated linoleic acid and a smaller increase in cis-9 18:1. The most positive correlations (r = 0.87 to 0.91) between milk FA concentrations and methane output were observed for saturated FA from 6:0 to 16:0 and for 10:1, and the most negative correlations (r = −0.86 to −0.90) were observed for trans-16+cis-14 18:1; cis-9, trans-13 18:2; trans-11 16:1; and trans-12 18:1. Thus, milk FA profile can be considered a potential indicator of in vivo methane output in ruminants. 相似文献
葡萄籽油和亚麻籽油储藏期间氧化对功能性成分影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过实验研究35℃恒温避光储藏亚麻籽油和葡萄籽油过氧化值、p–茴香胺值、脂肪酸组成和维生素E含量变化,探讨储藏期间油脂氧化劣变对其功能性成分影响。结果表明,经60天储藏,葡萄籽油、亚麻油过氧化值分别达241.30 mmol/kg、248.72 mmol/kg;p–茴香胺值为32.20、104.06;油脂脂肪酸组成不饱和脂肪酸减少0.35%和0.41%,亚油酸和亚麻酸分别降低0.20%和0.09%、0.23%和1.04%,反式脂肪酸含量基本没有变化;维生素E含量显著降低均未检出;储藏期间亚麻籽油氧化对功能性成分影响均大于葡萄籽油。 相似文献
利用烘箱加速氧化试验,选取酸价和过氧化值两个指标作为评判标准,采用正交试验研究不同复合配比天然抗氧化剂与合成抗氧化剂组合对亚麻油稳定性及货架期的影响。结果表明,复合抗氧化剂的最佳配比为:0.04%迷迭香油+0.018%叔丁基对甲氧酚+0.018%没食子酸丙酯。通过对比碱炼前后亚麻油酸价的变化,发现当向4g亚麻油中添加0.6~0.7g的NaOH反应4h后,酸价降低约80%,对延长亚麻油货架期的效果较为显著。 相似文献
Adugna Wakjira Maryke T Labuschagne Arno Hugo 《Journal of the science of food and agriculture》2004,84(6):601-607
This study was undertaken to assess the variability in oil content, oil yield and fatty acid composition of 60 linseed cultivars and to identify suitable accessions for use in future breeding and development endeavours in Ethiopia. Mean oil contents ranged from 291 to 359 g kg?1, while oil yields varied between 1443 and 3276 g m?2. Exotic introductions, especially those from Canada such as CDC‐VG, had higher oil contents than the local cultivars. Thus the introduction of exotic materials should be given more emphasis through germplasm exchange programmes. Unsaturated fatty acids were the major components in the oils, varying significantly (P < 0.01) from 859 to 906 g kg?1, while minor saturated fatty acids were present at 84–119 g kg?1. The contents of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acids were 148–293, 109–161 and 470–591 g kg?1 respectively. Although accessions with variable linolenic acid contents were identified, this variability was insufficient to develop genotypes with less than 20 g kg?1 linolenic acid for cooking oil through conventional crossing and selection methods. Hence mutation techniques and the introduction of exotic lines should be regarded as alternative approaches to obtain linseed genotypes with low linolenic acid contents. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry 相似文献