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Understanding temporal trophic interactions in riverine food webs is essential for predicting river ecosystem function and improving management of these ecosystems. Temporal changes in energy flows through riverine food webs are readily assumed but are rarely tested. Temporal variability in food webs from two reaches of a lowland river (Ovens River, south‐eastern Australia) with differing levels of floodplain connectivity were examined over 12 months. We investigated how seasonal changes, flow variability and floodplain connectivity influence (i) stable isotope signatures of basal organic carbon sources (terrestrial sources: trees and grasses; aquatic sources: seston, biofilm and filamentous algae) and consumers (macroinvertebrates and fish) and (ii) the relative proportions of organic carbon sources contributing to consumer biomass using mixing models. We hypothesized (i) that during high flows, increased floodplain connectivity would increase the lateral exchange of terrestrial carbon subsidies to main channel consumers and (ii) that during low flow periods, main channel consumers would derive the majority of their carbon from aquatic benthic sources. Results indicated that isotope signatures for basal sources and for most of the consumers varied temporally and spatially. Mixing models indicated that increased floodplain connectivity did not increase terrestrial subsidies to consumers during high flows. Seston was the primary source during high flows whilst terrestrial vegetation increased in importance during low flows. Filamentous algae was also important during low flows for some consumers. These findings indicate that it is essential to include temporal variability in order to understand energy flows in lowland rivers, thus allowing for the dynamic nature of these ecosystems. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The rehabilitation of lowland rivers subjected to channelization and artificial levee construction should attempt to improve habitat heterogeneity and diversity of floodplain hydrological connectivity. However, rehabilitation efforts rarely consider the importance of variable lateral hydrological connectivity between floodplain waterbodies and main river channels (ranging from those permanently connected to those temporarily connected during river level rises), instead focusing on increasing individual floodplain waterbody connectivity. This study investigated the young‐of‐the‐year (YoY) fish communities in 10 artificial floodplain waterbodies of variable hydrological connectivity with the river Trent, England, between May and November 2006, inclusive. Floodplain waterbody connectivity to the main river was positively correlated with the number of species captured (alpha diversity), Shannon–Wiener diversity, Margalef's species richness index and the relative abundance of rheophilic species and negatively correlated with species turnover (beta diversity). YoY fish communities in poorly connected water bodies were most dissimilar to riverine communities. The results demonstrate the importance of variable lateral connectivity between artificial floodplain waterbodies and main river channels when rehabilitating lowland river fish communities. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In large European rivers the chemical water quality has improved markedly in recent decades, yet the recovery of the fish fauna is not proceeding accordingly. Important causes are the loss of habitats in the main river channels and their floodplains, and the diminished hydrological connectivity between them. In this study we investigate how river regulation has affected fish community structure in floodplain waterbodies of the rivers Rhône (France), Danube (Austria), Rhine and Meuse (The Netherlands). A typology of natural and man‐made aquatic habitats was constructed based on geomorphology, inundation frequency and ecological connectivity, along the transversal river–floodplain gradient, i.e. perpendicular to the main stream of the river. Fish species were classified in ecological guilds based on their flow preference, reproduction ecology and diet, and their status on national red lists was used to analyse the present state of the guilds and habitats. Ecological fish guilds appear to be good indicators of ecological integrity and functioning of river–floodplain systems. A transversal successional gradient in fish community structure that bears some resemblance to the gradient found in natural rivers can still be discerned in heavily regulated rivers. It resembles the longitudinal river gradient; even some predictions of the River Continuum Concept are applicable. Overall, richness and diversity of species and ecological guilds decrease with decreasing hydrological connectivity of floodplain waterbodies. Anthropogenic disturbances have affected fish species unevenly: guilds of specialized species that are highly adapted to specifically riverine conditions have declined far more than generalist species. Fish habitats in the main and secondary channels have suffered most from regulation and contain the highest percentage of threatened species. Rheophilic fishes have become rare because their lotic reproductive habitats are severely degraded, fragmented, absent or unreachable. Limnophilic fishes have become rare too, mainly as a result of eutrophication. Eurytopic fishes have become dominant everywhere. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The identification of the dominant sources of carbon supporting consumer biomass in aquatic food webs is often difficult but essential to understanding the limits to aquatic secondary production. Stable isotope analysis (SIA) is a powerful tool to estimate the contribution of different sources to consumers, but most food web studies using this approach limit analyses to a few key consumer taxa rather than measuring biomass‐weighted contribution of sources to the entire community. Here we combined stable isotope analysis with standardized measurements of abundance and biomass of fishes and invertebrates in seven waterholes of a wet–dry tropical river sampled early and late in the dry season. We showed that periphyton (as opposed to phytoplankton and terrestrial C3 plant detritus) was responsible for most standing fish biomass (range 42%–97%), whereas benthic invertebrates were reliant on a mixture of the three sources (range 26%–100%). Furthermore, larger, older fishes at high trophic levels (catfish Neoarius spp., sleepy cod Oxyeleotris lineaolatus and barramundi Lates calcarifer) were supported almost exclusively by periphyton. Phytoplankton and detritus supported a considerable biomass of benthic and pelagic invertebrates, but only in taxa that occupied low trophic levels (e.g. snails). These measurements provide further evidence that although periphyton is relatively inconspicuous relative to other sources, it contributes disproportionately to metazoan biomass in wet–dry tropical rivers. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Habitat modifications, non‐native species and other anthropogenic impacts have restructured fish communities in lotic ecosystems of central Mexico. Conservation of native fishes requires understanding of food web changes resulting from the introduction of non‐native species, flow alteration and other human impacts. Using δ13C and δ15N analysis of fishes and invertebrates we investigated the effects of non‐native species, and reservoirs on food webs of the Laja river ecosystem (Guanajuato, central Mexico). We estimated trophic position (TP), relative trophic niche and food web dispersion at 11 reservoir, river and tailwater sites. Reservoirs and non‐native fishes modified food webs in the Laja. Food web dispersion was greater in reservoir than in tailwater and river sites. Reservoir food webs had the greatest range of δ13C values, indicating a more diverse resource base compared to rivers. δ13C values increased with distance downstream from reservoirs, suggesting declining subsidies of river food webs by reservoir productivity. Stable isotopes revealed potential effects of non‐native fishes on native fishes via predation or competition. Non‐native Micropterus salmoides were top predators in the system. Non‐natives Cyprinus carpio, Oreochromis mossambicus and Carassius auratus exhibited lowest TP in the Laja but overlapped significantly with most native species, indicating potential for resource competition. Native Chirostoma jordani was the only species with a significantly different trophic niche from all other fish. Many rivers in central Mexico share similar anthropogenic impacts and similar biotas, such that food web patterns described here are likely indicative of other river systems in central Mexico. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Deepwater sculpin Myoxocephalus thompsonii are an important component of Great Lake's offshore benthic food webs. Recent declines in deepwater sculpin abundance and changes in bathymetric distribution may be associated with changes in the deepwater food web of Lake Huron, particularly, decreased abundance of benthic invertebrates such as Diporeia. To assess how deepwater sculpins have responded to recent changes, we examined a fifteen-year time series of spatial and temporal patterns in abundance as well as the diets of fish collected in bottom trawls during fall of 2003, 2004, and 2005. During 1992–2007, deepwater sculpin abundance declined on a lake-wide scale but the decline in abundance at shallower depths and in the southern portion of Lake Huron was more pronounced. Of the 534 fish examined for diet analysis, 97% had food in the stomach. Mysis, Diporeia, and Chironomidae were consumed frequently, while sphaerid clams, ostracods, fish eggs, and small fish were found in only low numbers. We found an inverse relationship between prevalence of Mysis and Diporeia in diets that reflected geographic and temporal trends in abundance of these invertebrates in Lake Huron. Because deepwater sculpins are an important trophic link in offshore benthic food webs, declines in population abundance and changes in distribution may cascade throughout the food web and impede fish community restoration goals.  相似文献   

The ability for individuals to adapt to local food sources likely allows for regional persistence of aquatic populations. In the Laurentian Great Lakes, invasive species and changing physical conditions have vastly altered local and regional food webs, leading to the potential for variation in energy flow up to large predators. To assess the potential that prey fish condition varies spatially, we examined patterns in proportion dry weight of prey fishes collected from Lake Michigan nearshore areas (<16 m) in 2010 and 2011. Absolute pairwise differences in dry weight of fishes were as high as 9% between some of our sampling sites, but sites exhibiting relatively high or low values were patchily spread across the lake. The range of proportion dry weight values observed in our study do encompass previously-reported mean values; however, the values reported in our study are slightly lower than those previously reported for Lake Michigan. In contrast to previous studies, our analyses do not suggest that variation in prey fish condition exhibits a consistent spatial pattern around nearshore Lake Michigan, and high within-site variation of prey fish condition prevents strong conclusions about specific sites providing generally more (or less) energy-rich prey to predators.  相似文献   

The food webs for three Sri Lankan reservoirs, Minneriya (ancient and shallow), Udawalawe (young and shallow) and Victoria (young and deep), were compared. The species richness of the fish communities was highest in Minneriya (30 species), intermediate in Udawalawe (21 species) and lowest in Victoria (18 species). The fish species belonged to 11 families, with Cyprinidae dominating the community in terms of both abundance and species richness. The daily quantity of food consumed per fish species was used to distinguish weak from strong trophic interactions in these food webs. The fish community consumption pattern was characterized by a few strong interactions and many weak ones. The number of major consumers (i.e. contributing >5% of the total fish community consumption) for each reservoir was small and similar for all three reservoirs. Dawkinsia singhala and Amblypharyngodon melettinus were the two major consumers in all three reservoir food webs. Puntius chola was a major consumer in Minneriya and Victoria, although not in Udawalawe, where it fed less on detritus than for the other two food webs. The fish community fed mainly at the bottom of the food web, primarily on algae, macrophytes and detritus in all three reservoirs, with very little piscivory occurring. The average food‐web length was measured as the mean trophic index weighted for the consumption rates of the various fish populations that together comprised the fish community. The average food‐web length in these three Sri Lankan reservoirs relatively short, compared with most other tropical lake/reservoir food webs in Asia and Africa for which relevant data were available. Furthermore, traditionally unexploited species (Oreochromis mossambicus; O. niloticus), in contrast to species of commercial fisheries interest, are major role players in the trophic dynamics of reservoir ecosystems. Thus, based on this study, the potential of their exploitation should be considered in the management of reservoir fisheries.  相似文献   

Connectivity throughout large riverine networks is often compromised by lock and dam (L/D) structures designed to facilitate year‐round navigation. The resultant interruption of flow inhibits free passage of aquatic biota potentially isolating mainstem and tributary communities. Our objectives were (i) to evaluate the impact of a series of navigational L/D structures on two targeted fish assemblages (TFAs): large‐bodied (>250 mm total length) pelagic and benthic (darter) communities and (ii) to examine patterns of tributary and mainstem connectivity. We systematically captured fishes utilizing gillnets, benthic trawls and backpack electrofishers from an impounded and a free‐flowing reach extending over 203 km of the Allegheny River in Pennsylvania. Species richness among the large‐bodied targeted fish assemblage was distributed somewhat evenly throughout each pool, peaking near dams and in an undredged pool. Depauperate darter assemblages of low species richness characterized most of the navigable reach with diversity and abundance concentrated in L/D tailrace areas. By contrast, darter communities inhabiting the free‐flowing reach were more diverse, abundant and evenly distributed, indicating the influence of uninterrupted connectivity. Community similarity at mainstem/tributary junctions increased with increasing tributary size with 50% of the mainstem species complement also inhabiting the largest tributary. This study underscores the importance of dams as barriers to ichthyofaunal connectivity, particularly to those benthic fishes which are relatively immobile and habitat specific, and the importance of mainstem/tributary junctions as avenues of riverine connectivity. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Since the arrival of the invasive quagga mussels Dreissena rostriformis bugensis in Lake Constance, significant changes in the zooplankton and benthic invertebrate community were observed. Five years later the quagga mussel has become the dominating species of the benthic community. Its effects on other components of the food web, especially those at higher trophic levels such as fish, remain unclear around the world. To evaluate the actual impact of quaggas on the local food web of Lake Constance, the stable isotope compositions of pelagic whitefish and different benthic fish species from before and after the quagga invasion were compared. A significant increase in δ13C was detected in pelagic whitefish one year after the establishment of the quagga mussel in the lake. This change was most likely the consequence of an increase in benthic-derived nearshore primary production and a shift towards more littoral feeding, than a change in dietary composition. Stomach content analysis of contemporary samples revealed that pelagic whitefish (Coregonus wartmanni) still feed exclusively on pelagic zooplankton. In contrast, benthic whitefish (Coregonus macrophthalmus), roach (Rutilus rutilus) and tench (Tinca tinca) show today high levels of quagga consumption. However, this behaviour alone could not explain the observed differences in δ15N from periods before and after the quagga invasion. The results suggest that energy sources and pathways have changed considerably for both pelagic and benthic dwelling fish species in Lake Constance following the establishment of quaggas.  相似文献   

Energy and resource fluxes between terrestrial and aquatic habitats of river flood plains can have reciprocal influences on food webs. Floodplain spring brooks may contain high densities (>1 m−2) of juvenile fish even when aquatic food resources appear to be low. A likely explanation is the allochthonous energy subsidy from riparian vegetation (e.g. leaves, invertebrates). To quantify this relationship in a rich salmon river ecosystem, we measured the temporal and spatial flux of terrestrial invertebrate and aquatic food resources in relation to diets of the two most abundant salmonid species in two spring brooks within early (<20 years) and late (>50 years) successional riparia on an expansive coastal flood plain of the Kol River, Kamchatka. Standing crops of benthic invertebrates and density of drifting invertebrates (dry mass) were fairly low (<4 g m−2 and <1 mg m−3, respectively) at both sites, but annual average terrestrial invertebrate input among sites was 22.2 ± 0.1 mg m−2 day−1. On average 68% of the coho salmon diet was of terrestrial origin, contrasting with 13% for Dolly Varden char at both sites, thus showing resource partitioning. Diet varied temporally and spatially with prey availability. Specifically, larvae of a weevil (Curculionidae) feeding on willow catkins were a dominant diet item for coho in the spring but only at the early successional site; Dolly Varden also ate these weevils but aquatic invertebrates continued to dominate their diets, further demonstrating behavioural segregation. The results show the importance of channel‐floodplain connectivity to management and conservation of salmon rivers. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Floodplain waterbodies are reputed to enhance recruitment of riverine fish populations via provision of spawning and nursery habitat, refuge from floods, and increased availability of planktonic food resources compared with main river channels. Notwithstanding, there have been few parallel studies of fishes and their food resources at both main river and floodplain sites. Thus, this study investigated the 0+ fishes, zooplankton and phytoplankton (chlorophyll a) at four main river and four (man‐made) floodplain sites on the lower River Trent, England, between May 1999 and October 2004 inclusive. All sites shared the same key fish species, and there were no consistent differences in the densities, growth or condition of 0+ fishes from main river and floodplain sites. Similarly, all sites shared the same key zooplankton taxa. However, zooplankton densities, notably of large‐bodied cladocerans, and chlorophyll a concentrations, were significantly higher at floodplain sites than at main river sites. Thus, connection of man‐made waterbodies has the potential to enhance recruitment of riverine fish populations via provision of important spawning and nursery habitat, and superior feeding opportunities for 0+ fishes compared with main river channels. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Due to the lack of long-term records on shallow lake environmental change, knowledge of the processes and mechanisms behind the limnological response of many shallow floodplain lakes to hydrological alterations and nutrient loading is often limited. We examined seasonal monitoring data and a dated sediment core from Lake Poyang, a large floodplain lake located on the Yangtze floodplain in the SE China. Multivariate analysis based on contemporary data (diatoms and water quality) revealed that the seasonal changes in the diatom assemblage of the lake were correlated with water temperature and Secchi depth (SD), although the weak spatial effect was not negligible. During the dry winter season, low water temperature, low SD, and high nutrient levels, were accompanied by high abundances of planktonic Aulacoseira species along with Stephanodiscus hantzschii, a species well adapted to cold and eutrophic waters. During the summer wet season, however, when water temperature and SD were high and nutrient levels low, benthic and epiphytic diatoms, such as the genus Achnanthes, dominated. Sediment records of diatoms and geochemistry were used to estimate long-term variation in the ecological condition of the lake. During the past ~60 years, the lake has shifted from a natural hydrologically connected, oligotrophic lake dominated by benthic and epiphytic diatoms to a poorly hydrologically connected, eutrophic state driven by nutrient-tolerant planktonic and eutrophic diatoms. Furthermore, our results indicate that the proposed Poyang dam may severely affect the water quality and ecosystem of the lake by altering its seasonal hydrology.  相似文献   

Knowledge of trophic ecology of fish species is fundamental to understand the organization mechanism of fish assemblages and crucial for developing effective management and conservation strategies. This study examined the diet partitioning and trophic guild structure of fish assemblages in Chishui River, the last undammed tributary of the upper Yangtze River, China. Specimens were collected in three sections along the upstream–downstream gradient in 2012. Digestive tract contents of 54 fish species, represented by 692 individuals, were analysed and quantified. Analysis showed that fish assemblages in the Chishui River utilized aquatic insects, algae, detritus, molluscs, and fishes as the main food resources, whereas terrestrial insects were consumed only occasionally. The trophic guild structure of fish assemblages changed gradually with the longitudinal gradient. Specially, the number of trophic guilds increased with downstream distance. In addition, the relative number of omnivorous species increased longitudinally, whereas the relative number of insectivorous species declined downstream. This study demonstrated how fish assemblages utilize the food resources under near‐natural conditions. These results provide valuable information for fish conservation and ecological restoration.  相似文献   

In aquatic ecosystems, young of the year (YOY) fish often exhibit strong interannual fluctuations. Because these fish prey on zooplankton and are preyed upon by piscivorous fish, strong fluctuations in their abundance may have important impacts on food web functioning. The static Ecopath model was used to assess potential impacts of strong fluctuations in YOY perch in the deep peri-alpine Lake Annecy. We modeled two contrasting years in terms of YOY perch biomass: a situation with a high biomass of YOY perch and a situation with a low biomass of YOY perch. Additionally, five models were derived from the two initial models to better explore the effects of YOY perch biomass fluctuations on food web functioning. Disparities were revealed in terms of the activity of the system (volume of flows) and the trophic transfer efficiency. When the YOY perch biomass was high, the volume of flows within the system was less important, but the trophic transfers were more efficient than when the biomass was low. The high biomass of YOY perch appeared to facilitate transfers from low to high trophic levels. The results indicated that strong variabilities in the abundance of YOY fish had little impact on the main food web flows and pathways because of the capacity of predators to feed on various prey (omnivory) but could induce significant differences in food web properties (e.g. ascendancy, robustness) and organization (e.g. cycling, mean trophic level).  相似文献   

Large floodplain rivers have internal structures shaped by directions and rates of water movement. In a previous study, we showed that spatial variation in local current velocities and degrees of hydrological exchange creates a patch‐work mosaic of nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and ratios in the Upper Mississippi River. Here, we used long‐term fish and limnological data sets to test the hypothesis that fish communities differ between the previously identified patches defined by high or low nitrogen to phosphorus ratios (TN:TP) and to determine the extent to which select limnological covariates might explain those differences. Species considered as habitat generalists were common in both patch types but were at least 2 times as abundant in low TN:TP patches. Dominance by these species resulted in lower diversity in low TN:TP patches, whereas an increased relative abundance of a number of rheophilic (flow‐dependent) species resulted in higher diversity and a more even species distribution in high TN:TP patches. Of the limnological variables considered, the strongest predictor of fish species assemblage and diversity was water flow velocity, indicating that spatial patterns in water‐mediated connectivity may act as the main driver of both local nutrient concentrations and fish community composition in these reaches. The coupling among hydrology, biogeochemistry, and biodiversity in these river reaches suggests that landscape‐scale restoration projects that manipulate hydrogeomorphic patterns may also modify the spatial mosaic of nutrients and fish communities. Published 2016. This article is a U.S. Government work and is in the public domain in the USA.  相似文献   

Based on detailed historical surveys from 1812, the natural riverine landscape of a 10.25‐km‐long reach of the Danube River in the Austrian Machland region prior to channelization is analysed. Anthropogenically induced changes of fluvial dynamics, hydrological connectivity and aquatic habitat composition are discussed, comparing the situations following channelization (1925) and flow regulation (1991). In 1812 the alluvial river–floodplain system of the Danube River comprised a highly complex channel network, numerous gravel bars and extensive islands, with the main channel and side arms (eupotamon) representing about 97% of the entire water surface at low flow. The floodplain was characterized by relatively flat terrain and numerous natural trenches (former active channels) connected to the main channel. These hydromorphological conditions led to marked expansion/contraction of the water surface area at water level fluctuations below bankfull (‘flow pulse’). The high degree of hydrological connectivity enabled intensive exchange processes and favoured migrations of aquatic organisms between the river and floodplain habitats over a period of approximately 90 days per year. Overall in 1812, 57% of the active zone (active channels and floodplain) was inundated at bankfull water level. Channelization and construction of hydropower plants resulted in a truncated fluvial system. Consequently, eupotamal water bodies decreased by 65%, and gravel/sand bars and vegetated islands decreased by 94% and 97%, respectively, whereas the area of the various backwaters doubled. In 1991 the former ‘flow pulse’ was halved due to artificial levees and embankments, greatly diminishing hydrological connectivity and decoupling large areas of the floodplain from the main channel. Active overflow, formerly playing an important role, is now replaced by backwater flooding and seepage inflow in isolated water bodies. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Despite the increasing use of fatty acids (FAs) as biomarkers in aquatic food web analysis, little information is available regarding differences in FA profiles of fish among habitat types in river–floodplain ecosystems. The objectives of this study were to (i) test whether the FA profiles of channel catfish (Ictalurus punctatus) differed among three reaches of the lower Kaskaskia River and its floodplain lakes, and (ii) to compare FA profiles among muscle, liver, and adipose fin tissues collected from these fish. Profiles differed significantly among sites, especially between upper and lower river sites, and between river channel and oxbow lake sites, suggesting differences in FA availability for channel catfish occupying different habitats and river reaches in the Kaskaskia River system. Specifically, the essential FAs 18:2n‐6 and 18:3n‐3 increased in catfish tissues from upstream to downstream reaches, which could reflect increased floodplain connectivity and decreasing impoundment effects downstream. Ratios of n‐3 to n‐6 FAs were higher in fish from oxbow lakes, perhaps suggesting increased use of autochthonous production in the floodplain relative to the main river channel. Muscle and adipose fin FA profiles exhibited similar location‐related trends, whereas liver FA profiles were markedly different from the other tissue types. These results suggest that adipose fin tissue samples may be a viable, less‐invasive alternative to muscle tissue for analysis of FA profiles in channel catfish. Our study supports the use of tissue FA profiles in identifying habitat utilization by channel catfish, and perhaps habitat‐specific energy contributions to riverine consumers. Furthermore, our work highlights floodplain habitat as a potential source of essential n‐3 FA and the associated importance of maintaining river–floodplain connectivity to support aquatic food webs. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hydrological regime, physical habitat structure and water chemistry are interacting drivers of fish assemblage structure in floodplain rivers throughout the world. In rivers with altered flow regimes, understanding fish assemblage responses to flow and physico‐chemical conditions is important in setting priorities for environmental flow allocations and other river management strategies. To this end we examined fish assemblage patterns across a simple gradient of flow regulation in the upper Murray–Darling Basin, Australia. We found clear separation of three fish assemblage groups that were spatially differentiated in November 2002, at the end of the winter dry season. Fish assemblage patterns were concordant with differences in water chemistry, but not with the geomorphological attributes of channel and floodplain waterholes. After the summer‐flow period, when all in‐channel river sites received flow, some floodplain sites were lost to drying and one increased in volume, fish assemblages were less clearly differentiated. The fish assemblages of river sites did not increase in richness or abundance in response to channel flow and the associated potential for increased fish recruitment and movement associated with flow connectivity. Instead, the more regulated river's fish assemblages appeared to be under stress, most likely from historical flow regulation. These findings have clear implications for the management of hydrological regimes and the provision of environmental flows in regulated rivers of the upper Murray–Darling Basin. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Dreissenid mussels have become important components of the Great Lakes biological community since their introduction in the 1980s, but much remains to be understood regarding their effect on energy and nutrient flows in pelagic systems. Here, we report a new method that tracks incorporation of resources of molluskan origin into food webs used by aquatic birds. Biochemical tracers (fatty acids and stable carbon isotopes) are used to characterize species associated with pelagic and benthic food webs in Lake Ontario. Our focus is on the polymethylene-interrupted fatty acids (PMI-FAs) because previous research identified mollusks as their primary source. We found that PMI-FA mass fractions were greater in organisms associated with benthic (e.g. round goby) versus pelagic (e.g. alewife) food webs. Double-crested cormorants that had recently consumed benthic prey fish, i.e. goby, had greater proportions of PMI-FAs in their blood plasma than birds which showed no signs of recent goby ingestion. We did not detect an increase in mass fractions of PMI-FAs in cryogenically archived cormorant eggs following expansion of dreissenid mussels in Lake Ontario. However, following the introduction and expansion of round goby in the lake, PMI-FAs were detected at greater levels in cormorant eggs. These results illustrate how only after dreissenid mussel-facilitated establishment of round goby was the full extent of exotic species disruption of food webs manifested in fish-eating birds. These food web changes may be contributing to negative impacts on aquatic birds exemplified by the emergence of Botulism Type E as a significant mortality factor in this ecosystem.  相似文献   

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