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A total of 205 children were under observation (48 children aged 1.5-3 years in a Baby's Home--spring, 1987; 85 children aged 3-6 years in nurseries with 24-hour stay--spring, 1987; 77 children aged 3-6 years in a Children's Home--spring, 1989). As a result of nutrition reorganization in these institutions vitamin consumption increased due to a more rational selection of food products and the vitamin status of children improved. This was more expressed in vitamin excretion levels, than in the incidence rate of microsymptoms of vitamin deficiency. Additional vitaminization with multivitamin compounds is necessary to eliminate vitamin deficiency in preschool children of isolated institutions.  相似文献   

The European Union approach to assessing exposure to chemical migrants from plastic food-contact materials has been to assume an intake of 1 kg of food in contact with a particular material, per 60 kg person per day, which equates to 16.7 g kg?1 body weight. A food packaging surface area–food mass ratio of 6 dm2/1 kg is assumed, equivalent to 0.1 dm2 kg?1 of body weight. Children might be at increased risk to exposure from migrants as they have higher intakes of food per kg body weight compared with adults. In addition, much of the food marketed for/to children is in small portions and therefore the food-contact material area–food mass ratio is relatively high. To determine if, and how, the European Union model might be modified to ensure specific protection against chemical migration into food marketed for children, data on 4-day food intakes of 297 children aged 0–6 years were collected including information on pack size, pack type and food-contact material area–food mass ratio. The 297 children consumed a total of 1646 kg of food and drink (including tap water), of which 978 kg (59%) was packaged with 67% of this packaged in plastics. Mean intakes of food packaged in plastic ranged from 27 g kg?1 body weight (for the infants under 1 year) to 51 g kg?1 body weight (for the 1–4-year-olds). This was higher than the 16.7 g kg?1 body weight derived from the European Union convention. The mean area of packaging in contact with the food consumed daily per kg body weight were 0.65 dm2 kg?1 for the infants under 1 year, 0.81 dm2 kg?1 for the 1–4-year-olds, and 0.66 dm2 kg?1 for the 4–6-year-olds. All 297 children had intakes that exceeded 0.1 dm2 of packaging per kg of body weight assumption.  相似文献   

The dietary exposure of Finnish 3-year-old and 6-year-old children to cadmium, lead, arsenic and mercury was determined using concentration data from Finland and individual food consumption data as well as individual weights of the children. Using middle bound estimates, 88% of the 3-year-olds and 64% of the 6-year-olds exceeded the tolerable weekly intake of cadmium. The benchmark dose for neurological damage caused by lead was exceeded by 14% and 1%, while the lowest benchmark dose of inorganic arsenic was exceeded by 43% and 29% for the 3-year-olds and 6-year-olds, respectively. The exposure of both age groups was below the tolerable weekly intake for inorganic mercury and methyl mercury. Although high, the exposures calculated with predominantly national concentration data were lower than previously estimated by EFSA, due to, for example, lower average concentrations in some much-consumed foods. The heavy metal exposure levels of the girls and the boys were also compared. Exposure to cadmium and lead was significantly higher for the boys than for the girls in both age groups, and exposure to inorganic arsenic was significantly higher for the 6-year-old boys than the girls of same age.  相似文献   

The authors have estimated the influence of polyvitamin intake on mental and physical working capacity of schoolchildren beginning their study from 6 years. A total of 74 children were under observation. They were divided into 2 groups: control (30 children) who were not given vitamins, and the main group (44 children) who received Undevitum (1/2 capsule, 2 times/day) during 6 months of the winter-spring period. It was found that already after 3 months of vitamin intake children studying in kindergartens or at school demonstrated increased number of letters looked through, muscle strength, decreased number of mistakes after introduction of a differential component. At the same time no favourable changes were recorded in the control group who did not receive vitamins. Six months after the beginning of vitamin intake the number of letters looked through by the children in the main group was higher by 22-37% than in the control group, the muscle strength was higher by 37-40%, the fatigue limit--by 113-119%, while the latent period of visual-motor reactions was lower by 25-30%, and that of audio-motor reactions--by 12-14%, as compared to the control group.  相似文献   

Activity of lipid peroxidation and antioxidation activity was investigated in 33 children with endemic goiter in 13 children with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis bu the method of chemiluminescation of blood. The control group was consisted of 20 healthy children. Disbalance in the system "Lipid peroxidation-antioxidation activity" (LP-AOA) was revealed in 72% of children with endemic goiter and in 92% of children with chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Vegetable antioxidant "Neonivit" and vitamin "Aevit" were used to used to correct the changes LP-AOA system in children with endemic goiter. The effect was received in 70% of cases that allows recommending these antioxidants in the complex treatment of endemic goiter.  相似文献   

《Voprosy pitaniia》2007,76(4):65-67
The article presents data on excess body weight and obesity prevalence among Tajikistan women of reproductive age.  相似文献   

In the European Union (EU), many assumptions are employed to calculate the intake of migrating chemicals from food packaging. However, very little is known about the actual intake of packaged food, the type of this food and the type of packaging used for this food. The objective of the current study was to examine intakes of packaged food in children aged 5-12 years to provide information on the types of food that are packaged and the type of packaging used. To do this, a food-consumption database, which also recorded information on packaging, was merged with a packaging database, which provided information on the contact layers of packaging. Foods were classified into EU Food categories according to European Council Directive EC 85/575/EEC (European Council 1985), which determined their food type (i.e. aqueous, acidic, alcoholic and fatty). The mean daily intake of all packaged food was 1195 g day-1 with an upper intake of 1959 g day-1 (97.5th percentile); the intake of food packaged in plastic was 993 g day-1 with an upper percentile of 1692 g day-1 (97.5th percentile). The mean daily intake of fat from all packaged food was 62 g day-1, with an upper intake of 100 g day-1 (97.5th percentile). When this was investigated further, it was found that the mean fat intake from packaged 'fatty' foods only was 32 g day-1, with an upper intake of 61 g day-1 (97.5th percentile). The food that contributed most to fat intake was milk. As many food chemical intake assessments are moving towards probabilistic methods, probabilities of a food being packaged and the probability of the type of packaging used were determined. The probability of food being packaged was 0.88. Some foods not 100% packaged included fruit, vegetables, liquid beverages non-alcoholic (includes water) and bread. Probabilities were also derived for the packaging types used for food. It can be concluded that not all the individual assumptions used in the EU exposure assessment are conservative, but in combination they are conservative.  相似文献   

The influence of qualitatively different nutrition and additional vitaminization with varying doses of "Glutamevitum" on excretion with urine of vitamins B1, B2 PP and C, as well as the presence of microclinical symptoms of vitamin deficiency and psychophysiological parameters were studied in 120 children (6 groups, 20 subjects in each) who went to school at six years of age. The children received corrected nutrition and vitamins during 6 months of the winter-spring period. It was established that the nutrition corrected by selection of food products and additional vitaminization with optimal doses of vitamins (1/2 tablet of "Glutamevitum" added by vitamins C, P and A in a dose of 10, 30, 0.25 mg, respectively) significantly lowered fatigue as a result of psychoemotional and mental stress in children of 6 years of age studying at school, vitamin excretion with urine increased, microclinical symptoms of vitamin deficiency were appreciably lowered, the working capacity and attention as well as nervous-reflectory activity were significantly improved in the critical period of early studying.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Childhood obesity is a public health concern in Canada. Few published anthropometric data are available to indicate obesity prevalence in Canadian children. Obesity prevalence is reported for school-aged children in 11 London, Ontario, schools. METHODS: Data on body weight and height were obtained using standardized procedures. United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) body mass index (BMI)-for-age references and Cole's international BMI reference were used to classify the children's weight categories. RESULTS: The study included 1,570 pupils aged six to 13. The CDC BMI references categorized 16.6% and 11.8% of children as overweight and obese, respectively. In comparison, when the Cole BMI reference and cut-off points were used, 17.5% and 7.6% of children were classified as overweight and obese, respectively. CONCLUSION: Overweight is prevalent in the study population. Public health interventions are warranted to curb the obesity epidemic in school-aged children.  相似文献   

前言 本标准是在对1993年作为第一版发行的ISO 11540标准(Caps for writing and marking instruments intended for use by children up to 14 years of age-Safety repuirements)翻译的基础上,按照原国际标准的样式,制订成的日本工业标准.标准的名称定:"14岁以下儿童使用的书写和作记号用书写工具笔套的安全要求",并根据本国的实际情况,对标准中的一部分内容作了变动.  相似文献   

Children actual nutrition research in Novomoskovsk in different age groups 4-5, 9-10, 12-13 and 15-16 revealed the existence of the main food component shortage, nutrient and aminoacid disbalance, and also the reduction of the power value of the daily nutrition. Within the years the specific gravity of children with protein, fat and carbohydrate, shortage has the marked tendency towards the reduction, the specific gravity with the shortage of C, A, B2, B6, B12 vitamins and also with iron shortage among the girls has the tendency towards the increase.  相似文献   

This paper investigates price transmission between producer and retail prices of teff, wheat, and maize in Amhara and Oromia, the two major cereal markets in Ethiopia. Market and cereal specific asymmetric error correction models were estimated to analyze producer-retail price transmission using monthly data from 2001 to 2011. For seven out of eight crop-market combinations, with the exception of the Amhara wheat market, we found no evidence of asymmetric price transmission from producer to retail prices in the long run. Neither contemporaneous nor long-run price transmission asymmetry was found in either the Amhara or Oromia teff markets. This was also the case for the maize market except that there existed a short-run asymmetric price transmission that disappeared in the long run in Oromia. We therefore conclude that there is no strong empirical evidence to support the purported ‘market power’ or ‘inventory holding’ behaviour in the Ethiopian cereal markets to explain asymmetric vertical price transmission in the long run. The evidence of asymmetric price transmission for the Amhara wheat market, unlike the wheat market in Oromia, may indicate some differential in the quality of infrastructure and the length and complexity of wheat value chains between these two markets. Symmetric price adjustments in these cereal markets suggest that input price changes may have positive long run implications for food security and welfare of the poor in Ethiopia.  相似文献   

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