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Java实现Web报表打印功能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Web打印是Web应用的一个难题。提出了几种解决方案.并对其中利用Word及Acmbat实现报表打印的方式进行了详细的描述,提供了一种方便可行且功能相对强大的解决途径。  相似文献   

报表输出是各种软件应用系统的重要组成部分。本文基于iTextSharp解决个性化报表定制和打印这一技术难题,实现满足用户个性化需求的PDF报表。  相似文献   

数据库报表打印在开发 M I S系统中是不可缺少的,本文设计的数据库通用报表打印子系统( D B C R P),利用 U C D O S系统中的打印功能,将 W P S或其它的文本格式的表格文件与相关数据库联系起来,自动填充相关数据,形成各种查询结果的报表输出,不仅解决了数据与报表结构、数据与代码的分离问题,而且还可由用户随时更改表格式样,并能自动匹配数据类型、数据长度,自动完成数据的转行和零值处理。  相似文献   

阐述了在文档型数据库LotusNotes中利用Components实现报表生成与打印的方法,并通过实例介绍如何在Notes中生成电子表格Lotus SpreadsheetComponent和插图LotusChartComponent。  相似文献   

VB实现所见即所得的报表打印一例   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对利用VB实现报表打印的几种方法的概要分析,本文提供了一种VB环境下完全意义上的所即所得打印功能的实现方法。  相似文献   

介绍了开源的iText组件的主要功能,实际项目开发中在比较了浏览器中各种WEB打印方法后,选择了基于iText的PDF报表设计方法,给出了基于iText创建和生成PDF报表的开发环境、开发过程,并给出了完整实例  相似文献   

邓军 《微机发展》2002,12(4):34-37
介绍了利用VB6.0来实现数据库表的数据打印和预览功能的设计思想和方法,并在实际应用中实现了一种界面友好、交互的、通用的以及具有类似于Word的打印预览功能和打印预览模块。  相似文献   

目前有相当数量的计算机用户已选用UNIX/XENIX操作系统支持FOXBASE开发管理软件,由于UNIX/XENIX操作系统与DOS操作系统不同,特别是与终端相连的打印机不能直接输出有关报表内容,即不能实现终端打印,给广大用户带来诸多不便,且造成计算机资源的很大浪费。我们在实践中,通过以下办法实现了终端打印问题。方法一UNIX/XENIX多用户多任务操作系统中创建了“管道”(ripe)的概念(即一个程序的输出为另外一个程序的输入),通过管道的原理可以实现终端打印。假设第一个程序为用户的报表输出程序,后一个程序为其它高级语…  相似文献   

本文介绍了在用VB5.0开发的管理信息系统中,使用Data和Dbgrid控件以及Print,Line秘Celltext等方法实现表格的预览和打印的相关技术和方法。  相似文献   

使用Java扩展Matlab   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了能结合Java和Matlab两者的优点,构造功能更加强大的科学计算环境,对使用Java语言扩展Matlab主开发环境自身功能的关键技术进行了研究.首先介绍了使用Java扩展Matlab的基本方法,在此基础上结合项目实践中对复杂图形用户接口的需要,提出了一种在Java对象中通过Matlab接口对象访问当前Matlab会话的方法.给出了两个短小完整实例,可用于进一步扩展与重用.  相似文献   

With the advent of object‐oriented languages and the portability of Java, the development and use of class libraries has become widespread. Effective class reuse depends on class reliability which in turn depends on thorough testing. This paper describes a class testing approach based on modeling each test case with a tuple and then generating large numbers of tuples to thoroughly cover an input space with many interesting combinations of values. The testing approach is supported by the Roast framework for the testing of Java classes. Roast provides automated tuple generation based on boundary values, unit operations that support driver standardization, and test case templates used for code generation. Roast produces thorough, compact test drivers with low development and maintenance cost. The framework and tool support are illustrated on a number of non‐trivial classes, including a graphical user interface policy manager. Quantitative results are presented to substantiate the practicality and effectiveness of the approach. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Project Bayanihan is developing the idea of volunteer computing, which seeks to enable people to form very large parallel computing networks very quickly by using ubiquitous and easy-to-use technologies such as web browsers and Java. By utilizing Java’s object-oriented features, we have built a flexible software framework that makes it easy for programmers to write different volunteer computing applications, while allowing researchers to study and develop the underlying mechanisms behind them. In this paper, we show how we have used this framework to write master-worker style applications, and to develop approaches to the problems of programming interface, adaptive parallelism, fault-tolerance, computational security, scalability, and user interface design.  相似文献   

This paper proposes the development of a dynamic‐reconfigurable protocol stack, which allows the programmer to create, to remove, and to replace protocol modules during their operation. Moreover, this protocol stack also aims to preserve the module state, such as the data structures that manage the existing connections. To achieve these goals, a Java‐based component framework is developed so that the programmers are able to implement their components under the proposed framework. This framework can dynamically reconfigure the components at a safe period and can help the components transfer their states, and the dynamic reconfiguration is transparent to the user application running on top of the stack. To demonstrate the component framework, a TCP component is implemented. While maintaining active connections for the user application, the TCP component is able to be dynamically replaced by another version. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

利用JNI实现企业Java程序与传统应用程序的集成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了JNI的基本概念,就JNI能做什么、如何将JNI技术应用到实际开发中等人们关心的主要问题做出了回答。另外,结合具体实例说明了使用JNI的基本步骤以及JNI技术在J2EE中的应用、常见问题、可能的原因以及解决办法。  相似文献   

本文简要分析了高校学生在Java语言数据类型学习时出现的问题,重点则对Java语言中会出现的各种数据类型进行了恰当分类,并对数据转换进行了细致、全面的探讨。  相似文献   

用Java实现分布式图书馆书目信息查询   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
让分布在不同地区的图书书目信息库通过WWW进行数据交换和查询在图书馆界已成为一种趋势而且也是极有意义的事。通过利用开放源码的Jzkit工具包,开发了基于Z39.50的分布式图书馆书目信息查询的应用,使异构的图书馆书目信息查询集成到同一个界面。  相似文献   

Highly distributed networks have now become a common infrastructure for wide‐area distributed applications whose key design principle is network awareness, namely the ability to deal with dynamic changes of the network environment. Network‐aware computing has called for new programming languages that exploit the mobility paradigm as a basic interaction mechanism. In this paper we present the architecture of KLAVA , an experimental Java package for distributed applications and code mobility. We describe how KLAVA permits code mobility by relying on Java and present a few distributed applications that exploit mobile code programmed in KLAVA . Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

1IntroductionOverthepastfewyears,constructingapplicationsbyassemblingreusablesoftwarecom-poneatshasemergedaswidelyacceptedmethodology,bywhichsomesimplecomponentsaregluedtogetherintomoresophisticatedcomponents.Componentsaretheunitsofap-plicationsoftwareortheappletsthatcouldbeembeddedintocompounddocuments.Theycouldbespecifiedandimplementedconvenielltlycompliedwithsomecomponentstandards,suchasJavaBeaus[1],COBRA/OpenDoc,COM/ActiveX,etc.DifferentstandardsprovidedifferentarchitecturesandtheAP…  相似文献   

基于Web数据库动态访问技术的Java实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对基于Browser/Server模式下的Intranet网的几种Web动态访问技术进行了分析,讨论了这几种技术的优缺点,详细论述了JavaServlet、Java、Applet与JDBC相结合的技术,并就这一方案进行了改进,使用了一我层体系工将将其应用实际的Intranet的Web开发实践中去。  相似文献   

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