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A comparative study of two adjacent stream channels in the Santa Clara Valley region of California provided an opportunity to study the relative effects of multi‐faceted watershed‐urbanization impacts on channel evolution and stability. Berryessa Creek (15.5 km2) and Upper Penitencia Creek (61.3 km2) have similar intrinsic watershed characteristics; however, urbanization processes have imposed distinctly different evolutionary trends in each watershed. The influences of drainage network manipulation, hydrologic routing and engineering infrastructure has resulted in Upper Penitencia Creek remaining relatively stable throughout the course of urbanization, while Berryessa Creek has experienced system‐wide channel instability problems. This study enumerates the many anthropogenic impacts and provides insight into basin alterations that can have either positive or negative feedbacks in maintaining or degrading channel stability throughout the course of urbanization. Results show that infrastructure that disrupts the bed material sediment continuity (such as large drop structures or sedimentation ponds) generate long‐term downstream channel instabilities leading to channel degradation and continued maintenance. Off‐line flow diversions (in this study percolation ponds) that do not disrupt bed material transport can emulate pre‐urbanization conditions offsetting channel degradation resulting from changes in hydrology. This study also demonstrates the degradational responses of a stream due to losses in riparian vegetation from water table lowering transforming a perennial stream into an ephemeral stream resulting in increased bank instability. The importance of maintaining floodplains for flood access and channel stability has also been identified and compared to conditions of channel encroachment to facilitate maintenance, which have further exacerbated downstream channel degradation, long‐term channel maintenance and dredging. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Many drainage ditches in the Midwest have developed a geomorphological configuration characterized by vegetated bars, or benches, on the bottom of the ditch and a stream flowing within a channel inset into these bars or benches. Past work has focused on the sedimentology of the benches and the depositional processes involved in bench development. This study investigates the three‐dimensional flow structure and short‐term channel change in a small grass‐lined stream flanked by benches at the bottom of an agricultural drainage ditch in east central Illinois, USA. In particular, it focuses on the influence of channel curvature and bank vegetation on flow through the inset channel at two different stages and explores how the structure of the flow is related to documented patterns of channel change. Results indicate that the mean flow is characterized by a submerged high‐velocity core that mainly is confined to the centre of the channel by near‐bank zones of flow stagnation/separation induced by abrupt changes in channel alignment and by strong frictional effects of grasses extending into the flow along the channel margins. Where the high‐velocity core is close to the channel margins, minor erosional adjustments of the inset channel can occur in the form of bank erosion. Patterns of turbulence kinetic energy reflect the development of shear layers near the channel margins and surrounding the submerged high‐velocity core. Locations with strong turbulence also correspond to locations of minor bank erosion. The results indicate that the inset channel is a relatively stable feature, especially where the alignment of this channel is straight, but that erosion‐control treatments may be necessary locally where the inset channel impinges on the ditch bank. Although the development of benches, a geomorphic response to ditch maintenance, is commonly viewed as a threat to drainage efficacy, preserving or constructing benches and associated inset channels in drainage ditches can enhance aquatic habitat and water quality. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Enthusiasm for using beaver dam analogues (BDAs) to restore incised channels and riparian corridors has been increasing. BDAs are expected to create a similar channel response to natural beaver dams by causing channel bed aggradation and overbank flow, which subsequently raise water tables and support vegetation growth. However, lack of funding for monitoring projects post‐restoration has limited research on whether BDAs actually cause expected channel change in the Front Range and elsewhere. Geomorphic and hydrologic response to BDAs was monitored in two watersheds 1 year post‐restoration. BDAs were studied at Fish Creek, a steep mountainous catchment, and Campbell Creek, a lower gradient piedmont catchment from May to October 2018. At each restoration site, the upstream‐ and downstream‐most BDAs were chosen for intensive study in comparison with unrestored reference reaches. Monitoring focused on quantifying sediment volumes in BDA ponds and recording changes to stream stage and riparian groundwater. Despite differences in physical basin characteristics, BDA pools at both sites stored similar volumes of sediment and stored more sediment than reference pools. Sediment storage is positively correlated to BDA height and pool surface area. However, BDAs did not have a significant influence on shallow groundwater. The lack of groundwater response proximal to BDAs could indicate that local watershed factors have a stronger influence on groundwater response than restoration design 1 year post‐restoration. Systematic, long‐term studies of channel and floodplain response to BDAs are needed to better understand how BDAs will influence geomorphology and hydrology.  相似文献   

Channelization typically modifies the energy regime and sediment transport capacity of rivers, triggering morphologic adjustments. Most past studies of channelization have focused on erosional responses involving channel incision and widening. Depositional adjustments to channelization, although noted in previous work, have not been documented in detail. This study investigates the depositional response of the Spoon River, a headwater agricultural stream in Illinois, USA, to channelization. Historical aerial and ground‐based photography show that channelization of the Spoon River in the early 20th century produced a wide, deep trapezoidal drainage channel. Following this channelization, unvegetated alternate and mid‐channel bars developed on the bottom of the ditch. Sedimentological analysis of bar stratigraphy indicates that the bars grew through vertical accretion of horizontal sheets of sand‐and‐gravel bedload and organic‐rich drapes of fine‐grained suspended load. The horizontal sheets of sand and gravel are consistent with the braided conditions shown on historical photographs. Late‐stage bar growth appears to have been dominated by progressive overbank deposition of suspended load as indicated by the presence of a thick, fine‐grained organic‐rich A horizon immediately below the surface of each bar. The development of a soil layer also suggests that the bars are stable—an inference supported by the thick grass cover on the bar surfaces. The net result of the depositional response is the formation of a meandering channel flanked by a discontinuous floodplain on the bottom of the ditch. The construction of a wide ditch relative to original stream size is a key factor promoting a depositional response to channelization. Allowing or actively promoting floodplain elements to form in overwidened ditches may be a viable management option for improving the environmental quality of channelized agricultural streams. The Spoon River has a diverse fish community compared to channelized streams in East Central Illinois that lack a meandering low‐flow channel. This morphological configuration apparently enhances geomorphological and ecological variability while sustaining the drainage function of the ditch. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Nutrient loading from agricultural drainage systems into downstream aquatic ecosystems, like Lake Winnipeg in the prairie province of Manitoba, Canada, represents a major challenge for water quality management. In order to improve water quality in downstream waterbodies, the Manitoba government is currently investigating the relationship between hydrological standard of agricultural drainage network and nutrient retention in the drainage systems. Briefly, oversized drains have more capacity to transport nutrients, which can increase nutrient loading to downstream waterbodies, especially during rainfall events. Currently, the hydrological standards of agricultural drainage design in Manitoba were mainly developed according to cost-benefit analysis without considering nutrient retention. The purpose of this study was to use computer modelling techniques to simulate the impact of drain size (based on different hydrological standards) on nutrient retention within an agricultural drainage network. The site chosen was the Tobacco Creek Watershed, an agricultural area which drains into the Red River, and thence into Lake Winnipeg. Suspended sediment, nutrient and flow data, from several locations along the Brown drain within this watershed, were used to calibrate a water quality model. Scenarios were then simulated with the model to estimate how different drain sizes affect nutrient transport and retention. Sampling took place during the spring and summer of 2013 starting with freshet and ending when the drains dried up near mid-summer. Study results indicated that the amount of nutrients transported was generally greater during freshet and summer rain storms. Occasionally, however, nutrients in summer discharge exceeded those transported during freshet. The water quality model was applied to the Brown drain to investigate the effects of different drain sizes for rainfall amounts under 2, 5, 10, 15, and 20 year return periods. Generally the results indicate that as the return periods became larger (in larger channels) lower nutrients concentrations were predicted downstream (higher decay rates). On average, the model predicted a 15%–20% decline in nutrient concentration with a 20-year return channel design compared to a 2-year return. The research from this study may provide an impetus to the policy-making process of drainage design.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲暗管排水系统排水效果模拟研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
我国黄河三角洲地区地势平坦,地下水埋深浅、含盐量高,夏季降雨集中,农业生产受到土壤盐渍化与涝渍灾害的威胁.因此排水系统建设是保证粮棉生产的一个重要条件.由于现行的排水设计规范依据的是农田水分调节的平均情况,忽略了水文过程的随机性与地区水文要素的特点.本文使用田间水文模型DRAINMOD模拟研究了黄河三角洲地区暗管排水系统布置的排水效果.模拟结果显示:在有效控制土壤盐分的前提下,采用“浅密型”暗管布置能够更好地调控农田水分,保证作物的正常生长;该布置能够显著减少地下排水输出,增蓄雨季淡水,有利于三角洲地区农业非点源污染控制及生态环境保护.“浅密型”暗管布置在防涝排渍以及防止海水入侵方面均优于当地现有的深沟型明排系统.本研究成果可为黄河三角洲地区农业生产发展与生态环境保护提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

River channel substrate size and mobility are important to Atlantic salmon spawning and rearing success. We compare morphology and bed sediment between two North American Atlantic coastal streams (Narraguagus River, Maine, USA and Jacquet River, New Brunswick, Canada). The watersheds have similar drainage areas and mean annual precipitation, but differing relief structure, channel longitudinal profiles and numbers of returning salmon. The lower‐relief Narraguagus River is segmented into steeper (gradient >0.002) and flatter reaches (gradient <0.0005). Flat reaches, including mainstem lakes, act as sediment sinks, preventing the continuity of downstream sediment transport. Based on field measurements, the Narraguagus River has a larger high‐flow width to depth ratio than the Jacquet River, but this difference is principally the result of outliers from low‐gradient channel reaches. Measurements of substrate grain size reveal finer river‐bed sediments on the Narraguagus River, however, Shields parameter calculations indicate that bed sediment should be mobile during high flows in both streams. We use the Shields equation to predict grain size based on channel slope, width and drainage area measured from digital elevation models (DEM) and aerial photographs. Predictions of median grain size agree with field measurements within a factor of 2 for 62–70% of the survey stations. We suggest ways that model misfits may provide opportunities to prioritize reach‐based restoration efforts. Based on expected grain size, we estimate 62% spawning and 68% rearing habitat along the length of the Narraguagus River, and 28 and 95% respectively on the Jacquet. Overall, glacial history and relief structure appear to be the first‐order controls on substrate grain size and habitat quality in these two rivers. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Seasonal scour and fill from bankfull flows were measured in Freshwater Creek, a gravel‐bed coastal stream of northern California, to test a previously developed approach predicting the reach‐average and distribution of scour or fill depths based on Shields stress and the exponential function. Predictions of reach‐average scour and fill depths were within 4–60% of measured depths. Three of the four predicted distributions of scour and fill depths were statistically different (p < 0.05) from measured distributions. Differences between predicted and measured values were likely due to scour and fill patterns in Freshwater Creek that were influenced by sediment supply and location within the channel network, channel form roughness, and possibly multiple peak flows. Consequently, the predictive approach may be better suited for individual peak flows on straight reaches that are in equilibrium between sediment supply and transport, and with form roughness similar to the creeks where the approach was developed. Improved predictions of scour and fill are possible with adjustments for aggrading reaches and form roughness. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Recent reservoir construction on Savery Creek provided an opportunity to examine the downstream effects of a dam on a small, meandering channel. The new dam, completed in 2005, modified the flow regime by reducing the magnitude of spring peaks and increasing baseflows, including a second period of high discharge in the fall. A time series of remotely sensed data spanning 1980–2011 was used to measure lateral migration rates, quantify areas of erosion and deposition, and map spatial patterns of channel change. Both migration rates, and gross erosion and deposition increased during the post‐dam era, although 2 years of exceptionally large snowmelt runoff also occurred during this time. Net sediment flux inferred from the image time series was negative for both the upper and lower reaches for the first photo pair after the dam's completion but became positive for the most recent photos. Detailed topographic surveys of five individual meander bends were used to produce digital elevation models of difference and infer bed material transport rates. For three sites located in the upper reach, downstream increases in transport rate implied a sediment deficit satisfied through channel incision and/or bank erosion. For two sites in the lower reach where sediment supply was greater, larger values of gross erosion were balanced by enhanced deposition and transport rates stabilized or increased along each bend. Together, these results suggest that Savery Creek has entered a period of adjustment as the channel adapts to altered, dam‐regulated supplies of water and sediment. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

砂姜黑土区多目标农田排水系统优化布置研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
景卫华  罗纨  贾忠华  温季 《水利学报》2012,43(7):842-851
砂姜黑土区受其土质以及降雨特点的影响,涝渍与干旱灾害交替出现,以往单一的排水系统设计标准难以满足除涝抗旱以及环境保护等多重目标。本文利用田间水文模型-DRAINMOD,以淮北平原砂姜黑土区为例,模拟分析了不同排水系统布置方案对提高作物产量以及减少农田排水对环境的不利影响等因素。结果表明,在综合考虑作物产量、经济效益、环境保护以及节约耕地等多重目标下,研究区农田排水系统宜采用暗管浅密布置的方案,推荐排水暗管布置间距在18~30m之间,埋深以不超过1.2m为宜;仅在农沟一级采用暗管代替排水明沟可节约耕地10%以上。本研究成果可为当地排水系统改建、新建工程提供科学依据。  相似文献   

The ability to understand and predict the impacts of dam removal in river systems is important, especially as dam decommissioning is becoming increasingly popular. In this study, we document the morphological and sediment impact of the removal of Chijiawan Check Dam in May 2011; a 13‐m‐high dam located on a coarse‐grained, steep mountain river channel in Taiwan. An estimated 0.2 million m3 of sediment had accumulated within the impoundment before its removal. Longitudinal and bankfull cross‐sectional surveys and a detailed sediment textural survey were undertaken along a 3.2‐km study reach of the Chijiawan Creek between 2010 and 2012. A rotating knickpoint with migration rates of up to 22 m/day was observed along the study reach, following dam removal. The rate and character of channel change, associated with the dam removal, appear to be driven as much by channel morphology and distance from the dam as by the hydrology variability. Our results suggested that relatively small amounts of sediment were eroded during the first 3 weeks following dam removal because of low discharge conditions. However, after 1 and 15 months, 10 and 75% of the sediment that had accumulated within former impounded was eroded, respectively. Sites near the former dam had a sediment texture that reflected the transport of released sediment, and this suggested that basin‐wide sediment processes exerted a strong influence. The removal of Chijiawan Dam offers unique insight on how sediment processes can drive river channel responses to sediment pulses may vary with discharge and sediment load, in areas subject to remarkably high flows and sediment loads. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Mineralogical and chemical analyses of sediment in the Snake River arm of the Dillon Reservoir provided insight into the transport and fate of trace metals in this system, which provides potable water to the city of Denver in Colorado. The sediments contain metal hydroxide precipitates and sorbed trace metals that formed upstream in the Snake River and in Deer Creek, Peru Creek and other tributaries. Iron and trace metal concentrations in the sediments reach a maximum about halfway down the 3.3 km arm, with their distribution probably controlled by physical processes acting on the settling of precipitates entering the arm from the mouth of the Snake River. The concentration of molybdenum is at background concentration near the mouth of the Snake River, increasing towards the centre of the reservoir, where values are 10 times greater, owing to contamination from the Ten Mile Creek and Blue River arms of the reservoir. The results of a sediment‐leaching experiment demonstrated that the relative ease of extraction with a decreasing pH value in the sediments is zinc > cobalt > copper > nickel > lead. Although most of the trace metals are low in concentration, or are strongly sorbed in the sediments, the relatively high concentration of zinc and its relatively high mobility make it a metal of potential concern in the reservoir.  相似文献   

As urban development increases, a need is emerging to understand and predict river behaviour in order to focus rehabilitation efforts and protect the natural river system while preserving urban infrastructure. Stream assessment methods are reviewed to demonstrate the need for a physically based and objective method that is also accessible in terms of time, data requirements and expertise. The case of Highland Creek near Toronto, Canada, is used to demonstrate a new type of initial stream assessment method that is based on the concept of stream power and performed entirely in a geographic information system using information from a digital elevation model (DEM). The results from this analysis are tested against existing information for Highland Creek. This includes a hydraulic model (Hydraulic Engineering Center's ‘River Analysis System’), field‐measured slopes, air photos and the geomorphic effects of an extreme flood. In addition, the results are presented in map form to demonstrate the effectiveness of visualizing the stream‐power distribution over the entire basin and also the usefulness of overlaying stream power onto other available information. The slopes extracted from the DEM are found to be statistically similar to those from a one‐dimensional hydraulic model and field‐measured slopes. Individual peaks in slope as well as locations of stream‐power maxima and minima are found to correlate to actual channel features as seen in air photos. The extreme flood event of August 2005 caused a dramatic change in channel form at the exact location of maximum energy predicted by the DEM‐based stream‐power analysis. The case of Highland Creek illustrates how this approach yields a useful outcome for understanding stream dynamics and stability as part of a stream assessment process. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

典型盐碱地改良区农田排水沟水体与底泥界面氧通量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
农田排水沟水体与底泥中的氧含量决定了底泥中各种生源要素的最终归趋,对维持农田排水沟的水环境至关重要。本论文以陕西富平县卤泊滩盐碱地改良区农田排水沟水体与底泥为研究对象,从环境微界面角度出发,根据多年监测数据构建室内试验,采用高分辨率微环境固液剖面传感系统(丹麦Unisense微电极系统),探究了研究区农田排水沟水体与底泥界面氧通量变化规律。研究结果表明:底泥中的溶解氧随深度的增加逐渐减小,直至溶解氧浓度为零,到达厌氧层;溶解氧剖面浓度的实测值与Profile模型模拟值的相关系数均在0.995以上,表明该模型能客观地描述溶解氧在农田排水沟水体与底泥扩散边界层和底泥中的分布;农田排水沟上游不同监测点位的底泥含氧层厚度在3.5~6 mm之间,而下游监测点位的底泥含氧层厚度约为1.5 mm,差异显著;通过氧浓度线性分布、剖面拐点法得到氧气扩散边界厚度,上游监测点位的氧气扩散边界层厚度基本在1 mm,而下游监测点位的氧气扩散边界层厚度减少至0.2 mm。农田排水沟水体与底泥界面氧通量的测定,对于认识农田排水沟底泥的地球化学过程及水环境作用机理具有重要意义,可为农田排水沟水环境治理提供参考依据。  相似文献   

Excess fine sediment is a leading cause of ecological degradation within the Chesapeake Bay watershed. To effectively target sediment mitigation measures, it is necessary to identify and quantify the delivery of sediment sources to local waterbodies. This study examines the contributions of sediment sources within Upper Difficult Run, a suburbanized watershed in Fairfax County, Virginia. A source sediment library was constructed from stream banks, forest soils, and road dust. Target sediments were collected from fine channel deposits and suspended sediment during 16 storm events from 2008 to 2012. Apportionment of targets to sources was performed using Sed_SAT, a publicly available toolkit for sediment fingerprinting. Bed sediment was dominated by stream bank material (mean: 98%), with minor contributions from forests (2%). Suspended fine sediments were also dominated by stream banks (suspended sediment concentration‐weighted mean: 91%), with minor contributions from roads (8%) and forests (<1%). Stream banks dominated at all discharges, and on the rising limb and at peak flow, sediment concentrations increased due to bank material rather than surface erosion. Sediment budget data indicated that direct bank erosion was insufficient to account for the suspended load derived from stream banks. However, bank‐derived sediment re‐mobilized from in‐channel storage could account for this difference and, combined, resulted in a sediment delivery ratio of 0.847 for all bank‐derived sediments. Results demonstrate that stream bank erosion is responsible for the majority of fine sediment in this suburban watershed of the Chesapeake Bay drainage area. Thus, management actions to control upland sources of sediment may have limited effect on the sediment conditions of Upper Difficult Run, whereas efforts focusing on bank stabilization, channel restoration, and/or stormwater management to reduce bank erosion may improve the ecological condition of these waterbodies.  相似文献   

Downstream geomorphic responses of stream channels to dams are complex, variable, and difficult to predict, apparently because the effects of local geological, hydrological, and operational details confound and complicate efforts to apply models and generalizations to individual streams. This sort of complex geomorphic response characterizes the Sabine River, along the Texas and Louisiana border, downstream of the Toledo Bend dam and reservoir. Toledo Bend controls the flow of water and essentially prevents the flux of sediment from three‐quarters of the drainage basin to the lower Sabine River. Although the channel is scoured immediately downstream of the dam, further downstream there is little evidence of major changes in sediment transport or deposition, sand supply, or channel morphology attributable to the impoundment. Channels are actively shifting, banks are eroding, and sandbars are migrating, but not in any discernibly different way than before the dam was constructed. The Sabine River continues to transport sand downstream, and alluvial floodplains continue to accrete. The relatively small geomorphic response can be attributed to several factors. While dam releases are unnaturally flashy and abrupt on a day‐to‐day basis, the long‐term pattern of releases combined with some downstream smoothing creates a flow regime in the lower basin which mimics the pre‐dam regime, at least at monthly and annual time scales. Sediment production within the lower Sabine basin is sufficient to satisfy the river's sediment transport capacity and maintain pre‐dam alluvial sedimentation regimes. Toledo Bend reservoir has a capacity: annual inflow ratio of 1.2 and impounds 74% of the Sabine drainage basin, yet there has been minimal geomorphic response in the lower river, which may seem counterintuitive. However, the complex linked geomorphic processes of discharge, sediment transport and loads, tributary inputs, and channel erosion include interactions which might increase as well as decrease sediment loads. Furthermore, if a stream is transport‐limited before impoundment, the reduced sediment supply after damming may have limited impact. Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

灌区稻田控制排水对排水量及盐分影响的试验研究   总被引:23,自引:7,他引:16  
罗纨  贾忠华  方树星  王亮 《水利学报》2006,37(5):608-612
宁夏银南灌区每年从黄河引水约16亿m3,其中超过一半的水量以排水形式退回黄河或湖泊湿地。监测数据显示目前排水的含盐量较低,排水过量现象严重,不仅导致了水资源的浪费,而且加剧了黄河及湖泊湿地的污染。造成这种现象的主要原因之一是现有灌区排水系统能力过剩。本文介绍了在该灌区水稻田进行的一项控制排水试验,研究了在生长期内抬高排水沟出口对田间排水和盐分变化的影响。试验结果表明,将深度为1m的排水农沟控制到60cm时,生长期内农沟地下排水量减少了50%左右。排水量减少后,田间地下水含盐量增长幅度仅为3.7%,远远低于影响作物生长的临界含盐量。因此,控制排水措施具有节约灌溉用水和减少农业非点源污染的重要意义。  相似文献   

The performance of a stream restoration project that incorporates a bridge crossing is evaluated within a 3‐year monitoring period. A goal of the project was to alleviate and prevent future sediment aggradation within the waterway of a low‐clearance bridge crossing. The stream restoration project included two rock cross vanes and stepped riprap and vegetation bank stabilization. Monitoring of the project involved the collection of channel survey data, pebble counts, and general observations of instream structure condition and sediment movement. The evaluated performance of the restoration structures is related to the general hydrologic conditions, the historical changes in the watershed and channel, and the hydraulic conditions created by the low‐clearance bridge crossing. Backwater effects created by the bridge crossing are found to be a substantial cause of the failure of the stream restoration project to meet its goals. The low‐clearance bridge hydraulics are preventing a rock cross vane located upstream of the bridge from creating a scour hole in the centre of the channel; instead, aggradation is occurring in this portion of the channel. However, degradation is occurring downstream of the bridge causing the failure of the second rock cross vane and of the riprap and vegetation bank. Although the hydraulic conditions may stem from the initial design of the bridge crossing, any restoration structure should be designed according to the current site hydraulics. In addition to providing insight into the design and construction of stream restoration structures, the results have implications for the design and management of bridge crossings. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

长江中上游坡耕地侵蚀产沙调控理论与实践   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对以往长江中上游坡耕地水土流失研究中忽视壤中流,侵蚀产沙调控措施缺乏理论依据等问题,以人工模拟降雨实验为手段,基于细沟侵蚀临界坡长等理论,提出了既能截、排地表径流,又能排导壤中流的新型截水沟布局技术,改变了传统截、排水沟的设计思路。其原理是,在坡面截、排水沟的设计和布局中,以坡面细沟发育临界坡长为截水沟布设间距,阻断细沟发生,有效减少坡面侵蚀产沙和面源污染物;截获的坡面污染物通过梯级网络化调控体系排、蓄、集,经处理后可再次利用。该技术有效改善了坡耕地季节性干旱、缺肥以及河流水质问题,为长江中上游地区坡耕地侵蚀产沙调控提供了新思路。  相似文献   

根据灌区地下水位降落过程的不同阶段有不同控制要求这一特点,为充分发挥各级排水工程的综合控制能力,本文从北方易受盐渍危害的渠灌区实际出发,针对现有农田排水设计方法的局限性,提出以盐渍兼治为目标的地下水位分期动态控制指标的排水标准新理念,并用"模糊档次"分级方法近似处理隔水层深度,推导出计算组合排水沟(管)间距的非稳定流简化通式,对原有设计方法予以改进。通过实例验证表明,地下水位动态过程指标与实测结果吻合一致,计算间距的简化通式使用方便,其结果能满足设计精度要求。  相似文献   

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