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The study focused on characterizing the 10 major Moroccan cultivars to acknowledge the quality and bioactive compounds of the fruits. The following determinations were assessed: pomegranate fruit maturity index, which truly defines juice taste, as well as organic acids and sugar contents, total phenols, and antioxidant activity of pomegranate juice. The cultivar per se (genotype) behaved as the most influencing factor conditioning pomegranate sugar and organic acids profiles, antioxidant activity, and total phenolics. The assessment of pomegranate chemical compositions implies the great potential of Moroccan cultivars for both fresh market and fruit processing. In fact, the "Hamde" sour cv. seems particularly suitable for juice production because of its high phenolics content. Additionally, the presence of bioactive compounds in pomegranate juices may encourage their consumption for potential health benefits. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The cultivar per se (genotype) behaved as the most influencing factor conditioning pomegranate sugar and organic acids profiles, antioxidant activity, and total phenolics. Given the divergence observed on bioactive compounds concentrations and antioxidant activity among evaluated cultivars, the genotype factor should be considered as the most influencing factor in future breeding programs to enhance the synthesis of beneficial bioactive compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of preharvest methyl jasmonate (MJ) application on fruit quality, flavonoid content and antioxidant capacity in black raspberry cv. Jewel (Rubus occidentalis L) and red raspberry cv. Autumn Bliss (Rubus idaeus subsp.) were studied under field condition. Raspberries treated with MJ had higher soluble solids content, total sugars, fructose, glucose, sucrose and lower titratable acids (TAs), malic acid and citric acid than untreated fruit. MJ also significantly enhanced the content of flavonoids and the antioxidant capacities in the fruit. The cv. Jewel had higher soluble solids and lower TAs compared with the cv. Autumn Bliss. On the basis of fresh weight of fruit, ‘Jewel’ also had significantly higher anthocyanin, total phenolic content and antioxidant activity than ‘Autumn Bliss’.  相似文献   

This research was undertaken to evaluate the sugars, organic acids, phenolic compositions and antioxidant capacities of sweet cherry cultivars (Van, Noir de Guben, Larian and 0‐900 Ziraat) grown in Turkey. High‐performance liquid chromatographic methods were used to identify and quantify four sugars (sucrose, glucose, fructose and sorbitol) and four organic acids (malic, citric, shikimic, and fumaric acid). The major organic acid was found as malic acid (8.54–10.02 g kg?1 of FW). With regard to sugars, glucose was present in the largest amounts (44.71–48.31 g kg?1 of FW) for sweet cherry cultivars. The sum of sugars ranged from 103.87 (Larian) to 113.13 g kg?1 of FW (0‐900 Ziraat) and that of organic acids from 12.01 (0‐900 Ziraat) to 14.17 g kg?1 of FW (Noir de Guben). A total of eleven phenolic compounds were identified and quantified in sweet cherry cultivars, including hydroxycinnamic acids (3), anthocyanins (5), flavan‐3‐ols (2) and flavonol (1) compounds. Total phenolic contents ranged from 88.72 (Van) to 239.54 (Noir de Guben) mg/100 g of FW, while antioxidant activities ranged from 2.02 to 7.75 μm Trolox equivalents g?1 of FW.  相似文献   

Lim K  Ma M  Dolan KD 《Journal of food science》2011,76(7):H156-H164
The effect of spray drying on degradation of nutraceutical components in cull blueberry extract was investigated. Samples collected before and after spray drying were tested for antioxidant capacity using oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC(FL) ) and total phenolics; and for individual anthocyanidins. In Study 1, four different levels of maltodextrin (blueberry solids to maltodextrin ratios of 5: 95, 10: 90, 30: 70, and 50: 50) were spray dried a pilot-scale spray dryer. There was significantly higher retention of nutraceutical components with increased levels of maltodextrin indicating a protective effect of maltodextrin on the nutraceutical components during spray drying. In Study 2, the air inlet temperature of the spray dryer was kept constant for all runs at 150 °C, with 2 different outlet temperatures of 80 and 90 °C. The degradation of nutraceutical components was not significantly different at the 2 selected outlet temperatures. ORAC(FL) reduction for blueberry samples after spray drying was 66.3% to 69.6%. After spray drying, total phenolics reduction for blueberry was 8.2% to 17.5%. Individual anthocyanidin reduction for blueberry was 50% to 70%. The experimental spray dried powders compared favorably to commercial blueberry powders. Results of the study show that use of blueberry by-products is feasible to make a value-added powder. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: Results can be used by producers to estimate final nutraceutical content of spray-dried blueberry by-products.  相似文献   

In this study, biochemical profile of fruits of 9 Sorbus genotypes was analyzed. The content of total sugars ranged from 69.7 g/kg (‘Titan’) to 217.5 g/kg (Sorbus torminalis) and total organic acids from 17.7 g/kg (‘Businka’) to 40.2 g/kg (S. torminalis). The highest content of total anthocyanins had ‘Burka’ (871 mg/kg FW) and ‘Businka’ (856 mg/kg FW). Quercetin derivatives represented more than 95% of total flavonols. ‘Alaja krupnaja’ had 3.5‐ to 29‐fold higher rutin content than other analyzed genotypes. S. torminalis fruits had the greatest diversity of isorhamnetin and kaempferol derivatives. Chlorogenic acid was the major hydroxycinnamic acid and its share was 33% to 73% of total analyzed hydoxycinnamic acid derivatives. The richest in chlorogenic acid were ‘Krasavica’ and ‘Alaja krupnaja’ fruits. Cultivar ‘Businka’ had the highest content of epicatechin (40.7 mg/kg) and neochlorogenic acid (1061 mg/kg). Different procyanidin oligomers were detected among flavanols in Sorbus fruits. The highest content of total flavanols was measured in ‘Alaja Krupnaja’ fruits. Cultivars ‘Krasavica’ (84.5 mg/kg) and ‘Burka’ (85.1 mg/kg) had 1.2‐ to 6.9‐fold higher amount of total carotenoids. ‘Businka’ was highlighted as the richest in total tannin and phenolic contents (3768 mg GAE/kg) and consequently, it had the highest antioxidant activity (57.6 mM TE/kg FW). Being abundant in polyphenolics, some extracts of Sorbus genotypes, for example, ‘Businka,’ ‘Burka,’ and ‘Alaja krupnaja’ could serve as valuable resource of bioactive compounds to food and pharmaceutical industries.  相似文献   

The evaluation of the effects of sugars, metals, acids and other antioxidants on the in vitro antioxidant capacity of purified anthocyanin extract by different techniques was the purpose of this study. Three methods and the ways of expressing their results were evaluated: ABTSTEAC (capacity equivalent to Trolox, by ABTS (2,2′‐azino‐bis(3‐ethylbenzothiazoline‐6‐sulphonic acid))), DPPHTEAC (capacity equivalent to Trolox, by DPPH (2,2‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl)), DPPHEC50 (50% reduction in the radical, by DPPH), DPPH%Sca (reduction in the scavenging capacity, by DPPH), FRAPTEAC (capacity equivalent to Trolox, by FRAP (reduction power of iron)) and FRAPEC50 (50% reduction in the radical, by FRAP). The way of expressing DPPH and FRAP results as EC50 showed the greater interfering extent, mainly when the medium contained tartaric and ascorbic acids. The most coherent method was ABTSTEAC in which only ascorbic acid interfered. Ascorbic acid was shown to interfere in all methods; thus, it must be removed prior to determining the in vitro antioxidant capacity of anthocyanins in food materials.  相似文献   

Blueberry fruits from five commercial cultivars and 13 breeding selections grown at the same locations over two growing seasons were analysed for total phenolics (TPH), total anthocyanins (ACY), total hydroxycinnamic acids (HCA), total flavonols (FLA), fruit weight and oxygen radical‐absorbing capacity (ORAC). Variation in ORAC, TPH, ACY, HCA, FLA and fruit weight among genotypes was much greater than that observed between growing seasons, indicating that genetics plays a more important role than growing season in influencing ORAC and phenolic content in blueberries. Significant main effects for growing season and genotype × growing season observed for ORAC, ACY, HCA and fruit weight demonstrate that environmental growing conditions can impact levels of phenolics and ORAC in blueberries and that certain genotypes vary in their capacity to synthesise phenolics under different growing conditions. In general, genotypes with smaller berries had higher ORAC values and levels of TPH, ACY, HCA and FLA than large‐berried genotypes. Over both growing seasons, ORAC correlated highly with TPH, ACY, HCA and FLA, while fruit weight correlated inversely with all phenolics measured. Our results indicate that blueberry genotypes should be screened over multiple growing seasons in order to identify antioxidant‐ and phenolic‐rich germplasm. Copyright © 2003 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Juices from four Citrus species of Tunisia were investigated mainly for quality parameters and antioxidant capacity. RESULTS: Citrus reticulata (mandarin) juice had the highest content of total flavonoids (85.33 mg CE L?1). The latter also occurred in high quantity (82.01 mg CE L?1) in Citrus lemon (lemon) juice which was also marked by its richness in total aroma (70.16 µg mL?1) and in total fatty acids (48.10 µg mL?1). Mandarin and lemon juices had the highest antioxidant activity, as determined b the β‐carotene bleaching assay (26.67% and 22.67%, respectively). Citrus aurantium (bitter orange) juice was characterised by the highest content of total polyphenols (784.67 mg GAE L?1) and by the greatest inhibition of DPPH (96.10%). Citrus sinensis (blood orange) juice was only marked by the high quantity of ascorbic acid (36.90 mg mL?1). GC/MS analysis of juice aroma showed the predominance of limonene (48.85–69.59%) in mandarin and in bitter and blood oranges, but of camphene (89.05%) in lemon. GC analysis of juice fatty acids revealed their richness in oleic acid (23.13–39.52%). HPLC analysis of juice phenolics indicated the predominance of phenolic acids (73.13–86.40%). CONCLUSION: The Citrus species used in this study were considered valuable varieties from the point of view of antioxidant capacity and nutrition. Copyright © 2010 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Abstract: Sugars, organic acids, and total phenolic content in fruit of 25 wild and cultivated berry species were identified and quantified with high‐performance liquid chromatograph. The composition of sugars, organic acids, and total phenolic compounds in various species of Vaccinium, Rubus, Ribes, and Fragaria genus was evaluated. Additonally, total phenolics of less known berry species of the Morus, Amelanchier, Sorbus, Sambucus, Rosa, Lycium, Actinidia, and Aronia genus were determined in wild growing as well as in cultivated fruits. Significant differences in the concentration of sugars and organic acids were detected among the berry species. Glucose and fructose were the most abundant sugars in berry fruits and the major organic acids were malic and citric acid. However, in kiwi fruit, sucrose represented as much as 71.9% of total sugars. Sorbitol has been detected and quantified in chokeberry, rowanberry, and eastern shadbush fruit. The highest content of total analyzed sugars was determined in rowanberry fruit, followed by dog rose, eastern shadbush, hardy kiwifruit, American cranberry, chokeberry, and jostaberry fruit. Rowanberry stands out as the fruit with the highest content of total analyzed organic acids, followed by jostaberry, lingonberry, red gooseberry, hardy kiwifruit, and black currant. The berries of white gooseberry, black currant, red currant, and white currant had the lowest sugar/organic acid ratio and were thus perceptively the sourest species analyzed. On the other hand, the species with highest sugar/organic acid ratio were goji berry, eastern shadbush, black mulberry, and wild grown blackberry. The highest amounts of total phenols were quantified in chokeberry fruit. Wild strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry had 2‐ to 5‐fold more total phenolics compared to cultivated plants. Practical Application: The fruit of analyzed berry species contained different levels of sugars, organic acids, and total phenolics. Moreover, it has been demonstrated that wild grown species generally contain more phenolics than cultivated ones. This information is interesting for nutritionists as well as berry growers and breeders who can promote the cultivation of species and new cultivars with higher phenolic content.  相似文献   

In this study, we evaluated the changes in apple fruit quality during shelf life. After a month of cold storage, apples of cultivars "Jonagold" and "Golden Delicious" were exposed to ambient temperatures for 21 d, with subsequent sampling every 3 or 4 d. Fruit firmness, changes in amounts of sugars, malic acid, and phenolics were observed during shelf life. Chemical analyses were done with HPLC-PDA system. An interchange between various sugars was noticed, but in general, the sum of sugars remained at the same level. The content of malic acid remained stable or dropped, resulting in sweeter fruit. Levels of phenolics were more constant in the pulp of both cultivars analyzed, while in the peel, the changes were more pronounced. In the pulp, a peak in the content of hydroxycinnamic acids and flavanols was noticed on the 2nd or 3rd sampling and afterwards, the amounts remained constant. In the peel an initial decrease of all analyzed phenolic groups was observed in both cultivars, however it was more pronounced in "Jonagold." It can be concluded that changes in primary and secondary metabolites are not the main reason for the lower quality of fruit exposed to ambient temperatures. On the other hand, fruit firmness might be the limiting factor for shelf life duration.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Vaccinium, such as blueberry and cranberry, are known to be excellent sources of antioxidant phenolic compounds, for example anthocyanins, flavonols and phenolic acids. The fruit also provides a natural habitat for numerous microorganisms. Interaction between the fruit and the microflora might affect the antioxidant phenolic compounds. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects on phenolic content and antioxidant capacity of wild blueberry fermented by a newly identified bacterium isolated from blueberry‐fruit surface microflora, Serratia vaccinii. Increase in the antioxidant capacity following fermentation of blueberries by the novel bacterium, as determined with the 2,2′‐diphenyl‐1‐picrylhydrazyl method, was attributed not only to an increase in total phenolics, but also to a change in the phenolic profile, as demonstrated by the production of gallic acid and of a novel compound of phenolic or phenylpropanoic structure. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Abstract: Foods with antioxidant capacity provide protection against cardio‐vascular, certain forms of cancers, and Alzheimer's diseases caused by oxidative damages and contribute health benefits. The effect of extrusion cooking on the antioxidant capacity and color attributes of extruded products prepared from 3 selected formulations of purple potato and yellow pea flours using a co‐rotating twin screw extruder were studied. Expansion ratios of the extruded products varied from 3.93 to 4.75. The total antioxidant capacities (TAC) of the extruded products, using DPPH assay, were 3769 to 4116 μg trolox equivalent/g dry weight sample and not significantly different (P > 0.05) from their respective raw formulations. The total phenolic contents (TP) of the extruded products varied from 2088 to 3766 μg of gallic acid equivalent/g dry weight sample and retained 73% to 83% of the TP from the raw formulations after extrusion. The total anthocyanins contents (TA) in the extrudates were 0.116 to 0.228 mg of malvidin‐3‐glucosides/g dry weight sample. Compared with their raw formulations, significant losses (60% to 70%) of the TA in the extruded products occurred due to extrusion cooking. Browning indices and color attributes such as brightness, chroma, and hue angle agreed with degradation of anthocyanins in the extruded products. However, extrusion cooking retained antioxidant capacities of the raw formulations in the extruded products either in their natural forms or degraded products with radical scavenging activity. This study demonstrated the potential for the production of puffed extruded food products with the improved antioxidant content from colored potatoes and pulse formulations.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  The objective of this study was to characterize the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities of U.S.-produced cool season legumes. A total of 33 cool season legume samples were selected. Some common beans and soybeans were included for comparisons. Total phenolic content (TPC), total flavonoid content (TFC), and condensed tannin content (CTC) were analyzed. Ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP), 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging assay, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) were used for analyzing antioxidant properties. Color of the legume flour and the seed coat was also analyzed. TPC, TFC, CTC, FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC values of legumes were significantly different not only between classes but also among samples within each class. Among cool season legume classes, lentils possessed the highest concentrations of the phenolic compounds and antioxidant activities. Colored common beans and black soybeans exhibited higher TPC, TFC, CTC, FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC values than those of yellow peas, green peas, and chickpeas. Antioxidant activities (FRAP, DPPH, and ORAC) were strongly correlated ( r = 0.96, 0.94, and 0.89, respectively, P < 0.01) with TPC. TPC and ORAC were moderately correlated ( P < 0.01) with either the seed hull surface color or the flour color.  相似文献   

Moderate wine consumption may reduce the incidence of certain age-related chronic diseases such as heart disease, hypertension, metabolic disease, and neurodegenerative disease. Blueberry and blackberry wines commercially available in Illinois were evaluated for chemical and quality components relevant to consumers in order to study their potential health benefits. Total polyphenolic content was measured by the Folin-Ciocalteu method, total anthocyanin content by the pH differential test, and in vitro antioxidant capacity (AC) by the oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) method. Color was measured using Hunter colorimetry and quality parameters including pH, °Brix, acid content, glucose-fructose, and percent alcohol were measured using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Blackberry wines (n= 6) had an average total polyphenolic content of 2212.5 ± 1090.3 mg ellagic acid equivalents (EAE) per liter, total anthocyanin content of 75.56 ± 70.44 mg/L, and AC of 26.39 ± 17.95 mmol trolox equivalents (TEs) per liter. Blueberry wines (n= 4) had an average total polyphenolic content of 1623.3 ± 645.5 mg EAE per liter, total anthocyanin content of 20.82 ± 12.14 mg/L, and AC of 21.21 ± 7.71 mmol TE per liter. Strong positive correlations were found between °Brix and glucose-fructose concentration (r= 0.90), total acid and malic acid (r= 0.90), and between total polyphenols and AC (r= 0.88). The results suggest that fruit wines made from blueberries and blackberries may have potential health applications and therefore could contribute to the economy of the wine industry. PRACTICAL APPLICATION: The majority of wines are produced from grapes, but wine can also be produced from other fruits including blueberries and blackberries, which contain phenolic compounds that may contribute to human health. A comparative evaluation was conducted on commercial nongrape fruit wines and parameters related to their health benefits. Fruit wines made from blueberries and blackberries may have potential health applications and therefore could contribute to the economy of the wine industry.  相似文献   

通过正交实验对甜型蓝莓酒的发酵工艺进行了优化,最佳工艺参数为:发酵温度24℃,加糖量15%,酵母添加量0.15%。再经陈酿、澄清处理得到风味独特的蓝莓甜酒,成品酒精度16.0%(vol),总糖≥65g/L,总酸6~8g/L。采用FeCl3/K3Fe(CN)6还原力测定体系分析维生素C和葡萄酒样的抗氧化能力,结果显示蓝莓甜酒的还原能力高。  相似文献   

Selected sugars, organic acids and phenolic compounds were analysed in mature fruits of ‘Williams’ pears using high‐performance liquid chromatography. Fruits were harvested from the branches of trees tested in three treatments: branches were bent in summer 2003 (1 September), in spring 2004 (15 May) and control (branches were not bent). Pears contained up to 73.54 g kg?1 fresh weight (FW) of fructose, 9.42 g kg?1 FW of glucose, 7.94 g kg?1 FW of sucrose and 24.59 g kg?1 FW of sorbitol. Major organic acids were (in order of descending quantity) citric, malic, shikimic and fumaric acid (up to 3.05 g kg?1 FW, 2.24 g kg?1 FW, 71.79 mg kg?1 FW and 0.49 mg kg?1 FW, respectively). Chlorogenic acid (280.86–357.34 mg kg?1 FW) was the predominant phenolic acid, followed in concentration (mg kg?1 FW) by syringic acid (95.46–131.32), epicatechin (46.55–83.09), catechin (25.67–44.81), vanillic acid (1.87–3.48), sinapic acid (0.83–1.72) and caffeic acid (0.72–1.04). Significant differences in content of fructose, sorbitol, total sugars, catechin, epicatechin, sinapic acid, syringic acid, and a sum of determined phenolic compounds were observed among the treatments. Fruits from summer bending branches had the lowest content of individual sugars, citric acid and phenolic compounds and the highest content of malic, shikimic and fumaric acid. The highest content of fructose, sorbitol, sucrose, total sugars, caffeic acid, catechin, epicatechin and syringic acid were determined in the fruits from the spring treatment. In the control treatment the highest content of glucose, citric acid, chlorogenic acid, sinapic acid, vanillic acid, as well a sum of determined phenolics, were observed. The lowest content of fumaric acid was in the spring treatment and of malic and shikimic acid in the control. Copyright © 2006 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Sensory attributes and chemical composition in peach and nectarine fruits of nine different cultivars were evaluated and compared. The cultivars investigated in the research were: ‘Maria Marta’, ‘Romestar’, ‘325 × A/8’, ‘224 × A/13’, ‘V × S/4’, ‘Bea’, ‘Maria Aurelia’, ‘Venus’ and ‘Spring Red’. In sensory evaluation the ‘Maria Aurelia’ was the highest rated, and the ‘224 × A/13’ was the lowest. The cultivars ‘325 × A/8’, ‘224 × A/13’, ‘V × S/4’ and ‘Spring Red’ were poor in sugars; however, the ‘Spring Red’ was rich in organic acids. Similarly, the ‘Maria Aurelia’ and ‘Venus’ fruits had higher contents of organic acids and were also rich in sugars. Furthermore, the relationships among sensory and chemical attributes of fruit quality were studied. The sensory evaluations of sweetness, taste, and aroma were well correlated with some chemically measured attributes of peach and nectarine quality: sweetness was influenced by citric acid, shikimic acid and sugars/organic acids ratio; aroma was correlated with total organic acids, sucrose, sorbitol and malic acid; taste was related to malic/citric acid ratio, total sugars, sucrose, sorbitol and malic acid. The results of the research indicate that sensory evaluation provides a good tool in the quick assessment of peach and nectarine fruit quality. Copyright © 2005 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

目的 研究不同提取方法对蓝莓色素得率、抗氧化活力的影响及得率与抗氧化活力间的关系。方法 分别以乙醇、甲醇、丙酮为浸提溶剂,常规溶剂浸提、超声辅助浸提、微波辅助浸提3种提取方式,测定浸提液色素得率及其清除DPPH.、 、.OH的能力;分析色素得率与抗氧化活力的关系。结果 不同提取溶剂对蓝莓色素得率的影响差异不显著(P>0.05),但不同提取方式对蓝莓色素得率的影响差异显著(P<0.05);不同提取方法的蓝莓色素清除DPPH.、 、和.OH的能力存在显著差异(P<0.05);蓝莓色素得率与其清除DPPH.与.OH能力间存在显著的正相关。结论 提取方式对蓝莓色素的得率及抗氧化活力有显著影响;蓝莓色素得率与其清除DPPH.和.OH能力呈显著的正相关性;超声辅助乙醇浸提更有助于获取高得率、高抗氧化活性的蓝莓色素。  相似文献   

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