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Based on the prediction made by the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA),China aims to double its annual natural gas output to 160 billion cubic meters by 2015,and produce about 6 billion tons of oil in the next 30 years,or 200 million tons a year.  相似文献   

Zhenhai Refining & Chemical plans to boost July crudethroughput by at least 5 percent from June due to expectationsof a rise in domestic demand, an industry official said onJune 24. The forecast July level could match the refinery'sApril throughput at 1.06 million tons, the highest so far in2003, an official close to the refinery's operations said, adding"China could see a big rise in demand from domestic travelsnext month especially after Beijing was dropped off the travelwarning Iist." Zhenhai's June crude runs were estimated at 1 milliontons, the official said. Zhenhai has a refining capacity of 16million ton per year, or 328,800 barrels per day. The officialsaid one major recovery in demand could come from jetfuel,as more people take flights especially from July as Chineseschool holidays start. Zhenhai's jet fuel sales in July areestimated to be closer to a normal level of 90,000 tons.  相似文献   

Russian President Putin arrived in Beijing on December 1 for a state visit to China. Before his departure from Moscow, President Putin said Russia and China should focus their cooperation on the economic areas including the energy and military technological fields. The agreement on oil transmission to China from Russia will be soon finalized because the long-term energy cooperation is in the interests of both sides. The annual oil transmission volume will be 20 million tons in 2005 and boosted to 30 million tons by 2010. China will import more than 700 million tons of crude oil from Russia within 25 years.  相似文献   

Based on the latest information made available from China Petroleum and Chemical Association, China produced 91.664 million tons of crude oil in the first 6 months of the year, a rise of 2.1 percent on the corresponding period last year. The output of refined oil products was 84.822 million tons, up 5.6 percent year on year.  相似文献   

China's new ethylene facilities with a total capacity of 2.3 million tons per year will be put into operation by the end of 2005. As a result, the demand growth for naphtha is estimated to be 7.2 million tons in this period of time, outpacing the domestic production growth. China is expected to be become a net naphtha importer in 2005.  相似文献   

China has outpaced Japan to become the second largest oil consuming country in the world, chief economic analyst of BP Davis said when he recently briefed about the annual global energy statistics.China‘s oil demand rose 15.8 percent to 5.36 million barrels per day in 2002, exceeding the daily oil  相似文献   

The author used two common methods in this industry, i. e. the "Consumption Coefficient Method" and the "Elasticity Coefficient Trend Method", to forecast the refined oil product demand in 2010. Through analyzing and comparing the two forecast results, it is projected that the demand for finished product oils in 2010 will be in the range of 220 to 240 million tons a year. In addition, out of concern about the total oil products consumption to exceed 600 million tons/year in 2020, the author puts forward suggestions and measures aimed at conservation of oil products and application of alternative fuels.  相似文献   

It is estimated that in the coming years,the rate of consumption of oil products in China will increase at an energy-saving,environmentally-friendly,and slow pace.However,the increasing speed of the demand may vary according to the types of the products:gasoline and kerosene may be needed more while diesel may be needed less.It is also estimated that before 2020,there will be an oil products glut in the country.Export of oil products,especially diesel,will become a new norm or trend.Alternative energy forms,such as natural gas and electricity,will be developed rapidly to attain a goal of replacing 130 million tons of oil in 2030.Even with a more conservative scenario,oil demand in China is estimated to peak at either about 810 million tons or even less at 680 million tons by 2030 if the effect of alternative energy is considered  相似文献   

春来花铺锦,雨过绿茵浓。一年一度的工作会议,既是各大石油石化公司的年度工作总结会,也是工作部署会,更像是一次向发展目标进军的誓师会。我国各大石油石化公司的年度工作会议主题报告,都是企业发展历程中重要节点的真实记录。当本刊记者认真研读中国石油、中国石化、中国海油、延长石油的2012工作会议报告和讲话时,  相似文献   

世界润滑油需求预计将以每年2.3%的速度增长,到2010年达到4180万t。发动机用油将继续占全部润滑油需求的半壁江山,份额为48%。美国、欧洲和日本引领了发动机油新技术发展潮流,对我国发动机油产生较大影响。文章主要介绍了美国、欧洲、日本以及中国汽车发动机油市场特点及发展趋势。  相似文献   

2011年,预计中国国内石油需求增速有所下降,全年石油需求量为4.85亿t,原油新增一次加工能力将达到2450万t/a。天然气消费量有望达到1500亿m^2,天然气产量将接近1100亿~1300亿m^2。2011年,中国将继续加强国内油气资源勘探开发,同时继续支持和鼓励企业海外跨国并购,以获得持续稳定的资源保障;通过加快地区输气管网建设,改善城乡居民用能结构,扩大天然气消费区域;此外,中国政府还将深化油气价格改革。  相似文献   

陈淳  杨文中 《润滑油》2012,27(6):7-10
文章对世界范围内的环烷基润滑油生产商及其生产能力进行了介绍,对国内环烷基润滑油的消费领域、消费构成、消费总量及主要生产商进行了分析,同时还对未来环烷基润滑油的市场需求进行了预测。环烷基润滑油约占我国润滑油消费总量的16%,其主导产品为橡胶油和变压器油,分别占环烷基润滑油总消费的40%和27%,2010年我国环烷基基础油产量在100万t左右,预计2015年总需求量将达到140万t左右。  相似文献   

中国是世界上油气资源比较丰富的国家之一,已累计探明石油地质储量188亿吨,天然气探明地质储量1.62万亿立方米,1997年我国石油产量达16034万吨。预计到2000年我国的石油需求达到205-2.47亿吨,到2010年石油需求将达到2.93-4.68亿吨,届时我国石油产量预计为1.9-2.7亿吨。因此,在加快国内油气勘探开发的同时,应适当利用外国资源加大跨国勘探开发的力度,分享世界油气资源。同时要切实推行油气并举和开发、节约并重的方针,使我国的能源消费结构更趋合理,走资源节约型、效益型的可持续发展之路。  相似文献   

1991年以来我国石油消费快速增长,必须通过各种措施,尽最大努力把2020年石油消费量控制在4.5×108t以内。国内石油必须长期持续稳定生产,预计到2010年我国原油年产量将进入高峰期,达到约1.8×108t,维持到2020年是比较有把握的,如果新区有较大的发现,也可增加至2×108t。近年来,天然气工业发展迅猛,预计到2010年和2020年,天然气年产量将分别达到800×108m3和1200×108m3,加上进口的管道气和液化天然气,可以逐步改善能源结构。要实现这三大目标,保障油气资源可持续发展,就应该大力发展科学技术。  相似文献   

To boost its annual sales in China by 20 percent this year and in coming years, top US chemical maker Dow is reportedly in talks with unspecified Chinese partners to build a US$3 billion plant in China to tap feverish demand. The complex would be able to produce over 1 million tons a year of ethylene - the building block for most chemicals - and would be the country's second-largest when completed.  相似文献   

2005 objectives of CNPC China National Petroleum Corporation (CNPC), the parent company of PetroChina, has set the 2005 business objectives to bring up the annual additional oil and gas recoverable reserves to 220 million tons of oil equivalent,pump 161 million tons ofoil and gas in total, and raise the domestic crude processing volume to 120 million tons in the year ahead. At the five-day annual work conference closing on January 19 in Beijing, CNPC further clarified its goal to build itself into a powerful multinational integrated energy enterprise with the international competitiveness.  相似文献   

China and Russia signed a deal in Beijing on February 17,2009 to lend US$25 billion to two Russian oil firms,which in turn will sell 15 million tons of crude oil a year to China for the next 20 years.  相似文献   

China is accelerating the build-up of its oil reserves to avoid the economic dislocations the country suffered in 2008 from fluctuations in the world oil price.China will,in addition to the current four strategic petroleum reserve bases,build eight new ones by 2011.The program will increase China's strategic crude reserve capacity to 44.6 million cubic meters,or 281 million barrels.The country will also increase its oil products reserve to 10 million tons by 2011."China's attentiveness to its oil reserve capacity has grown in tandem with its rising dependence on imported oil," said Pan Jiahua,an expert with the Chinese petroleum society.  相似文献   

<正>China’s petrochemical industry will show better performance in the year of 2010, Feng Shili, deputy secretary general with the China Petroleum and Chemical Industry Association (CPCIA), recently told China’s news  相似文献   

China, the world's second-largest oil consumer, has managed to set a new full-year record for fuel oil imports in just 10 months, a clear sign of its appetite for refined oil products will continue unabated next year. According to data issued in late-November by China's General Administration of Customs, the country imported 2.1 million metric tons of fuel oil in October, up 26 percent from the same month last year, bringing total imports in the first 10 months to 24.76million tons.  相似文献   

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