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曾经有人这样说过,女人的属相不在十二生肖之内,只在红尘中,流转在轮回里。女人用她们的柔情与爱,刻画了她们独一无二的柔性属相——似水的纯美柔情;如画的知性柔情;似花的娇媚柔情;如茶的茗香柔情……她们在天使与魔鬼间徘徊,在刚与柔的交织中游刃、变幻、炫动,惊艳自己,感动世人!  相似文献   

继“懂得·爱”系列对戒精品推出后,深圳市艺星珠宝有限公司(下称艺星珠宝)又一次专为男士倾情演绎了“懂得·爱”精品男戒系列,从男人的视角解读生活中的优雅格调,品味质量人生。 “懂得·爱”精品男戒系列男戒沿袭艺星珠宝关注人文的理念,设计师从男戒内侧的纹路入手,设计更适合手指佩戴的凹陷。  相似文献   

姜文 《中国宝玉石》2013,(2):118-119
红宅热情,蓝絮清邃,祖母绿明朗,作为灿烂春光中几缕明媚的存在,彩宝用独特的色彩,细细吐露春的芬芳,带来更多活力和希望。 2013年3月,艺罐珠宝展厅大量缅甸红宝石、伊斯兰卡蓝宝石、祖母绿宝石等精品现货璀璨上市,栩栩如飞孔雀屏,缤纷盛放花朵,蓬勃向上藤蔓……展示着宝石的灿烂魅力,不禁让人眼前一亮,心情为之舒适畅快。  相似文献   

姜文 《中国宝玉石》2011,(6):100-103
"一定会有这么一个人,当你想起TA时,心里就会掠过浮云般的温柔。其实,那个人早已经于生命中的某一个维度存在,只为等待命中注定的相遇、相爱与相守"。  相似文献   

正时尚,是绚烂的,是年轻的,是勇于表达自我的;时尚,是耀眼的,是夺目的,是无形中散发正能量的;时尚,是前沿的,是潮流的,是能引领人走上新生的……艺星珠宝硬足金全品类镶嵌首饰,开启新黄金时代的时尚潮流新典范。——题记在积极向上的人心里,生活是眼中的璀璨光华,有着赤橙黄绿青蓝紫的斑斓,也有着冷暖自知的恬淡。艺星珠宝硬·风尚系列精品硬足金全品类镶嵌首饰系列,汇聚色彩,点亮生活,与时尚潮流同步,让生命更加饱满。多彩人生与爱同行我喜欢热烈的红色,有执着梦想激扬奋斗的豪情;我也喜欢高贵的紫色,有向往浪漫和神秘的好奇;我还喜欢葱郁的绿色,  相似文献   

<正>时尚,是绚烂的,是年轻的,是勇于表达自我的;时尚,是耀眼的,是夺目的,是无形中散发正能量的;时尚,是前沿的,是潮流的,是能引领人走上新生的……艺星珠宝硬足金全品类镶嵌首饰,开启新黄金时代的时尚潮流新典范。——题记在积极向上的人心里,生活是眼中的璀璨光华,有着赤橙黄绿青蓝紫的斑斓,也有着冷暖自知的恬淡。艺星珠宝硬·风尚系列精品硬足金全品类镶嵌首饰系列,汇聚色彩,点亮生活,与时尚潮流同步,让生命更加饱满。  相似文献   

正未来,会是什么样子的?是独属于自己的挥斥方遒,还是从此沉寂,默默一生?艺星珠宝"睿仕"经典男戒系列以其经典、独特的造型元素邀您见证"品味优雅,智慧人生"的豪情与优雅,零距离感受现代时尚先锋男性的别样魅力。  相似文献   

姜文 《中国宝玉石》2011,(6):102-103
——你爱我吗?——我爱你。——有多爱?——十分爱……一份简洁纯粹的爱恋,一缕相依相知的情思,一个怦然心动的瞬间……月老的红绳使原本甚至不相识的两人情愫暗生,然后立志携手共度余生,创造属于他们自己的小幸福。在节奏感快速的现代社会,对于为梦想奔忙的小情侣们来说,  相似文献   

郭哲 《中国宝玉石》2012,(Z1):84-85
四季轻语 轻轻的,你来了,邂逅在春日的阳光里,为我捎来了一束鲜花. 轻轻的,你来了,奔跑在夏日的海滩上,为我绽放着爱的热情. 轻轻的,你来了,漫步在秋日的斜阳中,为我谱写惬意的未来. 轻轻的,你来了,踩踏在冬日的雪地上,为我收集漫天的雪花. 那轻轻的脚步,原来是你穿过四季来到我的身旁;那甜蜜的问候,原来是你轻轻地在我耳边诉说.我等待已久,从未如此坚定,原来你就是我一直寻觅的那个人. 人生总会在不经意间邂逅早已注定的缘分,匆匆擦肩而过却依然记忆清晰.距离在微妙间发出了爱的信号,也许是一个转身,也许是一个微笑,也许是一次善意的碰撞.顷刻间,你我已被彼此吸引,深深陷入这场邂逅,一生难忘.从此,我们开始了一段满载浪漫耳语旅程,在心底守护彼此.  相似文献   

SUMMARY— During the aging of fiber pieces prepared from bovine sternomandibularis muscles, a loss of adhesion occurs between adjacent myofibrils. This is evidenced by increased readiness of fiber pieces to distintegrate into individual myofibrils during a period of standard disruption. Alterations also appear within the myofibrils themselves in the regions of the Z lines, sometimes leading to the apparent dissolution of this structure. Ethylenediamine tetraacetate present in the suspensions during storage not only prevents these changes, but also preserves the refractory character of the fiber pieces. Meat aging is considered therefore to be due to disruption and possible dissolution of Z-line material, leading to a weakening of inter-myofibrillar linkages probably located at the junctions of adjacent Z lines, and to loss of tensile strength of the myofibrils themselves.  相似文献   

肉的色泽与嫩度   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:8  
综述了肉的色泽、嫩度在贮藏过程中发生的变化及其对消费者购买倾向和产品烹调后满足感的影响.  相似文献   

Considerations for Beef Tenderness Evaluations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY: Data collected from 690 beef rib steaks were utilized to evaluate the methodology of beef tenderness measurements. The information obtained in this study was critically compared to existing research and evaluated in relation to sample handling procedures. Frozen storage of steaks, especially if they are unprotected from dehydration or are stored for long periods of time, has important implications if such data are to be compared to steaks which were evaluated in the unfrozen state. Cooking frozen steaks with or without thawing apparently has little effect on tenderness or cooking loss. Anatomical location of the sample should be carefully controlled to prevent spurious differences from affecting tenderness measurements. Evidence indicates that a tenderness gradient exists over the cross-section of the I. dorsi and suggests that core samples should be taken from as many and as varied positions as is feasible for existing research conditions. The use of marbling score as an indicator of the tenderness of beef rib steaks resulted in the explanation of 28 percent of the variation in average shear force requirements. The shear force value of the diaphragm muscle was only moderately related (r = 0.40) to that of the I. dorsi. Cooking loss percentages were significantly increased as a result of freezing at–34°C and storage of steaks unwrapped at −23°C when compared to unfrozen steaks and by selecting I. dorsi samples from more anterior locations in the wholesale rib.  相似文献   

Studies in Meat Tenderness.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
SUMMARY— The tenderness of lamb loin is affected greatly by the time-temperature pattern imposed on the dressed carcazs during the onset of rigor mortis. Very significant toughness develops in the longissimus dorsi muscles of carcasses exposed to low temperatures within about 16 hr of slaughter. This "processing toughness" is shown to be unrelated to the lack of aging. It appears to be due to muscle fiber shortening, earlier demonstrated to be responsible for massive toughening in excised muscles. Both cold shortening and thaw shortening are capable of toughness production, the latter type becoming prominent when meat, previously frozen before rigor completion, is cooked without a preliminary thawing.  相似文献   

Left sides of 75 steers were electrically stimulated (ES) and right sides were nonstimulated controls (NES). NES sides had the highest pH, lowest temperature, were slower-metabolizing (lower R values), and produced steaks that had the least desirable sensory ratings compared to ES sides. Carcass weight, fat thickness, temperature and pH accounted for 31, 32, 34 and 16% of the variation, respectively, in overall tenderness ratings for steaks from NES sides and accounted for 0, 0, 0 and 7% of the variation, respectively, for steaks from ES sides. R values accounted for 28 and 32% of the variation in overall tenderness ratings of steaks derived from NES and ES sides, respectively. Thus, metabolic rate (R value) is a good indicator of postmortem tenderness.  相似文献   

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