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Zhichun Ni Qintao Li Jinlong Gong Dezhang Zhu Zhiyuan Zhu 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2007,260(2):542-546
Multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) were irradiated by 40 keV Si ion beam with different doses. The structural change of the MWCNTs was revealed by transmission electron microscopy, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy and Raman spectroscopy. The structural characterization after irradiation shows that the formation of amorphous carbon nanowires proceeds through two periods, carbon nanotube – semi-solid amorphous carbon nanowire with hollow structure – solid amorphous carbon nanowire. Based on the interaction between energetic particles and carbon nanotubes, the structural transformation process and corresponding mechanisms are discussed. A model is presented to illustrate the structural change of carbon nanotubes with increased irradiation dose. 相似文献
B.S. Li C.H. Zhang H.H. Zhang Y.T. Yang L.H. Zhou L.Q. Zhang Y. Zhang 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(21):3390-3394
The modifications induced in silicon samples by helium implantation before and after isothermal annealing at 673 K have been investigated. The surface morphology has been detected by atomic force microscopy. A hillock structure is observed on the sample surface before and after annealing for 5-10 min. Surface blister formation is observed with an increasing annealing time. The variation of crystal damage with annealing time has been investigated by Rutherford backscattering/channeling. The intensity of the damage peak first increases with annealing time, reaches maximum at an annealing time of 60 min and then decreases. Helium-induced bubbles and residual defects have been observed by transmission electron microscopy, which shows that dislocations are close to the bubbles. 相似文献
A. Lamperti G. Radnóczi C. Trautmann 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(19):3132-3136
Among ceramic materials for nuclear waste containment, single crystal yttria fully stabilized zirconia (FSZ) gained particular consideration because of its excellent radiation resistance both in the elastic and inelastic collision regime. We deposited amorphous and polycrystalline, cubic FSZ thin films on (1 0 0) Si by ultraviolet pulsed laser ablation and irradiated them with swift heavy uranium ions of 2.6-GeV energy at fluences between 2 and 12 × 1011 ions cm−2. The films were characterized before and after irradiation using X-ray reflectivity, grazing incidence X-ray diffraction, micro-Raman spectroscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Under ion irradiation, as-deposited crystalline films undergo amorphisation, followed by partial recrystallisation, whereas as-deposited amorphous films retain their disordered character. The dominant defects produced in the films are oxygen vacancies which may explain the amorphisation to recrystallisation path of our crystalline films. 相似文献
Tiecheng Lu Shaobo Dun Qiang Hu Songbao Zhang Zhu An Yanmin Duan Sha Zhu Qiangmin Wei Lumin Wang 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):183-187
A Ge nano-layer embedded in the surface layer of an amorphous SiO2 film was fabricated by high-fluence low-energy ion implantation. The component, phase, nano-structure and luminescence properties of the nano-layer were studied by means of Rutherford backscattering, glancing incident X-ray diffraction, laser Raman scattering, transmission electron microscopy and photoluminescence. The relation between nano-particle characteristics and ion fluence was also studied. The results indicate that nano-crystalline Ge and nano-amorphous Ge particles coexist in the nano-layer and the ratio of nano-crystalline Ge to nano-particle Ge increases with increasing ion fluence. The intensity of photoluminescence from the nano-layer increases with increasing ion fluence also. Prepared with certain ion fluences, high-density nano-layers composed of uniform-sized nano-particles can be observed. 相似文献
G.G. Ross R. Smirani V. Levitcharsky Y.Q. Wang G. Veilleux R.G. Saint-Jacques 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2005,230(1-4):198-202
Si nanocrystals (Si-nc) embedded in a SiO2 layer have been characterized by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). For local Si concentration in excess 8 × 1021 Si+/cm3, the size of the Si-nc was found to be 3 nm and comparatively homogeneous throughout the whole implanted layer. For local Si concentration in excess of 2.4 × 1022 Si+/cm3, the Si-nc diameter ranges from 2 to 12 nm in the sample, the Si-nc in the middle region of the implanted layer being bigger than those near the surface and the bottom of the layer. Also, Si-nc are visible deeper than the implanted depth. Characterization by XPS shows that a large quantity of oxygen was depleted from the first 25 nm in this sample (also visible on TEM image) and most of the SiO2 bonds have been replaced by Si–O bonds. Experimental and simulation results suggest that a local Si concentration in excess of 3 × 1021 Si/cm3 is required for the production of Si-nc. 相似文献
S. MammeriS. Ouichaoui H. AmmiH. Hammoudi C.A. Pineda-Vargas 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(9):909-914
The sputtering and surface state evolution of Bi/Si targets under oblique incidence of 120 keV Ar+ ions have been investigated over the range of incidence angles 0° ? θi ? 60°. Increasing erosion of irradiated samples (whose surface thickness reduced by ∼3% at normal incidence up to ∼8% at θ = 60°) and their surface smoothing with reducing grain sizing were pointed out using Rutherford backscattering (RBS), atomic force (AFM) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. Measured sputtering yield data versus θi with fixed ion fluence to ∼1.5 × 1015 cm−2 are well described by Yamamura et al. semi-empirical formula and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation using the SRIM-2008 computer code. The observed increase in sputter yield versus incidence angle is closely correlated to Bi surface topography and crystalline structure changes under ion irradiation. 相似文献
S. Mammeri H. Ammi 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2010,268(2):140-914
The sputtering of bismuth thin films induced by 20-160 keV Ar+ ions has been studied using Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray energy dispersive and diffraction spectroscopy. These techniques revealed increasing modifications of the Bi film surfaces with increasing both ion beam energy and fluence up to their complete deterioration under irradiation conditions E = 160 keV and φ = 1.5 × 1016 cm−2, leaving isolated islands of preferred (0 1 2) orientation on the Si substrate. The observed surface morphology and crystalline structure evolutions are likely due to a complex interplay of interaction mechanisms involving both elastic nuclear collisions and inelastic electronic ones. The measured Bi sputtering yields versus Ar+ ion fluence for a fixed ion energy exhibit a significant depression at very low φ-values followed by a steady state regime above ∼2.0 × 1014 cm−2. Measured sputtering yields versus Ar+ ion energy with fixing ion fluence to 1.2 × 1016 cm−2 in the upper part of the yield saturation regime are also reported. Their comparison to theoretical model and SRIM 2008 Monte Carlo simulation predictions is discussed. 相似文献
秀卢瑟福背散射-沟道技术(RBS-C)和X射线衍射技术(XRD)研究了Pt和注入YSZ(Y2O3稳定的ZrO2)后产生的损伤和退火过程中损伤的恢复及注入Pt的晶化,RBS-C分析表明YSZ室温下的存在较强自退火效应,XRD分析结果示出硫以铂的晶化产生很大影响。 相似文献
Hideo Watanabe Katsuhito Takahashi Kazufumi Yasunaga Yun Wang Yasuhisa Aono Yusaku Maruno 《Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology》2018,55(10):1212-1224
It is important to clarify the mechanisms of the dislocation loop formation, dissolution of precipitates to understand the degradation behavior of the fuel cladding tubes in light water reactors (LWR) under neutron irradiation. In this study, 3.2 MeV Ni ion irradiation was carried out at 400°C on Zircaloy-2 and two types of model alloys with and without Fe (Zr-1.5Sn-0.3Fe and Zr-1.5Sn). To understand the effects of hydrogen, 60 and 300 ppm pre-injected Zircaloy-2 samples were also irradiated. The microstructure was observed with a conventional transmission electron microscopy. Additionally, the dissolution of precipitates and the enrichment of the alloying element due to irradiation were analyzed using a spherical aberration (Cs)-corrected high-resolution analytical electron microscope. After ion irradiation at 400°C, the dissolution of Fe-enriched precipitates and the c-component dislocation loops were observed in the region of peak ion damage. Observations by STEM-EDS showed that Fe atoms were enriched in the c-component dislocation loops. On the contrary, the c-component dislocation loops were detected in Fe-containing alloys (Zircaloy-2 and Zr-1.5Sn-0.3Fe alloy) but were not in the Zr-1.5Sn alloy. These results indicate that the dissolution of Fe-enriched precipitates and the enhanced formation of c-component dislocation loops are essential for the degradation of LWR fuel cladding under irradiation. 相似文献
T. Hojo H. Yamamoto J. Aihara S. Furuno K. Sawa T. Sakuma K. Hojou 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2006,250(1-2):101-105
Yttria stabilized zirconia (YSZ) is a candidate material focused as optical and insulating materials in nuclear reactors. Therefore, it is useful to investigate defect formation during irradiation, in order to assess YSZ resistance to radiation damage. In the present study, in situ transmission electron microscopy (TEM) observations were performed on YSZ during 30 keV Ne+ ion irradiation in the temperature range of 723–1123 K (using 100 K intervals). Results revealed that damage evolution morphology depends on irradiation temperature. For irradiations below 1023 K, defect clusters and bubbles were formed simultaneously. On the other hand, at 1123 K, only bubbles were formed in the initial stage of irradiation. Loops formed later following the bubble formation. It was also observed that, in the early stage of irradiation above 923 K, larger bubbles were formed along the loop planes compared with other areas.
TEM observations indicated that dislocation loops formed on three kinds of crystallographic planes: namely, {1 0 0}, {1 1 1} and {1 1 2} planes. 相似文献
M. BalajiM. Manivel Raja K. AsokanD. Kanjilal T.R. RajasekaranD. Pathinettam Padiyan 《Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section B, Beam interactions with materials and atoms》2011,269(10):1088-1093
Effects of 150 MeV Ni11+ swift heavy ion (SHI) irradiation on copper ferrite nanoparticles have been studied at the fluences of 1 × 1011, 1 × 1012, 1 × 1013, 1 × 1014 and 5 × 1014 ions/cm2. The XRD pattern shows the irradiation fluence dependant preferential orientation. Scanning electron microscope analysis displays fine blocks of material for pristine while partial agglomeration on irradiation. Notably, a large number of holes are present at the fluence of 5 × 1014 ions/cm2. The magnetization measurements performed in these samples exposes that the coercivity and remanence magnetization value increases due to the magnetocrystalline anisotropy up to the fluence of 1 × 1013 ions/cm2. At 1 × 1014 ions/cm2 fluence, the induced thermal energy overcomes the magnetocrystalline anisotropy constant and causes a decrease in coercivity and remanence values. The saturation magnetization decreases up to the fluence of 1 × 1013 ions/cm2 and then it increases for further irradiation. The change of crystalline orientation observed from XRD, the creation of holes from SEM and the change in magnetic properties are discussed on the basis of electro-phonon coupling and it invokes the thermal spike theory. 相似文献